Well, it's been just over a year since the original post, which I figure is long enough to not complain much. A lot of wild stuff has happened due to Embracer Group's "restructuring", but Cryptic is still intact under DECA Games and costume development has not slowed down. We got some real bangers over the last year,…
Huge QOL improvement. The token availability changes give us more flexibility and the event itself doesn't take any longer to grind than it did before. The only thing I'm not jazzed about is the 20 hour CD starting at turn-in rather than on mission pickup. Sometimes there's only enough time in the day to grab your missions…
Can't wait to blow hours trying to get python tank kills to register for a shot at the new style. FYI it isn't just Epidemic; non-target AOEs in general have been an issue for me (such as lead tempest). I'd recommend avoiding them and sticking with single target powers for that section until it's fixed.
Honestly, just put in an in game ticket and someone will email you. The ticket types don't always line up with what exactly you need, but it at least gets someone to reach out and you can take it from there. I have firsthand experience with that.
The first patch note just said Mindslayer and Viperia costumes were updated, not that the costumes were available (as I learned after killing Viperia 50 some-odd times). One of the more recent patch notess mentioned Mindslayer now being available as a rare drop from Mindslayer herself (it also has a chance of dropping from…
Another thing I noticed with Serpent Lantern, and I don't know if it's a bug or intentional, but Viperia will drop a reward if you bring her health to zero. However, if you banish her without killing her (usually if your dps is lower and you get through 2 pillar phases) she does not drop anything.
In Serpent Lantern, when you're at Bunker Site Bravo, destroying VIPER Python Tanks often do not register for the quest and we have to wait for them to respawn and try again. In the attached image, the log shows I've destroyed at least 3, but only have credit for 1. This is in checkpoint 2. I had completely cleared out all…
Considering the amount of planning that goes into lockbox releases, if they were to take that route, I wouldn't expect to see one for this till 2024 at the soonest. I agree its more likely they'd trickle in as common/freebies or event stuff. Never know though!
You spent time and resources to take a somewhat good PVD and make it into an unattractive mess. There's no value in locking out haymaker or your new PVD.
I want to be clear that the purpose of this thread was to get the attention of, and some kind of response/acknowledgement from the appropriate party. Seeing as this is the only official way to communicate with the dev team and/or Cryptic representatives (the option to "leave feedback" literally takes you to a FAQ with no…
I understand a topic like this tends to get dismissed pretty easily, and even seen as overdramatic. I've made an effort to gather as many hairstyles as I feasibly could that were released through lockboxes, event stores, or keypacks over the last few years. Granted, credit where it's due for the 'curly' style and...I…
Thank you; agreed 100%. I feel it is important to note that after reviewing old messages and endlessly scrolling through Facebook, the aforementioned dev stream was actually the Best Shape Costume Contest, January of 2021. Not quite 2020 as I originally thought.
I think the brutal beard 2 and more recent gladiator hairstyle are missed opportunities we should remedy. I didn't expect a "short" version of a beard to be a mustache, or a "short" version of a hairstyle to be just the ponytail. Kind of a no brainer. Any chance these can get a little update?
I don't see any reason for them to be asking for costume ideas ever. There's hundreds of lockbox or event ideas for them to go off of already. It's almost as if they only check recent posts and don't backtrack on anything they may have missed.
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately this is quite literally the only acceptable and official channel for dev communication. I've searched and tried other methods, but this is the place to be and I want this to be formal.
It doesn't matter if you don't think it's broken. It's broken, and has been for years. My understanding of the whole AoPM fuss has to do with vindicator mastery and people min/maxing their builds for dps. It isn't so much sucking as it is tryharding haha. The majority of players don't care. I know that doesn't directly…
I'm gonna be frank; it's a bit surprising that after all this back and forth, you're build is a good old fashioned might build that just happens to have a support passive. It can stay exactly the same and be objectively better in every way for every bit of content with Unstoppable, Night Warrior, Stormbringer, Earth Form,…
Hello again. So sorry, I must not have read your initial post carefully enough before dumping all those focused builds. I see you have plenty of great examples already and wanted to take another stab at it myself. This one focuses more on rupturing shredded via tigers bite for a main single target, pistols are largely…
I actually put together a few builds when this came out. Most or all can even afford an extra power slot or two for flair. Expect to slot dex for most. Super Sentai Whirlwind Blade…
Eye beam can work as a fun opener, but won't be more than just flair. Kinda what flow suggested; an energy builder from the head like the ones in force or power armor can be a cool sub for "eye beams". Only thing is that might make it harder to access other powers. You can then take wind breath with unstable footing for…
Would definitely help cut back on speculation, which has proven time and time again to be quite damaging among the community. Something as simple as "bug fixes" would be better than complete radio silence.
> @nbkxs said: > It's great that we have the cutscene skip that makes Cutscenum so much more tolerable now, but can we get another vote button to shut that retard up on top of the tunnel? His voice is grating, and after hearing that nonsense 945758947 times, it's tired, and needs to be over. Yes. On the bottom right corner…
> @somerandomkid500 said: > Its going to take more than an "empathetic" no to reassure me that CO isn't going to sunset. He said "emphatically", not empathetically. Not sure if that helps either way, but it is a pretty big difference, for what it's worth.
Always on, and seldom ever an issue in the places where it matters. I'd consider myself fairly active and only know of one player that's blatantly disruptive. That's it. I'm guessing I'm either just lucky, or folks just opted out from the start because of a couple of bad runs.
Clown hair for Foxbatcon https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.seekpng.com%2Fipng%2Fu2a9o0o0w7e6r5q8_curly-clown-wig-rainbow%2F&psig=AOvVaw2JFr9lbcZzPceQQUK48NPY&ust=1633893844270000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAYQjRxqFwoTCIDc8fiHvvMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
Look into defense mods such as durable or parkour. They give a little boost to knock resistance. Distinguished gear will help a lot as well once you get down to grinding. I use Unstoppable passive on most of my melee dps for this very reason. It helps quite a bit and you can keep the rest of your build as is.
> @spookyspectre said: > It's been a while since I played a Pet build but one trick that seemed to work well was to use a short lived summon like Summon Shadows or Summon Nightmare on the target. They very reliably attack the target you spawn them on and would trigger my always-on pets to aggro on that target as well. When…
It's weird though because pet builds are still kind of popular. I'm wondering if maybe something in my settings could be doing it. I did another test and it does look like they'll just stop after the first target. Surely that can't be happening to everyone, right? And so consistently as well?
Yeah I have a guardicator dps exclusive version of this build and the overall damage from toxic rifle is almost on par with AR; usually better in longer fights where i can keep poison stacks. I love the damage shield (now that it's fixed), which actually prompted a retcon in the first place. Poked around some and did some…
Ah, I forgot to mention the 2 plasma rifle devices will be the ghosthunter and toxic qularr rifle devices. Toxic qularr will provide fine dps without as much risk of grabbing unwanted aggro. Thinking of getting the target computer device as well. I'm very disappointed theres no challenge on lead tempest, but it is what it…
Any particular reason for support role? I see you have AoPM, but aside from that and IDF, I'm not seeing too much support. You might get a bit more out of PRE primary rather than CON, kill the advantages on frenzy and grab rank 3 instead, and phlebotomist advantage on devour essence. If you're married to support role,…
Concentration seems to be under 'gadgeteer' only, rather than technology as a whole. Not sure when it happened or if it's a bug. This affects the power progression when building outside of the gadgeteer tree (such as munitions). Unsure if it's intentional at this time, though.
Good afternoon. I'd like to add my two cents here, and I hope the devs may find some value in it. This is from the perspective of a "casual" player who dabbles plenty in endgame content and gets by just fine. I ran TT as main tank/dps with a healer, ranged dps, melee dps, and off tank/dps. We were geared with…
Hmm, the grenade does fit the theme and is super practical, especially since I probably won't be max range at cosmics. I like the dex pss idea; not sure why I didn't look into that. I'll have to give it a whirl as well. Looks very good. Thanks, kamokami.