I got hit for over 50k while i was on my Paladin with full pvp set. That's a lot of dmg from an encounter power dealt to a tank.
It was 1vs1 so no bonus debuffs involved. Even TR with Lashing Blade doesnt hit me as hard.
Funny how some clowns still claim GWF is in bad spot. I guess it will never be enough until you can one shot other players.
Also, in your case, full pvp gear is well and good, but what enchants / artifacts / other stats.
For it to do damage like that he would of probably had too have built up his stacks and gotten all his personal damage buffs (3 stacks destroyer, 10 stacks destroyers purpose, probably the 5 weaponmaster for the higher crit chance, And Im assuming he had a vorpal or something, so thats at least 125% severity, original hit would of been, putting the original hit around 60-70k pre mitigation) and probably either marked you for the additional damage or used WMS mitigation feat, or both .
He also had too land it, and the animation of IBS isnt really that hard to walk out of unless stunned. I will concede the point that if the paladin shift was more responsive you could of potentially further mitigated it if you didn't already. (you mitigated it down to 36%).
In the end, Dev's have said multiple times that they are happy with where GWF stands now.
I also agree with teribad about paladins healing, my PROT pally isnt even that well geared, and even without my negation slotted, wearing only the 65 pvp gear. If I wanted too I could probably tank an entire team for the duration of the match, unless of course they got smart and chain CC'd me so I couldnt re-pop Binding oath.
What really needs changing there is Lay on hands needs a longer cast time / or too be a "channeled heal" that takes 4 seconds total too heal the amount (paladin cc immune of course) . and Binding oaths "stored damage, should still hit you and deal damage too you if you reactivate binding oath before the first one has run out. so you cant just spam that for days in justice tree and be unkillable.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Yeah, no dmg nor good CC, so OP. If it wasnt for decent survivality nobody would play this class.
Even 1v1, he could have had the Wheel of Element: Fire buff, you could have been missing a good chunk of health, etc. I doubt that's a common amount to be hit by also...
Aoe Stun on a reasonably short cooldown
Aoe Knockback for node control. (also does half decent damage)
Sacred Weapon, when used right, does decent burst damage vs a lot of classes, Pop this and when a GF charges you or flourishes you they take a nice 15-30k right back. rogue pops duelist Flurry without ITC on? oh no. he just half killed himself. Sadly it only lasts for 5 hits, but if you are justice and get echo you can double pop it for 10 reflected hits of half decent damage. if Briartwine was better (like its reflected damage was piercing or something. then you could do a mighty powerful reflect pally build.
RIDICULOUS survival.
sure. they do the lowest sustained damage in the game, but they definitely have the highest survivability. and they Buff their teammates damage / DR / potential a lot. A paladin is more of a team player than a solo killer.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Knockback works only on targets which werent the target of a skill, therefore it's useless in 1vs1. (you need second target nearby to knock the other within specific range).
AoE stun from Tamplar is a joke, not only due to short duration but also due to casting time. Most classes can either move out of it's range before finish the cast or they get abilities which make them immune to CC.
You aren't going to kill anybody who run with negation even if they went afk. Give us CC and burst of GF + make shift responsible and then we can you can start changing the rest to w/e you want.
BTW, stay on topic (Which is about IBS dmg) if you want to continue this discussion about Pala send me a pm, thx.
That would be a video of 5 bis but stupud players. Any decent cc combo takes a paladin down. My own "immortal" protection Pally has fallen to rangers, wizards and even GFs who simply chained CC me. Get your facts straight, if you just fire off pure damage vs the class designed to take/negate the most damage you cant expect him to fall. Strategize and synergize with your teammates to cc and kill any Paladin.
On topic: GWF should have the best melee damage.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Not having a problem with GWF avalanche proc bots or something, just with the kind of GWFs I described above :P
so 50k OP is crying about is more than 94k, nice to know
Also you forgot TR is invisible so they can pick the time, place, and target at their leisure to deal this unstoppable attack.
I'm perplexed. I have maxed tenacity and got hit by 80k+ SE through sprint. Non mitigable on a no-dodge class.
You want real broken stuff, look elsewhere (negation,wheel,lostamauth set, sabo builds, exc...)
Gf can do that kind of damage, which is absurd as long as they are not supposed to be stricker. we ( paladin ) have been nerfed on our only skill because of its absurd damage, so according to that :
GWf, Tr, Sw should be able to do that kind of damage, actually Sw cannot
While Cw and Gf can, but they shouldnt be able to do it ( yes, i know some terrible Cw that hurts me more than 60k after mitigation ) because Gf are meant to be defensive class, and cw are meant to control.
I'm not a noob, not bis but not far from it
Casteth Aka Le Déchu.
Funny story, Paladins used to say the same thing about Divine Judgement but it got nerfed to the ground all the same. The HAMSTER throwing contest continues on these forums. Nasty people you are
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
#1: Yes, it is pretty freakin' difficult to land anything as a GWF
#2: Yes, the GWF itself has too much damage buff that's just insane amounts
Therefore, yes, fighting with, and against, the GWF is lame. Both for the inflicting end & receiveing end, it's just a chance-gamble. As a GWF, you run around whiffin' your attacks until one lands with a crit, and then game over. Against a GWF, you run around evading him forever, until you make the slightest mistake and a crit lands and then game over.
....which means two "fixes" needed.
#1: Fix/renovate/tweak/redesign the GWF so it has better combat efficiency/easier fight management
#2: Consequentiall lower the amount of damage buffs the class needs
Problem solved.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Let me list it for you (talking about equally geared 4klish players)
vs TR = GWF should lose 95%+ of the time, no explaination needed
vs OP/DC = GWF cannot kill them, period
vs GF = GWF lose 80~90% of the time, and yes, GF can 2~3 shot us (try Druss the Legend or Hussbro)
vs CW = GWF beats bad CWs pretty easily but has NO CHANCE against top CW players, their fire wheel+daily hits us about 70K damage post-mitigation (when I was sprinting), all they need to do is throw a few cheesecakes at us after that and we are dead.
vs HR = GWF is only about 60/40 against equally geared HRs, those HRs that uses perm-loot combined with fire wheel is pretty deadly, plus there seem to be a bug causing HRs to deal more damage on CC immnued target (e.g. unstoppable) and hence its now noticibly harder taking up good HRs, it used to be 80~90/10~20.
vs Sw = Now finally a class GWF has good chance of beating!
Now in a team fight, GWF offers little to no CC, all GWF has is damage, and if there is a geared DC or OP around making the team unkillable, then GWF is practically useless there. Unlike many other class, that can actually offer CC to help control a target to death or being unkillable, compare to all these classes, GWF is really at a very bad state.
Yes, some of you would probably disagree because you have been beaten by GWFs much-more-geared than you, but if you go back and play with the GWF at your gear level, you will find they are really disadvantaged
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I would make both ibs and flourish faster animation to land them directly like restoring strike.
Damage tweaks should be done carefully since you must consider PvE too... and the fact gwfs are not much survivable ATM unless they use negation+feytouched. CWs and TRs out-survive them at esame iLvL. But i agree that if damage gets more reliable/ faster in pvp, it shuld be toned down. May be making DP stacks give less damage in pvp, leaving it almost the same in pve.
I'd balance negation, wheel, lostamauth set, sabo tr first. Also buff HR damage and decrease their stuns/cc in trapper tree, getting rid of perma cc and compensating with more damage (i play a trapper to be clear).