agreed. Too cartoonish, these are a fail for me. Not to say they do not look cool or there is great talent behind them, but tired of cartoon animal heads
How about we wait and see if the emote is even the gold reward before we start to complain? Jesus, one reply in and we are already getting off topic. Back to which, other than those posted above, I didn't see any more inverted pieces.
So is this going to turn into another situation where things that are broken and after it was pointed out it still goes live? Sorry for being snarky, I really am, but it has happened too many times and it really needs to stop.
I would like to believe they care.m Though I cannot speak for them. I do think that they are held back by limitations placed by PWE, not to mention that we should expect that the new/old team probably do not have a lot of time with the game yet. Also, I am not sure how much theyu "care" effects the work so far, I think…
"Rebooting" may have been a bad choice of word originally. But if they are going in to rework character models for future changes that make the game better, then it is a good thing. Unfortunately we get no communication. So we have no real way of being able to tell if these are just glitches, or models broken due to other…
I disagree. Hidouts, the extra rooms sit there visable and some you can get into. Never completed, I call that half assed. Nemesis, have been broken several times, have not been updated since on alert, and thus are no longer that tough due to how powerful our characters get. Do not have access to weapon geos, and many of…
I think there is something to Cryptic's being gun shy with the Foundry. I also think they would just half a** it like everything else. Look at Hideouts, Nemesis and Vehicles as examples. The Foundry would be no different. It would be released with a handful of z-store items, then left to die. Most likely break in a few…
I would love for this to be true. But without any devs coming out and saying it is true, I will believe what is more likely. They don't know what they are doing.
I think it would be nice to allow people to try out an AT. Like give them 48 hours. Then after their time is up, when they try to use the character they change the build or delete the character and start over. Int he case of the purchasable ATs I mean. The free ones they can retrain to change. I dont know, just a basic…
I really REALLY hope the "Renew Your Vows" will be the new main universe Spider-Man. I wouldn't buy a Spider-Man book since Brand New Day and never liked their break-up. Adding May to the fold, I would buy that book in a heartbeat. However I think it will be a one and done story. I saw some pages of it and it had the…
Quick question, will those who have already done the tutorial before these changes get the perk? Or will we be able to go back and do the tutorial again on old characters? I ask because I focus getting perks on one of my characters and not the others.
Yes, because this team had put together many great missions in the past. They are the ones that gave us the Comic Series and Adventure pack (I believe.) I am fine with there mission work, costumes...well they do not need to make any custom costumes in the social instance so it should be fine.
Welcome to the forums, sorry for the negative vibes in many threads. Don't let them get you down :) I am Moglie@ GOD_OF_WAR_ARES in game...I really wish I wasn't an idiot when it came to the handle at launch...ugh. Glad to see that this thread has been welcoming to you, good work peeps!
Yeah, this has been said many times before. but when you are dealing with a company that will send STO and not CO to Comic Book conventions it is hard to expect them to put any money into advertisement without finding someone to just hand them the money to do so.
Like? There are very few things in Marvel heroes that would be good in CO. Marvel Heroes isn't even a MMO. But I would like to know what you think should be taken.
Agreed. This overhaul could also mean the Devs expect a new influx of players. (Maybe) Maybe this is the start of something bigger...if their costume designs don't send more packing that is.
voyagersix brought up removing the Qularr mother ship which has a Unity mission attached to it. You were defending the idea (or at least that is how it came a crossed.) So I looks like you are defending the removal of a mission, so there was SOME conveyance of wanting to delete stuff.
To be fair, the forums are written and not spoken, so it is often hard to tell the difference. Many of us do not know you personally. How are we supposed to know when you are being sarcastic or not?
I loved that their system was named Plato. I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes to CO lore, but I love tht it goes with Socrates. I really agree with others that the buildings should lead to small instances. Even if one takes you to the Powerhouse to act as their training facilities. But more RP instances, even…
Not a huge fan of the "f" key as the new interaction button but I will get used to it. Only real issue is I wish we could go into the new buildings and use them for RP. Otherwise I like the changes. The voice work is much better than the past and it was nice not "having" to read everything.
Judging how the current team can't even make a decent costume set without breaking the game I don't think I want them making a new zone. Or anything for this game. While I would love to get more content, I would rather it ne from a competent team.
Well I certainly feel like an idiot for thinking it would be fixed...oh well. I will continue to be an idiot and think they will fix it after making the mistake of releasing it as is. Then I will buy it. Good thing is, I will have enough free zen to buy it by that time :).
So, it seems the only thing cryptic really listened to was textures and categories and not anything about how broken the pieces themselves are...awesome. plus if not adding jet pack FX isn't in scope before release, then that pretty much means there is no chance based of the track record we have had. Or it if it added they…
Apparently longer than we have currently waited? *shrugs* Personally I do not blame him. While MANY have given great feedback, there have been plenty of people giving horrible and insulting feedback-or feedback that can be read that way. I wouldn't expect anything until the next patch and the notes to go along with that.
if you are worried about the designer's feelings then you should try your best to get this costume put on hold. If we are this outraged at the current set, how do you think someone will react if they actually paid for it? At the new price range no less. I know I would want my money back.