Suggestion* Dr. Moreau's Growth Serum - New Name for "Super-Magnifier Aura"/Super-Magnifier V1- V5 Aura" * Microman's Shrinker Effect - New Name for "Super-Shrinker Aura" Reason/s for Suggestion* I think these names or something along the lines of it that shows association to the NPCs Dr. Moreau and Microman would fit just…
I've been testing more since the last update and all I can say is why? why would someone play this set from the viewpoint of how good does it do damage? I can't see much reason to play this set personally or recommend it to someone else if they asked. The only reason with the damage of the set being what it is currently…
Suggestion* A actual Threat Wipe power and not a advantage off another power as it currently is with Evasive Maneuvers. Perhaps something like a special custom type of "Flashbang Arrow" similar to how a real world stun grenade operates just in the form of a Arrow instead.
An appeal for changes to Precision, Hunter's Instinct, Desperate Shot, and Medical Arrow. & * I'd like to see Dexterity scaling with Precision and Hunter's Instinct as another option to use as I believe it'll provide more options to build from as a Freeform and as choices that the Archetype can choose from - Suggestion:…
Suggestion* Increase the AoE Sphere from 10 foot to 15 foot and reduce the charge time by 0.5 sec on Explosive Arrow and Sonic Arrow. * The added 5 foot Sphere increase could perhaps scale based on the rank of the power and charge time of the power similar to how the Ego Sleep power somewhat currently works in regards to…
Suggestion* Increase the damage that Rapid Shot does. Reasons for Suggestion* The damage this power is doing currently is far to low. Take a look at the following:* The image below is a parse of Rapid Shots (Rank 2, with "Concetrated Shots" Advantage) + Straight Shot (Rank 1, with "Split the Arrow" Advantage) + Snap Shot…
Bug Rapid Shots * Rapid Shots is not using the correct Onslaught Burst Enhancement and as a result of that is not getting any damage bonus currently. Images of parses done before the last update and in the current update below This is before the update ^(the above is rank 3 Rapid Shots) This is after the update ^
Bug Debilitating Poison Description * Could this be looked into and corrected? Powers that apply Debilitating Poison debuff all state that it's a -12% resistance to Toxic Damage debuff but the Banishment Device states it's a -12% resistance to Toxic Damage and -6% resistance to all Elemental damage for 16 seconds debuff
Suggestion Burst Shot and the Furious buff * Increase the time Furious buff lasts for to 15 seconds from the 12 seconds it's currently so that the Armor Piercing debuff and Furious buff from the "Tanking Names" advantage line up in the duration of time that they each last for again.
Suggestion Fair Game and its Graceful Shots Advantage * Allow the Lithe buff it grants when you defeat a target to scale to a higher rank if you've got rank 2 or 3 Thundering Kicks. Reason for this suggestion* If you apply the Lithe buff using rank 2 or 3 Thundering Kicks then you defeat a target while Fair Game is active…
Bug Circus Malvanum Gears(Event Currency) * The store is using last years' currency currently. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Images of the New Costume Pieces
Thank you for adding my costume suggestion, that said it seems the weapon auras from Heavy Weapon innate Aura FX to [Melee Weapon Aura: Sorcery (Right)] isn't covering the blade fully.
Addition of a Shirasaya O Katana. I'd like it to be added to Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Laser Sword, Telekinetic Blades, Heavy Weapon, Back, and Leg Accessories. Image below as to what it looks like. What's the difference between a Katana and an O Katana? What's the difference between a Katana and an Shirasaya Katana?…
Bug Body Sliders Positions are Bugged Female Model Changed to Male Model. Male Model Changed to Female Model. * When switching the gender model on either a character made with a male or female model initially to the opposite gender model the "Body Sliders" are pushed off to the side of the window and thus become…
Bug Reload * Won't activate when you're low on energy currently which can usually happen after being hit by a energy drain effect or you use it all with a maintained weapon system power for some examples.
Is this bugged currently on PTS? As the amounts it seem to be granting for healer's role ally boost seems to be closer to that of live's hybrid rather than that of healer's role amount.
It's a nerf a big one, but that aside currently the test server is lacking for any decent vehicle testing to be done, so suggestions. The following Debugger or Vehicle Upgrades NPCs Stores* Add Vehicle Mods specifically Support and Defense Systems include rank 6. * Add whoever get the updated store to the Vehicle Training…
Bug: Nightmare Colossus * Shadow Claw summons ignores the Freedom! buff granted by one another after Nailed To The Ground debuff Expires. * Shadow Claw summons seem to have a knock attack that doesn't grant knock resistance observed while using a vehicle in the center of the mass of Shadow Claw summons.
Bug In the Collector's Store Draysha Supercharger isn't spelled correctly the spelling in the store is: "Draysha Supercharge" also it's not a lockbox item but rather a Key Pack Device from the: Havoc Key Pack and thus shouldn't be in the Collector's Store.
... Maintenance, after which I assume the Nightmare Invasion Vendor will no longer be there... which means that I'd have wasted about 5 hours just trying to start trading in action figures to buy costume pieces, before that very same thing. Public Test Server/Shard seems to be better currently in terms of logging into "the…
"Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out" I've been trying for about 2 hours now and just getting that. 5:46 AM (GMT-4) Got in... for how long this time though? 5:47 AM (GMT-4) And: Nope just got into character selection screen this time when I tried to play a character: "Connection to the…
As you are on power armor, can you update Unbreakable's description to state how much the restored absorption is reduced by when you make a attack? And also as to what type of attacks reduce the restored absorption, for example, if DoTs effects such as bleeds and poisons reduce the restored absorption.
Has anyone tested: Pestilence with cut where it counts and trama? I did using all three Feint's trama's advantage I used when I tested healing was reduced by:Pestilence and cut where it counts but not by trama. tested on live.