This build is scheduled to hit PTS at 4pm PST, 10/18/2013
The the following build contains some updates to the upcoming Takofanes II Lockbox as well as some minor bug fixes.
Release Notes:Takofanes II Lockbox:- This lockbox now contains Evil Frank, Evil Mummy, and Evil Ghost become devices instead of their nicer counterparts. These are cosmetic variants.
- The Takofanes II Lockbox now drops from defeated enemies. This Lockbox has a distinct appearance and will be picked up automatically by walking over it. It is also available in the Q-Store for 250 Questionite.
- The Demonwing now comes slotted with Plasma Beam Mark 2 and Gravity Pulse Mark 2 (but not Incentiary Rounds)
- The Demonwing now has 2 supprt and 2 defense slots. Existing Demonwings may have their mods mis-slotted by this change.
- The Demonwing is no longer using a placeholder model.
- The Booster Box no longer contains a Crafting Skill Up.
Vehicles:- Most Vehicles got a minor rename to move the vehicle type (such as "Grav Bike") from the name to the item's description.
- Old Hawkwings that were named like Become Devices (such as "Become Hawkwing Command Ship") are now called Prototypes (such as "Prototype Hawkwing Command Ship")
- Hawkwings that had "Mark 2" in their names (such as "Hawkwing Command Ship Mark 2") to differentiate them from the Prototypes aren't called "Mark 2" anymore (such as "Hawkwing Command Ship")
- Hawkwing vehicles now have a 30 second cooldown like the other vehicles.
Items: - Gladiator Imperator become device: fixed stat scaling on its Unstoppable passive.
- Fixed damage absorb for the Invulnerability power on Lemurian Power Armors and Powered Suit become devices.
- Added invulnerability passive to Resistance Command Leader Robot.
- Mummy become device: fixed issues related to stat scaling for its Pestilence passive.
- The Drifter now sells the Doomlord become device -- for a limited time only.
- both new and existing Doomlord and Celestial become devices have been raised from purple to gold quality.
- Halloween Treat Bags may now be used straight from your inventory.
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:Bug
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go elsewhere.
In particular, do not report bugs from the live game in this thread, unless they are impacted by changes in the PTS build.
Especially Invuln on Resistance Command Leader, I'll be testing these as soon as I can! :biggrin:
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I am @RavenForce in game
I like them, but I am also slightly creeped out by them lol
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I am @RavenForce in game
You can get the AF unlock with out actually using it up, double click and no message telling you that it's unlocked appears but it does show up in your AF list and works
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I am @RavenForce in game
I appreciate you guys trying to make them somewhat different. But you guys really went with the bare minimum as far as changes go. I was expecting to see NEW SKINS for these at least. These are just the same old beat up becomes with an FX added.
Picked up AUTOMATICALLY? Wow, you guys REALLY want these things in our inventory don't ya. *sigh* Oh well, not a big deal I guess.
The Q-store thing kind of bums me out. I usually make a KILLING in the first few days on the Auction House from selling the fancy new boxes. You guys effectively killed off a pretty good source of making globals.
On the other hand, I suppose this is going to be your answer for not having to add the Lockbox stuff to the Store for direct pay. Now you can just add all the boxes to the q-store so that they're always available. Touche Cryptic.
Gold Quality eh? I suppose the new Justice Gear will be sporting this as well? I hope this isn't going to make them RIDICULOUSLY Rare. Drop Rates in CO are bad enough as it is.
It's worth noting that for a lot of people, this is going to smooth out the experience. If someone isn't saving lockboxes while running an instance, this reduces how often they have to stop, grab loot, then start rolling again. This change will let people keep their momentum going, really stay in flow.
If that's the case, then I would really appreciate the same being done for things like Mods and Recognition as well. Basically any items that aren't effected by Team Looting.
Nice to see you taking notes from Neverwinter. Perhams this is a sign of things to come? :biggrin:
For those of you who missed the memo....Crafting died with On Alert. Sorry. Even NW, the new kid on the block, doesn't call that "thing" we have crafting. If you don't have a 400 on at least one toon then I am sorry. You truly have my condolences...perhaps have a lucky friend do the higher combines for you? I'd offer but that "lucky" bit has never been in my list of traits in a MMO.
I'll go a step beyond this one and ask that EVERYTHING in the game that can stack do so to AT LEAST 99(unlimited would be better). Please.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Where it happens: Charging or activating Roomsweeper.
What happens: As stated above.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
I like the auto-pickup. Can this also be applied to ALL lockbox/grab bag style drops (Anniversary Present, Treat Bag, etc)?
I'd like to suggest some changes to the Q-Store purchases of lockboxes:
-Change the price to 200. The Questionite Box item drops 200Q 70% of the time, so this seems like a good price. It also means that you can make 10 purchases for one Alert Daily or Adventure Pack reward.
-Sell a small stack, rather than an individual box. I would suggest 5 boxes for 200Q, but I wouldn't object to the 10 previously mentioned.
-If the intention is to reintroduce the old lockboxes via this method, please consider retrofitting them to the new style. The previous boxes - especially the two vehicle boxes, with their preponderance of vehicle mods - felt like they were worth far less than the cost of a key most of the time.
Thanks for these changes. Can't wait to get home and see the new model!
Is there a reason for this change? If there's an upcoming change to the crafting/fusing system, then I'll withhold comment, but if there isn't, I see no good reason for this. If you feel that they make skilling up too easy, then reduce their drop rate, but please don't eliminate them without good reason.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
For the most part, i didn't come across any bugs aside from the evil Aura not working. As a point though, the Ghost (for me at least) had the aura effect instead of legs, but the full body aura wasn't there. I was however disappointed that the only visual difference is the red smoke, rather than there being any real changes.
Love the dino costume, but i was sad to see that it was a costume and not more dino parts, but still cool none the less. I was sad to see that the Pheremones no longer could be used together though, i'm sure there will be a lot of angry players once that hits live.
Over all though, i really wish you guys would make the vehicles into more of what Cryptic led us to believe. Being able to customize the colors or possibly parts, would be a huge win for the vehicle system. I was really digging the wings of the new jet, but the color and the rest just didn't seem to great by me. Being able to use the different pieces to customize a ship (like STO) would make these things worth a lot more to the players.
Where it happens: When clicking "Remove all", during interaction with a powerhouse NPC.
What happens: On Live, it allows you too remove your specializations for free without the changing of trees, on the PTS, it goes straight to the remove all for 50g fee. I believe this is unintentional.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Is it forcing you pay to remove if you commit while in the Power House?
Is it telling to pay to remove if you leave the Power House and come back?
(this should happen, unless your specs glitched to make respecs free every time.)
Shhhhh Caligaa...don't spoil it for us.
Where it happens: After being on vehicle for several minutes without moving
What happens: When in vehicle (bike, tank, jet) and stationary for a period of time (seems to be around 10 mins) unable to move vehicle in any direction (up down, forward, back, left, right) but can spin in place. This bug is also on LIVE as of previous patch there. On PTS only way i have found to get back to normal motion is to go to Hideout, as clicking on vehicle icon does not dismount.
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I'm not sure if it was intentional but I thought it was when On Alert came out. If it was not intended then it might have be fixed or you didn't do the same process this time to allow you to freely reassign your spec points. Though I like being able to reassign my spec points for free to trees I locked by going to the power house any time, but if you have to I pay the 50G fee to remove them as well as stats as a whole, then that's the way its gotta be.
If this is the fix to prevent players from using up to 5 spec trees through a certain exploit, then so be it.
The auction house already has fallen far behind the times. There needs to be a Vehicles category, the yellow color might need to be dumped, and the gold color should be added.
The best change would be a filter function, but a couple category/color additions would be excellent.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Using the new leg length sliders to make very short legs can cause certain costume parts to hang below the bottom of the character model.
How to reproduce:
-Go to the Scales tab and set leg length to the minimum.
-Go to the Chest tab and Select a cape, or a jacket with a long tail (trench coat, duster, etc)
-The bottom of the cape or coat is below the feet, and hangs into the ground.
Suggested solution: Make the leg slider affect the length of capes, so that the bottom of capes cannot go below ground level.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
This is why we can't have nice things. How often have we asked them to completely open up the Costume Editor? If they did that there would be TONS of clipping issues such as this one. You just have to use your better judgement when creating a character. If you have an issue with some of your cape/coat clipping through the ground then adjust your legs to be a little longer.
Sense we're hovering around the topic of cape length though. I'd like to ask for a MEDIUM LENGTH CAPE option. Sometimes I run into an issue where the regular capes are to long and the Small Cape is just TOO small. A middle option would be nice.:biggrin:
ALSO: Can we FINALLY get Cape Designs added to Small Cape and hopefully Medium Cape sizes while we're at it?
Tight Patterns for "Briefs" would be greatly appreciated as well. Or FIX the Subligar on Females
A bettwe solution than my previous one: Can we just get a cape length slider, since we're adding new sliders? Then we can fix it ourselves when we need to, and it will add more options even for those that aren't negatively impacted by this.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
That is a better idea. I second this.
Cape length slider plz.
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*Psst!* I already said that 2 posts up! :P
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
If they could make a cap lay parallel to the ground, then they could make a motorcycle sit parallel to the ground.... ._.
Psst, if you don't want support for your ideas you'll need to explicitely state so :O
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
They need a rarity revision in general. All those purples that really honestly aren't that rare.
That's not even really the problem - it's rooting through stuff I've already got.
The game is fully able to track if you've got a piece that an item unlocks, why can't it just have a box to check that'll say "Okay, I'm looking for new costume parts. You know what I've got, so skip those, show me the other stuff I don't have yet."
Anyways, adding Special Rarity back into the AH search would be nice.
Not entirely, but I understand your point. If you bought the Epic Samurai set, the Samurai drop pieces will still say "Unlocks Costume Piece". There are a few other examples. Also, it'd be nice if they did the same tracking for action figures.
<Looks up>
<Looks at Notes>
<Looks up>
Nope, AH has nothing to do with the current notes..and you even put it in red like it was a bug. For shame. This is why we can't have nice things.
That's convenient. How about letting them stack to like 999 or something? That, too, would be convenient...and while you're at it could you make ALL the candy and junk that drops from BM stack the same way? Please? :biggrin:
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
You completely missed the point, actually several points, in your attempt to tell Cross something they already know very well. Here's 2 of 5...
Point 1: We only need one toon at 400 because the different schools have no bearing on fusing anymore and any one toon can do the fusing and send the mods to all the others or stick it in a hideout bank or in a SG vault...or...
Point 2: Getting to 400 is a lot harder now than it was before which is why Cross said...
...because it's that much harder now than it was before and not worth the time sink of node hunting if someone could instead...
We were just discussing this with the devs a few days ago so seriously, ease back a bit.
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Wow, Cross is probably one of the most level-headed players here. Of course, you gradii have already proven time and again you aren't.
I remember when craft skill meant something. I remember when I had the ability to actually make stuff.
Fusing isn't a crafting system, its merely a chore. I had 3 or 4 leveled to 400 before the system change, and haven't had need to level one to 400 since, because 1 400 does it all, and bothering with nodes is just shy of pointless with r5s already having so little value (nodes having lower ranking mods).
Anyone who actually spent time using the old system would acknowledge it was superior. I thought the CTP crafting was a pain, but at least then I could craft something really nice. These days its not even worth fusing most of the time with the r7s about and safeguards so rare.
Less QQ more pew pew.
Deliciously nutritious!
Munitions is dakka.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
100+ boxes without a drop isn't surprising; it's a 0.5%(-ish) drop rate. That means that one in 200 boxes has a demonwing. Of course, just because you opened 200 doesn't guarantee you'll get one.
Let me know your @name and I'll mail you one. I got a bunch while testing the lockbox drop rates.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I'd agree, but some of the people wearing the suit might have real tails inside the suit one.
Maybe give both static and animated versions?
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.