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Marks of Potency Pricing Changes



  • therealairheadtherealairhead Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    zebular said:

    I also am hoping to see more solo and alt-friendly ways to earn Astral Diamonds, such as Foundry Rewards (both player and designer), story-line mission rewards, and possibly even as character/account achievements. Foundry Authors and Players need to be earning AD too for their efforts and adventures.

    +10. Let people earn their AD creating content. I've not been in the game that long, so maybe I missed why this didn't take off... but jeeze, this SHOULD be a huge part of a D&D based product. Was it that players were not getting enough rewards when running it? or creators enough tips/kickback?

    Maybe evolve the foundry into a real process... like players create stories, dungeons etc. Dev looks at it, tweaks it some, as far as difficulty/reward, then releases it as a more 'integral part of the world'. Even tweak the writing here and there, a few model changes, touch it up etc. Cryptic picking the 'better' ones, maybe linking them up, putting chain-starters in the real world etc. Player creators get kickback reward (ad or zen) and cryptic dev cost is cut down, total content increased... bam. I mean... really work it more... Why not?
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    Believe me, it has been suggested thousands of times, alongsize many other foundry suggestions too. Ans we authors have been ignored time after time.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    reiwulf said:

    They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.

    lol how are you getting punished because I have many alts? You don't have to login and invoke every moment losing much time being able to do anything else. You think it's a huge advantage then you should try it everyday and see how sane you are after a couple months :s

    Then factor in the nerfed leadership. You have no idea how much time I lose being able to play the game.
  • cyberranger71cyberranger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    This really sucks. Since the removal of making AD in leadership I been in such a depression I do not wish to play this game much. It's was fun but there seems nothing worth doing if I can not get AD to help my Guild or my Characters. I solo play mostly and they make it to were I can not. I play lots of money each month for what seems like nothing.

    I earned so I do not have to play so much out and get some thing back. I get punished for some thing I never did I see at as. Not my fault you guys made the game so Chinese farmers can so easy hurt you. I pay out $100 to get all 12 levels of VIP just to get screwed big time is how I see it.

    Screwed for the almighty $$Dollars$$. And not getting much in return. A scam rip off Free to Play is. No wonder they were attacking the servers they saw this coming. I could not play much over the last two weekend cause of it. Then you try to fix it by making things less costing in AD. But this to little to late.

    Do not play or get addicted to this game or waist your time and money on this game. If you do you only regret it. They care nothing for those who payed lots of money and played a long time to earned it and they just want to pull more money out of you all they can. That is my advice.
  • therealairheadtherealairhead Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    reiwulf said:

    Believe me, it has been suggested thousands of times, alongsize many other foundry suggestions too. Ans we authors have been ignored time after time.

    :'( ... bummer.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    reiwulf said:

    They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.

    lol how are you getting punished because I have many alts? You don't have to login and invoke every moment losing much time being able to do anything else. You think it's a huge advantage then you should try it everyday and see how sane you are after a couple months :s

    Then factor in the nerfed leadership. You have no idea how much time I lose being able to play the game.
    punished in the sense that if people didn't make LS armies in the first place and just used LS on the characters they actually play, the whole removing AD from LS would not have happened at all. LS was just a way to get some extra AD, it was never supposed to be used with 50 alts to be the main AD generation system.

  • inyawayupdeepinyawayupdeep Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 206 Arc User
    Not sure if it will be enough but am optimistic. Thank you.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    reiwulf said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    reiwulf said:

    They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.

    lol how are you getting punished because I have many alts? You don't have to login and invoke every moment losing much time being able to do anything else. You think it's a huge advantage then you should try it everyday and see how sane you are after a couple months :s

    Then factor in the nerfed leadership. You have no idea how much time I lose being able to play the game.
    punished in the sense that if people didn't make LS armies in the first place and just used LS on the characters they actually play, the whole removing AD from LS would not have happened at all. LS was just a way to get some extra AD, it was never supposed to be used with 50 alts to be the main AD generation system.

    There are people making better money using alchemy and still are . It doesn't require an alt army to have an impact either.

    Besides, I wasn't getting anywhere near BiS with it. I used it to feed my 8 characters I play. It costs and epic ton to gear up several. It's not my fault the game is so alt-unfriendly in the first place. If it wasn't so harsh I would have never bothered with leadership in the first place.

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,046 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    reiwulf said:

    Believe me, it has been suggested thousands of times, alongsize many other foundry suggestions too. Ans we authors have been ignored time after time.

    Botters can run foundries, the Devs better remove all rewards from foundries next week.
    Sorry you wasted time with foundries, but we can't have botters ruining the game by pressing a few buttons now.

    On a more serious note, i'd like to mention those "farm" foundries...
    Before the Devs have found a way to prevent those exploitable foundries, why should they even think about adding rAD to foundries in one way or another?

    Anyway, still hoping for seeing Stronghold Vouchers as Leadership rewards.
    And at least some rAD in the campaign quests to finance campaign boons a bit easier.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • bilitheaxe66bilitheaxe66 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    While I now see at least a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel for this game, the reduction in all of the AD sinks, in addition to more thought out rewards for LS, should have gone live at the same time as the removal of 99% of the AD production LS provided. Guilds are still not going to be able to progress through SH, at a rate fast enough to hold their attention, unless those massive AD sinks are reduced. Really do not think it should have been/would be that hard to code the addition of AD to every quest you can complete (Level and Difficulty based amounts). You could even give a special bonus for completing a Zone as an incentive to get more people to run through the entire content of the game. My understanding is that was one of the main intentions of this dramatic change was to increase the ability of earning AD by "playing" the game.

    My cup of kool-aid is not even close to being even half full yet. The speed at which it refills will be based upon how quickly the necessary changes are made so that the game can be enjoyed by everyone and in their preferred play styles.
  • untamedengineer#6733 untamedengineer Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 100 Arc User
    You are aware I hope that those slot were created by Cryptic at a cost 250 Zen a piece when there were only 5 character classes in game correct? Given that is no realistic way that anyone would have wanted 50 slots for playing characters.. I mean would you want to play each and every class 10 times through? The 50 character slot limit was created by the company for the sole purpose of generating additional revenue in game. No can you try to deduce what exactly they intended people to do with all of those slots?

    Personally I have 19 character slots. Each and everyone one of them was purchased and the character played all the way up to 70 during times when there was no new content.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    regenerde said:

    reiwulf said:

    Believe me, it has been suggested thousands of times, alongsize many other foundry suggestions too. Ans we authors have been ignored time after time.

    Botters can run foundries, the Devs better remove all rewards from foundries next week.
    Sorry you wasted time with foundries, but we can't have botters ruining the game by pressing a few buttons now.

    On a more serious note, i'd like to mention those "farm" foundries...
    Before the Devs have found a way to prevent those exploitable foundries, why should they even think about adding rAD to foundries in one way or another?

    Anyway, still hoping for seeing Stronghold Vouchers as Leadership rewards.
    And at least some rAD in the campaign quests to finance campaign boons a bit easier.
    all rewards from foundries have already been removed. No AD for running them, the only thing you get is a lousy green item piece at the end.

  • kazoo83kazoo83 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    goatshark said:

    With the recent changes to the AD economy, we are going to be reducing the cost on a few items in the Wondrous Bazaar, and adding a new item.

    • Marks of Potency will be reduced from 25k AD to 6k AD
    • Greater Marks of Potency will be reduced from 100k AD to 25k AD
    • *NEW* Superior Marks of Potency will be priced at 100k AD
    In addition, we are changing some of the upgrade requirements on higher end Enchantments and Runestones. Weapon and Armor Enhancement gems will not be changed at this time.
    • Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 2 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
    • Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 4 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
    We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate.

    These changes will be going live very soon. Once they’re live and we can monitor performance for a bit, we will re-evaluate and see if further changes are necessary. As an FYI, we are continuing to monitor ALL Astral Diamond costs/performance/etc. as we work to balance this economy. Thank you for your patience.

    Scott Shicoff
    Lead Designer

    Always the same,
    some game companies try to attract few invest lot of money first by making them played happy, something like 4K gs vs 2K gs in pvp. so everything is expensive at first.
    After that, companies will turn to giving "fair", like lower price, like now.
    because almost "normal" players now may be invest some and easier to increase their GS and against "top" players..or they are easy to increase their gs even nothing invest. all this make the "top" not as before.
    Finally, "top" player either quit because they feel disappointed by "The money they input ≠ they earn" or invest more money. then "another fair" comes.
    again and again... >:)
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    reiwulf said:

    They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.

    I like, especially if combined with my recommendations on rewards... You would be able to get the AD rewards for your primary character through actual playing.

    That said, I agree with Ghoulz66 "No, just no. People with multiple alts have been punished enough. There should be at least one little reward for dumping millions into character slots still...."

    To which I reply... The intent of this suggestion was inherent upon Leadership being a means to get reasonable amounts of AD again, and a limit on how many per Account could Craft.

    I agre Ghoulz66... Those of us with multiple account have been punished, but then there are Multiple Accounts Character Alts(Read: 10 or so) and there are MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS CHARACTER ALTS (Read: 50 Character Alt Armies...)

    Where would you draw a line?
    Post edited by psyb3rtr011 on
    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    reiwulf said:

    Sorry for those who invested so much time and money on LS but i always though ut was stupid that the main source of ad generation in this game was pressing a few mouseclicks repeateadly on an army of alts.

    Yeah, instead you just do click them far more often and repetitiously on your Primary fighting Mobs and Bosses for the umpteenth time. ROFLMAO....

    Leadership required conscious thought and planning. Fighting mobs rarely requires near the level of though and planning.

    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • fenyxdrayvenfenyxdrayven Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Well, why were you carrying a bunch of GMOPs anyway?


    It is called money laundering.lol
    It's a pretty much standard currency used for player trades on higher value items.....
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    solerro said:

    urabask said:

    this is a lot more generous of a decrease in costs than I was expecting. Now they just need to work on Companion upgrade costs, armor kits, and Cube of Augmentation.

    Depending on how they handle artifacts you could see a pretty generous decrease there too. At the very least getting your artifacts to epic is pretty damn easy.


    All this. Bag of chips optional. :)

    Edit addition:

    Agree with followup statement as well. If you have all rank 10 enchants, anything past that is utterly for bragging rights. If you have a gear score of 2.5k or higher, nothing should be giving you a seriously hard time with decent players.
    What about us Solo gamers.... My main has a 2.7K Gear Score, and a Legendary Angel Companion (With a Base +37 of her States transferred to my Prime, up to +62% if I get Companions Gift to Activate) which are not counted in my GS. I still routinely get my butt handed to me in Dragon Well.

    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    reiwulf said:

    They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.

    I like, especially if combined with my recommendations on rewards... You would be able to get the AD rewards for your primary character through actual playing.

    That said, I agree with Ghoulz66 "No, just no. People with multiple alts have been punished enough. There should be at least one little reward for dumping millions into character slots still...."

    To which I reply... The intent of this suggestion was inherent upon Leadership being a means to get reasonable amounts of AD again, and a limit on how many per Account could Craft.

    I agre Ghoulz66... Those of us with multiple account have been punished, but then there are Multiple Accounts (Read: 10 or so) and there are MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS (Read: 50 Character Alt Armies...)

    Where would you draw a line?
    People with multiple accounts are *supposed* to get banned for it... And alt armies aren't the only thing that are being exploited by non-legit players. A botter has no need for an army. He can just farm nodes all day with a single character and net in more RP than a leadership farm could ever dream of. I had to spend millions to now just have RP get churned out, that botter is just getting fat without any investment, not even on the character he's farming with.

    Someone with an army just invoking now isn't going to be buying out enchants and mounts all over the place anymore.

  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    reiwulf said:

    They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.

    I like, especially if combined with my recommendations on rewards... You would be able to get the AD rewards for your primary character through actual playing.

    That said, I agree with Ghoulz66 "No, just no. People with multiple alts have been punished enough. There should be at least one little reward for dumping millions into character slots still...."

    To which I reply... The intent of this suggestion was inherent upon Leadership being a means to get reasonable amounts of AD again, and a limit on how many per Account could Craft.

    I agre Ghoulz66... Those of us with multiple account have been punished, but then there are Multiple Accounts (Read: 10 or so) and there are MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS (Read: 50 Character Alt Armies...)

    Where would you draw a line?
    People with multiple accounts are *supposed* to get banned for it... And alt armies aren't the only thing that are being exploited by non-legit players. A botter has no need for an army. He can just farm nodes all day with a single character and net in more RP than a leadership farm could ever dream of. I had to spend millions to now just have RP get churned out, that botter is just getting fat without any investment, not even on the character he's farming with.

    Someone with an army just invoking now isn't going to be buying out enchants and mounts all over the place anymore.

    Oops, I mis-wrote. Not Multiple Account. That should have been Multiple Alts.
    My bad. Corrected.

    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User

    You want Multiple Invocations a Day. Great.

    Make the First one each day award a Celestial Coin & Invocation Blessing

    Make the Second one each day award Double Gold for a maximum amount, a Celestial Bag of Refining and Invocation Blessing.

    Make the Third one each day award an Experience Boost of 10,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.

    Make the Fourth one each day Award a Celestial Bag of Refining & Invocation Blessing.

    Make the fifth one each day award an Astral Diamond Boost of 8,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.

    Make the Sixth one each day award a Celestial Coin and Invocation Blessing.

    Just some ideas....

    This is actually okey, but the problem is that I wouldn't go do dungeon runs until I get to that 5th invocation. How about we just add the AD boost on the first invocation, do something else in the 5th.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    oliboyph said:

    You want Multiple Invocations a Day. Great.

    Make the First one each day award a Celestial Coin & Invocation Blessing

    Make the Second one each day award Double Gold for a maximum amount, a Celestial Bag of Refining and Invocation Blessing.

    Make the Third one each day award an Experience Boost of 10,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.

    Make the Fourth one each day Award a Celestial Bag of Refining & Invocation Blessing.

    Make the fifth one each day award an Astral Diamond Boost of 8,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.

    Make the Sixth one each day award a Celestial Coin and Invocation Blessing.

    Just some ideas....

    This is actually okey, but the problem is that I wouldn't go do dungeon runs until I get to that 5th invocation. How about we just add the AD boost on the first invocation, do something else in the 5th.
    Fair enough. It was just a concept... Subject to refinement. :smiley:
    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User

    reiwulf said:

    Sorry for those who invested so much time and money on LS but i always though ut was stupid that the main source of ad generation in this game was pressing a few mouseclicks repeateadly on an army of alts.

    And I always thought it was stupid that this game's notion of fun was
    - doing the same 2 dungeons over and over and over again
    - doing the same quests over and over and over again
    - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to fill your enchant up with RP
    - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to clean your mail box
    - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to send items from one alt to another
    - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to clean out and sell the trash from yourt backpack
    - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to put gems/items/whatever in the SH coffer

    And that's why people were using scripts to do leadership, because people are not robots.
    Those scripting LS were freeing themselves up to enjoy only the fun part of the game. That a game has non-fun, tedious, repeating parts is in itself horrible enough.
    No kidding. One of my Alts did only Race/Class and Foundry (After getting to a level when I could do Foundry...) for this very reason.

    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    The only reason I have 4 characters, at the moment, is to farm coupons from those celestial refining bags. It used to be coupons were super lucrative. Now, they're mildly lucrative at best, but even so, dolla dolla bills ya'll.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    reiwulf said:

    Sorry for those who invested so much time and money on LS but i always though ut was stupid that the main source of ad generation in this game was pressing a few mouseclicks repeateadly on an army of alts.

    So I guess ANY MMO with crafting is also stupid. You know, clicking a few buttons to make something valuable out of thin air. We can just forget that its been a part of MMOs from the very first one. We can even ignore the fact that STO maintains a similar system, in fact its the very blue print and progenitor of NWs crafting system with their duty officer system. A system that also pays out time currency for simply clicking a few buttons.

    Truth is, there are more examples of ways to make game money in MMOs that don't rely on combat and questing, then people are winning to admit or acknowledge. And it does not make them or the games wrong.

  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    This is the only mmo ive played that makes so the main way to get ingame currency is to make an alt army to do professions.
  • beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    I made a fast calc that does not counts wards.

    The total cost of making R12 from R5 is:
    • +VIP +2×RP: 689k AD
    • +VIP −2×RP: 822k AD
    • −VIP +2×RP: 875k AD
    • −VIP −2×RP: 1007k AD
  • eocrooseocroos Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 48 Arc User
    Good job devs, making some people happy and hopefully more changes are on the way. Keep up the good work. ;)
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    So I guess ANY MMO with crafting is also stupid. You know, clicking a few buttons to make something valuable out of thin air. We can just forget that its been a part of MMOs from the very first one. We can even ignore the fact that STO maintains a similar system, in fact its the very blue print and progenitor of NWs crafting system with their duty officer system. A system that also pays out time currency for simply clicking a few buttons.

    Truth is, there are more examples of ways to make game money in MMOs that don't rely on combat and questing, then people are winning to admit or acknowledge. And it does not make them or the games wrong.

    give me a break. try alchemy, farm material x 6. refine material x6, make aqua vitae x 3, make potion of x, make potion of y, combine x+y+aquavitae, for a chance at 1 reseach scroll at 10-20 minutes each task. now do that at least 4 more times til you can research the next level. its beyond HAMSTER.

    meanwhile jewelcrafting requires just gather materials x whatever until you get to the next gather materials stage. all the way to 25. then its random ( 60% my @#%) whether you'll make what you actually wanted off a rare task. and why is rank 1 rewards better than rank 2 rewards. ( and rank 3 if you dont count the gem slot)
    same thing with plate/mail/leather/tailor. and 100K ad for a 100-200 armor patch.

    or artificing/weaponsmithing which are completely useless.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    please dont forget, the lockboxes, they need upgrades for Superiors.
    also, the enchants and runes are so far outgrowned by 70 lvl characters, they dont need to have rank 1 or rank 2, since they only yields 10 pts and 25 pts when most of us have rank 7/8's that cost over thousands to fill up.

    another idea offering, i would like to see tier 2 treasure kit versions, only found in epic zones. only to be open by specific class templates to avoid having someone in random group takin all the loots from kits, hopefully if it has 2 dungeon kits if there is 2 tank classes in same dungeon, if the first one picked up, it get flagged not able pick up next kit in same dungeon until next dungeon runs.
  • myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 409 Arc User
    Okay, so we're at the point where we're thanking the burglar for returning our TV stand...but keeping our TV. As far as I'm concerned, this is proof positive that the complete removal of Leadership as a meaningful profession was a mistake. Didn't their rosy predictions tell us we'd all still make the refining limit every day? Why should they reduce prices...unless they've noticed a huge drop-off in refining item sales because everyone is hoarding their last AD? I hope the rapidly-dwindling PC player base sends an equally powerful message.
This discussion has been closed.