I played this game from the start and after being away for more then a year the game got new upgrades as mods, dungeons, gear etc. And that is good for business isn't it?
I always loved to play with my cleric the strong heals in the party to survive the dungeon we were doing. Now i am back and i notice that the palladin can give the team a huge HP pool better survive and often is the healer in master and or advange dungeons.
Why they got these high HP pool? And were is the cleric in this story? Because u told once that the cleric have strong heals but that is it. No buff for defense no shield nothing just a strong heal so team deal with it and stay alive with health stones or when u are defeated use scrolls of life or mass life. I really hope that the cleric get some useful upgrades.
Pity that every time you launch a new mod there is a special class like now the palladin and the CW. CW taumaturge does great damage and with the lair of the mad dragon they are the favorite for the repel and strangulation on the second boss.
Previous mods if i am corredt it was again palladin, ranger, TR. If i am correct there was never a fix/ upgrade for the barbarian, fighter (tank), cleric And because of that i think that there is a dis balance in this game.
. Pity U decide wich classes are get a fix instead of upgrade them all.
The frog / new mask was the winning team on PC the only way I can safely say is I got the choice pack.. there is / was no announcement anywhere and it's frustrating. All this build up then the event ends and they drop the ball... Not surprising as it was the same the year before..and before that... and before that.. =(
It's been around 2+ years since I played last and I can't remember where to go and what to do when I get there. Of course someone is going to say "Follow the quest path.". I don't have a quest path! That's the problem. When I do get a quest path and follow it it dead ends somewhere with no clues as to what I'm to do next. Someone will say: "look at the quest info on your screen"...that isn't any help to me without a quest path to the place or thing I'm supposed to interact with or battle.
I'm a level 20 Ranger (Hunter) but I'm as clueless as a noob. It's frustrating.
Currently, the way 'rating contribution' works is, if your any stat rating is within 1-50k of your item level, you get some rating contribution from it. If you have 100k item level and 50k accuracy (currently impossible, however it is just to give an example), you'll get 0% rating contribution. If you have 100k accuracy, you'll get 50% rating contribution
This system was designed with ~50k being the max item level at the time. So you'd always get some contribution from your ratings. However as our item level increases, the need for stats increase. Hence why DPS players had 45-50% defensive stats when 50k item level was the max, but now you see people at 25-30% defensive stats. This is because the gap between item level and combined rating keeps increasing.
There is a major flaw with this whole system. As I mentioned before, it is because it was designed with 50k being the maximum item level. Your combined rating has to be between a set value of your item level, rather than a percentage. Imagine in the far future, we make it to 500k item level, and items give 80% of their ilvl as combined rating in average. You'll have 500k item level and only 400k on all ratings, and however many stats you'd get from enchants/insignias/kits etc. Lets say you manage to get 450k on all ratings, you get absolutely no rating contribution from your ratings. Because your ratings are barely within 50k of your item level. I am going to propose some solutions to this, the 1st solution would require all the rating bonuses to be re-built, which is not ideal. The 2nd solution would be much easier to implement, and it is the ideal fix.
1) Changing Rating Contribution Formula One of the fixes to this would be to change the Rating Contribution formula to Rating Contribution = (Rating/Item Level) * 0.5 This way if you are at 500k item level and 450k ratings. You get a total of 45% from rating contribution as opposed to the 0% you'd get now. If you are at 500k ratings, you get 50%. The max rating contribution you can get is still 50% because of the ratings capping at your item level and the 0.5x multiplier. The only problem with this is that, for almost every item level value 1k rating will not end up being 1% stat. At 100k item level and 99k rating, you'd have 49.5% rating contribution, and getting that 1k would only increase your stat by 0.5%. This would make the stat system a little more complicated, and it is already hard to understand as a new player.
2) Make all combined ratings bonuses match their item's ILVL (The Ideal) This would fix the stat system's issue and introduce a new issue (which is fixable), too much stats. First of all, the 50% rating cap from rating contribution would have to be removed, because you'd get a minimum of 50% rating contribution regardless of what you have equipped. And then the stat caps would have to be raised to 100% (and the CA cap would have to be removed), and enemy HP/damage values would need adjustments. An optimized endgame group would deal 30% more damage (including the removal of CA cap + some enemy awareness debuffs). The enemy HP in master content can be increased by 30%, and less for advanced, less for normal etc. Similarly critter damage values can also be increased to compensate for all the extra defensive stats we would get (no numbers here because I did not want to go into damage taken calculations). Newly created characters would have to start with ratings equal to their item level. Or keep it as is, and min. rating contr. is 45% rather than 50%
It should be noticeable to players who played during the time stat rework happened. We went from having 45-50% defensive stats to 30-35%. And it will only spiral downwards from here. The devs can introduce bonuses with more ratings/percent stats to cover this issue without fixing the stat system, however these are all bandaid fixes to cover the flaws of the stat system. The stat system should receive some tweaks to fix this problem.
Hey, sorry because i open new discution .but i don`t know if im only who write for this problem, in this game the rate drop for weapon it`s very LOW, i farm MDWP for 6 mounth, and never drop the weapon for rangers ! 6 MOUNTH ! every day i farm 1-2 mdwp and only drop weapon bard,tank/paladin/cleric almost ! for others class...NO. Please increase the rate of drop...because i just to feel very tired to farm the MDWP....take so long time already ! At least put a merchant to buy everyone directly the weapon ! at least if i farm everyday ..with materials i can the buy the weapon, like mdom ! Im very sure alot of pple have the same problem.... ! thanks !
This new system seems interesting and this post was a good read until I got to this part:
Many players faced limited gear choices under the existing system. Some stats were just better than others, so gear stat choices often reduced to chasing the best stat for your role, getting it to cap, then chasing the next best stat, and so on. Many pieces of gear that could have been good were unappealing because they didn’t fit into this narrow pattern.
I'm sorry but in my opinion the real reason there's a lack of gear variety on players originates from the fact that the last few modules have presented many weird, unusable or simply bad equip bonuses. I can assure you players will use an arm piece with Control Bonus ratings if it has a let's say 5% Critical Chance bonus. They won't like it but they'll accept it. But if the bonus is like "when you use your daily your next encounter power deals x% more damage" - everyone will pass.
An additional reason is the lack of gear options to even choose from. In the more distant past, a new module used to present 2-3 sets of gear for a role. We don't need 3 sets but 2 well designed sets could provide the missing variety. Mod 30 brings 4 new armor pieces (head, chest, arms, boots) per role and that's it. There's a no variety to even begin with.
I was an alpha tester for module 29 and my team and I gave extensive feedback about the gear the Lair of the Mad Dragon dungeon was about to award. However, it was disregarded except for only one piece (the Accuracy+Combat Advantage mythic chestpiece which was originally designed as a Critical Strike + Critical Severity piece, similarly with the advanced dungeon piece).
I must confess I don't like the aggressive Item Level push mod 30 seems to try to do. Knowledgeable players will not fall for a higher IL piece if it's underwhelming in terms of equip bonus vs what they're already using. This is why you'll see endgame players wearing a mixture of the items from MLoMD, MDWP and some healers even MTOS.
In my opinion the last time with had overall well-designed equip bonuses is MDWP. Gzemnid items were good too but some were kinda niche. Before these, the dragon hunts had solid gear options. Why don't we see the bonuses brought back? The wildspace modules contain too many weird equip bonuses and the LoMD store just perpetuates the issue through copy-paste reused bonuses. So how can we speak of gear variety in these conditions?
It happens on occasion, but just wanted you to be aware that the queue will time out and then when I log back into the shard it takes me to my last known spot and denies me access to the queue with a leaver penalty. I did nothing but log back in after a time out to get into the dungeon that my queue team entered.
Yeah, the "or" refers to different methods of getting black ice. The quest requires that you do both 1 heroic encounter (just for the sake of doing 1), AND get black ice by any method.
We actually used to get small black ice drops in Kessel's retreat which counted, but those just stopped at some point.