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Pet commands: bugged, or user error?

starflairexstarflairex Posts: 85 Arc User
Hello heroes, just a general question here. I'm leveling a pet build and have been having issues with my pet commands. In a nutshell, they do little to nothing. I can select a target and click 'attack'. They'll all jump in and attack, but completely ignore the other targets hitting them once the initial mob is defeated. I can click assist, and they'll just watch me get wailed on without doing anything. For reference, I'm lvl 29 using rank 3 familiar, rank 3 command animals, and unbound ebon summoning. PRE/int/con. Is there a certain setting I should arrange, or are pets just generally janky like that?


  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    The bug has been here for years. The pets going passive in zone randomly without switching back. We haven't heard any feedback about it.

    And what sucks is pet builds are usually under DPS so seeing them static just blows harder.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • starflairexstarflairex Posts: 85 Arc User
    It's weird though because pet builds are still kind of popular. I'm wondering if maybe something in my settings could be doing it. I did another test and it does look like they'll just stop after the first target. Surely that can't be happening to everyone, right? And so consistently as well?
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    They are popular, but sidekicks are more popular and generate money for them due to lockboxes, I fear. I wish pets would finally get some sidekick treatment, more AoE resistance and more use in general, they die way too fast and basically useless in a lot of events or cosmic fights, especially Kigatilik that heals on kills, they simply should not count towards that. Also, another weird bug for years by now, their command bar not reacts, only the main one for all pets, but not the individual commands, giving an error message.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Kiga no longer heals from pet deaths. That did happen once, but was fixed fairly early on. They still melt fast during storms though.
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  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    Kiga no longer heals from pet deaths. That did happen once, but was fixed fairly early on. They still melt fast during storms though.

    Good to hear at least on that, i have not done Kiga, no interest in Cosmics itself here. But yeah, them dying faster than you summon them is often the main issue still. You should also not need to focus a spec tree on it since they already take a power slot and rank advantages.
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    It's been a while since I played a Pet build but one trick that seemed to work well was to use a short lived summon like Summon Shadows or Summon Nightmare on the target. They very reliably attack the target you spawn them on and would trigger my always-on pets to aggro on that target as well. When they shifted targets, I think the always-on pets would tend to follow.
  • starflairexstarflairex Posts: 85 Arc User
    > @spookyspectre said:
    > It's been a while since I played a Pet build but one trick that seemed to work well was to use a short lived summon like Summon Shadows or Summon Nightmare on the target. They very reliably attack the target you spawn them on and would trigger my always-on pets to aggro on that target as well. When they shifted targets, I think the always-on pets would tend to follow.

    That is an interesting idea. I noticed the pets will follow another one if it aggroed a different mob. Now wondering if something like ball lightning would work the same. Seems worth testing, but maybe for a finished lvl 40 instead of one I'm leveling. Thanks!
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    It mostly bugs out in open world but works during alerts or so. But the heal drone will heal regardless the other pets and sidekicks stop fighting.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    That is an interesting idea. I noticed the pets will follow another one if it aggroed a different mob.
    That's because they are using the same AI, so given the same data they'll make the same choices.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    edited July 2021
    It's been a while since I played a Pet build but one trick that seemed to work well was to use a short lived summon like Summon Shadows or Summon Nightmare on the target. They very reliably attack the target you spawn them on and would trigger my always-on pets to aggro on that target as well. When they shifted targets, I think the always-on pets would tend to follow.
    Yea, this is one of the solutions I recommend in my old pet guide. Kinda annoying to have to use one of those summon powers (though they are decent dps pets themselves, relatively), but they usually seem to fix any pet AI inactivity.
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