We have quite a few entries already, I'll set up the list right now.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The list looks good so far and I'm seeing some very familiar names so good luck to everyone. Tier 2 opens tonight (8:30 ish Est. As always, feel free to ask question here or in-game.
Got it and thanks pal. The Payback lottery will still continue as planned but I am going to pitch as much of presto's idea as possible now, just to make sure we are on the same page. First off the exact subject matter will remain a mystery but it will be an action shot with a name brand villain. Presto's own character, Doctor Presto, will be featured in the shot as well.
Presto is an older fan like myself and a Lottery regular so he has seen a lot of what I can do and this is very thematic. It's probably better suited to a comic geek/superhero fan than a gamer geek but who knows. Now like I said the exact subject matter is a mystery, but I want it known that the winner is not necessarily the star of the piece or composition.
Did I forget anything Presto? Feel free to adjust this or send me a private message.
Do not try and enter this one now though as I will run it after the Payback Lottery is closed.
Not quite 8:30 but I'm having a late dinner so let's fix up the list and open it to Tier 2.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 2
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
(07) Crysik@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(08) Yay!! Here we go again!!! Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(09) A.R.E.S. @randomchance42 (Tier 1)
(10) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
Tier 1 takes half the list this time around and the Lottery is now open to Tier 2 Heroes. Might be a bit of a stretch to get a Tier 3 in this draw but who knows.
Wow I guess the Tier 2 heroes must have been waiting for that. I'll update the list right now.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 2
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
(07) Crysik@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(08) Yay!! Here we go again!!! Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(09) A.R.E.S. @randomchance42 (Tier 1)
(10) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(11) wooo Danger Demon@liath ( Tier 2 )
(12) Gauntlet@themightydork ( Tier 2 )
(13) Nisroc@esalmighty ( Tier 2 )
(14) Sapphira Star@Glass-Rose ( Tier 2 )
(15) ArchLight@dr490nbr347hi ( Tier 2 )
(16) Glimmer@kallethen ( Tier 2 )
(17) Jaguar@apygoos brings the speed. ( Tier 2 )
Wow, that was fast and only three spots left.
"*swaps AgentCanada's die.. dice.. dices.. rolling fortune divining devices*" "hmmmm. Now where the heck did i put those dice." *starts pulling the bones from the chicken wings he ate earlier* "Trust in the hoodoo"
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Nice, not all the regulars got a chance to sign up but we did hit the Nat d20 cap. Sorry Rune, as far as I tell everybody on the list is good. I'll finalize the list and roll for my winners.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
(07) Crysik@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(08) Yay!! Here we go again!!! Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(09) A.R.E.S. @randomchance42 (Tier 1)
(10) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(11) wooo Danger Demon@liath ( Tier 2 )
(12) Gauntlet@themightydork ( Tier 2 )
(13) Nisroc@esalmighty ( Tier 2 )
(14) Sapphira Star@Glass-Rose ( Tier 2 )
(15) ArchLight@dr490nbr347hi ( Tier 2 )
(16) Glimmer@kallethen ( Tier 2 )
(17) Jaguar@apygoos brings the speed. ( Tier 2 )
(18) Blackwing@jonsills (Tier 2).
(19) Ellie B.O.T@Aleatha1011 for tier 2
(20) And I strike the last spot for T2? Poltermask@epelesker
Coming in 3rd place we have (14), Congratz to Sapphira!
Coming in 2nd place we have (8), Congratz to Blunt Force!
Coming in 1st place we have (18), Congratz to Blackwing!
I'll get started on this as soon as the screen caps and estimated heights get posted to the thread. Summers here and like I said, I will be taking a break for awhile, but there is still presto's lottery to run.
Cool! Here's a shot of Blackwing, let me know if you need more:
He's about 6' 2", I think - I'll double-check that in-game later, and edit this post with the correct height.
Edit: Six-foot-three. If it helps frame the shot any, he's a Night Avenger, and like any Night Avenger worth his bouncy boomerangs he gets about by swingline.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Hey Blunt Force, you won the second position but I might have to swap you and Sapphira depending on her size. I'll try to avoid it but I draw these on standard copier paper and it might be pretty tight.
Hello Heroes
I draw constantly and figured I'd clean up and post one I did for one of my own characters. A lot of these just end up getting lost or damaged if they stay on my clipboard for too long. Smolder01:
Funny thing is I've had this character for a long time but barely played her because I thought the flame effects looked so lame, turns out it was my graphics card. Damn, that Anniversary Mask is hard to draw.
Hey Presto
I was doing this piece up as a surprise for you but ran into a couple of snags. I can't for the life of me make out what your logo is and it looks like you have two different colour schemes for her. SunhawkRough:
If you'd like me to clean up and finish this doodle, let me know if you prefer the red or black leggins and what the logo is.
...and Surprise!
O wow! Thank you,AC. What a very nice surprize. I do have a couple of different outfits for Sunhawk but prefer the yellow/red one. The logo is suppose to be a Hawk's Talon inside of a sun symbol but since we couldn't do that I just have the Talon. Thanks again!
Hello Heroes
This one was really hard, there was so much black I had to decide what to keep and what to keep hidden. No biggie normally but I kept second guessing myself. So I do hope you like it but I'll understand if your characters don't quite fit. Payback03: Congratz to Blackwing, Blunt Force and Sapphira Star!
I've already talked to Presto and this is going to be the last "official lottery" for awhile, my work hours get a little screwy during the summer period. If I do any, they will be more of the spontaneous ones like the original freebies. Thanks to everyone who came out and made this a fun event,
So I've been super busy IRL, and with no access to Champs I was able to get this pic colored in my free time... sorry I've fallen behind in the other images, I do still plan to color them when I get the time to do so :P So anywho... on to the art!! :P
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
So I've been super busy IRL, and with no access to Champs I was able to get this pic colored in my free time... sorry I've fallen behind in the other images, I do still plan to color them when I get the time to do so :P So anywho... on to the art!! :P
I think this is your best coloured piece yet, Very nice!
So I've been super busy IRL, and with no access to Champs I was able to get this pic colored in my free time... sorry I've fallen behind in the other images, I do still plan to color them when I get the time to do so :P So anywho... on to the art!! :P
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
The list looks good so far and I'm seeing some very familiar names so good luck to everyone. Tier 2 opens tonight (8:30 ish Est. As always, feel free to ask question here or in-game.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
Blunt Force@Mal666
Presto is an older fan like myself and a Lottery regular so he has seen a lot of what I can do and this is very thematic. It's probably better suited to a comic geek/superhero fan than a gamer geek but who knows. Now like I said the exact subject matter is a mystery, but I want it known that the winner is not necessarily the star of the piece or composition.
Did I forget anything Presto? Feel free to adjust this or send me a private message.
Do not try and enter this one now though as I will run it after the Payback Lottery is closed.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 2
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
(07) Crysik@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(08) Yay!! Here we go again!!! Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(09) A.R.E.S. @randomchance42 (Tier 1)
(10) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
Tier 1 takes half the list this time around and the Lottery is now open to Tier 2 Heroes. Might be a bit of a stretch to get a Tier 3 in this draw but who knows.
Danger Demon@liath
(yes I'm greedy for art but I love AC's lines!)
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
Loved the Riot Squad/Aim picture so having one for Gauntlet too would be great.
*swaps AgentCanada's die.. dice.. dices.. rolling fortune divining devices*
@dr490nbr347hi / Playing since January 25, '11
Display normal Internet behavior. Come and make fun (yes, make fun) of my PRIMUS page.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 2
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
(07) Crysik@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(08) Yay!! Here we go again!!! Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(09) A.R.E.S. @randomchance42 (Tier 1)
(10) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(11) wooo
(12) Gauntlet@themightydork ( Tier 2 )
(13) Nisroc@esalmighty ( Tier 2 )
(14) Sapphira Star@Glass-Rose ( Tier 2 )
(15) ArchLight@dr490nbr347hi ( Tier 2 )
(16) Glimmer@kallethen ( Tier 2 )
(17) Jaguar@apygoos brings the speed. ( Tier 2 )
Wow, that was fast and only three spots left.
"*swaps AgentCanada's die.. dice.. dices.. rolling fortune divining devices*"
"hmmmm. Now where the heck did i put those dice." *starts pulling the bones from the chicken wings he ate earlier* "Trust in the hoodoo"
These little art lotteries are very fun (win or lose).
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery
(01) Shiranui@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@flyingfinn (Tier 1)
(04) Cavalier@Ozlone (Tier 1)
(05) Dawn@mornmist (Tier 1)
(06) Cassandra del Etheria@greeneagle346 (Tier 1)
(07) Crysik@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(08) Yay!! Here we go again!!! Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(09) A.R.E.S. @randomchance42 (Tier 1)
(10) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(11) wooo
(12) Gauntlet@themightydork ( Tier 2 )
(13) Nisroc@esalmighty ( Tier 2 )
(14) Sapphira Star@Glass-Rose ( Tier 2 )
(15) ArchLight@dr490nbr347hi ( Tier 2 )
(16) Glimmer@kallethen ( Tier 2 )
(17) Jaguar@apygoos brings the speed. ( Tier 2 )
(18) Blackwing@jonsills (Tier 2).
(19) Ellie B.O.T@Aleatha1011 for tier 2
(20) And I strike the last spot for T2? Poltermask@epelesker
Coming in 3rd place we have (14), Congratz to Sapphira!
Coming in 2nd place we have (8), Congratz to Blunt Force!
Coming in 1st place we have (18), Congratz to Blackwing!
I'll get started on this as soon as the screen caps and estimated heights get posted to the thread. Summers here and like I said, I will be taking a break for awhile, but there is still presto's lottery to run.
He's about 6' 2", I think - I'll double-check that in-game later, and edit this post with the correct height.
Edit: Six-foot-three. If it helps frame the shot any, he's a Night Avenger, and like any Night Avenger worth his bouncy boomerangs he gets about by swingline.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
He's a shot of Blunt Force
He's 8' 5'' out of combat, 11' 5'' when in combat.
I draw constantly and figured I'd clean up and post one I did for one of my own characters. A lot of these just end up getting lost or damaged if they stay on my clipboard for too long.
Funny thing is I've had this character for a long time but barely played her because I thought the flame effects looked so lame, turns out it was my graphics card. Damn, that Anniversary Mask is hard to draw.
I can NEVER hit one of these contests in time
Here is my character Sapphira Star. She's 5'8" both in and out of combat. Thank you!
I was doing this piece up as a surprise for you but ran into a couple of snags. I can't for the life of me make out what your logo is and it looks like you have two different colour schemes for her.
If you'd like me to clean up and finish this doodle, let me know if you prefer the red or black leggins and what the logo is.
...and Surprise!
I finally got some pencils done for the Payback Lottery so it shouldn't be too much longer.
Awesome! Thank you AC. I had been considering getting some artwork of her and now the Mighty Agent of Canada has made me very happy.
Thanks again man. I appreciate everything you do. From these free gift arts to those free Lotteries, you the man.
This one was really hard, there was so much black I had to decide what to keep and what to keep hidden. No biggie normally but I kept second guessing myself. So I do hope you like it but I'll understand if your characters don't quite fit.
Congratz to Blackwing, Blunt Force and Sapphira Star!
I've already talked to Presto and this is going to be the last "official lottery" for awhile, my work hours get a little screwy during the summer period. If I do any, they will be more of the spontaneous ones like the original freebies. Thanks to everyone who came out and made this a fun event,
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
Your Holy Baldness aprove!! :cool:
LOL Yup. That's what I was thinkin'. I'm sure a little color will cure that. Still... LOL
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Good work,
I think this is your best coloured piece yet, Very nice!
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
OMG Bunni!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!!
The Bald One is happy!! :biggrin:
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Damn right he will!
That's freekin' awesome. I'll say it again the two of you work well together and I'm honored to have art from this amazing team. Thank you both!
Enjoy ^.^
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!