Im a veteran player and I like the way this new systems introduces further progression of my toon. Being able to progress further is a far better alternative than the stalemate that is the current enchantment system.
I don't mind progression either. There's some concern about the entry point of the new system and the amount of Coalescent Wards you need. The Wards alone make the new system a lot more inconvenient than the old one, because you can't progress a lick without them.
Some maths (hopefully I've got this correct). Assumptions 1. Assume VIP12 2. Bazaar sale prices 3. Have all Enchanting Stones and RP from normal gameplay 4. Have a R7 weapon/armour enchantment at 0 cost
To upgrade a R7 to R14 = 30xMop4, 25xMop5, 25xMop6 = 4.8million
Which just so happens to be the cost of 120 medallions which you get from trading in a R14 weapon/armour.
HOWEVER, that does not include the cost of Coalescent wards. The Zen store prices theese at 800 Zen (20% discont) = 600k AD So that's 600k * 7 Coals for R7->R14. Which is another 4.2million AD
When people are complaining about the "Marks of Potency" problem.....this is why.
That's because it doesn't make sense... In the current system you use 1 ward to protect multiple resources. In this new system it actually burns wards for protecting nothing.
Each attempt to upgrade should not burn more than 1 ward since it can only burn only 1 resource.
Oh wow this is major. Depending on the drop rates of Motes you are probably going to use Coals for Enchantments most of the time anyway, but spending more Pres Wards as well is ugly.
In that case they will be dirt cheap like r9's in a few months and all alts can actually get an upgrade from enchants at a low price.
Not sure it has to be lockboxes, but there should be a way to obtain entry level enchantments (maybe even Rank 0 item level 100 or whatever) from sources within the game. Mostly thinking Adventure Rewards here.
As a whole I don't see many issues with the new system for our higher-end toons (other than the loss of ratings when using the enchants with iL but no combine rating). At present there are only single-stat enchant equivalents, so it is logical that the iL from those will be more spread to all 15 ratings than the targeted stats people are wanting from the multi-stat enchants people are using. I suspect the multi-stats will eventually get covered as well based on comments about these being only a starting point.
For weapon/armor to one combat; while I would appreciate having an offensive and defensive option, a tank doesn't actually need offensive, and a good dps that knows how to dodge and stay out of the red does not typically need a defensive (although it is nice). As a rogue main, I rarely take damage except when there is no dodging it (like multiple attacks in ToMM). That being said, Lightning and Vorpal are heavily used currently and I feel should be available in the new system. I use a lightning for mob aggro-grabbing on my tank, and vorpal is my healer's go-to. I do like that they added the DR bonus to the defensive combat enchants, to mirror the damage boost on the offensives.
For alts (and more concerningly for newer players) that only have low-level enchants, there is an issue. If they don't have rank 9s, they are likely better off spending the 900k AD to purchase the off/def/util enchants from the Sage Shop at rank 1. This will keep them at the same iL. Keep in mind that new characters get a few thousand AD just running levelling content and low campaigns, to help boost their AD. The rank 9s are practically worthless now and I feel should not be given any trade value ... they are easily obtained and most of us just convert or donate them to guild coffers anyways, and if you're hoarding something worthless then you don't need to get value from something that essentially has none now. The exchange rates for other enchants should be modified to more closely reflect the iL, because a toon with just Rank 10s cannot even buy a single new enchant. I think a more fair exchange rate would be:
This would give the ability to get at least half of ones iL back without discounting the amount of work and effort we have all put into our R15s.
I like the idea of allowing us to set aside some enchants as "Account-wide", but I feel it should be limited. You should only be able to make the R1 and R2 account-wide, and while they should be upgradeable the RCA version should not be upgraded. It would also need to be tested to ensure that you can only claim one per toon per account-wide enchant.
As for MoPs, some form of trade would be nice, but not at the full WB price (since many of the people buying bunches bought as a gamble, and at a 40% discount between VIP and sale. I feel 50% of WB value is sufficient trade-in for MoPs. I do feel that this change should have hit preview before the sale, since it would have impacted what people bought. Sales that are impacted by changes should really be analyzed when deciding when to release the change information, and I feel this was a major failing on your part (and so soon after you did the same thing with Mastercraft maps during a GM discount).
Some maths (hopefully I've got this correct). Assumptions 1. Assume VIP12 2. Bazaar sale prices 3. Have all Enchanting Stones and RP from normal gameplay 4. Have a R7 weapon/armour enchantment at 0 cost
To upgrade a R7 to R15 = 30xMop4, 25xMop5, 25xMop6 = 4.8million
Which just so happens to be the cost of 120 medallions which you get from trading in a R14 weapon/armour.
HOWEVER, that does not include the cost of Coalescent wards. The Zen store prices theese at 800 Zen (20% discont) = 600k AD So that's 600k * 7 Coals for R7->R14. Which is another 4.2million AD
When people are complaining about the "Marks of Potency" problem.....this is why.
Was thinking about upgrading some Enchants in preparation of the new system, but I don't think it makes any sense. Just trading in what you have and buy the rest with AD (exchange, Sage Shop) is almost always the better option. Or buy Enchants from the AH, which already have adjusted to the 40k per medallion exchange rate.
For alts (and more concerningly for newer players) that only have low-level enchants, there is an issue. If they don't have rank 9s, they are likely better off spending the 900k AD to purchase the off/def/util enchants from the Sage Shop at rank 1. This will keep them at the same iL. Keep in mind that new characters get a few thousand AD just running levelling content and low campaigns, to help boost their AD. The rank 9s are practically worthless now and I feel should not be given any trade value ... they are easily obtained and most of us just convert or donate them to guild coffers anyways, and if you're hoarding something worthless then you don't need to get value from something that essentially has none now. The exchange rates for other enchants should be modified to more closely reflect the iL, because a toon with just Rank 10s cannot even buy a single new enchant. I think a more fair exchange rate would be:
This would give the ability to get at least half of ones iL back without discounting the amount of work and effort we have all put into our R15s.
I like the idea of allowing us to set aside some enchants as "Account-wide", but I feel it should be limited. You should only be able to make the R1 and R2 account-wide, and while they should be upgradeable the RCA version should not be upgraded. It would also need to be tested to ensure that you can only claim one per toon per account-wide enchant.
As for MoPs, some form of trade would be nice, but not at the full WB price (since many of the people buying bunches bought as a gamble, and at a 40% discount between VIP and sale. I feel 50% of WB value is sufficient trade-in for MoPs. I do feel that this change should have hit preview before the sale, since it would have impacted what people bought. Sales that are impacted by changes should really be analyzed when deciding when to release the change information, and I feel this was a major failing on your part (and so soon after you did the same thing with Mastercraft maps during a GM discount).
I posted about how you have to "invest" way more item level at the exchange on lower levels as well and am very supportive of this idea.
Wouldn't hold my breath about MoP. Back in the day the already devalued MoPs once (I think by 50% or sth) and never even cared to respond to the playerbase about it.
The new meta will be to create a single set of enchants + alternates and transfer them from character to character as you play.
Annoying, yes. But a lot less costly overall.
The meta of running alts has died with changing from salvage/toon to salvage/acc imo. It wasn't good to have many toons for a while, I guess. When I started playing it was good to have 50 toons+, but lately (or until I stopped playing) people that went for endgame (not that I would know) didnt tinker with too many toons if they didn't want to spend 24/7 on this show In theory, this would be nice - but they change the meta of enchs way too often for this to be cool
Refinement and Enchantments are undergoing some big changes. We read the feedback on enchantments not being meaningful enough in terms of item level and stats, and how the unslot cost was a tedious aspect of changing gear. We also had a wide variety of enchantments, but many were hardly used. We took that feedback and data, looked at the refinement system, and made changes we are excited to share with you.
No More Unslot Cost In the new refinement system there is no more unslot cost for enchantments. In fact, there are no more enchantment slots on gear. Instead, players now have an enhancement page on their character sheet. Add and remove enchants from this page with no cost.
The enchantment page has the following enchantment slots: 4x Offense Enchantments 4x Defense Enchantments 1x Utility Enchantment 1x Bonus Enchantment 1x Combat Enchantment 2x Overload Enchantments And on the Companion sheet you will find a slot for a Companion Enchantment
With these new slots come all new enchantments with higher item levels and some new options. There are 5 ranks to the new enchantments. Existing enchantments can be exchanged for the new enchantments at the antiquities dealer.
There is only one type of companion enchant with this change. It will increase companion damage or if it is an augment companion, it will increase the value of the bonus stats from that companion.
Exchange Cost New Enchantment Choice Pack Cost All Enchantments - Rank 1 30 All Enchantments - Rank 2 60 Combat/Companion – Rank 3 90 Combat/Companion – Rank 4 120
The current item level of a rank 15 enchant on live is 200. A rank 2 enchantment in the new system is 600 Item Level which is why it takes 3 rank 15s to convert into a rank 2.
Don’t have a lot of high level enchantments lying around to exchange? Not a problem! You can also buy the exchange currency directly with AD to get a head start on the new enchantments.
Preservation and Coal Wards
Preservation wards in the new system are the same items they’ve always been, but they are used slightly differently than before which we will discuss in the next section.
Coalescent Wards have a new icon and are now called Coalescent Motes, but are also the same items they were before and work in the same way.
There are new Motes as well which when used will add their percentage bonus to the chance of success. These motes increase the chance by 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%. The lowest tier can be bought in the refinement sage shop in PE. The other tiers can drop in dungeon end chests.
New Upgrade UI With these changes we also reworked the upgrade UI. In the past we had several different upgrade UIs depending on the item being upgraded and what items it turned into. We have combined all of this into a single UI that is universal to all items.
Each upgrade will have up to 3 components, each of which can be protected by a preservation ward. If the upgrade fails, 1 of the components is chosen at random to be destroyed, unless it is protected by a preservation ward which will get destroyed instead.
There is a percentage chance of success and a mote can be slotted to increase that chance, with a coalescent mote still raising the chance to 100%.
With this system there is no longer partial refinement point filling of an item. All of the refinement points are needed upfront and it goes directly into a chance to upgrade. Existing items with partial refinement points in them will have the refinement points refunded to the owner on login with these changes. If you are at max refinement points of 50,000,000 then you will need to spend some of that ahead of the update to receive the refunds.
Artifacts/Artifact Equipment If every item is now using the same refinement window, what does that mean for artifacts and artifact equipment? These items are no longer upgraded by ranks and instead are upgraded in full quality tiers each time. Some items received an item level increase during this change over.
Weapon/Armor Enchant Effects With these changes we have separated weapon and armor enchant effects from the enchantments. Instead we have added new slots to the appearance tab where you can slot both a weapon and an armor visual effect. Exchanging existing armor and weapon enchantments will also give you one of these matching effect items so you both have the visuals you had access to before and have new flexibility in how your character looks.
Will I have to figure this all out before I can play again? We realize changes of this size can be disruptive and may even feel overwhelming at first. To help with this and to let people play as they normally would when the update goes live, characters will get temporary enchantments equipped automatically. These enchantment have the item level of rank 4 in the new system and give a range of balanced stats. They last 7 days before disappearing, at which point you’d want to have exchanged your old enchants for new ones to take their place.
With this release to preview work is still ongoing and some things may not function as intended or may still have adjustments to values before going live.
Refinement and Enchantments are undergoing some big changes. We read the feedback on enchantments not being meaningful enough in terms of item level and stats, and how the unslot cost was a tedious aspect of changing gear. We also had a wide variety of enchantments, but many were hardly used. We took that feedback and data, looked at the refinement system, and made changes we are excited to share with you.
No More Unslot Cost In the new refinement system there is no more unslot cost for enchantments. In fact, there are no more enchantment slots on gear. Instead, players now have an enhancement page on their character sheet. Add and remove enchants from this page with no cost.
The enchantment page has the following enchantment slots: 4x Offense Enchantments 4x Defense Enchantments 1x Utility Enchantment 1x Bonus Enchantment 1x Combat Enchantment 2x Overload Enchantments And on the Companion sheet you will find a slot for a Companion Enchantment
With these new slots come all new enchantments with higher item levels and some new options. There are 5 ranks to the new enchantments. Existing enchantments can be exchanged for the new enchantments at the antiquities dealer.
There is only one type of companion enchant with this change. It will increase companion damage or if it is an augment companion, it will increase the value of the bonus stats from that companion.
Exchange Cost New Enchantment Choice Pack Cost All Enchantments - Rank 1 30 All Enchantments - Rank 2 60 Combat/Companion – Rank 3 90 Combat/Companion – Rank 4 120
The current item level of a rank 15 enchant on live is 200. A rank 2 enchantment in the new system is 600 Item Level which is why it takes 3 rank 15s to convert into a rank 2.
Don’t have a lot of high level enchantments lying around to exchange? Not a problem! You can also buy the exchange currency directly with AD to get a head start on the new enchantments.
Preservation and Coal Wards
Preservation wards in the new system are the same items they’ve always been, but they are used slightly differently than before which we will discuss in the next section.
Coalescent Wards have a new icon and are now called Coalescent Motes, but are also the same items they were before and work in the same way.
There are new Motes as well which when used will add their percentage bonus to the chance of success. These motes increase the chance by 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%. The lowest tier can be bought in the refinement sage shop in PE. The other tiers can drop in dungeon end chests.
New Upgrade UI With these changes we also reworked the upgrade UI. In the past we had several different upgrade UIs depending on the item being upgraded and what items it turned into. We have combined all of this into a single UI that is universal to all items.
Each upgrade will have up to 3 components, each of which can be protected by a preservation ward. If the upgrade fails, 1 of the components is chosen at random to be destroyed, unless it is protected by a preservation ward which will get destroyed instead.
There is a percentage chance of success and a mote can be slotted to increase that chance, with a coalescent mote still raising the chance to 100%.
With this system there is no longer partial refinement point filling of an item. All of the refinement points are needed upfront and it goes directly into a chance to upgrade. Existing items with partial refinement points in them will have the refinement points refunded to the owner on login with these changes. If you are at max refinement points of 50,000,000 then you will need to spend some of that ahead of the update to receive the refunds.
Artifacts/Artifact Equipment If every item is now using the same refinement window, what does that mean for artifacts and artifact equipment? These items are no longer upgraded by ranks and instead are upgraded in full quality tiers each time. Some items received an item level increase during this change over.
Weapon/Armor Enchant Effects With these changes we have separated weapon and armor enchant effects from the enchantments. Instead we have added new slots to the appearance tab where you can slot both a weapon and an armor visual effect. Exchanging existing armor and weapon enchantments will also give you one of these matching effect items so you both have the visuals you had access to before and have new flexibility in how your character looks.
Will I have to figure this all out before I can play again? We realize changes of this size can be disruptive and may even feel overwhelming at first. To help with this and to let people play as they normally would when the update goes live, characters will get temporary enchantments equipped automatically. These enchantment have the item level of rank 4 in the new system and give a range of balanced stats. They last 7 days before disappearing, at which point you’d want to have exchanged your old enchants for new ones to take their place.
With this release to preview work is still ongoing and some things may not function as intended or may still have adjustments to values before going live.
We welcome all feedback and bug reports.
how did u even come up with this idea.... did u even consider the player experience ,, his hard work, his time and his energy up to this level.. let me remind you if u really want money focus on improving the game rather than making it even worse. we understand this is a money game and u guys are greedy enough to think straight.. oh and btw today's RC is bugged .. if u even care about player feedback..
I'm not sure why people think these changes aren't new player friendly. If you are a new player using R8 and R9s your item level and stats aren't really being impacted by your enchants. Given that the Mod won't go live in over a month, the devs have signaled that players who don't have enchants R10 or higher should start saving their AD to purchase the new R1 enchants when Mod 22 goes live. New players can purchase R1 enchants for 100K from Bradda. Given that you now have 4 offensive, 4 defensive, 1 utility, 1 bonus, 1 combat, and 1 companion enchant, that means a player only needs 12 enchants to be fully geared; that comes out to 1.2M AD over the course of a month, or roughly 40K AD/day. Anyone who plays the game at all can scrounge up 40K AD/day. Do that, and the new player will be *significantly* improved in both item level and stats vs where they are now with R8 & R9 enchants.
For us veteran players, I really appreciate the opportunity to continue to grow my character. Maybe wilbur and myself are the only ones who like the change, but I doubt it....
I'll help clarify since there's confusion.
A brand new player, not digging through any other source, nor signing up for VIP, can right now get through the Leveling Adventures and the postgame Adventures, and come out with about 300k in AD, and 24k IL or so with the giveaway of mounts and companions, as well as insignia drops. Let's assume the new player is somewhat savvy enough to know about the Rank 5 Enchant Stone farm, and evokes daily for Enchants R3 & R4. Now, let's also assume they at least populate the RSQ and RDQ daily, but runs solo for now (about 20k AD/day on a casual grind). On those variables, a new player, right now, can amass rank 10 enchants without too much difficulty so long as they alternate AH buys between Pres Wards and even r9/10 enchants. The extra 2000 in IL gets them slightly better stats (Because they all have Combined Rating), and access to harder campaign contents of their choice.
Now, with Mod 22, while they can still retain that 24k IL gear and the 300K AD, and the RSQ and RDQ won't adjust (hopefully) to the new 100k IL scale, their enchant options are cut severely, to a fraction of what they'd need. Sure, the IL might be higher, but the Combined Rating will not be. They'll struggle even more with Campaign content than they would have under Mod 21. They'll look at the hill they have to climb, look at the 20k AD per day versus 100k AD/base enchantment, to say nothing of the massive mountain they'd have to climb to get to Legendary, let alone mythic status.
Keep in mind, there's no longer an option for Fey's Blessing drops, Dragon Horde RP drops, Hidden Bags to bolster gold, or Quartermaster drops to bolster RP/gold. And let's assume they're SUPER green, as opposed to have joined just this last year. Facing that kind of climb, getting demolished by trash mobs all over Avernus and Vallenhas, and having no good way to move toward at least the Juma Bags at a decent clip, do you think that player's going to stick around? Or do you think they'll shrug, uninstall, and move to, say, FFXIV?
Cause I'd put my money on them picking up a Dragoon helmet instead of a set of Rogue's knives.
Stats after change on an ALT that had 41,580 IL on Live:
- Had enough to get weapon enchant and bonus enchant - Lost about 80,000 Rating/60.5% Total across all stats - Actual Drop was slightly higher (by 100-300/0.25-0.75% than those listed below) in all but 2-3 cases. - Significant loss of HP and Damage
IL Drop by 3000 HP drop by 33,000 Dam Drop by 370
Power -9000/-7.5% Accuracy -5500/-3% Combat Adv -5000/-2% Crit Strike -7000/-6.5% Crit Sev -5000/-4%
Forte -5500/-2.5% Control Bon -5000/-2% Control Resist -5000/-2% Inc Heal -5000/-2% Out Heal -5000/-2%
AP Gain +0.2% Recharge Spd No Change Movement +6% (chose movement as bonus enchant) Stamina Regen No Change Mag Dam Boost No Change Phya Dam Boost No Change Gold Bonus No Change Glory Bonus No Change
- Spent a little resources leveling this one but not a lot, which is odd cuz another alt I that got all hand me down rank 9/10 enchants fared better in some aspects (worse in other - see below):
This is an Alt that had 39,929 on Live: - Did not have enough to get any new enchants - Lost about 69,500 Rating but gained about 19.5% Total across all stats - Large drop in HP and significant drop In Damage
IL Drop by 6,500 HP drop by 75,000 Dam Drop by 700
Power -9000/-2% Accuracy -5000/Gain 1% Combat Adv -5000/Gain 2% Crit Strike -5000/Gain 2% Crit Sev -5000/Gain 2%
Forte -5500/Gain 1% Control Bon -4000/Gain 2% Control Resist -4000/Gain 2% Inc Heal -4000/Gain 2% Out Heal -4000/Gain 2%
AP Gain No Change Recharge Spd No Change Movement -2% Stamina Regen No Change Mag Dam Boost No Change Phya Dam Boost No Change Gold Bonus No Change Glory Bonus No Change
- I don't care (much) about the actual changes, they are what they are, but I would at least like my toons to perform as they did before the changes without VAST differences in how the changes impact any given toon.
- Also concerned about having to choose between defensive/offensive weapon/armor enchantment - as DPS taking offensive is standard but this will greatly reduce survivability making DPS much more reliant on Healers who are focusing on keeping the tank up
I'm not sure why people think these changes aren't new player friendly. If you are a new player using R8 and R9s your item level and stats aren't really being impacted by your enchants. Given that the Mod won't go live in over a month, the devs have signaled that players who don't have enchants R10 or higher should start saving their AD to purchase the new R1 enchants when Mod 22 goes live. New players can purchase R1 enchants for 100K from Bradda. Given that you now have 4 offensive, 4 defensive, 1 utility, 1 bonus, 1 combat, and 1 companion enchant, that means a player only needs 12 enchants to be fully geared; that comes out to 1.2M AD over the course of a month, or roughly 40K AD/day. Anyone who plays the game at all can scrounge up 40K AD/day. Do that, and the new player will be *significantly* improved in both item level and stats vs where they are now with R8 & R9 enchants.
For us veteran players, I really appreciate the opportunity to continue to grow my character. Maybe wilbur and myself are the only ones who like the change, but I doubt it....
I'll help clarify since there's confusion.
A brand new player, not digging through any other source, nor signing up for VIP, can right now get through the Leveling Adventures and the postgame Adventures, and come out with about 300k in AD, and 24k IL or so with the giveaway of mounts and companions, as well as insignia drops. Let's assume the new player is somewhat savvy enough to know about the Rank 4 Enchant Stone farm, and evokes daily for Enchant 2 & 3. Now, let's also assume they at lest populate the RSQ and RDQ daily, but runs solo for now (about 20k AD/day on a casual grind). On those variables, a new player, right now, can amass rank 10 enchants without too much difficulty so long as they alternate AH buys between Pres Wards and even r9/10 enchants. The extra 2000 in IL gets them slightly better stats (Because they all have Combined Rating), and access to harder campaign contents of their choice.
Now, with Mod 22, while they can still retain that 24k IL gear and the 300K AD, and the RSQ and RDQ won't adjust (hopefully) to the new 100k IL scale, their enchant options are cut severely, to a fraction of what they'd need. Sure, the IL might be higher, but the Combined Rating will not be. They'll struggle even more with Campaign content than they would have under Mod 21. They'll look at the hill they have to climb, look at the 20k AD per day versus 100k AD/base enchantment, to say nothing of the massive mountain they'd have to climb to get to Legendary, let alone mythic.
Keep in mind, there's no longer an option for Fey's Blessing drops, Dragon Horde RP drops, Hidden Bags to bolster gold, or Quartermaster drops to bolster RP/gold. And let's assume they're SUPER green, as opposed to have joined just this last year. Facing that kind of climb, getting demolished by trash mobs all over Avernus and Vallenhas, and having no good way to move toward at least the Juma Bags at a decent clip, do you think that player's going to stick around? Or do you think they'll shrug, uninstall, and move to, say, FFXIV?
Cause I'd put my money on them picking up a Dragoon helmet instead of a set of Rogue's knives.
There is the problem. They want the new players, but listen to no feedback from them, or the player base they expect to help get them through randoms to get RAD. One of them main ways to tell a new player to earn AD was to farm dread ring for enchanting stones...which will now, not be the case. And to say the journey will be 32 coalescent wards, 10+ more if they have to start at rank 1, is not a good way to keep new players. The players like progress, building their toon/account, not waiting for an upgrade once a month, and struggling through content unless they drop coin for a small boost every $10.
Wow, Ok so people are whining about rank 8/9 armour and weapon enchants… these things are worthless.. the only people who are really complaining are the people who are hoarding hundreds of them. They are worthless now, they will be worthless then. Would you be happy if they gave you 1000 ad for them? No you would want a billion ad or whatever. No they obviously pulled all the metrics and they decided on the cutoff due to how many of those ranks are out there. They did a cost analysis and came to the conclusion that rank 10 should be the cutoff. I agree with them. We have had people who are hoarding hundreds of thousands of “junk” and saying they have absolute value! They don’t. We have had duplication glitches, ad glitches, store glitches, zen glitches… this is to clean up the junk everyone took advantage over the 7 years and didn’t get banned or caught or transferred their stuff to other accounts. This is to slush all the “valued” gear into a currency and then buy new gear… anything that didn’t make the cutoff gets converted into gold or rp. Does this hurt the hoarders? Yes… does this hurt a new player or even a middle player? No. We get 100k ad a day, you can fill up on rank 1’s within 2 weeks of playing. Arc is not stupid, they have metrics, we don’t! So we have no idea what we are talking about, they do.
Your view only fits from the stance of a long time player. I have been using Rank 9 and below enchantments on 8 characters for a year now....When the change goes through I will have....nothing....unless you have power you cant chase power in this game, or you BUY your way out. That alone is the reason I used what I used.
IL 30kish on 6 of the characters, slowly upgrading mount and companion via Trade bars, which seem to be in a suspect position though I cant find exactly why yet....
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
Wow, Ok so people are whining about rank 8/9 armour and weapon enchants… these things are worthless.. the only people who are really complaining are the people who are hoarding hundreds of them. They are worthless now, they will be worthless then. Would you be happy if they gave you 1000 ad for them? No you would want a billion ad or whatever. No they obviously pulled all the metrics and they decided on the cutoff due to how many of those ranks are out there. They did a cost analysis and came to the conclusion that rank 10 should be the cutoff. I agree with them. We have had people who are hoarding hundreds of thousands of “junk” and saying they have absolute value! They don’t. We have had duplication glitches, ad glitches, store glitches, zen glitches… this is to clean up the junk everyone took advantage over the 7 years and didn’t get banned or caught or transferred their stuff to other accounts. This is to slush all the “valued” gear into a currency and then buy new gear… anything that didn’t make the cutoff gets converted into gold or rp. Does this hurt the hoarders? Yes… does this hurt a new player or even a middle player? No. We get 100k ad a day, you can fill up on rank 1’s within 2 weeks of playing. Arc is not stupid, they have metrics, we don’t! So we have no idea what we are talking about, they do.
Your view only fits from the stance of a long time player. I have been using Rank 9 and below enchantments on 8 characters for a year now....When the change goes through I will have....nothing....unless you have power you cant chase power in this game, or you BUY your way out. That alone is the reason I used what I used.
IL 30kish on 6 of the characters, slowly upgrading mount and companion via Trade bars, which seem to be in a suspect position though I cant find exactly why yet....
Because he did not understand this also hurt long time players. You think if you have rank 9 and below and will have nothing. In reality, for those who are using rank 11 and below will also have nothing. You need 1.5 rank 15 to get ONE rank 1 in the future. Many toon will be stripped out enchantment to 0 enchantment along with their item level and stats when the new mod comes.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
@noworries#8859 OK, First off, I'm not going to read through every single page to see if my concerns have been asked or addressed already. That being said I'm going to give my 2 cents and hope that you and the team hears me.
I've been a very loyal player of the game for many years, It will be 6 years come February. I know the ins and outs of the game pretty well, minus some of the math as it's over complicated and still after all these years hasn't been simplified in fact has become more complicated to non math players... anyways. I stopped taking part if reporting problems and bugs because I feel they have gone in one ear and out the other despite my giving correct information (please fix the Seige horses inverted colors and fix the blue flame drake that's supposed to have 0 orange but all blue flames - for example, seriously, Julia and Foss ignored me on that on a live stream when mod 16 went live. That's how long they've been broken on their colors). Many are probably sick of me saying it but yes, trust was broken by Foss big time during the Mod 16 fiasco and I'm still waiting for that trust to be regained. The game still goes live when it has tons of bugs to be fixed. I don't know who is pushing you guys to push things live but I can only imagine the unfair pressures they put on you guys. Rush rush for money, don't bother fixing even when it costs more and more long term players with every single mod released to leave... I'm still here trying to get through and I hope you listen this time.
I like the concept of these changes and like most concepts for change you guys have, they are good... but many times executed poorly (fixes we ask for don't happen fast enough, bugs aren't fixed before things go live, Chris who I felt listened to us left, etc...). I like the idea of reducing all enchants to R5 to match everything else in the game and to stop the nonsense of increasing them constantly every few mods but not allowing us to upgrade the anniversary R14s nor the AI campaign one. I also 100% agree and appreciate you removing the cost of removing enchants and runestones. This is very alt character friendly, thank you!
Here's what I have MAJOR problem with that I would like to see fixed before this thing goes live and I will give my reasons as to why:
When mod 16 came out, many of us took advantage of the trade in of enchantments thinking "I'll be able to use this at any time if things change and if they nerf or buff an enchantment, I can just open this choice box and get what I need". We have learned over time that the dev team often changes things, mixing us up, causing us to go backwards in our comfortable progression, scrambling to catch back up with the 1% richest players in the game (who seem to have more resources than they need, setting market prices etc... for those of us who don't have the luxury of playing 24/7). When Mod 16 came out, ever single weapon enchantment became worthless minus Vorpal and it took several mods to fix this making other enchants worth using. So many players were angry about Lighting and Fey nerfs (which were BIS at the time). Thankfully barkshield was still the best armor enchant for non tanks.
You are taking away the marks of potency from Sybella and the Wondrous Bazaar but still requiring that we need them to upgrade any enchantments even though all enchantments as we know them right now will be 100% worthless other than to trade for Medallions. You've also removed enchantments from the Trade Bar Store, without putting the new ones up for us to buy. Companion Tokens, Mount Tokens, and Enchantments are the main things players purchase with Trade Bars the second that sale goes live. These changes in shops makes no sense... at all... Lockboxes give us R8+ (mostly R9s+ now) and you're giving us a very expensive choice to make that I feel very strongly that we should not be forced to make: Spent millions of AD upgrading our R8s and R9s to be able to what...? Get a kick butt appearance and some very much needed medallion currency? We're also being forced to use co-wards for every single enchant upgrade now with no way around it... why? To make more money? There are so many better ways to make money.
A tip for making money for the company: Fashion, Dyes, Rare appearance changes. I'm telling you, people will blow tons of money in game and real life to make their characters unique and just perfect the way they want to view them. I've seen it done in other games and it worked! Put dye packs and rare appearances in the Zen Market and or Wondrous Bazaar (to get people to take down their Zen Exchange orders) and you'll see! Player homes too! I know I'm getting a little off topic but this is another option to make money. People will pay "fashion is the true end game" is a joke we all say in game but it's true! Once you get up as high as you can, fashion is where people spend. Also players have been asking for player homes for years now. If Ever Quest II can do it (a very old MMO) you guys can too! You could even give Officers of guilds their own lounges in the guild hall (if ever that ever gets updated...). So many good things could be added/changed that will bring in money without making us suffer with every mod or every other mod.
This all being said... I have quite a few R8 choice boxes in my possession of armor and weapon enchantments. What am I going to do when this thing goes live? All these things that I saved for a "just in case the devs make these major changes" scenario will become 100% worthless for me when Mod 22 goes live IF you don't allow for R8s+ to be exchanged for Medallions and weapon/armor enchantment appearances (I like the appearance idea by the way!)
The Marks of Potency also: If there is no where to acquire them anymore, eventually they will run out of existence, thus not allowing us to upgrade old R8s to R10s to get medallions or appearance changes for our gear. Think about it. If I'm missing something please communicate to us your plans so it can put minds at ease.
Please reconsider the rankings and allow us to trade at least enchantments R8+ not just R10+ (especially armor and weapon enchantments since most of them come in lockboxes are R8s anyways). You allowed ALL bonding Runesontes to be trades not just R10s when that change went live. Why not with these changes? Please make this happen. I think those of us who are loyal and who have spent hundreds of dollars over the past several years deserve to be heard and deserve to have our needs in game met and ideas heard and suggestions taken.
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
See the image below - on the new system I can choose to protect two resources with pres ward. When the upgrade fails one resource is chosen to be consumed. The pres ward is protecting the resource which is OK - but the 2nd pres ward is also consumed even though the enchanting stone would not be destroyed in this case. This in effect means we'll need to use up to 3 times more pres wards than before. Please fix it so that a ward is consumed only if the actual protected resource would be destroyed in the process.
@noworries#8859 this here need to be: on failed action consume 1 random resource or the ward protecting that random resource and not on failed action consume 1 random resource or all slotted wards
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
i havent gone to preview yet, i beIieve I aint going either, but are we abIe to exchage enchantments and runestones for AD? Iike u did in the past? i dont want to exchange my unbound items for enchantments that wiII get a bound to account
I ended up going to preview, because watching youtube videos were aIready disappointing, confusing, and stressing thinking of aII the time i spent on azures, vorpaI, bronzewood, etc. Just to find out none of them wiII be from the next moduIe. So I suggest and i'm sure i speak for many that we want an EXCHANGE vs AD just Iike u did with bonding runestones, I want my enchantments and my time to be exchanged for AD, not just a few medaIIions.
AIso, you Ieft us heaIers with not options for combat enchantments, the 3 defensive ones are aIready "decent" aIthougt the frost one shouIdn't have a chance to trigger, us heaIers dont need any of the current offensive ones, and since everyone hate "prominnence and its new version", change that to be "outgoing heaI instead of damage" and instead of the "shieId thing", make something Iike "your heaIing powers heaI for an additionaI 50 magnitude or have a 50% chance to heaI for an additionaI 100 magnitude" or something you come up with, but its aIways the same dps this dps that, and you aIways forget about heaIers.
AIso, you Ieft us heaIers with not options for combat enchantments, the 3 defensive ones are aIready "decent" aIthougt the frost one shouIdn't have a chance to trigger, us heaIers dont need any of the current offensive ones, and since everyone hate "prominnence and its new version", change that to be "outgoing heaI instead of damage" and instead of the "shieId thing", make something Iike "your heaIing powers heaI for an additionaI 50 magnitude or have a 50% chance to heaI for an additionaI 100 magnitude" or something you come up with, but its aIways the same dps this dps that, and you aIways forget about heaIers.
Yep, there should be an enchant for healers or something like vorpal that adds stats. Nothing of the current new combat enchants really helps a healer.
The meta of running alts has died with changing from salvage/toon to salvage/acc imo. It wasn't good to have many toons for a while, I guess. When I started playing it was good to have 50 toons+, but lately (or until I stopped playing) people that went for endgame (not that I would know) didnt tinker with too many toons if they didn't want to spend 24/7 on this show In theory, this would be nice - but they change the meta of enchs way too often for this to be cool
I guess that depends. I have 10-12 "alts" in the 36k-43k range. Those are very situational. I gradually brought them to Sharandar Ep. 3 for example and used them to farm Bounties whenever I needed a specific piece. It's not worth making them all endgame viable due to too many account caps, but you can still find stuff to farm.
Feedback: Enchantment slots and Weapon and Armor enchants You should not just take away something and force make choose between Weapon and Armor enchants. Players already have both. We need Offensive and Defensive Combat enchantments slots and in the future. In addition, save the current variety of enchantments - Vorpal, Frost, Lightning, Bronzewood, Bark shield, Elven Battle and others.
Feedback: Enchantment slots and Customization Enchantment Slots should be better configured: 2x offense enchantments; 2x Defense Enchantments; 1x Utility Enchantments; 4x Universal Slots (have switches or depend on the role of the character)
Feedback: Enchantments and Combined Rating Combat and Companion enchantments must have Combined Rating, otherwise it breaks the system.
Feedback: Exchange Enchantments Weapon and Armor enchantments rank 9 must be available for exchange, as sold for money.
Feedback: New Companion Enchantment Add new Type Companion Enchantments, affecting on selected Companions Equip Bonuses, for example, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% increase in ranks from 1 to 5. This Companion Enchantment will be useful for any players - DPS, Tank or Healer.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
> @arazith07 said: > As it is on live now, rank 9s are super cheap anyways and basically useless now. I suspect that the new rank 1s will be just as ubiquitous. You really aren't losing anything as a new player by refining old low rank enchants and getting the new ones. You are trying to apply value that hasn't had value in years.
Well my barkshield, bronzewood and elvenbattle r9s are not cheap. I spent millions on those on my little tank i was building up to play other than dps. Those are now worth 0!
Obviously I am not talking about those, I am talking about the normal enchantments.
I was on preview and for now it seems to be early stages (or at least I hope it is). I have some questions about the new system:
What are the sources of motes going to be? I hope they will be added to the wondrous bazar, tradebar store or maybe the legacy campaign store or RC store.
Why can we buy rank 4 companion and combat enchantments from the exchange from old enchants but only rank 2 for all the other enchantments? I would love to spend more to get rank 4 of all the enchantments.
What's going to happento the marks of potency? I wouldn't like an exchange for AD because it can lead to inflation similar to the bonding exchange but I would like an exchange to the new item, that replaces the mark of potency.
Now for some early feedback:
I don't like the inflation of Ilvl without giving combined rating to compensate it. As a dps I will probably have 1 defensive rating that's close to 40-50% and the others are way lower. The higher damage and health compensates that only a little bit and means nothing in scaled content. It looks like I'll have to make a dedicated loadout for scaled content again that stays at ~50k ilvl or below.
Obviously I am not talking about those, I am talking about the normal enchantments.
The issue with the entry point remains though. R9s and even some Armor and Weapon Enchantments are cheap, a new set of R1s is 3M+, at least with the info available right now. That's quite a difference.
Sir, I've been playing for about a year. I've finally reached the point where I can engage in endgame content and accumulate enough AD to make a dent into auction house investing. My bread and butter has been the entry level Masterwork materials (market eliminated in the last system changes leaving me with millions of AD worth of materials I can no longer sell or exchange) and the MoP4/Enchanting stone 5 market.
I've spent countless hours collecting materials and holding them for favorable prices to keep my character competitive and progressing. On Dec 9th when the Wonderous bazaar opened it's discount I bought 5m AD worth of MoP4 as an investment. On the afternoon of Dec 10th Developers sank that investment. I cannot recoup even a fraction of the cost. 5m AD is a huge chunk for a rather new player.
The annoyance of the player base must be palpable to game developers. I'm requesting a reasonable exchange for highly valued enchanting stones and MoPs that are routinely used as AD commodities.
There is a profound difference between modifying a commodity market and burning it to the ground. The ramifications to each are equally as profound. Employing an exchange for materials in addition to the reasonable exchange of final products already announced would go a long way to assuage the annoyance of the player base.
Is the Combat enchantments we see in the choice pack the only combat enchantments, or will you add to this collection over time ?
They are the ones we are starting with, but it is likely other types will be added over time.
This makes me sad. I was using a lot of different weapon/armor enchantments for my tanks, the alternatives presented on preview are not even close to having fun effects like the existing ones do. My Paladin Justicar build focused on threat generation from outgoing healing, the Holy Avenger and Bloodtheft enchantments added very nice synergies to this setup. That is now all gone. My Barbarian Sentinel tank was focusing on incoming healing for threat generation, a vital part of this setup was the Lifedrinker enchantment.
While I understand that the armor/weapon enchantments need fixing/reworking, the ones currently on preview are just extremely boring compared to what we had.
PS: Good job on the rework of the other enchanments/runestones!
1. Assume VIP12
2. Bazaar sale prices
3. Have all Enchanting Stones and RP from normal gameplay
4. Have a R7 weapon/armour enchantment at 0 cost
To upgrade a R7 to R14 = 30xMop4, 25xMop5, 25xMop6 = 4.8million
Which just so happens to be the cost of 120 medallions which you get from trading in a R14 weapon/armour.
HOWEVER, that does not include the cost of Coalescent wards. The Zen store prices theese at 800 Zen (20% discont) = 600k AD So that's 600k * 7 Coals for R7->R14. Which is another 4.2million AD
When people are complaining about the "Marks of Potency" problem.....this is why.
[EDIT] Had put R7->R15 by accident.
As a whole I don't see many issues with the new system for our higher-end toons (other than the loss of ratings when using the enchants with iL but no combine rating). At present there are only single-stat enchant equivalents, so it is logical that the iL from those will be more spread to all 15 ratings than the targeted stats people are wanting from the multi-stat enchants people are using. I suspect the multi-stats will eventually get covered as well based on comments about these being only a starting point.
For weapon/armor to one combat; while I would appreciate having an offensive and defensive option, a tank doesn't actually need offensive, and a good dps that knows how to dodge and stay out of the red does not typically need a defensive (although it is nice). As a rogue main, I rarely take damage except when there is no dodging it (like multiple attacks in ToMM). That being said, Lightning and Vorpal are heavily used currently and I feel should be available in the new system. I use a lightning for mob aggro-grabbing on my tank, and vorpal is my healer's go-to. I do like that they added the DR bonus to the defensive combat enchants, to mirror the damage boost on the offensives.
For alts (and more concerningly for newer players) that only have low-level enchants, there is an issue. If they don't have rank 9s, they are likely better off spending the 900k AD to purchase the off/def/util enchants from the Sage Shop at rank 1. This will keep them at the same iL. Keep in mind that new characters get a few thousand AD just running levelling content and low campaigns, to help boost their AD. The rank 9s are practically worthless now and I feel should not be given any trade value ... they are easily obtained and most of us just convert or donate them to guild coffers anyways, and if you're hoarding something worthless then you don't need to get value from something that essentially has none now. The exchange rates for other enchants should be modified to more closely reflect the iL, because a toon with just Rank 10s cannot even buy a single new enchant. I think a more fair exchange rate would be:
R15 - 20
R14 - 17
R13 - 14
R12 - 11
R11 - 8
R10 - 5
R9 or lower - RP
This would give the ability to get at least half of ones iL back without discounting the amount of work and effort we have all put into our R15s.
I like the idea of allowing us to set aside some enchants as "Account-wide", but I feel it should be limited. You should only be able to make the R1 and R2 account-wide, and while they should be upgradeable the RCA version should not be upgraded. It would also need to be tested to ensure that you can only claim one per toon per account-wide enchant.
As for MoPs, some form of trade would be nice, but not at the full WB price (since many of the people buying bunches bought as a gamble, and at a 40% discount between VIP and sale. I feel 50% of WB value is sufficient trade-in for MoPs. I do feel that this change should have hit preview before the sale, since it would have impacted what people bought. Sales that are impacted by changes should really be analyzed when deciding when to release the change information, and I feel this was a major failing on your part (and so soon after you did the same thing with Mastercraft maps during a GM discount).
Wouldn't hold my breath about MoP. Back in the day the already devalued MoPs once (I think by 50% or sth) and never even cared to respond to the playerbase about it.
The meta of running alts has died with changing from salvage/toon to salvage/acc imo. It wasn't good to have many toons for a while, I guess. When I started playing it was good to have 50 toons+, but lately (or until I stopped playing) people that went for endgame (not that I would know) didnt tinker with too many toons if they didn't want to spend 24/7 on this show
In theory, this would be nice - but they change the meta of enchs way too often for this to be cool Did SF even work properly
A brand new player, not digging through any other source, nor signing up for VIP, can right now get through the Leveling Adventures and the postgame Adventures, and come out with about 300k in AD, and 24k IL or so with the giveaway of mounts and companions, as well as insignia drops. Let's assume the new player is somewhat savvy enough to know about the Rank 5 Enchant Stone farm, and evokes daily for Enchants R3 & R4. Now, let's also assume they at least populate the RSQ and RDQ daily, but runs solo for now (about 20k AD/day on a casual grind). On those variables, a new player, right now, can amass rank 10 enchants without too much difficulty so long as they alternate AH buys between Pres Wards and even r9/10 enchants. The extra 2000 in IL gets them slightly better stats (Because they all have Combined Rating), and access to harder campaign contents of their choice.
Now, with Mod 22, while they can still retain that 24k IL gear and the 300K AD, and the RSQ and RDQ won't adjust (hopefully) to the new 100k IL scale, their enchant options are cut severely, to a fraction of what they'd need. Sure, the IL might be higher, but the Combined Rating will not be. They'll struggle even more with Campaign content than they would have under Mod 21. They'll look at the hill they have to climb, look at the 20k AD per day versus 100k AD/base enchantment, to say nothing of the massive mountain they'd have to climb to get to Legendary, let alone mythic status.
Keep in mind, there's no longer an option for Fey's Blessing drops, Dragon Horde RP drops, Hidden Bags to bolster gold, or Quartermaster drops to bolster RP/gold. And let's assume they're SUPER green, as opposed to have joined just this last year. Facing that kind of climb, getting demolished by trash mobs all over Avernus and Vallenhas, and having no good way to move toward at least the Juma Bags at a decent clip, do you think that player's going to stick around? Or do you think they'll shrug, uninstall, and move to, say, FFXIV?
Cause I'd put my money on them picking up a Dragoon helmet instead of a set of Rogue's knives.
- Had enough to get weapon enchant and bonus enchant
- Lost about 80,000 Rating/60.5% Total across all stats
- Actual Drop was slightly higher (by 100-300/0.25-0.75% than those listed below) in all but 2-3 cases.
- Significant loss of HP and Damage
IL Drop by 3000
HP drop by 33,000
Dam Drop by 370
Power -9000/-7.5%
Accuracy -5500/-3%
Combat Adv -5000/-2%
Crit Strike -7000/-6.5%
Crit Sev -5000/-4%
Def -8000/-5%
Awareness -5000/-4%
Crit Avoid -5000/-2%
Deflect -5000/-2%
Deflect Sev -5000/-2%
Forte -5500/-2.5%
Control Bon -5000/-2%
Control Resist -5000/-2%
Inc Heal -5000/-2%
Out Heal -5000/-2%
AP Gain +0.2%
Recharge Spd No Change
Movement +6% (chose movement as bonus enchant)
Stamina Regen No Change
Mag Dam Boost No Change
Phya Dam Boost No Change
Gold Bonus No Change
Glory Bonus No Change
- Spent a little resources leveling this one but not a lot, which is odd cuz another alt I that got all hand me down rank 9/10 enchants fared better in some aspects (worse in other - see below):
This is an Alt that had 39,929 on Live:
- Did not have enough to get any new enchants
- Lost about 69,500 Rating but gained about 19.5% Total across all stats
- Large drop in HP and significant drop In Damage
IL Drop by 6,500
HP drop by 75,000
Dam Drop by 700
Power -9000/-2%
Accuracy -5000/Gain 1%
Combat Adv -5000/Gain 2%
Crit Strike -5000/Gain 2%
Crit Sev -5000/Gain 2%
Def -8000/-2.5%
Awareness -5000/Gain 2.5%
Crit Avoid -5000/Gain 2%
Deflect -5000/Gain 1.5%
Deflect Sev -4000/Gain 2%
Forte -5500/Gain 1%
Control Bon -4000/Gain 2%
Control Resist -4000/Gain 2%
Inc Heal -4000/Gain 2%
Out Heal -4000/Gain 2%
AP Gain No Change
Recharge Spd No Change
Movement -2%
Stamina Regen No Change
Mag Dam Boost No Change
Phya Dam Boost No Change
Gold Bonus No Change
Glory Bonus No Change
- I don't care (much) about the actual changes, they are what they are, but I would at least like my toons to perform as they did before the changes without VAST differences in how the changes impact any given toon.
- Also concerned about having to choose between defensive/offensive weapon/armor enchantment - as DPS taking offensive is standard but this will greatly reduce survivability making DPS much more reliant on Healers who are focusing on keeping the tank up
IL 30kish on 6 of the characters, slowly upgrading mount and companion via Trade bars, which seem to be in a suspect position though I cant find exactly why yet....
You think if you have rank 9 and below and will have nothing. In reality, for those who are using rank 11 and below will also have nothing. You need 1.5 rank 15 to get ONE rank 1 in the future. Many toon will be stripped out enchantment to 0 enchantment along with their item level and stats when the new mod comes.
OK, First off, I'm not going to read through every single page to see if my concerns have been asked or addressed already.
That being said I'm going to give my 2 cents and hope that you and the team hears me.
I've been a very loyal player of the game for many years, It will be 6 years come February. I know the ins and outs of the game pretty well, minus some of the math as it's over complicated and still after all these years hasn't been simplified in fact has become more complicated to non math players... anyways. I stopped taking part if reporting problems and bugs because I feel they have gone in one ear and out the other despite my giving correct information (please fix the Seige horses inverted colors and fix the blue flame drake that's supposed to have 0 orange but all blue flames - for example, seriously, Julia and Foss ignored me on that on a live stream when mod 16 went live. That's how long they've been broken on their colors). Many are probably sick of me saying it but yes, trust was broken by Foss big time during the Mod 16 fiasco and I'm still waiting for that trust to be regained. The game still goes live when it has tons of bugs to be fixed. I don't know who is pushing you guys to push things live but I can only imagine the unfair pressures they put on you guys. Rush rush for money, don't bother fixing even when it costs more and more long term players with every single mod released to leave... I'm still here trying to get through and I hope you listen this time.
I like the concept of these changes and like most concepts for change you guys have, they are good... but many times executed poorly (fixes we ask for don't happen fast enough, bugs aren't fixed before things go live, Chris who I felt listened to us left, etc...). I like the idea of reducing all enchants to R5 to match everything else in the game and to stop the nonsense of increasing them constantly every few mods but not allowing us to upgrade the anniversary R14s nor the AI campaign one. I also 100% agree and appreciate you removing the cost of removing enchants and runestones. This is very alt character friendly, thank you!
Here's what I have MAJOR problem with that I would like to see fixed before this thing goes live and I will give my reasons as to why:
When mod 16 came out, many of us took advantage of the trade in of enchantments thinking "I'll be able to use this at any time if things change and if they nerf or buff an enchantment, I can just open this choice box and get what I need". We have learned over time that the dev team often changes things, mixing us up, causing us to go backwards in our comfortable progression, scrambling to catch back up with the 1% richest players in the game (who seem to have more resources than they need, setting market prices etc... for those of us who don't have the luxury of playing 24/7). When Mod 16 came out, ever single weapon enchantment became worthless minus Vorpal and it took several mods to fix this making other enchants worth using. So many players were angry about Lighting and Fey nerfs (which were BIS at the time). Thankfully barkshield was still the best armor enchant for non tanks.
You are taking away the marks of potency from Sybella and the Wondrous Bazaar but still requiring that we need them to upgrade any enchantments even though all enchantments as we know them right now will be 100% worthless other than to trade for Medallions. You've also removed enchantments from the Trade Bar Store, without putting the new ones up for us to buy. Companion Tokens, Mount Tokens, and Enchantments are the main things players purchase with Trade Bars the second that sale goes live. These changes in shops makes no sense... at all... Lockboxes give us R8+ (mostly R9s+ now) and you're giving us a very expensive choice to make that I feel very strongly that we should not be forced to make: Spent millions of AD upgrading our R8s and R9s to be able to what...? Get a kick butt appearance and some very much needed medallion currency?
We're also being forced to use co-wards for every single enchant upgrade now with no way around it... why? To make more money? There are so many better ways to make money.
A tip for making money for the company: Fashion, Dyes, Rare appearance changes. I'm telling you, people will blow tons of money in game and real life to make their characters unique and just perfect the way they want to view them. I've seen it done in other games and it worked! Put dye packs and rare appearances in the Zen Market and or Wondrous Bazaar (to get people to take down their Zen Exchange orders) and you'll see! Player homes too! I know I'm getting a little off topic but this is another option to make money. People will pay "fashion is the true end game" is a joke we all say in game but it's true! Once you get up as high as you can, fashion is where people spend. Also players have been asking for player homes for years now. If Ever Quest II can do it (a very old MMO) you guys can too! You could even give Officers of guilds their own lounges in the guild hall (if ever that ever gets updated...). So many good things could be added/changed that will bring in money without making us suffer with every mod or every other mod.
This all being said... I have quite a few R8 choice boxes in my possession of armor and weapon enchantments. What am I going to do when this thing goes live? All these things that I saved for a "just in case the devs make these major changes" scenario will become 100% worthless for me when Mod 22 goes live IF you don't allow for R8s+ to be exchanged for Medallions and weapon/armor enchantment appearances (I like the appearance idea by the way!)
The Marks of Potency also: If there is no where to acquire them anymore, eventually they will run out of existence, thus not allowing us to upgrade old R8s to R10s to get medallions or appearance changes for our gear. Think about it. If I'm missing something please communicate to us your plans so it can put minds at ease.
Please reconsider the rankings and allow us to trade at least enchantments R8+ not just R10+ (especially armor and weapon enchantments since most of them come in lockboxes are R8s anyways). You allowed ALL bonding Runesontes to be trades not just R10s when that change went live. Why not with these changes? Please make this happen. I think those of us who are loyal and who have spent hundreds of dollars over the past several years deserve to be heard and deserve to have our needs in game met and ideas heard and suggestions taken.
AIso, you Ieft us heaIers with not options for combat enchantments, the 3 defensive ones are aIready "decent" aIthougt the frost one shouIdn't have a chance to trigger, us heaIers dont need any of the current offensive ones, and since everyone hate "prominnence and its new version", change that to be "outgoing heaI instead of damage" and instead of the "shieId thing", make something Iike "your heaIing powers heaI for an additionaI 50 magnitude or have a 50% chance to heaI for an additionaI 100 magnitude" or something you come up with, but its aIways the same dps this dps that, and you aIways forget about heaIers.
Nothing of the current new combat enchants really helps a healer.
You should not just take away something and force make choose between Weapon and Armor enchants. Players already have both. We need Offensive and Defensive Combat enchantments slots and in the future.
In addition, save the current variety of enchantments - Vorpal, Frost, Lightning, Bronzewood, Bark shield, Elven Battle and others.
Feedback: Enchantment slots and Customization
Enchantment Slots should be better configured:
2x offense enchantments;
2x Defense Enchantments;
1x Utility Enchantments;
4x Universal Slots (have switches or depend on the role of the character)
Feedback: Enchantments and Combined Rating
Combat and Companion enchantments must have Combined Rating, otherwise it breaks the system.
Feedback: Exchange Enchantments
Weapon and Armor enchantments rank 9 must be available for exchange, as sold for money.
Feedback: New Companion Enchantment
Add new Type Companion Enchantments, affecting on selected Companions Equip Bonuses, for example, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% increase in ranks from 1 to 5. This Companion Enchantment will be useful for any players - DPS, Tank or Healer.
What are the sources of motes going to be? I hope they will be added to the wondrous bazar, tradebar store or maybe the legacy campaign store or RC store.
Why can we buy rank 4 companion and combat enchantments from the exchange from old enchants but only rank 2 for all the other enchantments? I would love to spend more to get rank 4 of all the enchantments.
What's going to happento the marks of potency? I wouldn't like an exchange for AD because it can lead to inflation similar to the bonding exchange but I would like an exchange to the new item, that replaces the mark of potency.
Now for some early feedback:
I don't like the inflation of Ilvl without giving combined rating to compensate it. As a dps I will probably have 1 defensive rating that's close to 40-50% and the others are way lower. The higher damage and health compensates that only a little bit and means nothing in scaled content. It looks like I'll have to make a dedicated loadout for scaled content again that stays at ~50k ilvl or below.
I've been playing for about a year. I've finally reached the point where I can engage in endgame content and accumulate enough AD to make a dent into auction house investing. My bread and butter has been the entry level Masterwork materials (market eliminated in the last system changes leaving me with millions of AD worth of materials I can no longer sell or exchange) and the MoP4/Enchanting stone 5 market.
I've spent countless hours collecting materials and holding them for favorable prices to keep my character competitive and progressing. On Dec 9th when the Wonderous bazaar opened it's discount I bought 5m AD worth of MoP4 as an investment. On the afternoon of Dec 10th Developers sank that investment. I cannot recoup even a fraction of the cost. 5m AD is a huge chunk for a rather new player.
The annoyance of the player base must be palpable to game developers. I'm requesting a reasonable exchange for highly valued enchanting stones and MoPs that are routinely used as AD commodities.
There is a profound difference between modifying a commodity market and burning it to the ground. The ramifications to each are equally as profound. Employing an exchange for materials in addition to the reasonable exchange of final products already announced would go a long way to assuage the annoyance of the player base.
While I understand that the armor/weapon enchantments need fixing/reworking, the ones currently on preview are just extremely boring compared to what we had.
PS: Good job on the rework of the other enchanments/runestones!