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stealthrider Arc User



  • Cryptic doesn't care about on and off subs or former subs of any kind. We may as well not exist to them--and guess what, now we won't!
  • So former subs and those that switch between subbed and not subbed are screwed, with no changes other than the ability to finally apply the obscenely overpriced FF slot to an existing character. Great. Thanks Cryptic, you really are the experts at disappointing people.
  • Support seems to be deliberately not mentioning subscriptions in their responses, too. Probably safe to say subs are going away, it's just a matter of what happens alongside that inevitability.
  • 'Cause CO is clearly the epitome of a successful, hand-over-fist money-making game. It's why they've been able to hire so many devs and spend so much on new assets.
  • Except you only get to swap them either way once without paying for a retrain, and if they're not a free AT as Gold then they'd need to be converted to a free AT as silver. Basically the only way to not be screwed by the shitty model is to buy LTS.
  • Yes. Technically yes, but if you end your subscription you can no longer play those characters anyway (and while subscribed you can't play your silver characters) so it's irrelevant. No.
  • Because DC and Marvel have lawyers and Cryptic is afraid of them. Lawyers are scary, scary people that do things like protect intellectual property. They're the stuff of nightmares. If you make a DC or Marvel character, you should thank Cryptic if they ban you. They're saving themselves, their game, and your ability to…
  • Seriously, it's like talking to a brick wall.
  • How have you not grasped this by now? It's not a matter of can't afford it, it's not a matter of not liking the game enough. People have price limits for everything. A person can absolutely love bread and have an infinite amount of cash but still not want to spend $20 on a loaf of bread. If the price is too high relative…
  • > @spinnytop said: > stealthrider wrote: » > > OK, sure, sticker shock doesn't apply. It doesn't apply to any F2P game, clearly. > > > > > Now you're starting to understand. After you said this you took a hard left into nonsense territory though.​​ No, the fact that you think sticker shock doesnt apply to F2P games is the…
  • OK, sure, sticker shock doesn't apply. It doesn't apply to any F2P game, clearly. Or any game. Or anything at all. It's just a myth that totally doesn't exist. Not a real thing at all. People spend whatever for whatever, just because, without any consideration at all. Liking something is the only thing that matters. In…
  • The last time you went on this little "LOL average player there's no such thing!!! LOLOLOLOLOL" bit, you stated that you spent $1000 on Champions in the last month. If anyone added a zero it was you, though you made it quite clear that it was no mistake. I read the entirety of your post but apparently you didn't read mine.…
  • You stated that you spent $1000 on Champions in one month. Not much needs to be assumed, you're either making this up or you made that up. Either way you've lied, and therefore nothing you say has any value. Also guessing you've never worked in sales, if you've ever worked a day in your life in the first place. That's an…
  • > @jonsills said: > Stealth, I have no money. Literally, at the moment, as I'm 54 years old with outdated skills and medical issues, and thus unemployable, yet Social Security doesn't feel I'm sufficiently disabled to get to claim the disability I paid for all those years. Were it not for kindly family and friends, I'd be…
  • > @spinnytop said: > I think what Jon is saying is that if you have to ask why you should sub then you probably don't enjoy the game enough for subbing to be worth it. A lower price wouldn't change that either.​​ Spoken like someone that's never had to use the word "budget" before. I've tried to explain sticker shock…
  • This x100. An example of theme building: Back in the day I made a character whose powers were meant to emulate the 10 plagues of Egypt. The power choices reflected that theme, regardless of the cohesion of the build (though I did try to make it work as well as possible with that constraint in mind, ie I had an aura, an…
  • So I received the exact same email a second time, telling me that the character slot is intentionally not there. Presumably this was not a mistake or CS being incompetent. I'm fortunate in that the slot I bought was only a normal one. I asked what would have happened if the slot was FF instead. We'll see what the answer…
  • > @spinnytop said: > stealthrider wrote: » > > You're right, so many people are posting in the other thread it's just too hard to keep track of the conversation. So many people have chimed in in the other thread, giving valuable insight and opinions. The thread is absolutely packed with people talking, there's no way…
  • You're right, so many people are posting in the other thread it's just too hard to keep track of the conversation. So many people have chimed in in the other thread, giving valuable insight and opinions. The thread is absolutely packed with people talking, there's no way anyone could keep up with it. One whole post since…
  • The support emails as proof: Hello, Thanks for the update. We understand that you're missing a character slot(s). If you were previously a Gold Subscriber, you would receive extra rewards such as premium archetypes, special costumes, power tinting, etc. You would also receive extra character slots for your account. In this…
  • No, you don't understand. I bought a character slot. That slot did not show up. CS is telling me that no character slot I buy will be usable until I buy enough to match how many slots I had when subbed. I BOUGHT the slot. It is not there. I PAID for the slot. Once more, in as much detail as possible. I subbed. I canceled…
  • They're trying to push a LTS on me in the same support email that is telling me I need to spend on character slots that won't show up in order to match the amount I had while subbed, before I can buy new slots to use. At the same time they're telling me the money I spent on slots was completely wasted, they're trying to…
  • Customer service is now trying to tell me that, since I previously subbed, any character slots I purchase will not show up until I've purchased enough to "match the original amount," ie the ones I had while subbed. Still going to defend Cryptic taking away that slot if you delete a Gold character as a Silver player? They…
  • Hell if FF slots were a dollar I'd have bought much more than 30 by now.
  • I don't think much thought was given to the dropping subs part at all. Most of the discussion was likely about what should be included in the premium pack rather than what to do about existing and former subs. Probably some was given to going back on the LTS feature. I doubt the existing sub system's problems ever crossed…
  • Bought a silver slot. Didn't get one. Sent a ticket. So much for spending tonight on a new character. Thanks Cryptic.
  • Hopefully none of the CoX successors' communities adopt the same mindset. Absolutely depressing to see a person so content with player numbers dropping that the mere mention of trying to bring anyone back, let alone bring in anyone new, causes such backlash. Players are content, y'know. It's the entire basis of MMORPGs,…
  • Newer players are never going to come in droves, of course not. It's former players that are the ones that are more likely to come back to the game if enticed to. The ones that have played and supported the game in the past, and could be convinced to do so once again. The ones most impacted by the proposed sub changes, and…
  • It's very simple: Cut the development team to a skeleton crew. Halt content production; re-use and tweak existing content as necessary, and *maybe* create new content if it can be done on the cheap. Exist for 10 years as technology improves and your platform becomes cheaper to maintain. Use cheap servers and Cryptic's…
  • Except, taken in that sense, an LTS is still not owning your account. You don't own anything, you're not purchasing anything. You're just as much a renter, entirely subject to Cryptic's decisions of what to provide you. Cryptic could decide to, say, stop offering free character slots, and what are you going to do? Sue…
  • Thing is, I bought the game. Still have the box. So having that slot disappear, bug or not, just made that purchase feel more and more like I'd gotten nothing from it. That's been CO's problem, and the problem with some other F2P games. Older purchases and long-term support mean nothing without either a current…
  • Which only makes it better if they actually fix what's wrong with it instead of just keeping the same problems, but without the temporary bypass of subbing.
  • Cryptic has never understood the concept of sticker shock. It's why the game never took off post-F2P. They locked the core mechanic of the game behind either a sub commitment (which obviously didn't attract enough players pre-F2P in the first place) or two different massive costs. It's hard enough to get a player to spend…
  • So not a bug, just another consequence of the terrible system. But what happened to me is precisely what happened to Jon. I deleted a character I didn't care for (one that was an AT, by the way, not a freeform. A Gold AT) when I went silver, intending to make a new character in its place. Once the character was deleted,…
  • I know the character gets locked, just wondering about the slot itself. I don't remember if I sent in a ticket back then or if I was too pissed to even play after that.
  • The question I have is what happens if you're subbed, you purchase one of those slots, you make a character in it and unsub. Do you keep the slot? Prior experience with one of the free slots tells me no. I unsubbed a couple of years ago to play my silver characters, deleted the gold character I'd made in a free slot and…
  • Misleading thread title. But with who posted the thread, that's no surprise either I suppose.
  • And I was on the old forums. And the fansites. There was no consensus. There were people speculating about the slot and a handful insisting that it should be priced high to encourage subs, and the $50 number was tossed around by those speculating. When it actually hit, with that price, there was at least one massive thread…
  • I don't know where you heard all this but on the forums, there was a pretty solid consensus of $30 to $50 being fair. I was here, not making it up.[/quote] I didn't "hear" anything. I was there, too. I was there since closed beta. There was no consensus, not even remotely, and to claim so is ridiculous. There were the…
  • What? No, before the conversion people were very much outraged at the prospect of paying $50 for a slot, among the other problems with the system. I for one distinctly remember the many complaints about how people were being asked to pay the cost of the game box for a single character, while those who actually did buy the…
  • To be clear, they're not actually FF characters. They're FF until your sub lapses, then they're locked. Not actual FF slots. Still no word at all about what they're doing with lapsed subs and their Gold slots, if the plan is still to get rid of subscriptions.
  • Meanwhile, the price of FF slots was lowered from "obscene" to "still obscene." Can only imagine how many they would have sold if they were reasonably priced or just plain cheap. Not Cryptic though, they don't want customer quantity, just a handful of whales. If this is their "solution" to the subscription mess, it's not…
  • I don't think it's gone live yet, and there's been no other word about if it's happening or not, but this lowering of FF slot price is not even close to enough to make up for the way they planned to handle phasing out subs, and not just because the slot is still obscenely overpriced. I'm still able to log in and play my…
  • This better come with old Gold slots still being grandfathered in as perma-freeforms, because lowering the price of FF slots from "obscene" to "still obscene" is a joke if not. So now instead of getting one character for the price of a full AAA game, you can get three...for the price of a full AAA game! Or just one for the…
  • I love how it's become whales telling other whales that they're either whaling too hard or not whaling enough.
  • I remember when people used to say CO would/wouldn't kill CoH. And DCUO would/wouldn't kill both. Truth is, every new game in the genre takes some players from the older ones but mostly gets new players that either didn't touch the others or tried and didn't care for them. It's pointless to speculate in either direction,…
  • Just as I thought. No concept of sticker shock or how other people pay for content in games, particularly the impact of committing to a subscription vs paying at their own pace. There's no point debating you, you're not even on the same planet. But please keep thinking of yourself as a typical player. You deserve your…
  • Because you're clearly a typical LTS, and a typical player. That's why CO is so successful, because it's absolutely flooded with players like you. It makes Fortnite look like a struggling indie game, with all those players like you. I wonder what you'd be saying if your characters were forcibly converted, too. Edit: I was…
  • Nah, those players that chose to purchase a lifetime sub because it's a cheaper alternative to maintaining a subscription for several years, the ones that are given a monthly stipend and (up til now) as many character slots as they want without paying any extra, are totally the people that are most likely to continually…
  • Or, y'know, they might come back and not want to sub, but still buy other things from the store because committing to a subscription is very different than making one-time purchases. But here's the thing. Even if the vast majority don't stick around,they're still coming back temporarily. That's more than what's happening…