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The (New) Vote-Kicking Feedback Thread



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    xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Fortune find you, adventurers .... Our initial fix that adjusted the queue system and the kick mechanics were to address the situation where the system was being abused by a particular group that would vote kick profusely.
    I've seen still there's VTK spam instantly and until everyone is gone in SoT, as soon as any of the Shores items drop at the ambush, with everyone but the exploit abusers still there. You don't mean that then. :)
    Once we can confirm details, we'll definitely make sure the community is aware.
    Whatever the plans and timeframe are, communicating that is important. Seems also that fixing the worst of the exploit and removing the worst abusers of the exploit is pretty important. I mean after all, if they're getting so much gear worth so much AD, they can't really be contributing much else (if anything) to the game.
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    andyd2702andyd2702 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    well I was told by arc support that I should play with a group and not alone what the heck its totally unacceptable to be told that as I am a hunter ranger we do not get drops in normal dungeons so we have to do lost mauth or castle never and because the drops are worth a lot its instant kicking by the others its a joke start making examples and reseting peoples accounts instead of treating your gamers like dirt and ignoring there support tickets
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    singlesrvingfrndsinglesrvingfrnd Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    [quote="andyd2702;12601096"]well I was told by arc support that I should play with a group and not alone what the heck its totally unacceptable to be told that as I am a hunter ranger we do not get drops in normal dungeons so we have to do lost mauth or castle never and because the drops are worth a lot its instant kicking by the others its a joke start making examples and reseting peoples accounts instead of treating your gamers like dirt and ignoring there support tickets

    I'm with you it's crazy! They don't care it seems
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    xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    My opinion, it seemed to me that whatever fixes were supposed to be there we don't know because instead of any fixes showing up, the additional button press(es) glitch/bug showed up instead. I'm just guessing though, because yes we can't gauge what might be there if nothing is.

    Maybe what's in the works is a total revamp of the kick system so it makes sense on a console. That is, something like essentially removing it. Something else that makes sense with a console mindset and community. Perhaps the solution is to removing anything enticing losers to exploit and glitch and be ds and dbags? Like to let the PC people go back to messing each other over and leave us alone. Sort of like the scam websites showing up in our chat, it doesn't work that way on console.
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    mikeyfliesmikeyflies Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Private loot would go a *long* way to removing incentives for kicking. It is ridiculous to give people an easy way to be jerks AND a strong incentive to do so.

    They did move the yes vote to x from a which is nice as now you shouldn't accidentally hit a when clearing loot windows.
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    dannyboy0980dannyboy0980 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    right, this boot and loot needs to come to an end one way or the other, I got a few solutions, some have been mentioned some haven't... but take a butchers may be to your fancy

    1. put a system that allows you to choose who to group up with ie ... dps/support/class/ what range gear score you want the player to be around, from there the group locks and only the player can leave on there own free will. Yes it could cause issues if that player is not pulling there weight but everything has its risks.

    2. the game should know when a epic item or rare item is to be dropped so why not there put it once anybody puts a vote to kick option in, they them self automatically be removed from the group, if they are wanting to boot and loot to better themselves, who cares if they lose out on the loot that drops, they are not playing fair so therefore screw them by removing them, it will soon solve the problem when all they are doing is kicking themselves out.

    3. as you enter a boss fight as most players know you need to be grouped to enter, that group from there gets locked and nobody can put a vote to kick in, so everyone has there vote and say on what they want and then can leave the dungeon happy knowing they got or had a chance at getting whatever dropped.

    just a few options/solutions that could be put into place, comment on what you think or could possibly change and maybe we can get neverwinter to take more action then what they currently are
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    spizzlespee2spizzlespee2 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Please fix vtk. I Would Like To Do A Dungeon Once IN awhile. It's not worth it right now.
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    draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    xxxsfalxxx wrote: »
    You are all wasting your time typing to trollface, it's not going to do anything but keep spewing out its inane nonsense trollbait noise. While it may seem obvious it doesn't know anything, it's more obvious it's just trying to be inflammatory with the goal of making you argue with it. Either way, the best advice is don't argue with tards. Just like a lot of the bootnlooters; total trash that add nothing to the game, unless you're looking for greedy scum that if they can't be greedy, they kick you to make you angry. They're a waste. Don't bother. Just wait for Neverwinter to remove the exploits in the kick and loot bid systems so the slime can't abuse them any longer, and in the meantime just stop replying to this thing's pitifully transparent attempts.

    There is a much simpler way. Just click his profile and block him on the forums. You will no longer have to look at or more importantly skip over his comments. I am assuming of course your talking about the "skull" guy. Wow does he already have a rep for being the biggest troll on the forums that I could call him out without you even posting his name. That's sad LOL Anyways just block him to avoid the nonsense garbage he posts. Not only does he have a bad rep in the forums but he has a bad rep in game too for being a bit of a loser. Before I blocked him I checked out his forum comment history and, as if I didn't already know, he has made quite an impression on people in game as well. I kinda feel sorry for him, but that is what clueless people do to themselves so I quickly shrug it off.

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    ladyjanylealadyjanylea Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    I sent a ticket regarding the frequent booting after a boss, this happens to me at least twice everytime I play. I was told if I wanted to not get booted I should only go in dungeons with guild members, though they realize doing this is impossible if I wanted to do most of the events...seriously? that was a blatant "that's your problem" message if I ever got one. Sad that they seem to really just not care about the people actually wanting to enjoy the game. Its definitely discouraged me from wanting to spend any money on it.

    Let the booting continue I guess :/
    DC 70 Lady Van Hasting, TR 70 Samhain, OP 70 Santa Claus
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    ladyjanylealadyjanylea Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    I sent a ticket regarding the frequent booting after a boss, this happens to me at least twice everytime I play. I was told if I wanted to not get booted I should only go in dungeons with guild members, though they realize doing this is impossible if I wanted to do most of the events...seriously? that was a blatant "that's your problem" message if I ever got one. Sad that they seem to really just not care about the people actually wanting to enjoy the game. Its definitely discouraged me from wanting to spend any money on it.

    Let the booting continue I guess :/
    "though they realize doing this is impossible if I wanted to do most of the events..." what does that even mean.. i can understand why you get booted if you can't string together a proper sentence. everything on this game you can do with guild members.

    there has been booting for years on every mmo that involves a loot table. like world of warcraft for example. i highly doubt they will fix the issue for boot n looting, only the issue where people constantly kick to find the right group.

    Not my sentence, it was the reply I got...hence the quote. True, they'd really have no reason to fix it, I mean other then making game play better. I didn't really understand what they meant either.
    DC 70 Lady Van Hasting, TR 70 Samhain, OP 70 Santa Claus
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    DaesynDaesyn Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    i don't think completely removing boot n looting would make the game better imo.. what if someone joins in late and didn't even fight the boss so he gets a roll for the drop or what if someones die right when we get in the boss room and he does zero work killing the boss and he gets the drop?

    Yes we know you wish to continue abusing the system but, one there shouldn't be a space for someone to join in late unless you've kicked someone already and two they did the rest of the dungeon so yes they're allowed to roll for the drop.
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    monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    True to my word, I have not logged into the game since the worthless fix was implemented.

    Vtk should have bern removed completely until you came up with a true solution..or didabled forever.

    I will not be returning until the problem is fixed.

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    DaesynDaesyn Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    the fact they did the rest of the dungeon doesn't mean they deserve the drop lmao. if i did a whole castle never dungeon with a pug group and one guy died at the start at the fight. you can guarantee someone in the group is going to put a vote up on that guy.

    So if you take a bathroom break during your work day they shouldn't have to pay you for the day? Please inform your boss of this enlightening piece of information. I'm sure they'll completely agree with you.
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    singlesrvingfrndsinglesrvingfrnd Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I sent a ticket regarding the frequent booting after a boss, this
    You shouldn't spend any money on this game. Thou should move to elder scrolls online. I I have an attorne everytime I play. I was told if I wanted to not get booted I should only go in dungeons with guild members, though they realize doing this is impossible if I wanted to do most of the events...seriously? that was a blatant "that's your problem" message if I ever got one. Sad that they seem to really just not care about the people actually wanting to enjoy the game. Its definitely discouraged me from wanting to spend any money on it.

    Let the booting continue I guess :/

    I would rather deal with either one of those scenarios then playing through an entire dungeon, contributing to the party, helping
    pass dungeon then get booted before I can even open the chest at the end. I mean I don't even care about not getting to roll for the final item drop; what makes me mad is getting booted before I can open the chest at the end and I just spent an hour playing. Getting rid of loot and boot would make it a better game for the masses, if they want it just to be a game for guilds then come out and just say it!
    Besides by allowing loot and boot they are violating their own terms of use policies which could cause a class action law suit.

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    draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User

    Besides by allowing loot and boot they are violating their own terms of use policies which could cause a class action law suit.

    This is the part that ticks me off the most about this game. You Sir are correct that this type of behavior is against their own ToS they put in place yet they do zero to punish or penalize the players doing it and if anything they promote players to do it by keeping a feature active that allows it. If this company really cared about VtK they would disable the feature until a fix is in place. Instead they keep it intact and any response we get from the GM or the Dev are "Join a guild or only play with friends". So basically a casual gamer is not allowed to play this game how they want. They have to join a guild in the hopes that they find active players to play with.

    And for those saying the majority of people VtK. This is completely false. I now have been running Dungeons with my wife and son on a regular basis and have never had any need to VtK nor been in an instance where someone tried to VtK. So no it is not the masses doing it. It is a very select few idiots that abuse a feature.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    buying ad share item is split by ah price between 5ppl so id item =100k each person gets 20k yes ud no longer get item 2 urself u get out of chest tho and vtk = disabled after boss starts
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    xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    What skin is it off anyone's nose if somebody gets to pick up some drake seals and items from the chest? Just play the game and enjoy without worrying about others. Maybe that's just a thing about people from the non-console world, oh no they only contributed 95%, or I coulda solod it anyway, or this will upset them.

    We'll see how they fix it when they do, in the meantime just hope you get a decent group of non-slime. Sometimes you end up at the end and help a pug past something they couldn't get past, and people quit out of (underspecced, wrong team makup, people ran out of time and had to leave, whatever) and everyone still has fun. Sometimes something drops, everyone rolls, and nobody is a piece of greedy subhuman filth not fit to breathe our air. Somebody wins it, and you move on. As others have said, it's not alway horrible people ruining it for everyone else. Often it's not.
    draven165 wrote: »
    There is a much simpler way. Just click his profile and block him on the forums.
    Oh, learning to ignore the bait is something that is easy to do with a bit of practice over years (one sees the patterns, which have existed long before here) and ignoring it makes it so you don't have to go out of your way to block anyone. What I wrote isn't for me, it's more a helpful bit of advise for those who don't know yet how to see the signs and how to ignore, and who might otherwise want to argue with somebody who's not going to listen to them anyway. And with blocking after all, you have to read, fight any impulse to pointlessly answer, and then block for later. Which not answering and blocking is also difficult to do when you're in the middle of a discussion that shouldn't be going on circling back and never ending. So, just say no. ;)
    monktoasty wrote: »
    True to my word, I have not logged into the game since the worthless fix was implemented. Vtk should have bern removed completely until you came up with a true solution..or didabled forever.
    I will not be returning until the problem is fixed.
    There doesn't appear to have been a fix that went in, no.Although I haven't checked since they unbroke the loot pickup window, which loot pickup breaking seems to be what went in instead of the bootnloot removal, and repairing that loot pickup issue was all that got done as far as I can tell from release notes and game.
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    bacon1073bacon1073 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Ive been getting kicked more since the update than the previous version. I'm a 15k TR and dont have a problem in most dungeons. The kicking is out of hand. I've offered advice how to fix it before, but I just get ignored and told to go into a dungeon with a "trusted group leader".
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    roughsoulreaperroughsoulreaper Member Posts: 3 New User
    I think it was dumb for this vote to kick people out u can't even play any dungeons anymore because the whole group kicks u out before u can even start playing this was really stupid.I haven't even been able to play any dungeons in about three weeks this is very dumb
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    twiggleberrytwiggleberry Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    It is worse now than it ever has been. its a constant case of people just booting people out. Guilds are starting to do it on a regular basis, and that is the fault of the developers to let it fester so long, that people are now considering a grief tactic commonplace. This is literally drove away thousands. I am not sure the people on this board even relate issues to Cryptic. I've played MUDs, early graphical user dungeons, all through the late 90, 2000's MMO/MMORPGs, and I have never seen a mechanic set up to destroy players due to griefing tactics. The only similar tactic would be called Ninja Looting in the old days, however, at least there, you had a chance to be there to grab things. This system is set up by the developers to allow blatant grief/anti ethical behavior .
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    skeeterbug4skeeterbug4 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The VTK system has turned the player community of this MMO against itself. Players hate running dungeons because the player base of Nevewinter has become vile. Why have a game mechanic that promotes and encourages booting and looting? Developers seem to be out of touch with basic human behavior in MMO's.
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    DaesynDaesyn Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    How to fix VTK: Implement Tiamat style loot drops in all dungeons.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    some days I wonder how much thinking the dev do b4 they make their games. I mean lets think now whats the worst thing people can do in our game (scam /bootloot/and ofcourse unsporting behavior by using language oh and yea bots bc ppl love to abuse the loopholes in game ) so how do u prevent all of that that's the question trade limit based on ah for scams boot/loot easy fix no boot loot after boss starts its that simple honestly lol. put a block player department in for players that don't want to deal with trash talking /neglecting behavior. if u can do this b0000m less problems maby more work for mods but that's what their there for in first place I mean whats the point if they aren't going 2 do anything???? I used to be a player mod and that was part of our job as a pmod
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    theres a system that a mmo called runescape uses agaist bots and finds them and instantly bans them without zer0 tolerance u should be using that.
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    davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    I have not been kicked much in the last three weeks cause I replaced dungeons with PVP. Whats the point of risking a kick. I like all the dungeons but they're not fun when you're singled out for VTK and topping damage dealt board.
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    true my friend
This discussion has been closed.