I will not whine or scream on the top of my lungs about the SS nerf. The only thing I'm gonna do is ask one thing: why? Genuinely. Who the HAMSTER thought that's a good idea? I can't even bring up enough effort to be angry. Instead I can just laugh at all CWs that thought they'd finally HAMSTER catch a break. Did you nerf them because they remind you of Waffen SS or something?
Storm Spell: Damage from this effect has been reduced by about 30%.
So maybe after this nerf you shold think about fix or improve some ancient CW's feats or increase some of his encounters damage like this one?:
or this?:
(Please tell me which of our targets are not affected by chill????????)
and much more of totaly useless and broken CW's feats? Devs are you there?
Yea, I agree with this as well. CW dmg encounters should all be increase including dailys. Or just increase cw base dmg by 20%-30%. Snap Freeze should be "Your Cold based At-Will, Daily and Encounter powers deal and additional 2/4/6/8/10% damage to targets who are effected by Chill." ^Removed the "not". and added "Daily" to it.
It's a artifact weapon, not a fashion costume that expire after a time ... These weapons doesn't have cooldown, and because that, I think that Primal weapon set bonuses are perfectly fine. Good or maybe BiS for healers and dps'ers.
Would it be a good idea to add a special bonus multiplier to weapon enchants that takes into consideration the 1/2 of the base cooldwon of that power?
For example: At Wills: Multiplier of 1 Encounters: Multipliers between 4 - 10 depending on the power cooldown whatever that maybe Dailies: Multiplier of 10 ?
The reason I suggested this is because some classes can spam at will super fast and benefit more from weapon enchants than others can. To at least make them viable for everyone something needs to be done with classes that don't use At Wills to deal heavy damage. Since multi procing is no longer allowed, increasing the damage of the weapon enchantment proc is the only option.
I say base cooldwon as I don't think classes that stacked recovery should be punished for doing so. Stacking any stat shouldn't produce less damage than without it.
So to work out damage of weapon enchantment hit, it would be ((0.5 * Base Cooldwon) * normal weapon enchant hit) = final damage.
This is just a thought and I think this system needs some work but its definitely better than the one we have now.
Highlights [...] Combat and Powers Classes and Balance
Control Wizard
Storm Spell: Damage from this effect has been reduced by about 30%.
Smolder and Rimefire Smolder damage has been increased by about 50%.
I have no idea what to say, this ... I guess I'll just play something else, maybe PoE, because you have no idea what you are doing anymore and I'm just wasting my time and money.
If you allow on the one hand stormspell to crit again, on the other hand nerf it for 30%... you may just ... leave it as it is. Would be more plausible.
Instead of making the strongholds III weapons set bonus match the I and II versions, why not just make 2 different strongholds III sets? One tier III set would just have the same bonus as the tier I and II sets and the other tier III set would be the new version. That should make both dps and support classes happy.
As for the CW changes, I agree that the nerf was uncalled for. CWs are not OP right now. If you want to make both paragon paths on par with eachother, simply buff the underpreforming powers without nerfing the powers that are currently good.
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
for some reason i can't post in mastwrworks thread so i try here, sorry if bit OT
Mistakes in italian translation:
leatherworking: items needed to unlock are wrong: it says twice "gilet dell'incursione di manticora" (manticore raid vest) while one of them should be "gilet d'assalto di manticora" (manticore assault vest)
- rough resource "lion's hide" is translated terribly wrong in "nascondiglio di leone", it is "pelle/pelliccia di leone". Plus, according to previous experience with manticore's hide which refined item was manticore leather, refined item from lion's hide should be lion leather but i see it's the same item in preview bazar. I assume it's a droppable resource so this task has to be reviewed, wrong icon? inverted rough and refined resourse? It doesn't make much sense right now.
alchemy: living varnish is not translated at all, neither task and object itself
jewelry: "amuleto di perle" should be "amuleto piumato" for consintency with other amulets
journal: several items to be crafted for final quests have different names compared to what journal say, this is minor but could make confusion
That said,
amount of rough resources needed is HUGE compared to refined items obtained, 15:3, 12:2.... prices of finished products will be outrageous. Talking about prices, this will enormously impact the market of weapons since the good bonus has been removed, who could be so stupid to spend millions for slighty increased stats? people will head to other (free) sets making masterworks III obsolete in one day. All dps characters won't want masterworks, there's no reason to prefer them above other sets.
Let's make it simple, old bonus (i'll name it chult) vs new bonus (i'll name it SH, usual stronghold bonus from mw I & II) per class
GWF chult CW DPS chult CW MOF DPS chult/SH CW MOF BUFF SH TR chult SW DPS chult SW BUFF SH GF TANK chult/SH GF DPS chult GF BUFF SH/chult OP TANK/BUFF chult/SH OP HEAL/BUFF chult/SH OP DPS chult HR chult DC HEAL chult DC DPS chult DC BUFF SH
order is not casual, it's from best to worst choice. And speaking about pure buffers, that little amount of increased stats is not so significant as they whine about. I could be wrong but as far as I thought about it, this change is really really bad. Plus these are not stronghold sets anymore we're in damn chult!
Well, i have really no word...instead of balancing class that melt boss in pve in second....nerf the cw....wow...+50% buff on smolder/rimefire for mof....really? Just 50%? Seems that you want give the mof the same damage of spellstorm. Increase the buff to 80% and you have done your job.
I don't main a CW, but I think the nerf to storm spell was unnecessary, and is going to make a lot of people quit if it isn't reversed. Seeing as lightning won't be as useful to them in m13, giving them yet another nerf really wasn't the best idea...
+1 at this rate of CW class feature "buffs " from the devs (and i use the term very loosely for any one that can read a pie chart ) SS procs/ smolder and rimfire buffs. will be healing/ tickling the enemy instead of doing damage
is this going to be the bonding runes fiasco all over again? " pretend to listen to us / read feedback " and then only nerf / adjust by half/ double of what you advertised (and what you really intended to in the first place depending on feedback from outraged cw players /this only scares us into giving feedback like a trapped rat fighting in a corner
P.S what is the deal with buffing the oppressor cap stone for damage instead of buffing control what the path was intended for (sledgehammer balance at its finest)
P.s.S fixing SS was not a buff it was a bug fix.....cws have not had a buff to anything since forever (6 mods) + and i am not talking about adjusting / monkeying around a few seconds with power duration or targets caps either and calling that a buff
P.S.S.S how about actually fixing a few cws class features that actually are sub par and underperform that nobody uses instead (diversity) i am sure you guys have the metrixcs on that
forumnamesuxsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 490Arc User
Hi, welcome to Cryptic, we enjoy "balancing" classes with sledge hammers.
It's actually sad, realising that the developers of your game can't see their job objectively, and are favoring classes during game "balancing". You took a class that is designed for AoE damage and control, almost the only class that has (EDIT: useful) powers with infinite target caps, and you managed to make it sub-par in AoE damage, while forcing it to go into the control path for damage. I'm not even mad, I didn't even think it was possible for someone to HAMSTER up so badly. Please, continue, I'm geniunely interested to see how that goes.
Piece by piece.
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
edited February 2018
Reduce SS damage by 15% (half of what the devs proposed ) buff smoulder rims fire to 200% 4 x what the devs proposed (or proportional to sS damage procs on the act log pie chart whatever that is .. so mof is also viable damage wise and call it a day
there solved lol
lets hope SS is not getting nerfed/ balanced based on the devs factoring in a what if scenarios if everyone is best in slots and if everyone plays a damage capstone oppressor ..
radical suggestion based only if the above paragraph is true how about the oppressor capstone reduces damage for SS only and other path are untouched or its damage capstone gets changed (also still bugged and working with non chill powers against the description ) also possibly skewing dps results in the devs knee jerk nerf reactions
devs how about fixing the oppressor capstone then do your damage tests again ..
Post edited by kalina311 on
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
edited February 2018
Its one thing to complain guys why not post somesuggestions
radical suggestions for SpellStorm alteration / balance 1
SS damage is reduced when using non arcane powers only .... cold / fire ss damage is normal when using arcane / lightning powers only problem here devs is you have no lightning single target dps cw encounter at all for a rotation that should be a level 65+ spell get rid of the dam imprisonment spell no one uses
DEVS you have single target and aoe for every CW damage type except lightning (AND SOME ONLY THRU USELESS CLASS FEATURES ) GLARING OMISSION ,. there is no single target heavy hitting cw lightning power its all procs..or a nerfed lightning enchanment next mod ...still not a single target cw lightning encounter power ...not daily not at will..not Aoe ...but an ENCOUNTER single target. not relying on fancy procs
proposal lightning bolt spell that synergies with Ss for the extra damage with added benefits on tab as well as the lightning encounter aoe version sudden storm .with added benefits on tab
alternate suggestion 2 give enemies / bosses a small chance to deflect the SS proc based on level
radical suggestion 3 increase the cool down between procs situation ally bosses vs trash
radical suggestion 4 repurpose storm fury feat to add the extra SS damage instead (what you want to take away )so players can chose hybrid ss damage or full damage and sacrifice thier other class feature chilling presance for example one of the most popular slotted ones ...this will give more build diversity and force more hard choices .. and prevent cookie cutter builds
radical suggestion 5 same thing but on the weapons offhand SS feature instead of an extra proc SS its extra damage/reduced proc times
general idea tweak it so player has to invest more to see added extra damage SS and needs to sacrifice something else and or double dip to syngergize ...mof fire powers have smolders damage synergy ....with not SS procs have "crackling" eletric residual damage (non arcing ) that persists for a few ticks instead and has synergy with lightning based cw encounter powers
It's a artifact weapon, not a fashion costume that expire after a time ... These weapons doesn't have cooldown, and because that, I think that Primal weapon set bonuses are perfectly fine. Good or maybe BiS for healers and dps'ers.
primal set with just 1 class in party that can heal can proc permanent. 10% of maximum health is nothing. if my target has 280k hp believe me as dc or as sw or as op devotion is not that hard to make 28k healing spell in 1 blow. or take 28k damage.
class feat swath or conflagration? Also you mixed in this act log aoe fights + orcus fights. The proof is: coi-steal time- rimefire smolder have lower effectiveness comparing to the spells you played on boss fights( ray of effeblement-disintegrate-chill strike-fanning the flame). So we cant really know what is your % of the smolder damage on orcus fight ( i asusme that you wanted to show)
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited February 2018
can you tweak the TR saboteur feat "blood soaked blades" to work the same way you did for shadowy opportunity? The current damage on blood soaked blades is way too low.
@mamalion1234 Critical Conflagration, The log was for the entire run and it doesn't really matter if its mix. Smolder and Rimefire feels like it does not even exist, it just dose not tick fast enough to be useful.
After sleeping on it, I feel much worse about this Storm Spell nerf. When I heard SS was gonna crit again, it was the first time I got excited about my main class in a long time. To me it wasn't a buff, it was finally compensating for older rounds (plural) of nerfs. It was the only thing I was truly excited about for the next mod. Then this comes along and says "Oh, you were excited about something for the first time in a long time? Too bad lol!! What a sucker!"
My enthusiasm for this game has been waning badly. I've just been logging in to invoke and get my VIP key for weeks. Then my hopes were raised briefly, just to be dashed again. Sure, for BIS it's still a decent overall buff, for me it's a very marginal improvement, and for most it's a nerf. At this rate, it would be far more fair to just scrap SS critting, scrap this nerf, and just say the old SS does 5-10% more damage and be done with it. It would be depressing, but at least it would be fair.
This is yet another example of instead of narrowing the gap, you just keep widening it further. It's already that way with upgrades you can only realistically farm if you don't even need them anymore, but if you can actually use them you can't get them.
I.. screw it. I'm not even gonna log in tonight for the key. I can't. I'm gonna go do something fun instead.
primal set with just 1 class in party that can heal can proc permanent. 10% of maximum health is nothing. if my target has 280k hp believe me as dc or as sw or as op devotion is not that hard to make 28k healing spell in 1 blow. or take 28k damage.
Did you try it yourself?
Healing triggers usually only work when the spell actually heals, meaning you must be missing enough health.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hidden cooldown on it as well.
This set seems to potentially be the most powerful of the four but I wonder how often it would be up in a team with a tank holding aggro away from you.
The only thing I'm gonna do is ask one thing: why?
Genuinely. Who the HAMSTER thought that's a good idea? I can't even bring up enough effort to be angry. Instead I can just laugh at all CWs that thought they'd finally HAMSTER catch a break.
Did you nerf them because they remind you of Waffen SS or something?
Snap Freeze should be "Your Cold based At-Will, Daily and Encounter powers deal and additional 2/4/6/8/10% damage to targets who are effected by Chill."
^Removed the "not". and added "Daily" to it.
It's a artifact weapon, not a fashion costume that expire after a time
For example:
At Wills: Multiplier of 1
Encounters: Multipliers between 4 - 10 depending on the power cooldown whatever that maybe
Dailies: Multiplier of 10 ?
The reason I suggested this is because some classes can spam at will super fast and benefit more from weapon enchants than others can. To at least make them viable for everyone something needs to be done with classes that don't use At Wills to deal heavy damage. Since multi procing is no longer allowed, increasing the damage of the weapon enchantment proc is the only option.
I say base cooldwon as I don't think classes that stacked recovery should be punished for doing so. Stacking any stat shouldn't produce less damage than without it.
So to work out damage of weapon enchantment hit, it would be ((0.5 * Base Cooldwon) * normal weapon enchant hit) = final damage.
This is just a thought and I think this system needs some work but its definitely better than the one we have now.
I guess I'll just play something else, maybe PoE, because you have no idea what you are doing anymore and I'm just wasting my time and money.
As for the CW changes, I agree that the nerf was uncalled for. CWs are not OP right now. If you want to make both paragon paths on par with eachother, simply buff the underpreforming powers without nerfing the powers that are currently good.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Mistakes in italian translation:
leatherworking: items needed to unlock are wrong: it says twice "gilet dell'incursione di manticora" (manticore raid vest) while one of them should be "gilet d'assalto di manticora" (manticore assault vest)
- rough resource "lion's hide" is translated terribly wrong in "nascondiglio di leone", it is "pelle/pelliccia di leone".
Plus, according to previous experience with manticore's hide which refined item was manticore leather, refined item from lion's hide should be lion leather but i see it's the same item in preview bazar. I assume it's a droppable resource so this task has to be reviewed, wrong icon? inverted rough and refined resourse? It doesn't make much sense right now.
alchemy: living varnish is not translated at all, neither task and object itself
jewelry: "amuleto di perle" should be "amuleto piumato" for consintency with other amulets
journal: several items to be crafted for final quests have different names compared to what journal say, this is minor but could make confusion
That said,
amount of rough resources needed is HUGE compared to refined items obtained, 15:3, 12:2.... prices of finished products will be outrageous. Talking about prices, this will enormously impact the market of weapons since the good bonus has been removed, who could be so stupid to spend millions for slighty increased stats? people will head to other (free) sets making masterworks III obsolete in one day. All dps characters won't want masterworks, there's no reason to prefer them above other sets.
Let's make it simple, old bonus (i'll name it chult) vs new bonus (i'll name it SH, usual stronghold bonus from mw I & II) per class
GWF chult
CW DPS chult
TR chult
SW DPS chult
GF TANK chult/SH
GF DPS chult
GF BUFF SH/chult
OP DPS chult
HR chult
DC HEAL chult
DC DPS chult
order is not casual, it's from best to worst choice. And speaking about pure buffers, that little amount of increased stats is not so significant as they whine about. I could be wrong but as far as I thought about it, this change is really really bad. Plus these are not stronghold sets anymore we're in damn chult!
Well, i have really no word...instead of balancing class that melt boss in pve in second....nerf the cw....wow...+50% buff on smolder/rimefire for mof....really? Just 50%? Seems that you want give the mof the same damage of spellstorm. Increase the buff to 80% and you have done your job.
Silv3ry on YouTube
2% and 0% of my dmg seems pretty insane.
now that its damage is scaling properly to level lets nerf it again ... and as compensation no more mutiprocs on weapons either for you guys
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
at this rate of CW class feature "buffs " from the devs (and i use the term very loosely for any one that can read a pie chart )
SS procs/ smolder and rimfire buffs. will be healing/ tickling the enemy instead of doing damage
is this going to be the bonding runes fiasco all over again? " pretend to listen to us / read feedback " and then only nerf / adjust by half/ double of what you advertised (and what you really intended to in the first place depending on feedback from outraged cw players /this only scares us into giving feedback like a trapped rat fighting in a corner
P.S what is the deal with buffing the oppressor cap stone for damage instead of buffing control what the path was intended for (sledgehammer balance at its finest)
P.s.S fixing SS was not a buff it was a bug fix.....cws have not had a buff to anything since forever (6 mods) +
and i am not talking about adjusting / monkeying around a few seconds with power duration or targets caps either and calling that a buff
P.S.S.S how about actually fixing a few cws class features that actually are sub par and underperform that nobody uses instead (diversity)
i am sure you guys have the metrixcs on that
buff smoulder rims fire to 200% 4 x what the devs proposed (or proportional to sS damage procs on the act log pie chart whatever that is .. so mof is also viable
damage wise and call it a day
there solved lol
lets hope SS is not getting nerfed/ balanced based on the devs factoring in a what if scenarios
if everyone is best in slots and if everyone plays a damage capstone oppressor ..
radical suggestion based only if the above paragraph is true
how about the oppressor capstone reduces damage for SS only and other path are untouched
or its damage capstone gets changed (also still bugged and working with non chill powers against the description ) also possibly skewing dps results in the devs knee jerk nerf reactions
devs how about fixing the oppressor capstone then do your damage tests again ..
radical suggestions for SpellStorm alteration / balance 1
SS damage is reduced when using non arcane powers only .... cold / fire
ss damage is normal when using arcane / lightning powers
only problem here devs is you have no lightning single target dps cw encounter at all for a rotation that should be a level 65+ spell get rid of the dam imprisonment spell no one uses
DEVS you have single target and aoe for every CW damage type except lightning (AND SOME ONLY THRU USELESS CLASS FEATURES ) GLARING OMISSION ,. there is no single target heavy hitting cw lightning power its all procs..or a nerfed lightning enchanment next mod ...still not a single target cw lightning encounter power ...not daily not at will..not Aoe ...but an ENCOUNTER single target. not relying on fancy procs
proposal lightning bolt spell that synergies with Ss for the extra damage with added benefits on tab
as well as the lightning encounter aoe version sudden storm .with added benefits on tab
alternate suggestion 2
give enemies / bosses a small chance to deflect the SS proc based on level
radical suggestion 3
increase the cool down between procs situation ally bosses vs trash
radical suggestion 4
repurpose storm fury feat to add the extra SS damage instead (what you want to take away )so players can chose hybrid ss damage or full damage and sacrifice thier other class feature chilling presance for example one of the most popular slotted ones ...this will give more build diversity and force more hard choices .. and prevent cookie cutter builds
radical suggestion 5
same thing but on the weapons offhand SS feature instead of an extra proc SS its extra damage/reduced proc times
general idea tweak it so player has to invest more to see added extra damage SS and needs to sacrifice something else
and or double dip to syngergize ...mof fire powers have smolders damage synergy ....with not SS procs have "crackling" eletric residual damage (non arcing ) that persists for a few ticks instead and has synergy with lightning based cw encounter powers
if my target has 280k hp believe me as dc or as sw or as op devotion is not that hard to make 28k healing spell in 1 blow.
or take 28k damage.
Also you mixed in this act log aoe fights + orcus fights. The proof is: coi-steal time- rimefire smolder have lower effectiveness comparing to the spells you played on boss fights( ray of effeblement-disintegrate-chill strike-fanning the flame).
So we cant really know what is your % of the smolder damage on orcus fight ( i asusme that you wanted to show)
Critical Conflagration, The log was for the entire run and it doesn't really matter if its mix. Smolder and Rimefire feels like it does not even exist, it just dose not tick fast enough to be useful.
My enthusiasm for this game has been waning badly. I've just been logging in to invoke and get my VIP key for weeks. Then my hopes were raised briefly, just to be dashed again. Sure, for BIS it's still a decent overall buff, for me it's a very marginal improvement, and for most it's a nerf. At this rate, it would be far more fair to just scrap SS critting, scrap this nerf, and just say the old SS does 5-10% more damage and be done with it. It would be depressing, but at least it would be fair.
This is yet another example of instead of narrowing the gap, you just keep widening it further. It's already that way with upgrades you can only realistically farm if you don't even need them anymore, but if you can actually use them you can't get them.
I.. screw it. I'm not even gonna log in tonight for the key. I can't. I'm gonna go do something fun instead.
Healing triggers usually only work when the spell actually heals, meaning you must be missing enough health.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hidden cooldown on it as well.
This set seems to potentially be the most powerful of the four but I wonder how often it would be up in a team with a tank holding aggro away from you.