It's Sunday night, I'll finalize the list and roll for my winner.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(01) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(02) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam (one handed choke in air)
(03) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
(04) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian Vs Mongul (Father or son)
(06) Hasizet@kallethen finding out that Parasite thinks cosmic energy beings are taaaasty.
(07) I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
(08) Ms. Wonder@prestochango versus Metallo!
(09) 3rd times a charm: The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Amazo. I think.
(10) I may as well go for the big guy. Since he's not cosmic sized, Thundrax@Thundrax. vs. Darkseid. Omega beams for the loss.
(11) Mus Sicarius@Liath should be Cheetah's chewtoy this time around.
(12) Stellar Storm@Glass-Rose Vs. Lady Shiva
(13) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs. Lobo (But only cuz Lobo fights dirty)
(14) Tricky The Clown, Tricky@doctorinsaine Vs Scarecrow
(15) Nobody's picked this villain yet? Captain Americlown@jonsills gets out-clowned by the Joker!
(16) Jade General @Remok versus Vandal Savage!
(17) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
(18) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
(19) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
(20) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
Added several placeholder and rolled as a d20, the die faces a "17".
Rolled a second time the die faces a "6", "Congratz to Hasizet!"
I'll get started on this one as soon as the screen cap is posted to the thread, and remember this is only Round#1.
A Holiday Freebie offered up very last minute, with no real theme requirements. MAY5:
A completely random selection for the the Holiday, I hope you like it.
Hello Heroes
I got called into work today so this is a little late but I have finished my sketch and have started my inks for R#1, so let's get The DC Dust-Up R#2 Lottery started. The DC Dust-Up Lottery works just like the Marvel Mash-Up but with Epic DC Villains instead.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions). Having won his bout, the Parasite is no longer available.
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP R#2 Lottery
(06) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
I'll close this sometime Sunday night. As always, feel free to ask questions here or in-game.
I'll go ahead and put up my previous entry, with a slight wording change.
Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped the hero as an illustration inside a book / comic (or is in the process of doing so) with his "magic".
Captain Americlown@jonsills loses in a clowning contest with the Joker.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Do leave me a little creative freedom epelesker, you know these aren't commissions., Mr Mxyzptlk is fine however. Thanks for all the responses already, Ill do the update tomorrow morning.
Hello Heroes
I got quite a few entries already and with the quicker than normal finish, I'd better get the official list started right now. A tighter deadline does means better odds though, good luck.
The DC Dust-Up Lottery works just like the Marvel Mash-Up but with Epic DC Villains instead.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions). Having won his bout, the Parasite is no longer available.
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP R#2 Lottery
(01) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs Darkseid
(02) Mus Sicarius@Liath is still willing to be Cheetah's chew toy
(03) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk
(04) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(05) Captain Americlown@jonsills loses in a clowning contest with the Joker.
(06) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(07) Britannia@milleniumguardian vs Mongul.......oh, this is gonna hurt.
(08) Sunhawk@prestochango versus the Shadow Thief!
(10) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
That's a good selection of villains too. Remember this one closes tonight.
Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell finds out just how hard Harley Quinn can swing that sledgehammer.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Hello Heroes
Everything looks good so far, I'll finalize the list and roll for my winner.
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP R#2 Lottery
(01) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs Darkseid
(02) Mus Sicarius@Liath is still willing to be Cheetah's chew toy
(03) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk
(04) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(05) Captain Americlown@jonsills loses in a clowning contest with the Joker.
(06) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(07) Britannia@milleniumguardian vs Mongul.......oh, this is gonna hurt.
(08) Sunhawk@prestochango versus the Shadow Thief!
(09) Jade General@Remok vs Lady Shiva
(10) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell finds out just how hard Harley Quinn can swing that sledgehammer.
(11) Chernobyl@EvilTaco vs Doomsday . God, but I feel bad for the city that fight takes place in.
(12) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
Let's see, rolled as a d12 the die faces a "3", Congratz to Atomac! I'll come up with something as soon as the screen cap gets posted to the thread.
Thanks everybody,
The DC Dust-Up Lottery winner's picture is finally posted, "Congratz to Hasizet!"
This one was pretty tricky, both characters have a distinct look even though both are pretty featureless. I guess this is what Champions calls a BlackRedder, even though we can probably say a BlackerViolet in this case. I hope I didn't make your image too flat with the heavy inks. TheHunger01:
If you'd like to try your hand at colouring it I can post an un-inked rough for reference. Either way I do hope you get a kick out of it,
Looks awesome as usual AC, RL is kicking my butt at the moment, but I'm hoping I'll get a shot to catch up on all the art I have piling up in my "Stuff to color" folder heh.
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Take your time jerax1011, I love your stuff but have said many times that you are in no way obligated to produce. Having said that, you have become a bit of a minor celebrity here now, lol.
Not knowing is sometimes worse than having a person dislike the piece, but I am glad you liked it kallethen.
Very short run and closure due to my shortened weekend, but I wanted to stay on track. Your drawing of course will still take as long as it takes.
Good Stuff! I love Abyss of course but the evil Willy Wonka really shines as well.
Victoria Day weekend is fast approaching, Canadian Holiday often called the first long weekend of summer. People who are sick of the dregs of winter and the dampness of spring usually take the weekend to open cottages or host out door barbeques, etc.
I'm looking for two Canadian Heroes to join one of my own for this holiday doodle. First proper post gets the Foreground position, second proper post gets thew Middleground, my hero will take the Background position. Let me clarify that I'm looking for a Canadian hero, not necessarily a Super Patriot but the Canuck must show through. So if you happen to play a Canadian Superhero and happen to like what I do, then post a screen cap.
I think I'll toss Piqsirpoq@jonsills into the mix. Canadian, Glacier, member of the RCMP on detached duty in Millennium City since the incident that gave him his powers. (He is, of course, subject to recall, such as the time Oceanica Flight 808 crashed near Force Station Steelhead...)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Both of you would qualify easily but this is one of those spontaneous lotteries, and that means the first and second "proper posts" get the first and second positions in this group shot. Proper posts mean screen-caps. So it's still anybody's game.
Both of you would qualify easily but this is one of those spontaneous lotteries, and that means the first and second "proper posts" get the first and second positions in this group shot. Proper posts mean screen-caps. So it's still anybody's game.
Oh, okay. So here's Piqsirpoq@jonsills, in all his maple-leafed glory:
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Nope, both would work. Thanks for posting both though as it leaves a lot more open to interpretation. Btw, that makes for two proper posts.
Hey Thundrax in lieu of a position here, how would you like to be the official guest star for a Canada Day Lottery? Seriously, I would've given you the first slot had you posted a screen-cap.
If you're cool with this let me know here or in the in-game mail - I would hate to just make assumptions.
Hello Heroes
The DC Dust-Up R#2 Lottery winner's picture is finally posted. "Congratz to Atomac!" Ripped01:
Not your requested piece, but like I said I don't do commissions, but it is close enough I suppose. I hope you get a kick out this piece.
Not to be a downer as I did have fun drawing Mr. Mxyzptlk tearing through Atomac, but the themes offered are pretty specific and I would ask that any entrants try and follow the guidelines.
Now then, as my regulars know R#3 is coming up and this time THE HERO GETS TO WIN!
Stay Tuned!
I'm actually quite satisfied with how this turned out, AC, even with the different take on the idea. (Being potentially torn in half definitely looks like it hurts more!)
Subject matter aside, these are some of the nicest lines I've seen from you~.
Hello Heroes, I got very sick just before the long weekend so I've fallen behind - I do have my pencils and have started my inks for the Victoria Day doodle so let's wrap up the Dust-UP.
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
Very long but the idea here is that you will be added to the official list as you make a proper post. The Lottery runs for three days (maximum) or sooner if everybody makes a proper post.
Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell shows Scarecrow what happens when he tries to use his psychotropic drugs on an android.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Thanks all,
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP Lottery
(01) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(02) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam (one handed choke in air)
(03) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell vs. Sinestro. Like shooting black-and-yellow-painted fish in a barrel.
(04) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped him inside the pages of a comic book with his *magic".
(05) Britannia@milleniumguardian Vs Mongul (Father or son)
(06) Hasizet@kallethen finding out that Parasite thinks cosmic energy beings are taaaasty.
(07) I'd like Solar Saber@randomchance42 to find out that his fiery swords are no match for Killer Frost.
(08) Ms. Wonder@prestochango versus Metallo!
(09) 3rd times a charm: The Finnish@FlyingFinn vs. Amazo. I think.
(10) I may as well go for the big guy. Since he's not cosmic sized, Thundrax@Thundrax. vs. Darkseid. Omega beams for the loss.
(11) Mus Sicarius@Liath should be Cheetah's chewtoy this time around.
(12) Stellar Storm@Glass-Rose Vs. Lady Shiva
(13) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs. Lobo (But only cuz Lobo fights dirty)
(14) Tricky The Clown, Tricky@doctorinsaine Vs Scarecrow
(15) Nobody's picked this villain yet? Captain Americlown@jonsills gets out-clowned by the Joker!
(16) Jade General @Remok versus Vandal Savage!
(17) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
(18) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
(19) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
(20) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
Added several placeholder and rolled as a d20, the die faces a "17".
Rolled a second time the die faces a "6", "Congratz to Hasizet!"
I'll get started on this one as soon as the screen cap is posted to the thread, and remember this is only Round#1.
First picture is just her without auras. Second picture is with auras (Shadow Form and Sparkle). Third is with auras and Phoenix Flight.
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A completely random selection for the the Holiday, I hope you like it.
Love the shadows on this one.
I got called into work today so this is a little late but I have finished my sketch and have started my inks for R#1, so let's get The DC Dust-Up R#2 Lottery started. The DC Dust-Up Lottery works just like the Marvel Mash-Up but with Epic DC Villains instead.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions). Having won his bout, the Parasite is no longer available.
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP R#2 Lottery
(06) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
I'll close this sometime Sunday night. As always, feel free to ask questions here or in-game.
Mus Sicarius@Liath is still willing to be Cheetah's chew toy
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk, who has trapped the hero as an illustration inside a book / comic (or is in the process of doing so) with his "magic".
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I got quite a few entries already and with the quicker than normal finish, I'd better get the official list started right now. A tighter deadline does means better odds though, good luck.
The DC Dust-Up Lottery works just like the Marvel Mash-Up but with Epic DC Villains instead.
DC Dust-UP - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to lose. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see utterly defeat your hero. This is a new series so all villains are available (not including Galactus types). By Epic I mean the big gun / name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions). Having won his bout, the Parasite is no longer available.
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP R#2 Lottery
(01) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs Darkseid
(02) Mus Sicarius@Liath is still willing to be Cheetah's chew toy
(03) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk
(04) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(05) Captain Americlown@jonsills loses in a clowning contest with the Joker.
(06) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(07) Britannia@milleniumguardian vs Mongul.......oh, this is gonna hurt.
(08) Sunhawk@prestochango versus the Shadow Thief!
(10) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
That's a good selection of villains too. Remember this one closes tonight.
Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell finds out just how hard Harley Quinn can swing that sledgehammer.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
RIP Caine
Everything looks good so far, I'll finalize the list and roll for my winner.
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your Global name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you lose to.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* The screen cap doesn't have to be posted until the winner is drawn.
DC DUST-UP R#2 Lottery
(01) Blunt Force@Mal666 vs Darkseid
(02) Mus Sicarius@Liath is still willing to be Cheetah's chew toy
(03) Atomac@epelesker VS Mister Mxyzptlk
(04) Nisroc@esalmighty vs Black Adam
(05) Captain Americlown@jonsills loses in a clowning contest with the Joker.
(06) Mid-Knight@apygoos vs Deathstroke
(07) Britannia@milleniumguardian vs Mongul.......oh, this is gonna hurt.
(08) Sunhawk@prestochango versus the Shadow Thief!
(09) Jade General@Remok vs Lady Shiva
(10) Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell finds out just how hard Harley Quinn can swing that sledgehammer.
(11) Chernobyl@EvilTaco vs Doomsday . God, but I feel bad for the city that fight takes place in.
(12) Agent Canada@BobbyBlaze vs Lord Kobra (placeholder).
Let's see, rolled as a d12 the die faces a "3", Congratz to Atomac!
I'll come up with something as soon as the screen cap gets posted to the thread.
Thanks everybody,
This one was pretty tricky, both characters have a distinct look even though both are pretty featureless. I guess this is what Champions calls a BlackRedder, even though we can probably say a BlackerViolet in this case. I hope I didn't make your image too flat with the heavy inks.
If you'd like to try your hand at colouring it I can post an un-inked rough for reference. Either way I do hope you get a kick out of it,
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Here's the reference you're looking for: looking forward to seeing what you can come up with for my idea.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
*thumbs up*
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Not knowing is sometimes worse than having a person dislike the piece, but I am glad you liked it kallethen.
Very short run and closure due to my shortened weekend, but I wanted to stay on track. Your drawing of course will still take as long as it takes.
Hope you enjoy ^.^
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
What an awesome surprise, thank you!
Oh, man. If it wasn't my own character, I'd want to lick her clean. *ahem*
Victoria Day weekend is fast approaching, Canadian Holiday often called the first long weekend of summer. People who are sick of the dregs of winter and the dampness of spring usually take the weekend to open cottages or host out door barbeques, etc.
I'm looking for two Canadian Heroes to join one of my own for this holiday doodle. First proper post gets the Foreground position, second proper post gets thew Middleground, my hero will take the Background position. Let me clarify that I'm looking for a Canadian hero, not necessarily a Super Patriot but the Canuck must show through. So if you happen to play a Canadian Superhero and happen to like what I do, then post a screen cap.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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if thats a bit too similar to jons' here is Rook in a more relaxed outfit
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
Hey Thundrax in lieu of a position here, how would you like to be the official guest star for a Canada Day Lottery? Seriously, I would've given you the first slot had you posted a screen-cap.
If you're cool with this let me know here or in the in-game mail - I would hate to just make assumptions.
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The DC Dust-Up R#2 Lottery winner's picture is finally posted. "Congratz to Atomac!"
Not your requested piece, but like I said I don't do commissions, but it is close enough I suppose. I hope you get a kick out this piece.
Not to be a downer as I did have fun drawing Mr. Mxyzptlk tearing through Atomac, but the themes offered are pretty specific and I would ask that any entrants try and follow the guidelines.
Now then, as my regulars know R#3 is coming up and this time THE HERO GETS TO WIN!
Stay Tuned!
Subject matter aside, these are some of the nicest lines I've seen from you~.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Beautiful work AC & Jerax1011!
And congrats to Atomac on the DC Dust-Up R#2 Lottery win!
Wow thats amazing, thanks!
This is where you get to decide whether you love me or hate me, because I've compiled an exclusive Guest List of those who entered and qualified for the previous two rounds. As I said before "If you were big enough to lose to an Epic DC Villain, you're big enough to win!" That's right, Round 3 isn't just another DC Dust-UP, it's the Grand Prize, the Hero gets to win and it's exclusive to those on the Guest List. You are listed by @name only because you may want to switch up your entry and also because both the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk can not be selected having already won their bout.
DC Dust-Up - Remember this is for true geeks only, you're going to win. So pick which Epic DC Villain you would like to see defeated your hero. All villains are available (not including Galactus types) with the exception of the Parasite and Mr Mxyptlk of course. By Epic I mean the big gun/name brand villains not just the cosmic entity types. Do keep in mind that I'm an older fan so the villain you choose must be part of the main DC Universe and will be drawn in the most recognizable costume or era. (Sorry no 52 versions).
Standard Rules:
(01) Post the name of your Hero and your @name.
(02) Post the name of the Epic DC Villain you get to beat up.
(03) You are responsible for posting a screen-cap of your hero
* Do not post the screen cap until the winner is drawn, no screen cap no doodle however.
DC DUST-UP Guest List:
(01) @apygoos
(02) @esalmighty
(03) @KWRussell
(04) @epelesker
(05) @milleniumguardian
(06) @kallethen
(07) @randomchance42
(08) @prestochango
(09) @FlyingFinn
(10) @Thundrax
(11) @Liath
(12) @Glass-Rose
(13) @Mal666
(14) @doctorinsaine
(15) @jonsills
(16) @Remok
(17) @EvilTaco
Very long but the idea here is that you will be added to the official list as you make a proper post. The Lottery runs for three days (maximum) or sooner if everybody makes a proper post.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Wheelman@epelesker defeats Mirror Master!
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Mus Sicarius@liath can teach Cheetah a lesson about playing with your food ;D
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In