This build is scheduled to hit PTS at 6:20pm, 3/3/2014
Release Notes for FC.31.20140303.1:Vehicle Upgrades:- Existing Vehicles have been classified as "Mark 1". Mark 1 Vehicles may be upgraded to Mark 2 with a Tune-Up Kit which will be available from the C-Store. Mark 2 Vehicles have higher Attack, Defense, and Speed, and generally have improved Slots, as follows:
- All Mark 2 Vehicles with the 10% Bonus have 8 slots (4 Weapon, 4 Support/Defense)
- Mark 2 Hover Tanks and Chariots have 7 slots (4 Weapons, 3 Support/Defense)
- Mark 2 Hawkwings, Grav Bikes, Exocets, and VTOLs have 7 slots (3 Weapons, 4 Support/Defense)
- The Arrowhead and Adder grav bikes are classified as "Mark 2". New and existing Arrowheads and Adders will be automatically updated to Mark 2 stats, with no action necessary. In the future, some Vehicles will be released as Mark 2.
- Prototype Hawkwings are not upgradeable.
How Upgrading Works:
After obtaining a Tune-Up Kit, take the kit and your Mark 1 Vehicle to a Vehicle Mechanic (for this PTS build, there is one near the Debugger), and use his store. Weapon systems and Mods will be removed from your Vehicle at no cost and placed in your inventory, and you will recieve a Mark 2 version of the same Vehicle. The new Vehicle will come with no pre-installed Weapons or Mods, and will be unbound.
Combat Speed:- Vehicles now have two speeds: Combat Speed and Top Speed. Like travel powers, while you are firing weapons, your vehicle is restricted to Combat Speed. A few seconds after leaving combat, your Vehicle will return to Top Speed. There is no ramp-up time to use Top Speed, except immediately following combat.
- All Vehicles moving at Combat Speed have improved handling (Traction and Friction). Hover Tanks also gain a faster turn rate while at Combat Speed.
- Combat Speed is activated by firing a Vehicle weapon.
- In this build, Prototype Hawkwings do not yet have the Combat Speed adjustment. Expect this in an upcoming build.
Boost:- Boost has been redesigned as a toggle that drains energy rather than as a 6 second buff with a 30 second recharge.
- Boost provides +40 Top Speed for Hover Tanks; +30 Top Speed for Chariots and VTOLs; and +20 Top Speed for Hawkwings, Grav Bikes, and Exocets.
- A full energy bar will provide 4 to 5 seconds of Boost at a time.
- Reload may not be used while Boosting, or for a few seconds afterward.
Vehicle Mods:- Vehicle Mods that previously improved Flight Speed now improve Flight Top Speed.
- Vehicle Mods with +Armor Penetration now work correctly.
- Vehicle Mods with +Max Ammo (Energy) now provide a fixed bonus instead of a percentage bonus.
- Vehicle Mods with +Max Ammo (Energy) now increase Equilibrium as well.
- We have investigated Crit and Severity Vehicle Mods, and found them to be working.
- We have investigated Dodge and Avoidance Vehicle Mods, and found them to be working.
- Gravity Pulse now has a 1 second recharge time between taps.
- Incendiary Round is now capped at 5 targets.
- Plasma Beam now shares stacks of "Plasma Shear" across ranks.
- Plasma Beam's bonus damage for Plasma Shear stacks has changed. The first 25 stacks give double damage. Stacks 26-50 on a target give normal damage, and stacks 51+ have no additional effect.
Questionite Weapons Store:- Mk3 weapon systems are now available for 295,000 Q.
- The prices for Mk1 and Mk2 weapon systems in the Questionite store have been standardized to 90,000 Q (Mk1) and 165,000 Q (Mk2).
- Added Heavy Cannon Mk1 to the store.
Other Bugfixes:- Exocets (Mark 1) were not getting their full HP and resistance values. This is now fixed.
- The Widow grav bike had some white detailing when ridden by male characters. It is now the proper black and red as it appears for female characters.
PTS Debugger:- Added a variety of Vehicle testing items to his store, including Mods, the Tune-Up Kit, and a selection of Mark 1 Vehicles.
- Added the Mammoth, a Mark 2 Hover Tank to the debugger.
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:Bug
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go elsewhere.
In particular, do not report bugs from the live game in this thread, unless they are impacted by changes in the PTS build.
Changing power slots erasing your character's actual power slots fixed?
Or are those gonna be included in the Pimp-Up Kit?
And if i say that were getting some new Vehicle based missions, am i wrong?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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Also, other vehicle weapons needs adjusting. They're terribly weak.
How it will work with Holographic Field? I'm asking, because its dodge/avoidance boost is tied to current vehicle speed. It will be now lower, or its calculation will be adjusted to combat speed.
This would be so nice if it could be fixed.
Also, while I love the 'nerfs' (fixing exploits/bugs) of the major weapons people use in vehicles (lolGravPulse and lolPlasmaBeam), Incendiary Round generates a TON of aggro. And attacks foes at 120ft.
Open world boss mobs (like Mega-D and such) have NO idea how to fight back when their aggro target is 120ft in the air. They just stand there and become punching bags for everyone else to hit until it dies.
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I'll be curious if this upgrade will allow the C-store vehicles to actually be competitive with the rest of the bunch. I suspect not.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
I think AI needs to be fixed to work at 150' then.
Or at least spawn anti-aircraft minions after 100ft.
It's not like it's a super popular, super strong weapon like Incen Round or Grav Pulse
Maybe rename it to Micro-missiles too, to avoid a name clash with the Power Armor power.
If I may make a suggestion to Gravity Pulse as well, why not just change it to a charged power? At least the seizure-inducing graphic won't be spammed quite so often. Of course, a dream come true would be if you could add some (or a lot of) transparency to the VFX.
+Mammoth looks pretty dang awesome
-Widow Rank 1 still holds 8 slots when the top post said Rank 2 would have 8 slots.
Best thing to do in the mean time is to buy 60 boxes of questionite and use them. Than you can buy the rank 3 weapons.
You get the Tsunami M2 from the Mechanic and it has 7 slots.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I thank you all greatly for adding a target cap, but another big issue with the power is that it completely trumps character threat generation. This would be fine if vehicles could not mingle in character events, but they both share open world space and should be adjusted to take that into consideration.
For whoever wants to see the new vehicle, I think it looks pretty cool. Sort of "star wars'y."
By the way was the arrowhead suppose to be upgraded to r2 automatically? Because it wasn't for me. Is that a bug?
It seems to be just me from who I've spoken to however it's still a bug.
My lockbox vehicles haven't been auto ranked.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Bikes are by far the best vehicle to get purely because they hit the most.
Don't buff this.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Bug: Arrowhead still showing as Mark 1
Bug: Tiger Shark I Visual Representation of Slots Reversed
Shows as 2 Weapon/3 Mod (2 circles top 3 circles bottom) when it should be 3 Weapon / 2 Mod (3 Circles Top 2 Circles Bottom)
Bug: Tiger Shark II Visual Representation of Slots Reversed
Shows as 3 Weapon/4 Mod (3 circles top 4 circles bottom) when it should be 4 Weapon / 3 Mod (4 Circles Top 3 Circles Bottom)
Bug: Legionary I Visual Representation of Slots Reversed
Shows as 2 Weapon/3 Mod (2 circles top 3 circles bottom) when it should be 3 Weapon / 2 Mod (3 Circles Top 2 Circles Bottom)
Bug: Legionary II Visual Representation of Slots Reversed
Shows as 3 Weapon/4 Mod (3 circles top 4 circles bottom) when it should be 4 Weapon / 3 Mod (4 Circles Top 3 Circles Bottom)
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Thank god
West Side Customs, yo.
But maybe that's not really fitting place for military hardware.
So, they have the company mentioned some of the Vehicle descriptions, if i remember correct, right?
Use that. And use some empty building as the company's 'Garage'.
Maybe the Old ARMS building, which is now occupied the Q Exchange. Cut it half and paste the 'Garage' there, with Vehicles on display.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
The tune-up kit is very nice. I just hope this won't be for a ridiculous amount of Zen on the C-store.
On paper, I like the adjustments to Gravity Pulse, Incendiary Rounds, and Plasma Beam. I hope some other weapons could see a buff in the future as well (like Micromunitions or the Medical drones).
The new jet looks very, very, very awesome.
I agree with laughinxan about movement and especially the boost.
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Gravity Pulse still induces headaches and eyestrain in some people(I am actually in this group this time).
Mammoth is TOO FREAKING BIG...
If you're going to do a revamp on the vehicles how about actually developing the technology to be able to move the powers around and/or have them show up in the same spot from one summoning to the next? At the very least how about making the slot 1 weapon show up in slot one and so on?
Also, this doesn't seem to make the powers that aren't GP, Plasma, Railgun, or IR2 any "better." Now don't get me wrong, I think it's a complete and utter mistake to make the vehicles equal or greater than the SUPERHEROES but if people are expected to shell out cash for them like ships in STO...they shouldn't suck rocks through a paper straw either.
The Spider on the front of the widow has been backwards since it was new...this has not been corrected.
Also, how about cutting the hitboxes on vehicles in half so when someone is 50f away I can target something other than them with a left click?
And finally, Lordgar, I have to ask. What is the direction/point/goal when it comes to vehicles in the eyes of the devs? Is it...
AT = Vehicle
AT > Vehicle
AT < Vehicle
FF = Vehicle
FF < Vehicle
FF > Vehicle
Cause vehicles are cute, IMO, so long as they're a viable "OPTION." Sure Batman had the Batwing but he was Batman and he got out of it. In their current wonky design where you cannot customize the layouts and such they're an always flying Become that holds some mods. Is the plan to correct this? Is the plan with the new speeds to not make them high speed travel power replacer eye candy like some of them were being used for originally? What is to be the designed point of vehicles from the dev perspective?
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
On a widow mark 2 using incendiary round mark 2 on mega-destroids in resistance.
Two Enemy Hull Scanner 9's: Your Incendiary Round Mark 2 deals 498 (772) Fire Damage to Mega-Destroid.
Nothing at all slotted in the two support slots: Your Incendiary Round Mark 2 deals 450 (697) Fire Damage to Mega-Destroid.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Both are great ideas. I would prefer West Side Customs as I would love to see people get OUT of Ren Center. Makes the world feel more alive since everyone just sits by Defender and does Alerts.
The HP on the ranked up vehicles also seems out of line. Player base HP is 5kish, high con players will be around 10-13k, tank vehicles get 17k? That doesn't seem right.
And I'm going to echo Cross's question, where are vehicles supposed to fall power wise? They surpass players in many aspects currently, which seems questionable as they require a fraction of the effort to put together.
Huh? vehicles surpassing players? What Mods are you using? In my experience my vehicles always seem as though they're made of delicate china with an armor plating of paper-m
Mark 3 Weapons in the Q store - pick up free Q crates from Debugger if you haven't a stack already on PTS
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Yeah...all of those are higher than 4995. With the exception of maybe the tank(which should be slow as dirt because it's a TANK)..yeah, totally not feeling it.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
I did not "troll you." I stated opinions which do not agree with those which you have and you got ragey about it and chose to ignore me. IMO, too many people use the word "Troll" for "You have a differing opinion than mine and I need to find a quick way to dismiss it so I don't have to deal with the conversation."
And I said Batman gets out of the Batwing. He doesn't live in there.
I did not say,"vehicles are for people who don't know how to build a toon," I said, "I have no real need for a vehicle because I have toons with builds." That is a personal preference issue that is equal parts not liking Become Devices and their limitations(like not being able to move stuff on the bars) and them holding back the color customizations to actually have a shot at having a vehicle which matches my toon vs. something I bought at "Discount Dan's House of Vehicles." toons have builds. I'm not saying they're the best builds in the world but they do seem to magically accomplish many things that, from reading the forums, seem to be troublesome....and I'm a theme/concept builder.
As for how I see vehicles in the game. They're an option BUT they should not surpass heroes in a SUPERHERO GAME. Alot of people like to conveniently use the "Be the hero you want to be" blah blah blah when it's something they don't like in this game like difficulty or Rampage mechanics but when there are things like vehicle weapon ranges that utterly break AI or stacking mechanics that are completely OP they quickly switch gears to,"OMG don't nerf me! You'll all bring about your own DOOOOOM!" That is a battle of convenience.
So, I think balancing Vehicles right alongside Becomes and ATs is perfectly acceptable. Then, for froobs, it would be a way to play a different set of powers and "build" while weighing in cheaper than buying a FF slot. I don't think they should be nerfed into dust but if Bikeman can stand alongside Superman...someone dropped the ball.
In STO the reverse is true. Your actual toon is kinda weak and a large portion of people I talk to do not care for the ground aspects of that game( I rather like it mostly for the storylines). The actual toon focus is on the ships which can be geared out, tricked out(some people honestly spend like 400 bucks to do this without batting an eye), and now with multiple build tabs on each ship 1 STO toon has become like playing 12+ alts on a whim. That's fine and dandy for STO...but this isn't STO. This is CO.
Also, I likely shouldn't have even written this post since you're so "crazy"(your words, not mine) and this was likely a baiting tactic which will derail actual conversation, debate, and progress on this current revamp. IMO, I'm simply not seeing much in this since if I had done this I would have started with the tech to move the powers, color the vehicles(1 time free and sell it in the Z-store for all I care), and actually fix the broken/OP stuff. This, so far(the reason I asked Lordgar for more insight into the overall process) just seems like a way to sell an additional weapon slot and increase the desire for what some have considered the "lesser vehicles" when compared to the others.
So, there ya go. Sorry I didn't reply faster. There's alot of snow here and my internet went all hiccups there for a bit.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
On that note even if Batman was the only superhero to ever use a vehicle I'd say that alone would warrant their inclusion because, well IT'S BATMAN one of the most iconic comic book superheroes there is.
Besides superhero toys have had a long and illustrious history of giving vehicles brimming with rocket launchers to everyone no mater how little sense it makes, seriously how the heck does Spider-Man afford an attack helicopter? :biggrin:
Incendiary is a DoT. DoTs traditionally don't work with Def Pen. Have you tried Railgun, Heavy Cannon or the built in weapon?
Please tell me that you guys are making content involving vehicles? And that the content doesn't completely exclude characters (especially melee characters) who don't want to touch vehicles.
And mostly for ranged also...
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber