So honest question, I know the Bard has free play. What if you are tone deaf? Or just deaf? Do you need to hear anything to play the class?Well Beethoven did ok....
I got a 100% off character loadout Zen coupon for a free load-out, today on my leveling-up Bard.Sigh! Left hand does not know what right hand did.
I got it from the Neverember's Recruit Reward coffin.
We cannot reclaim the free loadout anymore because load-out are removed from the Zen store now.
I don't know if you realize that not everything "yotubers have posted" is revealed truth?Sure ... it doesn't have any kind of statistical value that someone show us an RNG in a video opening hundreds of boxes.
When it comes to luck in this game, my account is in the top ten beginning from the end
And yet I won some mythical mounts. . . opening shitboxes with only the keys I got from the VIP.
my point is the players that complain about the time it takes to exchange, they won't see much change on it, if they want their zen faster their best solution is using real money to zen exchange, the major complain is how long it takes to exchange ad to zen, they will not change how long it takes if it will make cash players not use real money for zen, this was a problem of the past were we had all players exchange ad to zen almost instantly, we didn't have caps on daily rad refine, lead to players not use real money for zen, if the game was not making money to the company, something had to change to these "benefits", daily ad cap refine was added, 6month exchange ad to zen added, they created a middle ground between cash players and free to play players.STOP WASTING AD ON ZAX, IF YOU WANT ZEN SO BAD USE REAL MONEY FOR IT, CAN'T YOU ALL SEE MOST ITEM THEY RELEASED RECENTLY ON ZEN MARKET ARE ABLE TO BE SOLD IN AUCTION HOUSE FROM CASH PLAYERS TO MAKE AD OF THE ITEMS AND YOU FREE TO PLAY PLAYER CAN GET THEM, EXCHANGING ZEN TO AD GIVES NOTHING TO CASH PLAYERS, THEY PREFER BUYING KEY ITEMS THAT CAN BE SOLD ON AH AND MAKE MORE AD OF IT THAN FROM ZAX.What is your point? Most item is not all. There is no AD wasted regardless. There is no transaction fee. There is no interest earned by keeping AD in the bank/purse. 6 month, one year wait really does not matter to me.