: adjective ex·pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt
experienced 2. having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience
With the new Mod there are numerous content experiences (some WAI, many others bugged) for new players to explore.
Random Expert Queue is NOT one of them.
Please, please, do not Q for Expert dungeons until you have experienced them/been taught them with your guild/you tube videos/ forum guides.Yes, it is a good source of rAD.
Yes, you CAN get in with only 13k IL.
No, no one can stop you from doing so.
But no, no, no...
you will NOT complete it if you do not know the mechanics of ToNG, Cradle and CR.And all you will do is waste the time and frustrate your fellow players who actually know the dungeons and earned the right to be there.
Read the guide. Watch a YouTube video.
There are many guides. It only take 5-10 min to read/watch them.
Then tell your guild leaders to walk you through the endgame dungeon in private premade Q.
[That is a guild leader's job.
If they refuse, reconsider your guild choice.]
Just once run the endgame dungeons with guildies/friends before forcing random strangers to teach it to you. That's all it takes.
Then you will be raking in that sweet sweet REQ 15-23k raw AD in no time.
If not, you just Q into a broken, prolonged frustrating waste of time and anger your teammates.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Do NOT sign up for these at 13k IL, you will be more or less useless, at least as a dps.
You need 16k IL to pull your weight in these. No, you being the most skilled player in Neverwinter won't really compensate for missing gear.
As always, i will reply :
Random Queues are randoms. As soon as you meet the requiered IL, you can launch, it doesn't matter if you are a first timer or not, if you did your "homework" or not.
As a seasonned expert player, if you don't want to bother carrying "newbies" who try to get something from the REQ/RAQ, if you don't want to take time to explain / hard try with a bad/poor party, don't launch REQ when you are not in a party full friends/guildmates.
If you can't find enough guildmates for that,
I met a lot of "newbies" in REQ. Me (as a TR) and my brother (as an OP) are usually able to make the group able to go through at least some of the bosses, if the others are able and willing to talk, to debate, and to make some adaptations.
When something fail (or if we see the "new player" pop-up), we ask if explainations are needed.
If we whipe, it doesn't matter (but we have our "5 consecutive whipes" limit). If it takes 1h30 when we tag alone instead of 20minutes in a "guild/ally party", it's not a problem.
Most of the time, ToNG become a successful run, even with 3x13k-ish newplayers. CoDG usually fail in that situation, but not because of the "newbies", because of people who leaves mad to not have succeeded in the first try... On CR, we can lead until the Arcolith check where usually a party with more than one 13k-ish newbie fail (but sisters can be done).
What the result of that much efforts we put in explaining to strangers or carrying them ?
A nice friendlist where some of the people we took time for are now on par or higher IL than us. And we get a lot of invitations for private CR/ToNG/CoDG
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Not everyone has/wants access to a guild either. I see alot of guildless people in the game and i respect their choices. Some people just prefer to keep to themselves and there is nothing wrong with that.
People need to learn somehow and the best way is experiencing first hand. They will catch on eventually. just be patient with them. You may even gain a new ally in the process. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar after all.
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
It IS "very carry-able" ... if you can get around the Orcus curse bug... @nitocris83 , fix please
But, @namelesshero347 , you have fallen into the same trap as our respected colleague @ragnarz2 : you are describing the role of "regular" random Q ToNG.
random Q ToNG is, indeed, the "new etos". New players can and should Q for it. I am there occasionally and will gladly, in your words , "carry" new players through it.
But this thread is about EXPERT Q.
EXPERT. It's right there in the name, @namelesshero347 .
Expert Q is not for new curious players.
It belongs to those of us who "paid our dues", know the mechanics and just want a quick end-game dungeon run for quick rAD.
Don't conflate random Q with rEQ. Not the same thing.
Glad to play with you anytime, @namelesshero347 .
Glad to teach new players anytime... on random regular Q, in guild or on a LFG premade.
But please, reserve expert Q for experienced players who want to let their feet-hair down (hobbit joke) and relax for an endgame dungeon.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
It sounds like you should be advocating for Cryptic to raise the ilvl requirement/make an elite queue that is the same dungeon rotation but with a higher item level requirement than expert for the very top tier players to faceroll their way through a dungeon.
You are conflating random Q with rEXPERT Q. Not the same thing.
@auron#6793 , this thread is about EXPERT Q which is intended for players with experience in the dungeons in question.
BTW, I am (famously/infamously) NOT in a guild... yet I have become fully 16k+ geared on 4 toons, have a full friend list and am experienced in all endgame dungeons... so...
Maybe being guildless is not an excuse for running rEQ instead or regular random Q?
Edit: name dropped the wrong Auron.
Fool of a Took.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
> expert : adjective
> ex·pert | \ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈspərt
> 1. experienced
> 2. having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience
> With the new Mod there are numerous content experiences (some WAI, many others bugged) for new players to explore.
> Random Expert Queue is NOT one of them.
> Please, please, do not Q for Expert dungeons until you have experienced them/been taught them with your guild/you tube videos/ forum guides.
> Yes, it is a good source of rAD.
> Yes, you CAN get in with only 13k IL.
> No, no one can stop you from doing so.
> But no, no, no... you will NOT complete it if you do not know the mechanics of ToNG, Cradle and CR.
> And all you will do is waste the time and frustrate your fellow players who actually know the dungeons and earned the right to be there.
> Solution:
> Read the guide. Watch a YouTube video.
> There are many guides. It only take 5-10 min to read/watch them.
> Then tell your guild leaders to walk you through the endgame dungeon in private premade Q.
> [That is a guild leader's job. If they refuse, reconsider your guild choice.]
> Just once run the endgame dungeons with guildies/friends before forcing random strangers to teach it to you. That's all it takes.
> Then you will be raking in that sweet sweet REQ 15-23k raw AD in no time.
> If not, you just Q into a broken, prolonged frustrating waste of time and anger your teammates.
> Kisses.
> Cheers.
> Took
> "earned the right to be there" ... its RANDOM Queue, EVERYBODY Have the right to be there for play....
You are describing the random Q for ToNG, CR, FBI and CoDG.
Do not conflate random Q with Expert Q (the topic of this thread).
Not the same thing.
Everyone should random Q, experienced or not.
NOT everyone should expert Q.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
So ... find a good Guild, find a "Expert Group and play go on, and let us keep playing Queues as we like it ... (drop the micro)
If the game allows them to queue for something then they have the right to try.
Very rude. I never call new players that.
Myself, I usually Q reQ with 1-3 friends. We don't always have a full 5, but the goal is a quick rEQ with experienced payers.
This is a very common practice and does not suggest "scrub" status, as you call it, or any other ad hominem.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Yes, actually, there IS regular random for all dungeons.
Press "k", select "Epic Dungeons" and choose CR, ToNG, FBI or mSP.
These are the base/standard/random dungeons.
Everyone, experienced or not should use these ar their primary means to run dungeons.
You can run CoDG by pressing "K", selecting "Epic Trials" and choosing CoDG.
As for "rights", well my OP was clear on that point, no? Everyone has the "right" to Q for everything.
I have the "right" to cover myself in whipped cream, and knock on Dame Judy Dench's door and ask her to spank me. That doesn't mean I should. (#toomuchinformation).
This was a request (see "please" in title) not a mandate.
Fun fact: about to run a training CR for friends of friends in premade.
Suprised? el33tist arseholes like me love helping new people... just not in rEQ.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Majority of the players your are complaining about more than likely don't even visit the forums here.
Using all the abbreviations doesn't help your case much, most of them mean nothing to me, seeing as I am pretty new.
Your time would be better spent providing ideas on how to better expose the whole queue system to new players. As it is, it is mentioned to do some queue in game and that's all the explanation a new players gets. While providing access to every aspect of the queue system right from the get go, as far as I can tell I am new.
New Players don't know any better, until they get that first hand experience. Oh HAMSTER I shouldn't have selected that queue.
Strong point.
New players are not reading this, are they?
Fair enough. Well, nvm. Thank you for letting me vent.
Back to helping my friends of friends in premade Q learn to run CR, ToNG and CoDG.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
I wouldn't know what to suggest as I have been only grinding 2 chars out to level 40 and attempting to build my professions. So my experience with the queue system is mostly just the RQ - (Random Queue) for the AD - (Astral Diamonds).
I can understand the needing to vent. Sometimes being able to actually makes it easier to deal with.
See more synonyms for random on
proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern: the random selection of numbers.
So, by the definition of "random", your idea to direct queue for any given dungeon/skirmish isn't random.
A "Random Dungeon" would be great in this game but they don't exist. A dungeon generated at random with random rooms and random monster would be epic. No one would just run from point A to point B, because they wouldn't know the layout. The closest thing to a random dungeon is the Foundry.
Unfortunately there are Random Queues for running the dungeons for AD. The title sounded elitist, but I understand the intent. Dread4moor was advising players that the Item Level is in no way a gauge to use for the ability of a player or how well the character has been geared. However, you can warn people to not to enter the dark bear cave, but that won't stop them. There are some that want to see, if there really is a nasty bear within.
The game system allows people to pick up others at random within the level. The system is not perfect, but as others have pointed out, you do any RQ at your own risk. If I am with a few friends, and they RQ, we attempt to assist the under developed or educate them on what to do. Sometimes this fails because they will ignore our advice or they don't speak English. We don't blame them because we chose to RQ.
Most of the time I hook up with 2 friends to do a dungeon, and we will opt for Private Que as we are not doing it for AD. We don't run dungeons. we play them. Many players are just wanting a quick AD fix in RQ, so we steer clear of them. Most of the time we don't play dungeons often because it is boring to run the same content day after day. More often we seek out a good Foundry dungeon instead.
Even though we would like to take the time to explain strats to new players without experience, no one finishes codg or cr only with 13K players.
A group with average of 15K has a decent chance of success in CR if every one knew what they were doing. Making CR 15K minimum would drastically reduce the number of CR runs.
I think the main source of the OPs rant is CR. The last quest in the barovia campaign is do CR. So many new players try to do it not knowing how hard it is. And many of them keep trying until they get sick of waiting at the first campfire. CoDG is old content. The only players who direct queue for it are ones who can't get into pre-made groups and are trying to get lucky with a PUG group to make their weekly ampole. But they end up pulling many min iLvl people waiting in REQ hoping to get carried in ToNG.
There's no law against flatulence in an elevator either. You have the perfect right to break wind there. It's still rude and always unwelcome.
Now we have the RAQ disaster because the only barrier to entry is 11K.