Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam......[EDIT] errr I mean Bizzaro [EDIT] ahh!!! Decisions! How about this, if I win I'll let you pick which one you would rather draw
Miss Behavin@Kemba attempting to annoy Booster Gold to death a ping pong gun.
You know Booster's not a villain, right?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he tries to use his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
The list is looking good so far, good selection of villains too.
Miss Behavin@Kemba attempting to annoy Booster Gold to death a ping pong gun.
Sorry Miss Behavin, you have to have entered at least one of the two previous Epic DC Losses to be eligible for the Epic Win.
I think Drax already claimed him, Ratty.
Nah it's cool, only the previously won villains are excluded, like an elimination round.
If possible, I'd like to switch characters around a little and have Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts (and with his face? She ain't likely to miss :biggrin: )
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP Guest List:
(08) @prestochango
(12) @Glass-Rose
(14) @doctorinsaine
(17) @EvilTaco
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he uses his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(10) The ever vigilant, massive muscled, protector of brewers and seducer of wenches The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
(11) Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
(12) Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts
(13) Jade General@Remok versus Lady Shiva!
Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam......[EDIT] errr I mean Bizzaro [EDIT] ahh!!! Decisions! Unless you're specifically asking me to change it, Black Adam is fine. I won't pick one myself, wouldn't be impartial then Idk if I still have time but...
Yep If possible, I'd like to switch characters around a little and have Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts (and with his face? She ain't likely to miss )
Yep If you're gonna pester someone, pester Luthor.
Well, next time anyways.
Still time for the last guests to post but this does close tomorrow regardless, good luck all.
*Note, Dr. Spectro is a spectre who can use arcana based powers from beyond the netherworld he is empowered from. Which could be more of enough to face the might of Ultraman!
Hello Heroes. This is probably the last update before the roll but I'll close it when I get home from work tonight.
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP Guest List:
(12) @Glass-Rose
(14) @doctorinsaine
(17) @EvilTaco
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he uses his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(10) The ever vigilant, massive muscled, protector of brewers and seducer of wenches The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
(11) Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
(12) Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts
(13) Jade General@Remok versus Lady Shiva!
(14) Whoa I almost missed the party. Sunhawk@prestochango vs Captain Cold!
"Dr. Spectro@Prototype902 vs Ultraman from Earth-3"
Sorry Numaman but the Grand Prize is exclusive to those who enter the previous Epic DC loss bouts.
All right, let's finalize the list and roll for the Grand Prize winner
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he uses his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(10) The ever vigilant, massive muscled, protector of brewers and seducer of wenches The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
(11) Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
(12) Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts
(13) Jade General@Remok versus Lady Shiva!
(14) Whoa I almost missed the party. Sunhawk@prestochango vs Captain Cold!
(15) Stellar Storm@Glass-Rose Vs. Blackfire
(16) AC placeholder
(17) AC placeholder
(18) AC placeholder
(19) AC placeholder
(20) AC placeholder
Rolled as a d20, the die faces a "9", "Congratz to Mid-Knight, Deathstrokes about to get Terminated!"
This will be the last lottery till I catch up, but I will get started on this as soon as the screen cap gets posted to the thread. Thanks everybody.
Huzzah! i finally win one for Mid-Knight, The Valiant of the Night!
here are several 1920x1080 screenshots. It should be noted that if hes using a weapon, it would be his 4 foot black collapsible staff [which we cant have in game ]. If you need any other info or clarification just let me know!
Hello Heroes, the Victoria Day Lottery winners' picture is finally posted. "Congratz to Piqsirpoq and Rook!" VictoriaDay01:
I apologize for the lateness but I did have fun doing this one. I hope you two like it and I hope you both enjoy a little Canadian downtime.
Thanks, AC aka Can-Star 1
Rook and Justiciar both brought the brews! And with Piqsirpoq there, no worries about keeping them cold...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Hello Heroes, The DC DUST-UP Lottery winner's picture is finally posted "Congratz to Mid-Knight!"
I don't usually like to draw RP or "out of game" elements in one of my standard Lotteries but your staff request actually gave me the the idea and title of this doodle. You don't get to have your staff but after soundly beating Deathstroke, there's absolutely no reason not to collect his as a trophy. TROPHY01:
Once again I got to apologize for the poor scan but I do hope you get a kick out of your prize
Thank to everybody who was willing to take a pounding to make this event happen,
Thanks man, that is also the first time Deathstroke has lost in any version of the DC Dust-Ups I've ran.
All right, reality time, my regulars have dwindled a little and a lot of people simply do not believe they will ever win. Now I'm not being harsh or anything, simply stating that this repeatedly happens during my lottery runs. The answer is to open up the potential to new entries while not excluding the regulars, and this is what I call the Payback Lottery. The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is exclusive to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier rerquirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
Feel free to ask question here or in-game but I think most of you will get the format.
Wait, let's nip the first one in the bud right now, you only get to enter once, regardless of Tier so think it out and remember that tier 3 may never open if everybody rushes to fill Tier 1 and that is how I stacked the deck in favour of those who have never won. The Nat d20 cap however is a hard fill sometimes and that is where the regulars get their shot.
Nice we got a few entries already so I'll get the official list set up.
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before. (Edit should read "open to")
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
(01) Rebelle@Aerostream
(02) Genzaio@XG3NX
(03) The Finnish@FlyingFinn.
(04) Vitality@VitalityPrime
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian
(10) AC Placeholder
"That looks incredible! Like i said you didn't need to use the staff, but this adaptation of it was rather brilliant!"
Thanks, when the word Trophy popped in my head the pose was pretty much set in my mind and that quick visual always makes for a fun draw.
"And great picture. I liked his old school tights so much more, than the Nth metal armor thingie of New 52s."
He's had quite a few variants and while I don't mind some heavier plating, the colour scheme is a must. Besides being an old school Captain America fan I'm a sucker for scalemail and buccaneer boots.
We currently have five Tier 1 heroes and I will open up tier 2 around 11:00 PM tonight, plenty of time to get posted. Feel free to ask question here or in-game but I think most of you will get the format.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. My lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
So not quite half the list, but still great odds for a Tier 1 hero. Tier 1 heroes may still enter but Tier two is now open as well. Feel free to ask question here or in-game.
First off, is there a maximum page count a single thread can have?
And secondly would a seperate thread dedicated to images only (like an archive) be a better format.
I ask because I have noticed that the images on the pages don't always load and refresh doesn't always solve the issue. I like to play around on the forums but don't really know how they operate. Thanks in advance,
I have never run into an issue with a page limit on a vbulletin forum (engine behind PWE forums). On certain webserver configurations threads with over 1000 posts can cause servers to slow down, however this may have been fixed in more recent vbulletin builds.
What you might want to do to give yourself a fresh start (if you plan on doing these offers indefinitely) is plan on creating a new/continuation thread each year/after a specific period of time (every 3 months?) - so come january you would make a "AgentCanada Art Lottery 2015" (and have a link to past threads such as this one in the first post)
As for images not loading, this seems more like a cache issue on your browser. If you have trouble seeing images, try CTRL+F5 to force a full refresh (which ignores any cached data and refreshes from webserver)
Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I think Drax already claimed him, Ratty.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP Guest List:
(07) @randomchance42
(08) @prestochango
(09) @FlyingFinn
(12) @Glass-Rose
(13) @Mal666
(14) @doctorinsaine
(16) @Remok
(17) @EvilTaco
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he tries to use his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
The list is looking good so far, good selection of villains too.
Miss Behavin@Kemba attempting to annoy Booster Gold to death a ping pong gun.
Sorry Miss Behavin, you have to have entered at least one of the two previous Epic DC Losses to be eligible for the Epic Win.
I think Drax already claimed him, Ratty.
Nah it's cool, only the previously won villains are excluded, like an elimination round.
The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
I was trying to think of a good DC character to pester... and Booster just happens to fill that description.
... That and I don't know any other ones that would be good for pestering.
If you're gonna pester someone, pester Luthor.
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP Guest List:
(08) @prestochango
(12) @Glass-Rose
(14) @doctorinsaine
(17) @EvilTaco
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he uses his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(10) The ever vigilant, massive muscled, protector of brewers and seducer of wenches The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
(11) Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
(12) Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts
(13) Jade General@Remok versus Lady Shiva!
Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam......[EDIT] errr I mean Bizzaro [EDIT] ahh!!! Decisions!
Unless you're specifically asking me to change it, Black Adam is fine. I won't pick one myself, wouldn't be impartial then
Idk if I still have time but...
If possible, I'd like to switch characters around a little and have Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts (and with his face? She ain't likely to miss )
If you're gonna pester someone, pester Luthor.
Well, next time anyways.
Still time for the last guests to post but this does close tomorrow regardless, good luck all.
*Note, Dr. Spectro is a spectre who can use arcana based powers from beyond the netherworld he is empowered from. Which could be more of enough to face the might of Ultraman!
Sunhawk@prestochango vs Captain Cold!
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP Guest List:
(12) @Glass-Rose
(14) @doctorinsaine
(17) @EvilTaco
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he uses his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(10) The ever vigilant, massive muscled, protector of brewers and seducer of wenches The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
(11) Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
(12) Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts
(13) Jade General@Remok versus Lady Shiva!
(14) Whoa I almost missed the party. Sunhawk@prestochango vs Captain Cold!
"Dr. Spectro@Prototype902 vs Ultraman from Earth-3"
Sorry Numaman but the Grand Prize is exclusive to those who enter the previous Epic DC loss bouts.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP (Official List)
(01) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he uses his psychotropic drugs on an android.
(02) Captain Americlown@jonsills outclowns the Joker.
(03) Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
(04) I don't see Thundrax@Thundrax beating his previous foe of Darkseid, so let's go with Black Adam.
(05) Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
(06) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(07) Glimmer@kallethen versus Poison Ivy.
(08) Britannia@milleniumguardian giving a lesson to Mongul.
(09) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(10) The ever vigilant, massive muscled, protector of brewers and seducer of wenches The Finnish@FlyingFinn breaks Bane.
(11) Blunt Force@Mal666 kicking the rocks out of Doomsday!
(12) Calliope Lux@randomchance42 introduce Kalibak to a facefull of energy blasts
(13) Jade General@Remok versus Lady Shiva!
(14) Whoa I almost missed the party. Sunhawk@prestochango vs Captain Cold!
(15) Stellar Storm@Glass-Rose Vs. Blackfire
(16) AC placeholder
(17) AC placeholder
(18) AC placeholder
(19) AC placeholder
(20) AC placeholder
Rolled as a d20, the die faces a "9", "Congratz to Mid-Knight, Deathstrokes about to get Terminated!"
This will be the last lottery till I catch up, but I will get started on this as soon as the screen cap gets posted to the thread. Thanks everybody.
here are several 1920x1080 screenshots. It should be noted that if hes using a weapon, it would be his 4 foot black collapsible staff [which we cant have in game
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
here are several 1920x1080 screenshots.
Thanks for the quick response but you got to post the screen cap here to the thread, rules is rules.
It should be noted that if hes using a weapon, it would be his 4 foot black collapsible staff [which we cant have in game what are you using in game then, Power sets / Weapons?
If you need any other info or clarification just let me know!
@apygoos - founder and leader of the Zero Hour Sentinels
No, other than the weapon and screen cap thing we should be good.
And grats to Apy! :biggrin:
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I wish cryptic would just put staff in already
I apologize for the lateness but I did have fun doing this one. I hope you two like it and I hope you both enjoy a little Canadian downtime.
Thanks, AC aka Can-Star 1
Ps. Cool, and thanks for posting the screen caps.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Great pic
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
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I don't usually like to draw RP or "out of game" elements in one of my standard Lotteries but your staff request actually gave me the the idea and title of this doodle. You don't get to have your staff but after soundly beating Deathstroke, there's absolutely no reason not to collect his as a trophy.
Once again I got to apologize for the poor scan but I do hope you get a kick out of your prize
Thank to everybody who was willing to take a pounding to make this event happen,
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
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All right, reality time, my regulars have dwindled a little and a lot of people simply do not believe they will ever win. Now I'm not being harsh or anything, simply stating that this repeatedly happens during my lottery runs. The answer is to open up the potential to new entries while not excluding the regulars, and this is what I call the Payback Lottery. The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is exclusive to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier rerquirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
Feel free to ask question here or in-game but I think most of you will get the format.
Wait, let's nip the first one in the bud right now, you only get to enter once, regardless of Tier so think it out and remember that tier 3 may never open if everybody rushes to fill Tier 1 and that is how I stacked the deck in favour of those who have never won. The Nat d20 cap however is a hard fill sometimes and that is where the regulars get their shot.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
And great picture. I liked his old school tighs so much more, than the Nth metal armor thingie of New 52s.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. MY lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before. (Edit should read "open to")
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 1
(01) Rebelle@Aerostream
(02) Genzaio@XG3NX
(03) The Finnish@FlyingFinn.
(04) Vitality@VitalityPrime
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian
(10) AC Placeholder
"That looks incredible! Like i said you didn't need to use the staff, but this adaptation of it was rather brilliant!"
Thanks, when the word Trophy popped in my head the pose was pretty much set in my mind and that quick visual always makes for a fun draw.
"And great picture. I liked his old school tights so much more, than the Nth metal armor thingie of New 52s."
He's had quite a few variants and while I don't mind some heavier plating, the colour scheme is a must. Besides being an old school Captain America fan I'm a sucker for scalemail and buccaneer boots.
We currently have five Tier 1 heroes and I will open up tier 2 around 11:00 PM tonight, plenty of time to get posted. Feel free to ask question here or in-game but I think most of you will get the format.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Blunt Force@Mal666
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
The Payback Lottery is a static pose of three heroes, usually waist up and in landscape format. My lotteries usually run for three days and this one is tier based, it is exclusive for every 24 hr period.
Tier 1: Is exclusive to those players who have never had a character drawn by me.
Tier 2: Is open to characters that I never never drawn before.
Tier 3: Is open to everybody.
Anybody who's followed this thread or any of my Lotteries can see how this works but I'll spell it out: The first 24 hrs is Tier 1, the second is Tier 2, and the third is Tier 3. Remember that the Lotteries all have a Nat d20 cap and I will not accept characters before their Tier actually opens.
Standard Lottery Rules (these never change):
(1) Post the name of your hero, (by tier requirements).
(2) Post your global name.
(3) Post a full body, full color picture of the hero (doesn't need to be big, just showing head to toe).
* do not post the screen-cap until a winner is announced, no screen cap no doodle however.
The Payback Lottery: Tier 2
(01) Rebelle@Aerostream
(02) Genzaio@XG3NX
(03) The Finnish@FlyingFinn.
(04) Vitality@VitalityPrime
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian
(06) Blunt Force@Mal666
(07) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell
(08) Sylviana@DaZee
(15) AC Placeholder
So not quite half the list, but still great odds for a Tier 1 hero. Tier 1 heroes may still enter but Tier two is now open as well. Feel free to ask question here or in-game.
Mus Sicarius@Liath
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
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And secondly would a seperate thread dedicated to images only (like an archive) be a better format.
I ask because I have noticed that the images on the pages don't always load and refresh doesn't always solve the issue. I like to play around on the forums but don't really know how they operate. Thanks in advance,
What you might want to do to give yourself a fresh start (if you plan on doing these offers indefinitely) is plan on creating a new/continuation thread each year/after a specific period of time (every 3 months?) - so come january you would make a "AgentCanada Art Lottery 2015" (and have a link to past threads such as this one in the first post)
As for images not loading, this seems more like a cache issue on your browser. If you have trouble seeing images, try CTRL+F5 to force a full refresh (which ignores any cached data and refreshes from webserver)
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
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