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Cryptic: New Idea: How about End Game Content That Does NOT Revolve Around 1 GWF, 2DC's 1 OP, 1 SW



  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    > @feanor70118 said:

    > HR abilities aren't made for single-target damage on a moving target. Most bosses after Orcus move around and render HR AoE abilities irrelevant. Combat does ok - less so than a GWF - with its buffed at-wills but of the class' encounters, only rain of arrows (requiring a stationary target), Plant Growth (requiring a more less stationary target) and Gushing Wound (requiring the target to sit still through a ludicrously long two-second animation) do real damage. You can switch to the pvp archery rotation but its animations are also looooooooooooooong - so animation time eats up most of the abilities' buff time - and the cooldown times don't allow the class to keep up real damage consistently with that loadout. And, of course, the recent nerf to Careful Attack takes away of lot of trappers' damage. So no, HR does not outburst GWF. It doesn't come close.

    Why are most decent Hunter in my about 500 codg runs capable to beat almost every GWF on PC then (focus damage) ?
    Static fight agree, but GWF also has to move around to deal dps, that's why my SW can hold against or out dps that GWF sometimes at fights like Hati, Drufi etc.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Probably because you play with terrible GWFs.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Or you play with underwhelming Hunter, that's what I assume.
    500 codg runs, all random, a wide spread of the hole playerbase, maxed out well known capable player.... and Hunter get's the crown pretty often, TR is ahead tbh, but GWF is not the class I prefer to run as dps spot at all.
    Agree about that it is more common to pick a bad performing GWF than some other dps classes, maybe due to the mass of player who stick with that class, but that's not the hole truth.
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • wickedduck22#9795 wickedduck22 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    As I play both classes. HR and GWF I can tell HR has some disadvantages and it mostly shines in 10 man dungeons. I'd love to see some changes made to HR especially, they destroyed careful attack and now the meta is just stormwarden. I also never got why plant growth had such a low target cap but then again it hits pretty hard. Trapper's state is in kind of a bad spot it's decent but not as good as combat. I'd like to see Trapper's roots scale properly with buffs.
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User

    No one asked for content that requires the two-DC exploit.

    Well....maybe you can explain what you mean with exploit?
    Still waiting for an answer.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    > @etelgrin said:
    > Maybe, it's rocket science to some, maybe to majority I don't know but let me write this.
    > You don't need particular composition to clear any content, all you need are good players. The DPS can be GWF, TR, HR - to some these are only DPS options, these people are also very limited, don't expect them to run with something else than "meta" but really DPS can be anything - CW, a buff HB SW can be DPS even DC and I bet with good players, the time run won't be much faster than if you take all metas especially when you pick .. an average-meta-wannabe-players for your comp.
    > Also I don't know if you explored this MMO content already, but you can also run with friends.

    While this is all generally true, it also remains true that DPS class balance in particular needs a tremendous amount of work.

    I readily agreed that players were partly to blame if they exacerbated issues by choosing not to be social, but we also don’t want players thinking that they should simply accept poor class balance because their friends won’t care as much that their chosen class isn’t objectively competitive.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    smulch said:

    Trying to find a group as a CW is not a pleasant experience right now.

    I'm currently at 17250 ilvl and am doing (for the class) very very high dps. Yet, I have to fight tooth and nails to have a spot in a cradle or CR group as dps. For cradle, if it wasn't of this one person, I wouldn't have been able to get a single group as dps actually. And that's in about 2 months of time. Now, I can obviously get in as a mof (for cradle, that is) but I am not geared for the job and I loathe it.

    For CR, I get discriminated quite often even when I get in and if there's a wipe, the other people are very VERY quick to point fingers at me even if the wipe was no fault of mine.

    And I'm very likely to be one of the top wanted CWs that use those channels. I've got it awful and that is as top tier. Imagine how bad it must be for those that aren't anywhere near this ilvl.

    The 1 dps meta needs to die.

    Yea I admit Control Wizard's I've been asking for quite some time they do something to FIX a few issues. I mean CONTROL / RESIST really hasn't even worked for a very LONG time. I've always wished getting your control resistance up to 2000-4000 Might actually reduce the time of control immobilizes or something against you by 25-50% especially if you have a Valindra Set or a Will-O=Wisp or one of the few other companions that improves control/resist by a % of the base state.

    Currently however even if your one of the rare people who gets up to +600, +600, +300 to maybe 1500 with two Mythic artifacts and one Epic Companion. Realize control/resist isn't available in Gear, Enchantments or Runestones either, so even if you choose the new Ravenloft BOON for 600-1200 you'd only be 2700. Yet nobody wants to even select those because currently even if you got a Valindra's Set &/or Will-O-Wisp Companion that then extends the Control/Resist bonus another 35-50% still likely wouldn't reduce Demogorgon's control lock by even a second. I mean I'd love it if they did more to improve Control Resist especially for Wizard whose Oppressor - where it's kind of shifted to more DPS for MoF now.

    Sure Wizard's aren't entirely useless either - part of the issue is players - because Ray of Enfeeblement cast on boss in Mastery does help. I just wish however they'd had improved Oppressor enchancing more CONTROL RESIST abilities regardless of Paragon, and they'd slightly enhance the Wizard's Renegade path, and perhaps return Thaumaturge back to being the TOP DPS paragon for Wizard. That's a tall order even just asking for some minor to moderate improvements to each.

    ▪ Make Control Resist MORE effective for a Wizard's RESIST things far better even from Bosses!
    ▪ I was sad about changes to Lightning - even though I understand why - yet puzzled:
    ╘ Now primarily used by GWF one of the few if only who get Multi PROC yet damage is already the highest.
    ╘ It be nice if Arcane Mage's had another Arcane (if not) a Lightning / Fire / Plague Fire (their preferred) damage:
    ♠ Introduce another Arcane Enchant would be nice - to enhance some Mage's Arcane Feat's a bit more.
    ╘ Still wish Lightning was mostly a Wizard/Warlock (Mage) choice or Fire/Plague Fire were improved slightly.
    ♠ Bronzewood is actually an Arcane Elven Enchant - yet Marks again enchance or Benefit a GWF Mark Feat most.
    ╘ Perhaps when considering to improve it : should also enhance Arcane Stacks / Feats for Mages exclusively.

    While I know they introduced Prominence which looks promising for some classes, some find it can be effective for Paladin's / Guardian's cause of the extra shields &/or damage stacks it provides; yet again it's another enchantment that seems to mostly benefit GWF. I'd just ♥ to see a few more enchantments that assisted Mage's (Wizard/Warlock) a little bit more.

    Still I don't know what the answer is for Wizard &/or Warlocks; but at least Warlocks are still preferred even if behind a Guardian with a combo of Conq/Tact... Still those are just some of my thoughts on the matter...
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    I doubt that Cryptic wants to touch control stats with a ten-foot pole. It’s way too difficult for them to balance with all of the other issues in play.

    Besides, control has basically nothing to do with the main problem here. Dungeon trash mobs are already frozen almost instantly (and tend to die immediately after if not before). CW control is perfectly powerful; it’s just not very highly valued.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    vorphied said:

    I doubt that Cryptic wants to touch control stats with a ten-foot pole. It’s way too difficult for them to balance with all of the other issues in play.

    Besides, control has basically nothing to do with the main problem here. Dungeon trash mobs are already frozen almost instantly (and tend to die immediately after if not before). CW control is perfectly powerful; it’s just not very highly valued.

    Yea I think you hit the NAIL on the Head - I admit an Oppressor with 2 Feat's that both add 5 stacks of Chill your right; controlling trash mobs is very effective for Wizard's. Still I don't think a GWF really requires that, cause with their wide swings of their Axe, and all the damage boost they gain hitting 3-5 targets... ...well they quickly clear everything! Control like Ice mostly just keeps the Wizard alive while allowing AoE damage to tick making the damage relavent.

    Like you I don't really expect much to change at least related to control; but my goodness they could extend Wizard's at least a few reduced seconds to overcome control locks, roots, blocks, etc... And Elves & Drow should each be extended an additional 1 second based on their racial benefits as well.

    Giving Wizard's at least a few extra seconds while everyone else is locked up may just make the a little more relevant. But I'd still love to see some of the other suggestions like a few new Weapon Enchantments gear more toward Wizard/Warlocks a.k.a Mages.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    c: Found dis is post funny too, even though I'm a gwf currently I wouldn't take one into groups I'd prefer a TR/HR/GF in its place, Gwf is a decent dmg dealer, but it's more of a eh choice with its current state. CW's shoo
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    its more like 1 dps 4 support chars
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    vorphied said:

    I doubt that Cryptic wants to touch control stats with a ten-foot pole. It’s way too difficult for them to balance with all of the other issues in play.

    Besides, control has basically nothing to do with the main problem here. Dungeon trash mobs are already frozen almost instantly (and tend to die immediately after if not before). CW control is perfectly powerful; it’s just not very highly valued.

    cws arent the only ones that have cc powers
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    As I play both classes. HR and GWF I can tell HR has some disadvantages and it mostly shines in 10 man dungeons. I'd love to see some changes made to HR especially, they destroyed careful attack and now the meta is just stormwarden. I also never got why plant growth had such a low target cap but then again it hits pretty hard. Trapper's state is in kind of a bad spot it's decent but not as good as combat. I'd like to see Trapper's roots scale properly with buffs.

    Yea Plant Growth despite not using the Grasping Root's Mechanic; does have a ridiculous low damage threshold before it releases - to the point it doesn't even Root at all. :(

    Still getting back to the broken Careful Attack - I had just respected my toon 7 or so months back because I had been Trapper Stormwarden. Sure enough almost right afterward Careful Attack was either BUGGED or a quietly planned NERF? Regardless it was never announced. Finally after realizing they aren't going to FIX it any time soon since it's been >6 months I've changed HR Loadout's all back to Stormwarden. :'(

    Still two HR things that should be Fixed / Improved - Crushing Roots & Trapper's Ancient Root's:
    ▪ 1st -- Never understood Crushing: why no 5%-10% damage boost to the 1-2 Ranged/Melee powers w/Mechanic?
    ▪ 2nd -- They extend Weak Roots by .125s out to .5s at IV; or Strong Roots by .25s out to 1s.
    ╘ Grasping Roots Mechanic (Plant Growth doesn't use that) is 1s for Weak or 2s for Strong.
    ╘ with Grasping & Crushing the totals are 1.5s for Weak or 3s for Strong.

    But here's my REAL problem: Trapper builds use Ancient Roots Feat which is supposed to further extend Weak Roots another 2.5s out to 4s & Strong Roots out by 5s to 8s. That's when Grasping Roots base Mechanic, is added to Crushing Root Class Power, but you never see the add's from Trappers Ancient Roots added. I'm certainly not seeing even 40% of those claims! As a trapper (who traps) your lucky to see 1-2 seconds of the claimed 4 seconds for Weak Roots; and extremely lucky if you see 3-3.5 seconds of the claimed 8 seconds for Strong Roots.

    Something Evil is going on. >:) I mean enemy that are rooted: can fire ranged powers, they just can't move. So Hunter Ranger's could clearly have a few of the things improved.

    It's bad enough Careful Attack for Pathfinder has been broken 6+ months. But still it comes down to priorities in BUG fixes; but I still wish a higher priority on fixes than pushing new content! I'm mean there's already so much content to do and if you have several classes my goodness there no hope of even coming close to finishing all of it.

    Still I wish they would have long ago corrected two Pathfinder Class powers: Cruel Recovery & Battlehoned. I mean +100 Regeneration per Level & 1% Temporary Hitpoints that is extended out to 16 seconds. Honestly one is an insignifant boost that doesn't scale, and the other is equally insignificant why does it need to last 16 seconds?

    Those also should be updated: 5% regeneration per level like several other Class powers out to 20% of the base Regeneration BUFF. I mean it only takes effect after combat ends. As for Battlehoned extend Temporary Hitpoints by 2.5% per level instead, even if it only last 4 seconds. My Corellon those are clearly very reasonable requests...

    But all Classes have some truly remarkable class powers that should be improved; and the vast majority aren't even mostly related to damage.

    @nitocris83 @percemer
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:

    vorphied said:

    I doubt that Cryptic wants to touch control stats with a ten-foot pole. It’s way too difficult for them to balance with all of the other issues in play.

    Besides, control has basically nothing to do with the main problem here. Dungeon trash mobs are already frozen almost instantly (and tend to die immediately after if not before). CW control is perfectly powerful; it’s just not very highly valued.

    cws arent the only ones that have cc powers
    Never implied that that was the case.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User

    No one asked for content that requires the two-DC exploit.

    Well....maybe you can explain what you mean with exploit?
    Still waiting for an answer.
    If you don't know, you have no business talking about endgame content. Keep waiting.
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User

    If you don't know, you have no business talking about endgame content. Keep waiting.

    I dont ask about endgame content. If i need any information about endgame i will ask some one who knows the endgame.
    I asked you what you mean with "the two-DC exploit". So...can you explain what kinda exploit you mean? I assume you know what an exploit is. So plz explain it, why two DCs is an exploit. Thx
  • bluebubbl3sbluebubbl3s Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 121 Arc User
    I have two cents to add to this topic.

    There seems to be a couple of seperate arguments happening here;

    1. That players should be able to run among friends etc and not have to rely on LFG to get a run on a "non preferred" class. I have a CW and a DC. The CW is my fave but I dont get to run her nearly as much as I would like, because she is not preferred. Now, I dont pug a damn thing... I run everything with my guild, but because she doesnt dps as much as other classes (dont get me wrong, she does pretty decent dps) I am usually running my DC. I have geared up three and a half toons with primal gear (before the seal changes) from running my DC. I am glad to run the content, but not happy to never really get much of a chance to run it on my CW. So... even with groups of people who know you, and know your toon, and know you want to run it... you still dont always get the choice. I am just lucky I have two toons at end game. So, if people were a little less social than me, or found it harder to make friends, or in a small, less active guild, I can see how trying to run anything in a pug group in this game would be a spectacularly frustrating waste of time and effort. It also doesnt help that there are players pugging dungeons that they are not able to do enough dps in - which only makes it harder for those that can, and only have IL to set them apart which is not an indicator at all! I can certainly see their point of view.

    2. There is a class imbalance. Yeah, there is. Regardless as to the amount of friends you have, and the amount you get to run, and even regardless as to how damn good your dps is... there is definitely what appears to be a favouritism towards the GWF and to a lesser degree the DC. I know players who get incredible dps from their HR, TR, GF and SW, but it seems that every time something is new, or is changed in the game, it benefits the GWF. The lightning enchant nerf is a perfect example - the CW pretty much cannot use it now, but hey, it works pretty damn good on the GWF. The new enchant is also another example - I think people thought they would all get a really great new enchant, and from what I have heard, the GWF gets the best from it... I wont even talk about the effort and AD I expended to get the Orcus set only to find out it didnt proc on main CW spells like icey terrain. As a CW, I certainly feel a little left out in the cold by the devs, the changes they made to storm spell and the lightning enchant nerf, and then throwing "shatter" into the mix whereby you have to give up spell twisting if you want to keep any dps (who needs recovery anyways...). Not feeling the love. I am pretty certain there are TRs out there feeling similarly, and HRs to a degree - cause who wants to play a ranger with an archery spec anyways...? The SWs were out in the cold for a long time there too, and are they truely even back in?

    Both arguments are valid. and everyone is entitled to thier opinions. but the question still remains... will the devs ever do anything to fix it, because there really is something to fix.
    Myth (CW & DC)
    Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension

    VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User

    No one asked for content that requires the two-DC exploit.

    Well....maybe you can explain what you mean with exploit?
    Still waiting for an answer.
    If you don't know, you have no business talking about endgame content. Keep waiting.
    exploit lol, private queue allows any party composition, even 5/10 dc can beat content, which kills the challenge of the end game content(because the game mostly no longer need tank healer dps triade), making it easier, they nerfed/fixed wol, aa, hg, bear ur sins aswell.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    I have two cents to add to this topic.

    There seems to be a couple of seperate arguments happening here;

    1. That players should be able to run among friends etc and not have to rely on LFG to get a run on a "non preferred" class. I have a CW and a DC. The CW is my fave but I dont get to run her nearly as much as I would like, because she is not preferred. Now, I dont pug a damn thing... I run everything with my guild, but because she doesnt dps as much as other classes (dont get me wrong, she does pretty decent dps) I am usually running my DC. I have geared up three and a half toons with primal gear (before the seal changes) from running my DC. I am glad to run the content, but not happy to never really get much of a chance to run it on my CW. So... even with groups of people who know you, and know your toon, and know you want to run it... you still dont always get the choice. I am just lucky I have two toons at end game. So, if people were a little less social than me, or found it harder to make friends, or in a small, less active guild, I can see how trying to run anything in a pug group in this game would be a spectacularly frustrating waste of time and effort. It also doesnt help that there are players pugging dungeons that they are not able to do enough dps in - which only makes it harder for those that can, and only have IL to set them apart which is not an indicator at all! I can certainly see their point of view.

    2. There is a class imbalance. Yeah, there is. Regardless as to the amount of friends you have, and the amount you get to run, and even regardless as to how damn good your dps is... there is definitely what appears to be a favouritism towards the GWF and to a lesser degree the DC. I know players who get incredible dps from their HR, TR, GF and SW, but it seems that every time something is new, or is changed in the game, it benefits the GWF. The lightning enchant nerf is a perfect example - the CW pretty much cannot use it now, but hey, it works pretty damn good on the GWF. The new enchant is also another example - I think people thought they would all get a really great new enchant, and from what I have heard, the GWF gets the best from it... I wont even talk about the effort and AD I expended to get the Orcus set only to find out it didnt proc on main CW spells like icey terrain. As a CW, I certainly feel a little left out in the cold by the devs, the changes they made to storm spell and the lightning enchant nerf, and then throwing "shatter" into the mix whereby you have to give up spell twisting if you want to keep any dps (who needs recovery anyways...). Not feeling the love. I am pretty certain there are TRs out there feeling similarly, and HRs to a degree - cause who wants to play a ranger with an archery spec anyways...? The SWs were out in the cold for a long time there too, and are they truely even back in?

    Both arguments are valid. and everyone is entitled to thier opinions. but the question still remains... will the devs ever do anything to fix it, because there really is something to fix.

    Yea! I mean pushing new content is Nice and all - yet there's already a vast amount to do; especially if you have just one of each of the current eight current classes | not to mention they made add another in a mod or two? ;)

    But I admit new content keep the High End players satisfied; but I'd still welcome a little bit more Focus on BUG fixes or Improving extremely Weak Class Powers, not to mention Improving additional Feat paths for various classes.

    I think Control Wizard's have a simple FIX that would require great care & skill to learn to master and maintain! That's extending Arcane Mastery out from 5 stacks to 7 stacks cause it takes great care to refresh stacks you already have.
    arcanjo86 said:

    No one asked for content that requires the two-DC exploit.

    Well....maybe you can explain what you mean with exploit?
    Still waiting for an answer.
    If you don't know, you have no business talking about endgame content. Keep waiting.
    exploit lol, private queue allows any party composition, even 5/10 dc can beat content, which kills the challenge of the end game content(because the game mostly no longer need tank healer dps triade), making it easier, they nerfed/fixed wol, aa, hg, bear ur sins aswell.
    Well I've watched this debate going on and mostly chosen to not comment about it. Still I think the choice of words classifying it as an exploit is incorrect. Both Cleric's are in fact working correctly and in fact not bugged or being exploited in any way; however it does go against the traditional Meta of 3 DPS; one Tank, one Healer.

    Still Cryptic knowingly made the change so you could run Private queue's with any classes as you desired. Realize why they did that, a lot of players were tired of the old Meta, wanting to challenge things in new and different ways. But that's all I'm going to say on the matter.
  • sorkvir#1328 sorkvir Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I fully agree with BlueBlubbl3s description of the problem. Unfortunately there's really only 1 way to fix it. And i can guarantee you that VERY few would like it... 1) Remove Private Queu's completely. And 2) Force game wide a Public Queu party format. ( 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 Dps ). For ALL dungeon content... period... no exceptions.... ever. And I just can't see any Company doing that. Personally it would force Cryptic to take a long, hard look at class balance especially from a dps perspective. But do you honestly think they'll EVER do that? I don't, that's for sure....
  • sorkvir#1328 sorkvir Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Oh, and I almost forgot.... Never allow 2 of the same class in the party as well. Only 1 DC allowed per grp.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    private queue makes new queued content easy, because ac dc and op protection are the most needed classe because of the power share and the amount of damage resistance they provide from shepards devotion, add a gf for another buff/dps role and maybe 2nd dc or sw and the content is easy as always, but recently cr problems are an ad drain tatic to make player drain ad into scrolls from ah(congrats to the players selling them).
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