I'd like to add a title to my one or more of my toons in the future that is "zerg" related. Particularly a title that says something to the effect of "Don't Zerg!" Failing that, it would be nice to know if there's some way to suggest new titles in general. Yes, there are a great deal of titles already and oftentimes if I scan through them long enough i'll find one that might suffice for whatever is needed at the time, but still it might be "fun" for players to suggest new titles in the future. If there's already a way to do this, please enlighten me. If there's not, then please generate a way in which we can do that. Zerging the hounds at Kiga stinks by the way. I'm just putting that out there. Love the game. Been here off and on for over a decade, apparently. I'm still not very good at playing, but I enjoy it all the same. Thanks for your time. Please don't zerg me.