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Neverwinter Beta Weekend details - Read this first!



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    rukhasrukhas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I guess my test failed. sigh
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    vampirialvampirial Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will we be able to play a Drow and wizard in this Beta or is it locked for this phase?
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have a beta key and It says I am registered for Beta. but when I go to download the game both of my options are greyed out and I can't download. It's Mid day on the 7th is there no pre load? Do I have to wait until midnight?

    So .. turns out my Beta key falls under the category of "other" However .. it took me 2 hours to find out that I have a BETA key .. but it's EXTREMELY limited.

    This is the kind of thing that leaves a VERY sour 'Diablo3' taste in peoples mouths. I am dying to throw my wallet at this game.. but everything I look at seems extremely vague and VERY hard to follow.

    Beta access SHOULD mean beta access. Not limited beta access. Or at the very least.. CALL IT a limited beta access key..

    IMO asking people to spend $60 - $200 for a product that 'lets be honest' is 97% unknown to the public is a bit silly. I have been under the impression that a 'beta' event is 50% for testing purposes, and 50% to start getting people pumped about the product. To make me pick up my phone and call all my friends with the excited ' Guys.. WOW..."

    This really leaves an extremely sour taste in my mouth.

    I can't help but be reminded of the hype machine that was The Secret World.. man it was good and MAN they collected a LOT of money from people.. in fact .. I think they where asking for $200 as well.. and they had some incredibly exciting things to get people jazzed up .. and after everyone payed money to get into this incredible beta weekend... turns out the game itself was a giant piece of $&#t.

    I really don't want this to be the case. Please start communicating a bit more with people. We ALL understand that you can't make these things for free. We ALL understand that you need to make money. We ALL (if we are into your IP, and C'mon.. DnD? .. ) WILL throw copious amounts of platinum's at your company.... Look at League of Legends.. Good lord have I spend money on that game.. but you know what ... Riot NEVER EVER makes me feel like I am in the dark about anything.. EVER .. they make every single member of their community feel like they are welcome to walk into a meeting in the Riot offices.. and participate.

    Before the fanboys rage out on me (I am a fanboy too and most likely would have something to say if I was reading this rather than writing it.) YES. I am mad that I STILL have to wait after the excitement of holding the Golden Ticket in my hand. The heart pounding moments when you click enter and wait for the back end to tell you you have access to the Beta.. fearing that you miss typed a 4 and something will go wrong. Only to see the epic message YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED BETA ACCESS. But actually .. not really .. we are just going to cram you in near the end cause.. you haven't given us any money yet....

    Ouch .. Might as well kick me in the bag of holding.

    Chances are I would have opened my wallet and tried to stuff 2x $100 bills into the CD tray on my tower 13 seconds after watching the loading screen animations. But now.. It's going to be a hard sell.. as my very first interaction with this company, has made me feel completely unimportant and like a number.


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    paudraepaudrae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What he said ^^
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    czyaczya Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    oddwin1 wrote: »
    I have a beta key and It says I am registered for Beta. but when I go to download the game both of my options are greyed out and I can't download. It's Mid day on the 7th is there no pre load? Do I have to wait until midnight?

    So .. turns out my Beta key falls under the category of "other" However .. it took me 2 hours to find out that I have a BETA key .. but it's EXTREMELY limited.

    This is the kind of thing that leaves a VERY sour 'Diablo3' taste in peoples mouths. I am dying to throw my wallet at this game.. but everything I look at seems extremely vague and VERY hard to follow.

    Beta access SHOULD mean beta access. Not limited beta access. Or at the very least.. CALL IT a limited beta access key..

    IMO asking people to spend $60 - $200 for a product that 'lets be honest' is 97% unknown to the public is a bit silly. I have been under the impression that a 'beta' event is 50% for testing purposes, and 50% to start getting people pumped about the product. To make me pick up my phone and call all my friends with the excited ' Guys.. WOW..."

    This really leaves an extremely sour taste in my mouth.

    I can't help but be reminded of the hype machine that was The Secret World.. man it was good and MAN they collected a LOT of money from people.. in fact .. I think they where asking for $200 as well.. and they had some incredibly exciting things to get people jazzed up .. and after everyone payed money to get into this incredible beta weekend... turns out the game itself was a giant piece of $&#t.

    I really don't want this to be the case. Please start communicating a bit more with people. We ALL understand that you can't make these things for free. We ALL understand that you need to make money. We ALL (if we are into your IP, and C'mon.. DnD? .. ) WILL throw copious amounts of platinum's at your company.... Look at League of Legends.. Good lord have I spend money on that game.. but you know what ... Riot NEVER EVER makes me feel like I am in the dark about anything.. EVER .. they make every single member of their community feel like they are welcome to walk into a meeting in the Riot offices.. and participate.

    Before the fanboys rage out on me (I am a fanboy too and most likely would have something to say if I was reading this rather than writing it.) YES. I am mad that I STILL have to wait after the excitement of holding the Golden Ticket in my hand. The heart pounding moments when you click enter and wait for the back end to tell you you have access to the Beta.. fearing that you miss typed a 4 and something will go wrong. Only to see the epic message YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED BETA ACCESS. But actually .. not really .. we are just going to cram you in near the end cause.. you haven't given us any money yet....

    Ouch .. Might as well kick me in the bag of holding.

    Chances are I would have opened my wallet and tried to stuff 2x $100 bills into the CD tray on my tower 13 seconds after watching the loading screen animations. But now.. It's going to be a hard sell.. as my very first interaction with this company, has made me feel completely unimportant and like a number.



    I agree with this except for The Secret World rant... I paid for the 200 dollar grand master pack for that game and still enjoy it to this day. So that just comes down to a matter of opinion, which we're all entitled to, but unnecessary for this argument.

    But it was a let down to subscribe to the PC Mag for a beta code, only to find out it's not what they made it out to be.
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    kojancruxkojancrux Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Meh, I'm rather poor, but even I mustered up the $60 needed to get me into the betas and 3 days of early access come launch. Yes I agree it's slightly lame how things are set BUT look at it this way.

    Beta PHASES need to be just that, phases. By the first weekend beta being only founder pack buyers, it starts the testing with a smaller amount, and gives them money to speed up the rest of development. Then the second weekend throws in most of the other people expecting beta access. Third weekend, even more.

    They're doing the beta like professionals, whether making money off it or not. They aren't doing a long Closed Beta, leading to long Open Beta, then Launch. They're doing it like other high quality/successful MMOs with weekend betas, and early access for "pre-orders" then to make them even cooler...a FREE TO PLAY LAUNCH. This gives them the pre-launch stability of a retail MMO, followed by the population of a F2P.

    It's best people try to remember that they have certain ways they have to do things to make a game succeed. You might not GET IT or UNDERSTAND, but these people don't make games for themselves, or to make people mad. They make games for people to enjoy, spend money on, so that they can better it or make an even better one later.
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    nighthobbsnighthobbs Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The PC Gamer promo said access to all Closed betas. Since this isnt an Alpha, Id expect to get in off that. If not, Im calling BS
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    nighthobbs wrote: »
    The PC Gamer promo said access to all Closed betas. Since this isnt an Alpha, Id expect to get in off that. If not, Im calling BS

    ^^ This..

    Also to be fair.. I take what I said about The Secret World back a little bit... I too paid the $200 and there was a time when the style/lore/arp's where amazing.. but the game itself.. (lets be honest) isn't very well put together.. I just mean the gameplay in general.. so your mostly right.. it comes down to opinion.. But had I been given a better chance to get in and look at it before I spent my $200 .. I wouldn't feel so robbed.

    If you can't tell I am really bitter about the actual gameplay (of TSW) itself so I am a bit biased.. this is 2013 ffs. Shouldn't feel like EQ2.

    Anyways. In regards to the quote that I... 'quoted' That is exactly what I mean .. I feel like my very first interaction with the Neverwinter license was a lie. I was bold faced lied to and mislead. WTF am I going to do with a subscription to PC Gamer .. I have the F#$*ing internet ffs. (I am a junior copywriter for an advertizing agency.. it doesn't take a genius to know whats going on in the back end here.) Even as a junior I know the BIGGEST mistake you can EVER make in advertizing is False Information. At this stage ... we are supposed to be working on the 'trust' factor. I mean damn, I have a hard time handing $100 bills to my landlord for rent (and he's a shady fella.) How am I supposed to quantify giving my extra couple of $100 bills to a company that lies to people right out of the gate?

    Disgruntled Dwarf, <-- only slightly more feared is the hungry Dwarf... we have axes you know..
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    exavourexavour Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
    edited February 2013
    vampirial wrote: »
    Will we be able to play a Drow and wizard in this Beta or is it locked for this phase?

    The Wizard and Drow are both locked for this closed beta, but the halfling is unlocked....Sadly, I would have traded the Halfling for the wizard itself...its going to be interisting couple of days with only a trickster rouge, devoted cleric and guardian fighter. GIVE US THE WIZARD!!!!!!! ;) (Please)
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    wtfsharkwtfshark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So is it confirmed that pc gamer beta keys are not gonna work for the first beta?
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    ravenblood82ravenblood82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wtfshark wrote: »
    So is it confirmed that pc gamer beta keys are not gonna work for the first beta?

    yes it has unfortunately
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    wtfsharkwtfshark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That is fantastic really, What the **** do I need a sub to PC gamer for? At least I can still play the defiance beta... THAT I DIDNT HAVE TO PAY **** FOR. GG cryptic on alienating potential costumers.
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wtfshark wrote: »
    So is it confirmed that pc gamer beta keys are not gonna work for the first beta?

    Yes, it would unfortunately appear that the word 'beta' is used incredibly loosely at perfect world as well as PC Gamer. I hope you like the subscription you obtained for the magazine however... I wonder how much money Perfect World gets for every sub to the magazine?.. I also wonder why this is in fact NOT considered supporting the development of the game? .. I mean .. I thought people that paid money got to go to the beta this weekend? ..

    Disgruntled Dwarf,
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    kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    exavour wrote: »
    The Wizard and Drow are both locked for this closed beta, but the halfling is unlocked....

    How do you know this? (not saying you're wrong, but I've not seen that information anywhere)
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    wtfsharkwtfshark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This is just ridiculous honestly, I hope in the future they make it clear more than a day in advance on who gets access to what. I am going to leave it at that before I get myself banned.
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    paudraepaudrae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
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    vincentvalkvincentvalk Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hmm so the beta almost out were would that put the release date to this year?
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    paudrae wrote: »

    Doesn't change the fact that this information was only given to people with what they thought where golden tickets Today @ 12:35 PM

    Sorry Charlie, but you will only be allowed into the factory after Veruca is finished as her mother has money, and you do not. The golden ticket that you found was actually just for show.

    Disgruntled Dwarf,
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    sertanleesertanlee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am a bit concerned, I have purchased the Founders Pack, entered a BETA key from PC Gamer, entered a BETA key from PWE prepurchase of Torchlight 2, received an email stating times and that I have been accepted for this weekends BETA and a link to download the client. At 16 hours out from launch the client link still brings me too the greyed out buttons. Is this status quo? As usual the support keys for Neverwinter and PWE do not work.
    ISSUE RESOLVED, A time frame as far as activation would have been nice but I am greatly looking forward to this weekend and getting my first look.
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    aerodt1aerodt1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hello i just paid for the guardian pack a and i dont have access o the beta form nor did i get a link to a Download. so with that if i don't see a download link etc soon i want my money back
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    aerodt1aerodt1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    o wow
    i tohught it was both packs now its just one pack...

    Ignore removed post, it is both Hero and Guardian
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    aerodt1 wrote: »
    o wow
    i tohught it was both packs now its just one pack...

    So did everyone else who got a hold of a beta key...
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    frivoloussamfrivoloussam Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So the beta is only open on certain planned weekends?

    Pft, nope. Not worth dropping $50 for what is essentially a few days of early gameplay. If it was running more constantly/frequently I would be more then sold.
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    bunansabunansa Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I find it odd that my friend is downloading the launcher from the link he got with his beta key...and he didnt purchase any of the packs nor is a life time member anywhere, he finished the dl just a bit ago and is just waiting for the launch in a couple hours apparently.

    lol i love my join date under my name....another fail from this company
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    eyebreaker7eyebreaker7 Member Posts: 621 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So anyone that hasn't paid you can't participate in the beta?
    I SO want to give up the $200 but I don't even know if I'll like the game :(
    Please let me in.
    I'm gonna rip your head off and make it my puppet! (NwN2)
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    I find it odd that my friend is downloading the launcher from the link he got with his beta key...and he didnt purchase any of the packs nor is a life time member anywhere, he finished the dl just a bit ago and is just waiting for the launch in a couple hours apparently.

    lol i love my join date under my name....another fail from this company

    Where did your friend get his code from? .. perhaps there is a way?
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    cerebjastruscerebjastrus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wow...this is something that's making it really hard to not feel like we are not getting screwed. I spent 10 dollars to get into the closed beta for...SOME of ONE of the closed betas...maybe...if they feel like being nice?

    Is this indicative of how things are always going to be? half trues and white lies to screw people involved?

    This is seriously low, and if this isn't change I'm just going to chock up this game as already ruined simply by the fact it's being ran by liars and cheats.
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    bunansabunansa Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dunno, his older gamers guild got him in from what he said, hes flat broke so i know he didnt toss 200 bucks down, i can give him a call at midnight see if hes actually getting ingame.

    this was a reply to oddwin1, oddly it didnt do a reply with quote when i told it to....
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    oddwin1oddwin1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    I dunno, his older gamers guild got him in from what he said, hes flat broke so i know he didnt toss 200 bucks down, i can give him a call at midnight see if hes actually getting ingame.

    this was a reply to oddwin1, oddly it didnt do a reply with quote when i told it to....

    yes please let me know what happens, I am going to keep my fingers crossed that this is a miscommunication between the marketing team and the dev team, and hopefully we can get a devs voice to come in and make sense of this whole thing.

    Honestly however.. my wallet wants to open up and throw money at this.. cause hey .. Forgotten Realms and all .. but this really pisses me off and I am likely to just blog about my disappointment and forget about it until it launches. Too bad really.

    I have been saving and have the $200 ready to go. I just thought I was going to be able to get in with my key from PC Gamer and at least have a look before hand.

    Oh well.
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    berdlerberdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    from my understanding the beta was beginning at 12 noon wasn't it?
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