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What wizard will you want to build?



  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
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  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    Oops! Page Not Found

    Sorry, the page you were looking for could not be found.

    hmm... maybe link doesn't works from here or something; but it is stickyed at top in
    Neverwinter ---> Information and Discussion
    Part of these forums.
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    thanks mate
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    thanks mate

    Found the reason for link not working - word instead of world. Maybe it got deleted while copy pasting. Here is the working link

    Neverwinter Main Discussion page
  • amardarialamardarial Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    why only one specialization?

    in ddo you can go evocation/necromancer/enchanter etc.
    it really depends of you're playstyle you can be a buffer/debuffer, necromancer/summoner, iluzionist or the clasic evocation

    i prefer generalist mage i never go specialized i prefer metamagics/SP and toughnes

    cause DDO is 3rd based and this will be 4th based which basically removed specializations such as Nerco, Evocation, etc....

    Wizards in 4th focus mainly on Crowd Control, with the option of spec'ing for a AoE DPS/DoT build, but even as the off spec, you will still be mostly a CC character, as most of it's DPS spells have CC built in on some level.
  • cinderboomcinderboom Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I really want to play some kind of blaster character. I know I'll start as a spellcaster, and I'll be a happy camper if I'm chucking fireballs and burning hands all around. I'd be open to a 4e Sorcerer if that were added, but otherwise, Evocation Wizard all the way for me. There's just something about the idea of a wizard that is invariably tied, in my mind, to lightning and fire arcing from his fingers as he rains destruction down around him.
  • thedio777thedio777 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited August 2012
    I love wizards. My favorite class. i hate sorcerers (it's an immidiate effect :p)

    I allways use to play wizards back in nwn 1 but in nwn2 i created a new type of wizard, an elderitch knight..and he-was-awesome. So if possible i might go with that build again.

    I am really wondering how the character creation is going to be though. One of the main reasons i love nwn series is because no matter how hard you tried, you could never make, or encouter a character same as you. that's because there were soo many options, feat wise, and multi classing wise, and prestige classing wise. I ave seen that there are 4 type of characters on the pax videos..but will multi class be available? why not it should be! And are there many prestige classes?Or even pre made packets...i remember you could just pick a ranger in nwn2 then it could be , giant killer, scout, marksman etc etc etc...I'd spent just an hour creating my character. Unlike in dragon age 2 -.- Ah i'd hate another dragon age 2 type of thing....
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thedio777 wrote: »
    I love wizards. My favorite class. i hate sorcerers (it's an immidiate effect :p)

    I allways use to play wizards back in nwn 1 but in nwn2 i created a new type of wizard, an elderitch knight..and he-was-awesome. So if possible i might go with that build again.


    There is a specific class in 4e now, called swordmage. You need not multiclass(hybrid in 4e) to become a swordmage as it is a separate class itself.

    Secondly, regarding class, read this in
    Gameplay -> Classes and Races
    Classes part 2

    There may not be many classes at launch, but they will be introduced gradually.
  • thedio777thedio777 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited August 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    There is a specific class in 4e now, called swordmage. You need not multiclass(hybrid in 4e) to become a swordmage as it is a separate class itself.

    Secondly, regarding class, read this in
    Gameplay -> Classes and Races
    Classes part 2

    There may not be many classes at launch, but they will be introduced gradually.

    Yeh i read the faqa after the post :p Back in nwn elderitch knight was a multi class..but before becoming a wizard-elderitch knight i was sure to take some levels as a fighter too..i have no clue how 4e works though..but i will work it out..thanks :)
  • anieanie22anieanie22 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    if its a wizard from 4th ed then i think ill be creating a wizard of the spiral tower
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    BTW, if people are looking for a DPS caster class, that fits the striker role. Both Sorcerers and Warlocks fit this well as (arcane) casters doing DPS. Elementalists (a sorcerer sub class) really does a fantastic job, especially fire elementalist ones!
  • giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My favorite wizards deal no damage unless damage has been or is about to be dealt to them. I like party support roles which usually involve running through dungeons and setting the mobs up for kills. That of course comes when the wizard has fully developed a mastery over their chosen arcane powers.

    I have and will always expect low level wizards to be extremely weak, but all powerful in the end game.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    giggliato wrote: »

    I have and will always expect low level wizards to be extremely weak, but all powerful in the end game.

    4e mechanics ensure that there is no such class which is all-powerful spoiling the balance at any stage of game. You would be disappointed. Any class can be as proficient in their chosen roles as any other class.

    There won't be such power builds which make other classes redundant.
  • alsarothalsaroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd like to create a pet-class mage, but seeing that there are new rules at hand here, I doubt I'll see any of it. Trickster, control wizard...
    "A rare display of intelligence, undoubtedly fleeting." - Edwin Odesseiron
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    alsaroth wrote: »
    I'd like to create a pet-class mage, but seeing that there are new rules at hand here, I doubt I'll see any of it. Trickster, control wizard...

    By pet-class you mean a summoner mage? Just like control wizard there is a pre-made build for Summoner Wizard too. And a paragon path specific to summons (forgot its name).
    Keep an eye out for Paragon of the day thread. I will add it in a few days. If you want any other build equivalent to paragon, just post your demand on that thread.
  • giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    4e mechanics ensure that there is no such class which is all-powerful spoiling the balance at any stage of game. You would be disappointed. Any class can be as proficient in their chosen roles as any other class.

    There won't be such power builds which make other classes redundant.

    Perhaps an all powerful control mage that can't really deal damage?
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    4e Mechanics Ensure That There Is No Such Class Which Is All-powerful Spoiling The Balance At Any Stage Of Game. You Would Be Disappointed. Any Class Can Be As Proficient In Their Chosen Roles As Any Other Class.

    There Won't Be Such power Builds Which Make Other Classes Redundant.

    Damn You 4e I Hope You Burn In Hell !!!!!
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    Damn You 4e I Hope You Burn In Hell !!!!!

    That would be the Prince of Hell Epic Destiny :) :

    Prince of Hell
    Better to rule in hell, than to serve in heaven.

    Prerequisite: 21st level

    One way or another, you’re going to Hell. The reasons are many. You might have drawn the fell attention of an archdevil who seeks to name you as its heir. You might have made an unwise bargain, selling your soul in exchange for temporal power. Or you could be a devil’s lost scion, only now realizing your heritage’s full potential. It might not be fair and could be a gross injustice, but you can’t change fate. Your place lies within the fiery dominion and only by accepting your destiny can you use it to your advantage.
    Undoubtedly, your curse (or blessing) has manifested itself in omens and the behavior of those you meet. Babies cry, animals grow uneasy, and your eyes have a tendency to flash red when you’re angry, all pointing toward darkness in your blood. Consultations with seers and soothsayers offer glimpses of what’s in store for you, including grim warnings of plots and treacheries fomented hidden rivals and enemy archdevils who fear your ascent. Indeed, the emergence of a new archdevil comes at a price to those who hold their own kingdoms in the Nine Hells, and none are willing to surrender their might to an upstart mortal. As a result, enemies lay in wait to all sides, plotting and conniving to bring about your downfall.
    Contrary to what you might expect, you don’t have to be evil to rule in the Nine Hells, though being all dark and nasty goes far to making sure you hold onto what you take. Anyone with a firm hand can claim a place in the infernal realms, and maybe, just maybe, change the dominion in a small way, at least until the Lord of Nessus smacks you down.

    There are many paths to joining the archdevils’ ranks, and they include murder, betrayal, treachery, and everything in between. The following describes one possible route to a palace overlooking a sea of fire.
    Infernal Apotheosis: Knowing what’s in store for you, you spent your career working to secure a place of power within the Nine Hells’ hierarchy. You might take a hand in infernal politics, moving through mortal spheres to pit the archdevils and their dukes against one another, or you might wage war against a particular archdevil, vowing to end the dark lord’s evil regime. Regardless of the method, your final enemy’s defeat brings about the appointed hour and your time in the mortal world is at an end.
    For your efforts, Asmodeus summons you to his grim palace in a puff of brimstone smoke. The Lord of Nessus demands your fealty, compelling you to intone the blasphemous oaths of service whether you want to or not. In recognition for your mortal deeds, you are awarded a domain within the Nine Hells, perhaps as a vassal to another archdevil or replacing an archdevil as a lord of Hell, gaining its lands, vassals, and armies to use as you wish.
    You ascent is not without its peril. Hidden enemies plot against you, while you might find it hard to stomp out old loyalties to the one you supplanted. As well, the devils are ever working against one another, each casting hungry eyes at their peer’s lands. In theory, you will live forever as an immortal steward of a brooding land, but some are ready to slip a knife in your back or send armies to shatter your legions. At any time, another ambitious fool with designs on your demesne might be prepared to use the luck and favor granted by the same dread forces that raised you up.

    Infernal Form (21st level): Destiny’s weight presses upon you and you begin the subtle transformation into a devil. Apply the following changes:
    • You increase your Charisma by 2.
    • If you do not already have darkvision, you gain it.
    • Your origin changes to immortal if it isn’t immortal already.
    • Gain resist fire 20 + one-half level.
    Hellfire Master (24th level): Your attack powers with the fire keyword ignore resist fire. Additionally, you can choose one encounter power; if that power does not already have the fire keyword, it gains it. If that power deals damage of a certain type (cold, lightning, necrotic, and so on) then the power instead deals fire and that type of damage (fire and cold, fire and lightning, fire and necrotic, and so on). After a short rest, you can choose a different encounter power to gain this benefit.
    Brimstone Step (30th level): You gain a teleport speed of 5. All creatures adjacent to you when you teleport away take 10 fire damage.
    Prince of Hell Utility 26Infernal Allies
    When the brimstone smoke clears, a legion of devils awaits your command.
    Standard Action Close burst 3
    Effect: You call forth four legion devil legionnaires, each appearing in an unoccupied you choose within the burst. These devils act according to your orders (free action) on your initiative count, and they gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls as long as you are conscious and alive. Each devil remains until it is killed, until you dismiss it (a free action), or until the end of the encounter.

    Published in Dragon Magazine 372, page(s) 41.
  • vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2012
    What would be the best type of wizard for a someone new to playing as one?
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    -to Truth-

    That is freakin awesome, and similar to a series NWN mods that I played through. I really hope this makes it into the game in some form.

    The hellfire master ability, you could choose which encounter power when you rest to apply it to. The brimstone step could just be applied to your dodge mechanic. The daily could be close to what is described but made to not break the balance of the game. Another option for the daily is epic spell Hellball! FTW :D
  • trigger2391trigger2391 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If I were you, I would try both basic builds. Control wizard and war wizard. (4th ed Players handbook) and make nice with a meat shiel.....i mean fighter :-)
  • alsarothalsaroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    By pet-class you mean a summoner mage? Just like control wizard there is a pre-made build for Summoner Wizard too. And a paragon path specific to summons (forgot its name).
    Keep an eye out for Paragon of the day thread. I will add it in a few days. If you want any other build equivalent to paragon, just post your demand on that thread.

    What do you mean there's a pre-made build for summoner? I hav e to admit, I'm only a casual player, and not deeply into D&D-rules and editions, but I've been a loyal computer-games D&D-player since Baldur's Gate. NEvertheless, could you explain the pre-made build? How do you know that? (And yes, I like summoning, but necromancer would be more, fun. Is there a difference between necromancer and summoner/conjurer in D&D4th edition like there has been before?)
    "A rare display of intelligence, undoubtedly fleeting." - Edwin Odesseiron
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    alsaroth wrote: »
    What do you mean there's a pre-made build for summoner? I hav e to admit, I'm only a casual player, and not deeply into D&D-rules and editions, but I've been a loyal computer-games D&D-player since Baldur's Gate. NEvertheless, could you explain the pre-made build? How do you know that? (And yes, I like summoning, but necromancer would be more, fun. Is there a difference between necromancer and summoner/conjurer in D&D4th edition like there has been before?)

    In the tabletop version, there is a suggested load-out called a build how you can configure your character.

    For instance:

    Terrifying creatures obey your call, and you order them to aid you and to fight for you. In addition to binding these monsters, you are skilled at conjuring objects made of magical energy to impede or harm your foes. You must use your own actions to control your summoned monsters, so your role in combat is quite different from that of other wizards.
    As with other wizards, a high Intelligence score is crucial to attack rolls and damage rolls. Your summoned creatures? hit points depend on your own, and many conjuration spells deal additional damage or have improved effects that depend on Constitution, so make that your second-highest score. Use the Tome of Binding form of Arcane Implement Mastery, since it improves your summoning spells. Select daily powers that have the summoning keyword, and encounter and at-will powers that have the conjuration keyword.
    Class Feature: Tome of Binding
    Suggested Feat: Careful Summoner
    Suggested Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Insight, Nature
    Suggested At-Will Powers: scorching burst, storm pillar
    Suggested Encounter Power: astral wasp
    Suggested Daily Power: summon fire warrior

    In Neverwinter's game, it becomes a pre-configured option, but we don't know what builds will be approved and when released and how many per class (to start at launch.)
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    yes, i might as well as add that 'builds' in the game are very similar to the one in pnp and have same name and function. e.g. trickter rogue, guardian fighter, control wizard etc.

    The builds in pnp are easy to implement in game as they are based on 4e mechanics thus a class can be created without much changes to game mechanics.
  • alsarothalsaroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    In Neverwinter's game, it becomes a pre-configured option, but we don't know what builds will be approved and when released and how many per class (to start at launch.)

    Well, I'm reading up on the 4th edition and most mechanics seems overhauled. Thanks for the info, and I still hope that there will be a necromancer-class (mostly for RP-elements), but summoner is a nice second-choice.
    "A rare display of intelligence, undoubtedly fleeting." - Edwin Odesseiron
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    alsaroth wrote: »
    Well, I'm reading up on the 4th edition and most mechanics seems overhauled. Thanks for the info, and I still hope that there will be a necromancer-class (mostly for RP-elements), but summoner is a nice second-choice.

    There is necromancer in 4e too. I also wrote about a paragon for it today. Check here.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    alsaroth wrote: »
    Well, I'm reading up on the 4th edition and most mechanics seems overhauled. Thanks for the info, and I still hope that there will be a necromancer-class (mostly for RP-elements), but summoner is a nice second-choice.
    gillrmn wrote: »
    There is necromancer in 4e too. I also wrote about a paragon for it today. Check here.

    Slipping into 4e tabletop mechanics, the Necromancer and other "specialty wizards" class is done by the Wizard Mage subclass (different than the wizard arcanist original class.) You choose two "specialties" from several "schools" such as:

    Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Nethermancy (shadow) , and Pyromancy

    and get pre-selected spells you can memorize daily (you start by choosing 1 of two) as well as always-available powers that are at will and once an encounter. As you progress, you get bonuses linked to your chosen schools. From going to apprentice to master if you will.

    However (based on the 4E rules as well as the complexity of porting this into an MMO without drowning the user in very difficult minutiae which they privately tested,), Cryptic is going with the traditional wizard (Arcanist) at the time of this launch. This means the implements (wizard weapons) and the builds are more focused on for potential specialization than the spell "schools." But if there was enough interest, I'm sure they would add to the different types of wizard sub classes (also bladesinger, witch, and sha'ir for example) for future class releases!

    I'm sure I will have to kill you for your evil acts one d...I mean I'm sure we could see Necromancer on Neverwinter one day ;)
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    for future class releases!

    Yes, most probably it would be in an expansion - an expansion which integrates the neverwinter with its shadow counterpart. For now, we would be in non-shadow region of neverwinter. But nevertheless, it can be implemented if more people demand as it is a part of Neverwinter campaign anyways. Maybe they will introduce these shadow versions (along with executioner) as a sperate class altogether. But frankly I would like to see my bard first before any shadow class. I mean who won't like to go to any inn and get three free servants who ...

    EDIT: In any case, I hope it won't take as long as turbine took to make druids class...
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Yes, most probably it would be in an expansion - an expansion which integrates the neverwinter with its shadow counterpart. For now, we would be in non-shadow region of neverwinter. But nevertheless, it can be implemented if more people demand as it is a part of Neverwinter campaign anyways. Maybe they will introduce these shadow versions (along with executioner) as a sperate class altogether. But frankly I would like to see my bard first before any shadow class. I mean who won't like to go to any inn and get three free servants who ...

    EDIT: In any case, I hope it won't take as long as turbine took to make druids class...

    Same here to druid and their primal counterparts, but I'm in favor of this entertaining class first.
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