With the recent changes to the AD economy, we are going to be reducing the cost on a few items in the Wondrous Bazaar, and adding a new item.
Marks of Potency will be reduced from 25k AD to 6k AD
Greater Marks of Potency will be reduced from 100k AD to 25k AD
*NEW* Superior Marks of Potency will be priced at 100k AD
In addition, we are changing some of the upgrade requirements on higher end Enchantments and Runestones. Weapon and Armor Enhancement gems will not be changed at this time.
Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 2 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 4 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate.
These changes will be going live very soon. Once they’re live and we can monitor performance for a bit, we will re-evaluate and see if further changes are necessary. As an FYI, we are continuing to monitor ALL Astral Diamond costs/performance/etc. as we work to balance this economy. Thank you for your patience.
As a reminder, we are currently investigating AD sources for players who don't want to run queued content.
Many thanks, @goatshark! This is a very awesome step in the right direction. Nay, a leap, indeed! I am very pleased at hearing of these reductions. Alas, these noted reductions mean little to me over-all for I am an alt-o'holic, companion and mount collector, and self-appointed style connoisseur that enjoys customization over power. Also, most of my play time is spent either Solo Adventuring or creating in the Foundry (when it is working). I do enjoy Skirmishes most of the time though, especially CTAs.
So, for me, the reductions I am waiting for have yet to come; Which are massive Pricing reductions to Transmutation (AD), Companion Upgrades (AD), Mount Upgrades (AD), Costumes (Zen/AD), and Dyes (Zen).
I also am hoping to see more solo and alt-friendly ways to earn Astral Diamonds, such as Foundry Rewards (both player and designer), story-line mission rewards, and possibly even as character/account achievements. Foundry Authors and Players need to be earning AD too for their efforts and adventures.
This might also be a good time to make Astral Diamonds account-wide, like Zen, as well as it is high time that Tarmalune Trade Bars become account-bound just like they have been for years on STO (Lobi). Never-the-less, as I said, this is an awesome leap in the right direction, I am still waiting for the landing however. Keep up the good work!
So, my stack of gmops which i always thought was a safe 8 mil AD in player trade value is now worth 2 mil AD trade value because instead of just adding a new mark at a value of 6k and retaining the existing items you do it HAMSTER about face, you HAMSTER over anyone that currently has GMOP's by reducing their value to 25k and adding a new one worth 100k.....
All existing GMOP's should be converted to SMOP's when this change occurs or you will see an exodus of longstanding players and traders quicker than the price fall of gmop's currently on auction (50k ea)
Let's admit it, there are two camps of people commenting here
People that invested heavily in leadership and profited from it.
People that didn't
The people that didn't invest just got exactly what they wanted with this change, and are happy. To them, the other group are nothing but "complainers" and "whiners".
Try and understand the other group's point of view. If lots of those players leave (continuing a trend), your game will be a lot less fun to play, and Cryptic will feel the need to turn the P2W screws to keep paying salaries.
I am in 1st camp admittedly. And I would lie saying I don't feel betrayed.
That being said: this topic haves 1st positive info since AD slaughtering change. I mean: it might be not fair to LS heavy time or money investors but at least seems to give hope that making any progress without real money involved will be possible.
The most devastating hit in sudden change was not gutting Leadership on it's own but the fact that mathematically the players were left with no option to progress in sane (less than 5 years) time after some point. This changes much.
I still hope some amends to LS players will be made. Doubt it'll help make any players return sadly. But the motion is that game becomes 'playable' once more so let's not discourage devs while they're actually making something beneficial now
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
All of the wondrous bazaar items should have been discounted. Also the fees for auction need to be reduced and the people complaining about coal wards, they are easier than ever to get since its super simple to transfer AD to zena nd buy enchanted keys for tourmaline bars. I've gotten 4 in the last 2 days alone since the zax went upside down.
As a reminder, we are currently investigating AD sources for players who don't want to run queued content.
Again, this should all have been investigated before the change and rolled in as one piece. You would probably have cut the losses significantly. Now though I am thinking my $$ would be better spent on the Tirpitz in WOW than on zen here.
oh please, some people will never be happy. People have been complaining for the price of GMoPs for quite some time, and now that they are cheaper, people also complain.
All existing GMOP's should be converted to SMOP's when this change occurs or you will see an exodus of longstanding players and traders quicker than the price fall of gmop's currently on auction (50k ea)
I'd unload them on the AH (~57K each now), and re-buy at a lower cost. Sell high, buy low...
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
oh please, some people will never be happy. People have been complaining for the price of GMoPs for quite some time, and now that they are cheaper, people also complain.
Yes, some people spent many months leveling leadership and those people are not yet happy.
I guess you didn't, as this change gives the non-leadership players most of what they want.
Okay, fine, this is a good change, but since you've gutted Leadership task AD, can you now look at the costs to level up mounts and companions? They're going to be just as unaffordable post-AD removal as buying Greater Marks.
oh please, some people will never be happy. People have been complaining for the price of GMoPs for quite some time, and now that they are cheaper, people also complain.
You do understand that is not simply good news out of the blue. But good news after bad news. Its not that people are ungrateful, but they are still mainly dealing with the initial loss.
Its like getting a raise at work, after your house burned down. Any other time, a raise would be good news. Just not when you are still sifting through the ashes.
It is after all this time a solution that actually works. Though it is just partial. AD drops are still bugged, and the prices of special keys might probably need to go down as well. You lucky players with rank 11 and 12 grr... hahaha. I'm actually pleased to see a positive change, regardless of how hard it will be to get to rank 11 and 12.
"As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
So if I want to upgrade my artifacts from rare to epic, will I still need a GMOP or will it be replaced by a SMOP requirement? Just hoping we're not going to get shafted with that. I can understand stuff like R11/R12 being replaced to SMOP but keeping GMOP requirements for other stuff would be nice.
had this announcement stopped at just, "reducing the cost on a few items in the Wondrous Bazaar" I would have hailed it as one of cryptics best decisions ever but as always happens with cryptic they don't know when to stop and decided to add the superior mark of potency.
Why? Why add yet another freaking item to the already too many things we need to upgrade stuff? They could left the prices they way they were and just reduced the amount needed or not reduced the prices as low as they did.
Simply dropping the price of greater marks of potency down to 40k instead of 25K would have made it so that 5 would have cost you 200k just like it will now with 2 superior marks except you'd have 1 less item to worry about.
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
The reason why is that this way they can award components for ranking up some things through play, but not others.
eg, GMOPs will drop, SMOPs will not.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
So if I want to upgrade my artifacts from rare to epic, will I still need a GMOP or will it be replaced by a SMOP requirement? Just hoping we're not going to get shafted with that. I can understand stuff like R11/R12 being replaced to SMOP but keeping GMOP requirements for other stuff would be nice.
A couple pages back, goatshark clarified:
Artifacts are not changing material needs to upgrade. That is, they will still use Greater Marks of Potency (GMoPs). This makes it significantly cheaper to upgrade artifacts.
Just the opposite. SMoPs will be dropped.. GMoPs will require AD purchases it appears but may still drop in lesser areas..
"We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate."
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
Is there some reason this couldn't have been put in place at the same time as the Leadership changes? Oh yeah because the number of active players plunged afterwards. Cryptic, reactionary as always. How about outlining your plan BEFORE you make changes that make 90% of the playerbase unhappy?
First step in a long journey..... I personally am not celebrating this and patting them on the back as this plus MUCH MUCH more needed to be done before the announcement was done. This should have rolled with the AD change.
Further to that... seriously yet another refining stone????? Give me a F'n break.
Where are the cost reductions in jewelcraft gems etc, transmutes, wonderous bazzar items, coal ward prices etc etc
Also where is the fix for Leadership now that it makes no sense. Rewards are all over the place.
First baby step in a marathon.. keep them coming and at a much quicker pace
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
kick yourself if you bought more than 10 GMOP's during the last 2xRP.
*kick* *kick* *kick* *kick*
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
Coal wards are zen priced. Their availability was never predicated on the availability of AD to begin with.
That being said, they're probably overpriced, since they cost 10 dollars each. Yeesh.
Definitely agree that leadership could use some adjustment, but, well, Leadership still has 9 tasks worth doing: Thaumaturgic bags give you 500 enchantment RP, Artifact Paraphenalia give you 500 artifact RP, Resonant Bags give 500 artifact equip RP.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
kick yourself if you bought more than 10 GMOP's during the last 2xRP.
*kick* *kick* *kick* *kick*
I'm not kicking myself, because I bought the GMoPs with my inflated leadership AD (well, part of my income was from leadership) -- and I'm enjoying having upgraded enchantments right now.
Although the two artifacts I upgraded would have cost 750k AD less...
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
It is not always that people do not want or like to run queued content, sometimes they are not able to. For various reasons, time, spells that freeze them. For me, it is mostly because icy terrain freezes me in closed instances, to the point where I can not do anything for minutes at a time. But it would not be fair for me to ask all CWs I would be in an instance with to not use it, same as with the astral seal, prism/bg issues.
oh please, some people will never be happy. People have been complaining for the price of GMoPs for quite some time, and now that they are cheaper, people also complain.
I'm not complaining about the reduction of costs in refining items and enchantments, thats fanfreakingtastic, its the sudden hit where all my existing items have suddenly been reduced in value because of the way they have approached this by lowering the existing 100k gmop to 25k and 25k one down to 6k then adding a new item worth 100k to replace it (?!) instead of just adding a new one in at 6k
With the recent changes to the AD economy, we are going to be reducing the cost on a few items in the Wondrous Bazaar, and adding a new item.
Marks of Potency will be reduced from 25k AD to 6k AD
Greater Marks of Potency will be reduced from 100k AD to 25k AD
*NEW* Superior Marks of Potency will be priced at 100k AD
In addition, we are changing some of the upgrade requirements on higher end Enchantments and Runestones. Weapon and Armor Enhancement gems will not be changed at this time.
Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 2 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 4 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate.
These changes will be going live very soon. Once they’re live and we can monitor performance for a bit, we will re-evaluate and see if further changes are necessary. As an FYI, we are continuing to monitor ALL Astral Diamond costs/performance/etc. as we work to balance this economy. Thank you for your patience.
Scott Shicoff Lead Designer
Wow. So if you do the math; Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 200k AD and Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 400k AD since you now need the *NEW* Superior Marks of Potency to upgrade them. If they still required the original 5 Greater Marks of Potency at the new price they would cost 125k AD to upgrade each rank. Well isn't that just one heluva bargain! Reducing the price of Marks of Potency and Greater Marks of Potency is a very good thing and a way overdue change and I thank you for finally doing that. But why in the world did you have to make a NEW mark that costs as much as the old one? The cost was already way to high and to upgrade those 2 ranks you just increased the costs to do so given the new prices. Unless you add some more ways to earn AD, the prices are still to high, especially to solo players.
So, for me, the reductions I am waiting for have yet to come; Which are massive Pricing reductions to Transmutation (AD), Companion Upgrades (AD), Mount Upgrades (AD), Costumes (Zen/AD), and Dyes (Zen).
I also am hoping to see more solo and alt-friendly ways to earn Astral Diamonds, such as Foundry Rewards (both player and designer), story-line mission rewards, and possibly even as character/account achievements. Foundry Authors and Players need to be earning AD too for their efforts and adventures.
This might also be a good time to make Astral Diamonds account-wide, like Zen, as well as it is high time that Tarmalune Trade Bars become account-bound just like they have been for years on STO (Lobi). Never-the-less, as I said, this is an awesome leap in the right direction, I am still waiting for the landing however. Keep up the good work!
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How are we supposed to afford 400k enchants or 1.2 mill greaters or 4 mill perfects?
Or how about a 5-10 mill mount?
I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend years on 1 character when I have 16 and I play ALL of them...
Just a bone and it taste like a 10 year old bone at that...
And "soon", we all know Cryptic's "soon"...
And still not going to play or invest...
Dorlin: Level 65 GF/2nd Account: Calias/62
Elkysium: Level 65 CW/2nd Account: Krystalyn/62
Artemis: Level 65 TR/2nd Account: Fayne/62
Zantoth: Level 65 DC/2nd Account: Nemea/62
Kryndar: Level 65 HR/2nd Account: Lilith/62
Goreb: Level 65 GWF/2nd Account: Tysha/62
Bamidor: Level 65 OP/2nd Account: Valindra/62
All existing GMOP's should be converted to SMOP's when this change occurs
or you will see an exodus of longstanding players and traders quicker than the price fall of gmop's currently on auction (50k ea)
That being said: this topic haves 1st positive info since AD slaughtering change. I mean: it might be not fair to LS heavy time or money investors but at least seems to give hope that making any progress without real money involved will be possible.
The most devastating hit in sudden change was not gutting Leadership on it's own but the fact that mathematically the players were left with no option to progress in sane (less than 5 years) time after some point. This changes much.
I still hope some amends to LS players will be made. Doubt it'll help make any players return sadly. But the motion is that game becomes 'playable' once more so let's not discourage devs while they're actually making something beneficial now
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
I guess you didn't, as this change gives the non-leadership players most of what they want.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Its like getting a raise at work, after your house burned down. Any other time, a raise would be good news. Just not when you are still sifting through the ashes.
Why? Why add yet another freaking item to the already too many things we need to upgrade stuff? They could left the prices they way they were and just reduced the amount needed or not reduced the prices as low as they did.
Simply dropping the price of greater marks of potency down to 40k instead of 25K would have made it so that 5 would have cost you 200k just like it will now with 2 superior marks except you'd have 1 less item to worry about.
eg, GMOPs will drop, SMOPs will not.
"We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate."
Further to that... seriously yet another refining stone????? Give me a F'n break.
Where are the cost reductions in jewelcraft gems etc, transmutes, wonderous bazzar items, coal ward prices etc etc
Also where is the fix for Leadership now that it makes no sense. Rewards are all over the place.
First baby step in a marathon.. keep them coming and at a much quicker pace
*kick* *kick* *kick* *kick*
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
That being said, they're probably overpriced, since they cost 10 dollars each. Yeesh.
Definitely agree that leadership could use some adjustment, but, well, Leadership still has 9 tasks worth doing: Thaumaturgic bags give you 500 enchantment RP, Artifact Paraphenalia give you 500 artifact RP, Resonant Bags give 500 artifact equip RP.
Although the two artifacts I upgraded would have cost 750k AD less...
Wow. So if you do the math; Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 200k AD and Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 400k AD since you now need the *NEW* Superior Marks of Potency to upgrade them. If they still required the original 5 Greater Marks of Potency at the new price they would cost 125k AD to upgrade each rank. Well isn't that just one heluva bargain! Reducing the price of Marks of Potency and Greater Marks of Potency is a very good thing and a way overdue change and I thank you for finally doing that. But why in the world did you have to make a NEW mark that costs as much as the old one? The cost was already way to high and to upgrade those 2 ranks you just increased the costs to do so given the new prices. Unless you add some more ways to earn AD, the prices are still to high, especially to solo players.