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Official Feedback Thread: Bonding Runestone Changes



  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Actually they don't HAVE to even upgrade bondings to 14. Thats is an arbitrary decision, no one asked for it. Upgrade everything else and leave them the same until the rest of the game catches up. They would still make the monies off of every other enchant going to 14. That would work just as well. If your meaning is that its a cynical cash grab, then yes thats clear. ..however its done in one of the worst ways possible.
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    Well, now that it is up on preview server everyone can see how it is going to be for themselves, and then be able to give better feedback for the changes.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    Take a break from the game for a month to pop in for the x2 RP and all hell rains down on earth.

    Heh, busted my balls to gear up several chars just have it be pissed all over? I blew enough wards just making rank 9s and getting bondings for my chars. I am done if I'm forced to do all of that over again. Game already has become mostly grind with so little time to enjoy yourself before a new repetitive grind shows up.

    Who cares about the amount of RP required. You still play the game of RNG with your wards.

    I honestly could live with the tweaks to bondings, but there's no way in hell I'm buying or grinding my @#$ off for MORE wards and wasting them trying to upgrade enchantments some more. Adding more ranks is the most ridiculous idea ever. It's like you want this game to be impossible for alts. I already grinded for so long until I got bored to death upgrading my chars. I got almost no time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Old dungeons are still gone. All you get are more repetitive campaigns. Effort invalidated and pissed all over. I think I had enough abuse. What's not stopping the next investment from facing the same fate...? It's already happened more than once.

  • deadshadows86deadshadows86 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Well ... i'm not personnaly against changing it, but a 50% uptime is not viable, i would prefer to have a 100% uptime but for a total of 95% of stats added total with 3 maxed, it'll be at same as augment and still proc insigna bonus ... and allow for player that calculate theirs stats to the max to still have a reliable stats base ...

    With 50% up time i'll let only stats that i don't NEED on the companion and try to get what can help ...
    So my GF will need to change everything AGAIN ... Need to up my defense on the char and power on the companion ... Well ... It's late now, so i'll go preview tomorrow and see by myself what is done but ... if i can't do an easy calculation of stats with companion i'll probably put the game on stasis ... I already don't play much anymore now (still waiting for more guildmates to play T9G to start to farm it) ...

    Anyway it's the 1rst anouncement, they WILL probably change how it work, but i hope it'll be a 100% uptime and even 30% stats per bonding (90% with 3 bondings) i'll be ok (i'll lose a LOTS of stats but at least it'll be possible to change enchantments/ equipment and other and compensate ...)
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    So is it true that they will be changing the way we can earn AD. Not only do we have to pug ,but we also have to run the Dungeon ect. they decide for us to do. While I enjoy a random group I very much want it to be on something I decide for myself to do. If this is so then. My momma don't like you . And she likes everyone.
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    You do not have to pug, you can still get a 5 person group and go random, you just have to keep it a public queue, not a private one.
  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    You do not have to pug, you can still get a 5 person group and go random, you just have to keep it a public queue, not a private one.

    Yay.. lets get together to do content that the game decides for us, even though each member may have dungeons they dont want to do. ..and when the game decides to put you in a 2 hour dungeon like msp instead of 1 30 minute one that you may have time for, you get hit with a leaver penalty.

    It was originally presented as a good bonus to compensate for unreliable awards. Do at least 2 dungeons and skirmishes and you'll have reliable income, even if you don't hit the jackpot! ..Now we get to choose between rando for income or relying on the notoriously unreliable for our reward. Nice! /s
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator

    You seem to be forgetting that we tested bondings before they came out in this current condition and we were told they were WAI despite protests to the contrary. If they were not balanced, they should have been nerfed THEN, not now after almost all players have invested in them.

    I totally agree. In fact, I posted something very similar a little earlier.

    The game is built around them as they currently are

    All MMOs evolve. The devs were specific that they are aware that the game needs to be rebalanced with bonding changes.

    This is taking away what we earned. Time is money and money is money, all down the drain. Nothing like this has ever happened in this game.

    Yes it did. Lostmauth. It wasn't as expensive, but it was the same situation. It was ridiculously overpowered compared to the other options. They waited far too long to nerf it, too. In that case, they offered an exchange store. If they make a significant enough change so that the meta shifts from "always bonding" to "it depends," an exchange store would be a good idea in this case, too.

    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • hiddenginja#2174 hiddenginja Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    Im a 16k SW, we're already probably the lowest dps now or soon to be once they've finished with TR, and now you want to make us even weaker? I paid money for my bondings and got them directly from the Auction House. This is a massive insult to the player base. I've ran Tomb Of the Nine Gods on my warlock, and its damn painful, I mean I know you've said that TRs are suppose to be best single target damage in the game, but then what the hell are SWs suppose to be? We dont have alot of AoE, and are out-done by the majority of all DPS classes, single target we don't do to bad but GWFs etc can still come hundreds of millions above, and now with the bonding nurf we're going to be even more exceptionally screwed..

    Weaker and weaker and weaker. I honestly don't even know what to say anymore. I'd like to say 'do you even play your own game', but I know you do, so I know that excuse is out. This bondings idea confuses me to no end, im 16k and find the newest hard to run, this is going to ruin the game for loads of people, not to mention stab people in the back for all the work they put into getting their bondings to rank 12.

    Personally I've always thought SW's should be the top DPS in game, they don't seem to have any innate defense. It just seems to me that the less tanky you are the more damage you should be able to do in return.

    So for what it's worth, I hope you guys get the rework you seem to need.
    We've been waiting now since they destroyed warlocks in Mod10. Well not destroyed but as you said, our defence is poor at best, I mean atleast TRs can go invisible, Sws in order to even do comprehensible damage have to put their PoP under the boss/mobs, we have to be right there in the thick of it and we have nothing to defend ourselves. Our damage is subpar, about in-line with TRs currently, yet they are getting buffed slowly and nothing for warlocks. I've been on preview. There is no way in hell anyone is going to want a warlock in a Tomb Of the Nine Gods after the bonding nurf.

    I mean seriously who would you chose, an amazing class which due to bonding nurf can still dish out good damage, or a class which dealt subpar damage before the nurf, and is now entirely useless in the dungeon.

    This whole thing is absolutely stupid, thats the best way I can describe it. I agree that bondings are over-powered COMPARED to other options, but without them? They were the only reason most content was runable was certain classes. Now they're going to ruin their own game for thousands of players.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    The thing is, you're fixing a "problem" that doesn't exist. If you disable power share affecting companions, bondings won't be nearly as powerful as they are now, as they're the medium (but NOT the root cause) for the 250k power in TNG and other stuff.
    It's just NOT okay to do that. LM set got nerfed into the ground because it just added damage. People are using bondings as the BASE of their damage. That's the difference. On my friend list, that's pretty massive, mind you, about 2/3 of the people left. I expect more. All are big spenders (total probably over $15k).

    I think that literally everyone with at least a bit of sentient thought can realize that the problem lies with power share, and not bondings. Seriously, do as others suggested. If you don't want them to be more powerful, just don't allow R14 upgrades. Or allow them but the percentage added stays constant. I know your devs can do it, they made a bloody game.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited September 2017

    If the major concern for the upcoming changes are because "bondings are the only runestone that end game players use," why nerf them? Why not just buff the other runestones instead to make them viable options for players.

    This was discussed in the live stream with Robert Gutschera ( @rgutscheradev ).

    Buffing sounds better than nerfing but it creates a whole lot of other problems.
    Watch his response from 6:10-7:54

    There's a term for the constant increase in power in video games as well: Power Creep. If you have ever played MMO's then you have experienced it to some extent. Here's a great video Extra Credits did on it years ago that sums up why it is to be avoided whenever possible.
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Creep is real. Whether we like it or not it causes us just as many problems as the Devs, the problems are just different.
  • dukeguard#8158 dukeguard Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    Look we get it; rebalance is just a pretence for making revenue really we do but some practices are getting reeeeeeeally stale and old like with the preordering of broken games shipped on day 1.

    Its just really bad practice. Some things you just don't do unless you want to destroy your IP.

    The fiasco with the key gate did a number on your earnings now didn't it and now this? If I didn't know better it's like you have a death wish.

    Constant pushing out of content w/o fixing an ever growing list of bugs you people remind me of the now defunct facebook game marvel avengers alliance. I quit 2 years prior of its shutdown because I started noticing some very bad practices on the dev's end while die hard fans refused to believe that it would close one day.

    The endless list of unfixed bugs that offset players' progress in hopes of getting them to spend cash to offset the time lost. (Yes people know) You are dealing with the world here don't think you can outsmart the masses.

    If people don't pay to play your game they simply won't no matter what you do. But those who do pay will definitely stop patronising your store if you keep this up.

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Here's a post from reddit that addresses most of the issues in the (hopefully not) upcoming update. I could name a few more but this is enough. https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/6xkykv/problems_that_will_arise_with_the_m12b/
    This gets the gist of it - why the bonding nerf won't do anything to fix the power creep.
  • metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    oria1 said:

    They did reduce the lost set bonus damage and then... they gave it to lightning enchantment.
    I have the feeling its the same situation now because if we run the numbers we will see that a player after (and if) he will rank the enchantments again to r14 and new weapon to r13, the player will be damage wise, near to where he is now.

    Again I believe we deserve a clarification from the source as to WHY and not just what is happening.

    Thank you

    The more we see the big picture the less it looks like a genuine design decision. With the 50% uptime ot looked like they have a plan to balance burst and uptime, force people into decisions with their stats, but now it really seems they just reshuffle sources of power to something we don't have yet,
    Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

    [PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
  • deadshadows86deadshadows86 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    oria1 said:

    They did reduce the lost set bonus damage and then... they gave it to lightning enchantment.
    I have the feeling its the same situation now because if we run the numbers we will see that a player after (and if) he will rank the enchantments again to r14 and new weapon to r13, the player will be damage wise, near to where he is now.

    Again I believe we deserve a clarification from the source as to WHY and not just what is happening.

    Thank you

    "damage wise" yeah probably but there is not only dps in the game, i know that i'll need to make a LOTs of change for my gf to get back to DR cap, but still, after going to preview it don't even work like described right now, it actually proc for 30 sec and reproc after 20 sec or so ... i'll wait for next update see if they change something again ...
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    It doesn't seem like anything really. This won't change issues at all - in fact, it will INCREASE the power creep. You'll still be able to reach 250k power, and now with higher tier, scaling weapon enchants, everything will be even more overpowered. And *ALL* of that can be fixed by making DC and pally power share become a percentage buff.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited September 2017

    Increasing your power level is the ONLY thing to do in an MMORPG that resembles progress. This is just taking that same progress and throwing it in the wind, just like the money and time people invested. This is just utter disrespect for all your customers.

    EDIT #2: That same video also works against you. People love their collections. They love their old stuff they grinded for.

    No. It is the ONLY thing to do to run the game into the ground. Power Creep is one of the worst things that can happen to an MMO.

    Power Creep causes that feeling you get when you finish getting BiS and then a new expansion comes out which destroys all of your previous progress. It causes in that feeling you get when you log in after a period of time without playing and see how crummy all of your stuff is rather than how much stuff you can do.

    When things are out of balance the developers of any MMO will nerf and buff because both of those points above will drive players to walk away and make them stay away more than the effect of changing the items in question. In this case they have been avoiding nerfing bonding runestones for a long time due to the investment people have put into them but there is no avoiding just how overpowered they are. As other people have pointed out, they were warned when they were implemented they were too good and ignored that feedback so this really has been, as somebody put it, a ticking time bomb.

    As for the video "discrediting me:" the video explained what happens when blatantly overpowered cards are added to a CCG. It did not discuss how to resolve an existing imbalance and certainly did not advocate to ignore overpowered items as you are twisting it to mean.
    They very specifically warned not to avoid power creep to begin with but the example of how content is belittled over time they also stated that it is not good to appease players by simply power all the time. They weren't talking about balance changes but it applies all the same. Sometimes the bat swings down.

    The only reason the bonding runestones have lasted as long as they have is because of the investments people have in them. However investments are not a permanent excuse to ignore a problem. This decision wasn't made not knowing that people would be upset and that some people would leave because their collections were going to be hurt.

    Now there may be room for compromise depending on the response but nerfs will happen (in general, not this change specifically) even if that means players will leave. It's a fact of life in when you play an MMO. It's a decision developers of MMO's make knowing it has a very negative short term impact with the expectation of making the game better in the long term.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    Powercreep as an excuse doesn't work here. once we get everything to 14 we're going to be right back where we are now. sooooo.. how is that even addressing power creep? Apparently where we are now is pretty good. we just can't have it even though it's bought and paid for.

    if it were addressing it then they wouldn't be immediately giving us the tools to work back to where we were for many millions of ad. the new content has also been built with this in mind. it's already freaking hard. until we are all back where we are no we don't have a lot of chance of completion. it also makes it hard just to do things in dailies. if they weren't building around that it would be incredibly easy for everyone no?

    they are just spin doctoring it to be "power creep" when really it's "power mercenarism". there are ways to do this (increase levels) with out taking away progress and without giving ridiculous amounts of stats. they just took the lazy way out thinking we'd all be too stupid to notice. it's insulting.

    really the problem is the power share. not the bondings. what with all of the continual dailies that never seem to end a good portion of us end up playing solo more than in a group anyway. without the stats it's almost impossible. amd most of us have spent so much time on out builds. tweaking and getting it right.. we really don't want to have to rebalance all of our gear. we don't want to do that again.

    this needs to just not happen. can we have a vote? lol.
    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • gripnir78gripnir78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    This mod is pure money grabing. Not that rest of them are not, but this time Cryptic devs dont even bother to hide it.

    In short - if you are long term customer, possibly having Bondings Rank 12 already, you gona wake up after 12B goes live with bondings of present rank 9s. Of course if you BIS or near it thats gona hurt you even more cos possibly you have already correctly distributed stats on you toon with a use of a bondings.

    But dear BIS brothers - have no fear - there is hope - if you upgrade your bondidngs to new rank 14, and all enchatns on your pet, and all enchants on your Character - ALL of them - then you should reagain what you lost with this bonding nerf.

    Now, some of you think - easy, got tons of AD and refinment, I can do it.... well, you dont.

    Best part is - you wont upgrade any enchant to rank 14 or weapon/armor enchant to rank 13. Ultimate marks of potency needed you gona buy from Wondrous Bazaar for 150k AD each, but... greater refining stones..... "can be found rerely on epic dungeon bosses....IN CHULT"

    So LOL - your BIS toon is going to be nerfed significantly to the level, where completing epic dungeon boss in Chult - witch is TONG would be hard, and I mean really hard, but other wise you wont regain what you just lost.

    So dear Devs - I know that you dont care about us, just for your profits. I know that you hate long playing players as they dont need to buy ZEN for real money. I know that it is beyond you skills to repair bugs, real bugs ruining this game balance and overall META. I can live with that - yes I can, like I could for last few years.

    Toned Down - Ambisinisterr

  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    Power Creep is more than simply not upping power. It's about having a level playing field.

    The Bonding Runestones are overpowered and limit the choices not only for the players but the developers. If something is too powerful individually it can be nerfed and that power redistributed to other items to allow for more diverse builds without drastically increasing the power creep.

    Power Creep will happen over time but it has to be reigned in occasionally.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User

    Power Creep is more than simply not upping power. It's about having a level playing field.

    The Bonding Runestones are overpowered and limit the choices not only for the players but the developers. If something is too powerful individually it can be nerfed and that power redistributed to other items to allow for more diverse builds without drastically increasing the power creep.

    Power Creep will happen over time but it has to be reigned in occasionally.

    Well that's what they've done - they have redistributed the stats so we get the same - however, the price to the player is the cost of levelling up all of their enchantments (15 million AD by my estimate).

    So we are expected to spend 15 million AD per character so they can 'redistribute' our stats?
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    So we are expected to spend 15 million AD per character so they can 'redistribute' our stats?

    Yeppers, that's what it's all about.
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