I think the problem is people aren't going gold, and they're not buying FF slots either, not in high enough numbers at least. Give them one FF slot so they know why they should consider going gold or buying additional slots.
Players wouldn't be scored individually, the entire team shares the same score, thereby avoiding the need to add special scoring methods based on roles.
More forum essays... but still, all I have to do to counter your entire argument is go into the game and actually play the alert; I'll have fun, and that's all that matters. So, it's not your ISP, it's not your hardware. Maybe the problem is happening somewhere between your chair and the keyboard? Not calling you a noob,…
I don't get it guys. Why am I having such an easy time beating this with pugs and the rest of you aren't? I see lag mentioned a lot... that's not Cryptic's fault, call your ISP. If you have poor FPS and that's getting you killed, upgrade your GPU. They can't just keep making the game easy because people's hardware can't…
Good news. The design of the alert allows you to leave if you want. I've done it myself... not because the leechers made the alert impossible to finish, which they didn't, but just because I firmly disagree with people joining the new alert with the intention of not participating. Before I leave I always whisper the people…
Your logical falacy is strawman. I also agree with p0temk1n and all the other people pointing out the fact that you're grossly exaggerating the difficulty of the encounter. I have to ask, do you have a really slow internet connection, or perhaps a computer that can barely handle the game and gives you really low frames per…
Ego Raptor dislikes all MMOs, hence his opinion on this one would be irrelevant. Funny you didn't know... maybe, that being the case, you should refrain from speaking for Ego Raptor? I have this weird feeling that he wouldn't be happy to know you were doing that... One could say that we're down to 3-4 zones of MC because…
We haz them. Pro-Tip: Stop thinking in terms of "worth doing for the reward", start playing game for fun again. Game not fun? Don't play it, nobody will care. Doesn't seem too long for me. People keep comparing his hp to gravitar... well, he's always shorter for me than Gravitar is, so obviously there's more going on here…
First, the Forum Malvanum alert comes rollin' on in.... Then, you unleash the Cybermind alert on us... and then you came flying in to quickly fix the bugs in the alert... Cryptic(North).... I really only have one thing to say about this. Maybe Cryptic North really is saving this game after all.
I see you're reading the comment that Trail Turtle awkwardly edited in a way that completely obfuscated its original meaning. I'm excited about the event and will probably do it repeatedly. If you had ever read anything else I ever wrote on the subject of challenging alerts where you actually have to do stuff, it would…
I would give you a pic to explain this thread, but even if I could post pics in this section anymore I'm sure Smackwell would have an issue with me posting a picture of a bunch of dudes having a contest to see who can jack themselves off harder A pissing contest seems downright mature in comparison to this debacle..
This alert is actually a good example of how to do a particular type of "difficulty" correctly in this game, in regards to rewards. Finishing the alert doesn't require anything special from the group, since once you've beaten all the non-timed guys, you have technically successfully finished the alert; go turn in your…
Wait... they made a fight where I have to pay attention and move? ...what's that <am I excited about something happening in this game>?.... ... well this is <relevant adjective>.
Smoochan: You can't do that. Responder: Of course you can't do that! Here's 10 reasons why you can't do that! Here's some history of when you could do that leading up to all the circumstances that made it so you can't do that anymore! See, you're wrong, and how dare you point out that we can't do that? Smoochan: ...ha.
U jokin? We taught YOU how to stack UR MOM! We sold you every single UR FACE that you own. Do I even need to mention that embarrasing U MAD phase you went through? And you even copied that from us when we were usin' U MAD... AS A JOKE! AND WE STILL NO U'D BETTER THAN YOU WITH A JOKE U! Listen, you're clearly outmatched…
All that typing... and you could have just typed "I agree with everything you said Smoochan" and effectively said the same thing. Not sure where you got your interpretations of my post, but it's defective. Also you kind of trailed off at the end there...who said anything about theme?
If I was going to give you a list of all the people who have ever beat me in PvP, I could save us both some time and just say "Everybody ever". This isn't about winning and losing; all these years later, and there are still people who just don't get that. What happened to you that everything has to be about W/L record? To…
you could have just stopped here and said that you agree with me. Not sure what you thought the point of the rest of the post was. All that "do what you think is fun" and "just use what feels right for you" is all nice and philosophical and what not, but philosophy doesn't have much to do with the point of this thread.
It would be neat if the enemy faction randomly attacks you the way nemesis minions do. Except that enemy faction attacks are actually dangerous. In fact, make them so dangerous that if the faction hates you hard enough, other players stop wanting to be around you because they don't want to be gibbed by your hater parade…
[Become Nepht] Passive: PvPrincess -Causes other players to have a 90% chance to fail when attempting to target you. There's a reason it's not available anymore.
The existence of melee powers allows you to create melee characters. This is invaluable for people who want to create melee-themed characters. It should come as no surprise that people want to make super heroes that punch and kick. As far as the mechanical aspects go: The highest burst attacks come from melee. Also there's…
Underchicken, Please change the color of the yellow text in your sig pic, or at least give it a border, it is very difficult to read. Thank you, Smoochan
Personally I think some of these guys are hired by Cryptic to come in and supress pvp whenever it starts getting popular again. We were actually starting to have fun in the hero games again... so here comes the "destroy hero games" brigade all of a sudden. I mean seriously, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that all…
I'm not really getting the point here. So a particular faction gets killed easier by me, and I also get more money and xp from them. Is this so people can focus on farming one particular group of NPCs? I don't think people do that anymore, and it doesn't sound particularly interesting. I'd much rather see story lines that…
Okay okay, so he said something horribly offensive that hurt your feelings. By the look of what he typed, I can understand why you would be upset at such a scathing attack. But, can you find it in yourself to forgive him for that nearly horrifying insult he launched at your heart like a burning arrow and see the greater…
Why do you always try to turn comments against yourself? He's saying the system sucks, not that you suck. Stop trying so hard to make it about you dummy, and just admit that you wish you had the freedom to be creative just like everyone else secretly does. After all, if you enjoyed the "limited options" style of gameplay,…
Take the animation that a lot of channeled ranged powers have, where you stick one arm out, and just use that for the grab. It doesn't have to be some homoerotic greco roman spectacle.......although...