This probably won't happen any time soon. It would effectively allow players to divine the drop rates on the lockboxes and salvage kits without having to spend (potentially) hours copying characters to the test server to collect enough keys/boxes. Also, it would allow players to test the rewards first hand, possibly…
I'm gonna go ahead and say it right now: Champions Online will never again receive new content that is not tied into the Store somehow. And by content, I mean the Vibora/Adventure Pack stuff, not 5-minute Alerts. Cryptic has so much of its resources focused on NWN that there's barely a skeleton dev crew left on CO. Since…
I opened 1000 boxes on the test server about a week ago, and 2% is about what I got for the drop rate on the 4-slot/Become prize (19/1000, to be exact). Out of the 1000 boxes, I received two Doomlords. edit: lol beaten by Tito, but yes. FYI, you can "copy" characters from Live to Test, so to get lots of boxes to open, you…
Some things: First, Cryptic's had plenty of opportunity to add keys to the drop tables in STO and hasn't done it, so it is very unlikely they will do it here. Second, grab bags/boxes don't fall under the definition of "gambling" in the USA, primarily because current laws allow PWE to claim that Zen is worthless even if you…
This is absolutely the only thing PWE/Cryptic will listen to. It doesn't matter how much the forums explode or how much people complain about the boxes. As long as $MoneyFromKeys is greater than $MoneyLostFromPeopleWhoHateKeys, the keys will stay. Furthermore, if the keys are a big success, you can bet that PWE is going to…
Another way in which these grab bags (and boxes) are not like CCGs is that most CCGs have guaranteed amounts of rarity in each pack. That is to say, if you buy a booster of Magic: The Gathering, you're guaranteed to get X common, Y uncommon, and Z rare cards. Different cards are useful for different players, but Wizards…
Ok, I bought 50 boxes and opened them. Somebob appears to be correct; I didn't get all 40 items, but I did get about 30 different things, with doubles and occasional triples spread pretty evenly. I got three elixir and two pheromones, and decided to test them out. Looks like there's no mutual cooldowns for them. Using a…
I suppose it couldn't hurt to grab a bunch of device boxes and see what drops. After all, I got 2800 salvage at the bargain price of $900! Or at least I would have, if I'd tried to do this on the Live server.
Those are good ideas, Blademaster. Unfortunately, they were already pitched to Cryptic back when they put lockboxes in STO, and the only way to get keys there is if somebody forks over Zen for them. edit: My research has revealed that the drop rate on the good stuff (the Become device w/4-slot item) is a miserly 2%.
Buying zen/c-points/etc. is functionally like buying an electronic gift card, except it's not covered under existing laws because the legal definition of "gift card" is very small. This means that the publisher/developer can claim that the zen has no cash value, therefore the stuff we buy with it has no cash value, thus…
Don't bother buying any keys, as the drop rates on the tables are probably broken. Cryptic has a history of leaving crap in a broken state for a long time while telling us it's "working as intended", so we should wait until the odds on this slot machine are publicly posted by devs and can be verified on the test server by…
Why not? Are the keys character bound? Drop rates were tested in STO by repeatedly copying characters to the test server and consolidating keys. They may never reveal the drop rates and allow player verification, but until they do, I see no reason not to share my belief that they are broken.
Do NOT buy keys or open boxes, as the drop rates appear to be broken. Considering how often we've been told by Cryptic that stuff has been fixed when it hasn't, we shouldn't consider the drop rates truly fixed until the numbers are posted publicly by the devs and can be confirmed by players on the test server.
You can certainly go STR/EGO as a themed build, but unless your heart is really set on having both melee and ranged, it's better to just stick to one. Even then, STR and EGO don't really do a whole lot other than boost melee/ranged damage, and it's not difficult to get a fair amount of the appropriate stat without choosing…