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Any class changes or rebalancing confirmed?

reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
Hey, just wondering about a few things:

1. Class changes, are there any obvious changes happening? Scourge Warlock at level 70 could use some rework and Devoted Cleric spells like Geas and Warding flare are still not commonly used powers...

2. PVP balance? Any confirmed attempts to make PVP powers more balanced and non-melee classes like Scourge Warlock or Hunter Ranger more effective against melee classes?

If you have any ideas to change classes currently, just voice them out, thanks. Would appreciate it if any solid confirmations are done.


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    mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Nothing official, but I can give you the following two items:
    * Cryptic has said making hard dungeons is not really doable until the runaway dps classes are reined in. It is announced we get more hard dungeons in mod 10, so that indicates we also get class balancing.
    * The fixes to LoL set and Pally invulnerability tanking really were required to just get started on proper balancing. So it is likely that round of nerfs just was done to provide useful data to actually rebalance all classes.

    Balancing rounds always are a nervous process though.. once the players get their fingers into new class setups they often find combinations the developers did not consider. So who will be the new dps winner is entirely random. But hopefully this class balance process will be followed up by careful dps monitoring, so things will be fixed quickly if they do not turn out like the devs intended.
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    santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    I think hunter could use a buff, and warlock *some* buffing. CW could use a light buff. That's about it. We just had a round of nerfs to GWF, Cleric and Pally. So now people are screaming bloody murder for the next nerf. (Hold nose.)
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    mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    The various classes respond differently to high ILs. So while some classes might be balanced at 2,5k, at 3,5k the inbalance is very large. Also note that builds matters a lot, and it is the extreme dps builds that needs to be toned down.

    The two big problems at the moment at high ILs are SW and GWF.. they can easily parse at 2-3 times my CW dps at IL 3.8k if built properly. Other classes seems to be more in line. If this inbalance is allowed to continue, we'll see 'looking for SW and GWF ONLY to do hard dungeons'. There already are people in PE looking for exclusively SW to do CN.
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    taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    Sw rework is confirmed. That was more than year ago :smiley: I think many of us sw players has just retired from playing with sw and moved to another class.
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    fastrean3fastrean3 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    Why need to tune down gwf and sw? Their dps, the damage dealer, if they are no doing damage, then what they can don't. Really don't understand the tune down dps logic for these two class :/
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    fastrean3fastrean3 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    And can you explain why in cn, cw can out dps gwf in the total dps count? What are the purpose that ask for nerf dps of gwf and sw? Really doubt :/
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    deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User
    I hope the nerf them/buff me bickering that's been going on the last couple months doesn't get us another mod6.
    We're all biased and want our preferred classes to be powerful. So our input is going to be 1-sided.
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    fastrean3fastrean3 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    I think instead of asking nerf class dps cuz they duel more than ur class, we should more require dev to design real challenge dungeons that actual require support class to control the mods, not just another dps check speed run dungeons

    Btw, how many of us had tried to run a full buff party in any dungeons instead of day by day dps team?
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    jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    deathbeez said:

    I hope the nerf them/buff me bickering that's been going on the last couple months doesn't get us another mod6.
    We're all biased and want our preferred classes to be powerful. So our input is going to be 1-sided.

    Agreed, devs shouldn't implement a single thing recommended by players when it comes to balancing. It's good for them to see how the skills they made are being used or in some cases abused but they have their metrics and should stick to them.

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    scylent#6295 scylent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 43 Arc User
    I think someone hinted at it, but PvE balance is only needed at the lower iLvls and I am talking below 3K, Having rank 12s in your utility slots to get you to 4k should not be accounted for. I may be wrong, but I was maxed at defense and offense and was around 3.4 or 5.

    At high ilvl the class that min/maxes better often does well. I really dont min/max much and cannot call myself a great player yet often times if not 80% of the time my SW is at the pain giver. With that said, it comes down to the fact that most people do not build their characters right and yet still want to get the same benefits of those who specifically target their stats. I am confident that when I do not get the pain giver it just means that person is either zerging more than me, plays better than me, is exploiting some mechanic, but at the end we have a kick HAMSTER group. I know what I can do and having some one or more who can ditch it out just means I can relax.

    Where there needs to be balance brought up is definitely to allow people to play their class however they feel like. much of the different paths for classes are not optimal. specially when it comes to added benefits for the teams and being able to kill things when we play solo. I used to be a temptation warlock but I could not pull it off in mod 6, so I have not come back to it.

    ScyLent PvE GF Main
    S C Y L E N T PvE DC Alt
    ScyLent Lux PvE OP Alt
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    taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    I can only speak for sw, since i haven't played much with gwf. There are some broken powers with sw that deal massive damage aka. murderous flames that is known to hit over 200 million.
    But main issue with sw is that it's only playable in pve with party buffs.
    Whole pve part is a big joke now, there simply isn't any challenge and rewards for playing the game are really bad.

    Sw rework is confirmed. That was more than year ago :smiley: I think many of us sw players has just retired from playing with sw and moved to another class.

    an I think you are incorrect, or dont know how to build your char, as we have several sw's in our guild who have no issue playing the game, an when they are online most of us are very happy as the sw dps is awesome.
    Well guess i need to specify my points, since you clearly only see pve party situation. YES my sw can deal insane amounts of damage, when in party with buffs. my crit% is 100% and very close to BIS status anyway.
    Problem with sw is that it's only good when played in party with buffs but that's it. It's like a fellow sw player said to me. He out dps'd 4k gwf in dungeon and yet he struggles to survive in wod when soloing.
    Then there is the only aspect that i currently care in this game pvp. Sw is just pure garbage there, no burst damage, no dodge...
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    phaadnightsongphaadnightsong Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Would the addition of a NEW class be considered a class change? With the coming of Storm King's Thunder to the game in the not too distant future, would it be a good time to bring up a possibility of Barbarians?
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    ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    morenthar said:

    Too many people get lost in DPS. If the game wasn't designed as a DPS race, we wouldn't be talking about DPS balance.

    So much this. Unfortunately, if it weren't for the bugged Sentinel capstone and its feat paths that offer some shady tankiness that doesn't mean much on T2 mobs, I would have respec to that.

    About the DPS race, GWFs seem to like IBS a lot but that's a HDPS encounter (you joined the wrong race, noob). DPS is either at-wills or damage over time encounters/at-wills. But, people from other classes don't like it for their massive damage but it is the only encounter that they have to stay relevant, well, with the melt that most people like to boast on T1.5 dungeons and Demogorgon runs.
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    strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    Yes, information on more class changes are coming down the pipeline. In fact, I've read the proposed changes myself.

    Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User

    Yes, information on more class changes are coming down the pipeline. In fact, I've read the proposed changes myself.

    Respec token ready, hope the bugs will be fixed along with the class changes. Perhaps a new class or new race is coming too.
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    taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    Exellent! Maybe i can finally awake my sw from hibernation.
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    gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User

    Would the addition of a NEW class be considered a class change? With the coming of Storm King's Thunder to the game in the not too distant future, would it be a good time to bring up a possibility of Barbarians?

    Ehm.... the GWF (cosmetics aside) is the D&D barbarian. High damage, high mobility and unstoppable is basically rage.

    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
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