Hello Heroes, I have to go out tonight so I'll update the list now and open Tier 3.
We've got several Tier 2 heroes and another Tier 1 as well in the mix.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. My lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
Almost full, Tier 1 and Tier 2 heroes may still enter but Tier 3 is now open as well. This one ends tomorrow night or when the Nat d20 is met, in which case I will roll for my three gueststars.
For Tier 2 I'd like to add Ellie B.O.T. to the mix ^.^
Also looking at the Amusing Moment thread, it's going over 2k posts strong and countless pics are posted there, so I think you are good in this thread for a while lol
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
All right I'll do the final update before the close right now and roll for my winners tonight.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
When I saw all the posts I assumed I had hit the cap. My placeholder is only there to ensure an even die roll, so there is still one spot left. I don't think I've ever drawn Blackwing before jonsills, so he/she is actually Tier 2 but that doesnt really mean much once all the Tiers are open.
We are not quite closed yet, but good luck to all!
Oh, I thought Tier 3 was for people who had characters you had drawn, not for the characters you had drawn themselves. My bad - you're right, he's tier 2.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Hello Heroes, it's time top roll for my winning guest stars.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
In third place we have a "7","Congratz to Sister Silicon Prime!"
In second place we have a "10", "Congratz to Mus Sicarius!"
In first place we have a "4", "Congratz to Vitality!"
I'll get started on this one as soon as the screen caps are posted to the thread. With Mus Sicarius being in the picture I'm probably going to need your estimated heights as well.
Thanks all.
Woohoo! Finally, I don't need to roll a natural one to win!
Sister Silicon Prime is 6'4", and worth the climb, as the saying goes. It might be easier to frame the picture by putting Mus on Vitality's shoulders. :biggrin:
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
*For the record, I only wanted to see 15 and 17 together because my character Recurve is secretly Thundrax's second cousin. They are family basically, although she is a highly skilled normal heroine, rather than a Metahuman.
Hey Vitality, I'm going to need a little help here. I can see some patterns on the shirt but can't quite make out what shirt it is. The pants are completely flat to me, is that basic tights and tall boots or is there a hip/leg accessories.
I'm not being picky, my eyes just ain't quite what they used to be. Thanks for the quick responses everybody, the pics look good otherwise.
Hey Vitality, I'm going to need a little help here. I can see some patterns on the shirt but can't quite make out what shirt it is. The pants are completely flat to me, is that basic tights and tall boots or is there a hip/leg accessories.
I'm not being picky, my eyes just ain't quite what they used to be. Thanks for the quick responses everybody, the pics look good otherwise.
Yeah, I guess it is hard to make out the details on the dark suit...sorry about that.
I will post the lighter version of the suit when I get home today if that's alright.
Though aside from the colors and texture...the torso pattern details are the same as what SS Prime is wearing. The pants, for the most part, are basic tights. There is a little detail to the upper part, but nothing worth noting. (the tall boots are simply there to give the look of all black pants)
That's perfect, I'll still draw the darker version, just now I'll know what I'm drawing. I've already got the characters in the positions I want but have a quick question about Mus' head before I add too many details. Mus wears several head pieces to achieve his look, and forgive the assumption, but it's meant to look like one piece right. Let me rephrase that, he's not wearing a skull character wise, it's to get the right face shape right?
That's perfect, I'll still draw the darker version, just now I'll know what I'm drawing. I've already got the characters in the positions I want but have a quick question about Mus' head before I add too many details. Mus wears several head pieces to achieve his look, and forgive the assumption, but it's meant to look like one piece right. Let me rephrase that, he's not wearing a skull character wise, it's to get the right face shape right?
Yes, Mus is a Japanese white laboratory mouse (manimal), rather than a man in a suit/mask. The crack on the jack fool mask, I do think of as a scar on his face.
Same thing we do every night Runey. Try and take over the world!
hehe. I do actually have an overlarge human suit for him...
In his story though he was freed from an ARGENT lab on Monster Island by Ratasassin. Since MI in lore is near Japan, I figured they would have stocked up there for their lab animals to supplement the manimals on MI.
Lol, I must be a spaz, I never got the Pinky and the Brain reference before. I actually got a Ratchet & Clank vibe from the character, my girlfriend loves that series.
I'm going to be taking a break from these for awhile but before I go I'd like to say that while I love the attention these get, there is a bit of a disconnect compared to the smaller, more intimate SG Lotteries. No fault of anyone here, but I would like to offer my pal prestochango a chance to host one of these forums lotteries or to pick the theme for the next one, for old time's sake. We did it once before and it was a ridiculously fast and full list.
I got to say I regret not starting these up during the old CoH Pinnacle League days, but then I really didn't think anyone would care.
P.s. The Payback Lottery drawing and ink is done, I just need to pick up some more markers to fill in the heavy blacks.
"Yes, Mus is a Japanese white laboratory mouse (manimal), rather than a man in a suit/mask. The crack on the jack fool mask, I do think of as a scar on his face."
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night Runey. Try and take over the world!"
"NARF! Eghad, Bwain, dats bwillant!"
Just a silly little doodle, off-model and drawn totally from memory. I hope it makes you chuckle.
Just a silly little doodle, off-model and drawn totally from memory. I hope it makes you chuckle.
"Runey, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I fink so, Mus, but what if Dr. Destroyer doesn't like to samba?"
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Hello Heroes, the Payback Lottery winner's picture is now posted, "Congratz to Vitality, Mus Sicarius and Sister SiliconPrime!" PAYBACK-02:
As you can see by the finished piece, the format gets a few more characters drawn even if it is a static pose. All three characters are fairly visible thanks to the unique sizes displayed. Anyways I hope you get a kick out of your prize.
Ps. Thanks eiledon, and funny dialogue lines jonsills.
Thanks, it's like Jet LI says in The Expendables, the little guys work harder. I appreciate all the comments, I've said it before but it makes me feel like a rock star or something.
Damn but that is good. Ccould be a still from Champions own Guardians of the Galaxy
Mus looks like he's pissed off on behalf of all uplifted rodents who had to witness Rocket adjusting himself in the latest GotG trailer. :biggrin:
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
"Yes, Mus is a Japanese white laboratory mouse (manimal), rather than a man in a suit/mask. The crack on the jack fool mask, I do think of as a scar on his face."
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night Runey. Try and take over the world!"
"NARF! Eghad, Bwain, dats bwillant!"
Just a silly little doodle, off-model and drawn totally from memory. I hope it makes you chuckle.
I think you should do all drawings in this style!! This is pure gold!
Thanks for all the comments, I'm glad the Payback Lottery (and the Animaniacs doodle) seem to have struck a chord with everybody.
"As for images not loading, this seems more like a cache issue on your browser. If you have trouble seeing images, try CTRL+F5 to force a full refresh (which ignores any cached data and refreshes from webserver)"
That command worked and Bunni's picture are showing again, thanks for the tip Liath.
I went to your PRIMUS page and, while I found the mosaic of character images/links quite by accident, I was very impressed. I think it's very funny that you put so much work into that page and yet call yourself a "part time gamer"
Well it is Friday Night and I haven't heard from my buddy yet, so let's take another shot at The Payback Lottery. The offer is still good if you are interested presto, just gimme a shout when ready.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
So Tier 1 is now open and runs till tomorrow night (8:30 ish Est. As always, feel free to ask question here or in-game.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
SecuriDroid ME@luesatchmo402
the best kind of signature
We've got several Tier 2 heroes and another Tier 1 as well in the mix.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. My lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 3
(01) Rebelle@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Genzaio@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@FlyingFinn. (Tier 1)
(04) Vitality@VitalityPrime (Tier 1)
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(06) Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(07) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell (Tier 1)
(08) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(09) Jaguar@apygoos brings the spirit of speed (Tier 2)
(10) Mus Sicarius@Liath, fingers crossed. (Tier 2)
(11) Nisroc@esalmighty (Tier 2)
(12) Poltermask@epelesker (Tier 2)
(13) ForceGirl@Ravenforce (Tier 2)
(14) SecuriDroid ME@luesatchmo402 (Tier 1)
(20) AC Placeholder
Almost full, Tier 1 and Tier 2 heroes may still enter but Tier 3 is now open as well. This one ends tomorrow night or when the Nat d20 is met, in which case I will roll for my three gueststars.
At least I don't think she's ever been drawn by you, haha.. if she has then it's tier 3! :biggrin:
Also looking at the Amusing Moment thread, it's going over 2k posts strong and countless pics are posted there, so I think you are good in this thread for a while lol
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 3
(01) Rebelle@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Genzaio@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@FlyingFinn. (Tier 1)
(04) Vitality@VitalityPrime (Tier 1)
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(06) Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(07) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell (Tier 1)
(08) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(09) Jaguar@apygoos brings the spirit of speed (Tier 2)
(10) Mus Sicarius@Liath, fingers crossed. (Tier 2)
(11) Nisroc@esalmighty (Tier 2)
(12) Poltermask@epelesker (Tier 2)
(13) ForceGirl@Ravenforce (Tier 2)
(14) SecuriDroid ME@luesatchmo402 (Tier 1)
(15) Recurve@Rune(Tier2)
(16) Ellie B.O.T.@Aleatha1011 to the mix (Tier 2)
(17) Thundrax@Thundrax (Tier 3).
(18) Sunhawk@prestochango (Tier 2)
(19) Blackwing@jonsills (Tier 2)
*Edit: removed Placeholder and added @jonsills
The list is almost capped, good luck and see you tonight.
Blackwing@jonsills for Tier 3.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
We are not quite closed yet, but good luck to all!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery
(01) Rebelle@Aerostream (Tier 1)
(02) Genzaio@XG3NX (Tier 1)
(03) The Finnish@FlyingFinn. (Tier 1)
(04) Vitality@VitalityPrime (Tier 1)
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian (Tier 1)
(06) Blunt Force@Mal666 (Tier 1)
(07) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell (Tier 1)
(08) Sylviana@DaZee (Tier 1)
(09) Jaguar@apygoos brings the spirit of speed (Tier 2)
(10) Mus Sicarius@Liath, fingers crossed. (Tier 2)
(11) Nisroc@esalmighty (Tier 2)
(12) Poltermask@epelesker (Tier 2)
(13) ForceGirl@Ravenforce (Tier 2)
(14) SecuriDroid ME@luesatchmo402 (Tier 1)
(15) Recurve@Rune(Tier2)
(16) Ellie B.O.T.@Aleatha1011 to the mix (Tier 2)
(17) Thundrax@Thundrax (Tier 3).
(18) Sunhawk@prestochango (Tier 2)
(19) Blackwing@jonsills (Tier 2)
(20) Placeholder
In third place we have a "7","Congratz to Sister Silicon Prime!"
In second place we have a "10", "Congratz to Mus Sicarius!"
In first place we have a "4", "Congratz to Vitality!"
I'll get started on this one as soon as the screen caps are posted to the thread. With Mus Sicarius being in the picture I'm probably going to need your estimated heights as well.
Thanks all.
Yeah Mus is a shorty, 3' 9" according to the MC Tailor Ruler.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
Vit stands 5'-11"
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Sister Silicon Prime is 6'4", and worth the climb, as the saying goes. It might be easier to frame the picture by putting Mus on Vitality's shoulders. :biggrin:
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
*For the record, I only wanted to see 15 and 17 together because my character Recurve is secretly Thundrax's second cousin. They are family basically, although she is a highly skilled normal heroine, rather than a Metahuman.
I'm not being picky, my eyes just ain't quite what they used to be. Thanks for the quick responses everybody, the pics look good otherwise.
Yeah, I guess it is hard to make out the details on the dark suit...sorry about that.
I will post the lighter version of the suit when I get home today if that's alright.
Though aside from the colors and texture...the torso pattern details are the same as what SS Prime is wearing. The pants, for the most part, are basic tights. There is a little detail to the upper part, but nothing worth noting. (the tall boots are simply there to give the look of all black pants)
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Yes, Mus is a Japanese white laboratory mouse (manimal), rather than a man in a suit/mask. The crack on the jack fool mask, I do think of as a scar on his face.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
Same thing we do every night Runey. Try and take over the world!
hehe. I do actually have an overlarge human suit for him...
In his story though he was freed from an ARGENT lab on Monster Island by Ratasassin. Since MI in lore is near Japan, I figured they would have stocked up there for their lab animals to supplement the manimals on MI.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
NARF! Eghad, Bwain, dats bwillant!
I'm going to be taking a break from these for awhile but before I go I'd like to say that while I love the attention these get, there is a bit of a disconnect compared to the smaller, more intimate SG Lotteries. No fault of anyone here, but I would like to offer my pal prestochango a chance to host one of these forums lotteries or to pick the theme for the next one, for old time's sake. We did it once before and it was a ridiculously fast and full list.
I got to say I regret not starting these up during the old CoH Pinnacle League days, but then I really didn't think anyone would care.
P.s. The Payback Lottery drawing and ink is done, I just need to pick up some more markers to fill in the heavy blacks.
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night Runey. Try and take over the world!"
"NARF! Eghad, Bwain, dats bwillant!"
Just a silly little doodle, off-model and drawn totally from memory. I hope it makes you chuckle.
Ha Ha
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
"I fink so, Mus, but what if Dr. Destroyer doesn't like to samba?"
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
As you can see by the finished piece, the format gets a few more characters drawn even if it is a static pose. All three characters are fairly visible thanks to the unique sizes displayed. Anyways I hope you get a kick out of your prize.
Ps. Thanks eiledon, and funny dialogue lines jonsills.
This assembly look ready to record nomenclature and apply boot to gluteus maximus!
Thank you very much AC. Love it!
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
Mus looks like he's pissed off on behalf of all uplifted rodents who had to witness Rocket adjusting himself in the latest GotG trailer. :biggrin:
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I like the emotion you've conveyed in this piece, I really love it!
Grats winners!! :biggrin:
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
"As for images not loading, this seems more like a cache issue on your browser. If you have trouble seeing images, try CTRL+F5 to force a full refresh (which ignores any cached data and refreshes from webserver)"
That command worked and Bunni's picture are showing again, thanks for the tip Liath.
I went to your PRIMUS page and, while I found the mosaic of character images/links quite by accident, I was very impressed. I think it's very funny that you put so much work into that page and yet call yourself a "part time gamer"
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period. You've all seen this now and get how it works, and have a better idea of what the final piece will look like.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I have never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
So Tier 1 is now open and runs till tomorrow night (8:30 ish Est. As always, feel free to ask question here or in-game.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber