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The Official Hideout Functionality Thread!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Dialam wrote:
    Here's a crazy idea... Seasonal Decorations!

    Not sure if it would even be possible, but have the option to redecorate our Hideouts for Halloween, Christmas, and Chanukah.

    An example would be an option in the Penthouse Living Room to have a large Christmas Tree with presents and Christmas themed furniture around the tree. Christmas lights around the windows and Balcony Railing. Festive tinsel around the indoor railings and the stairs railings. Maybe a Christmas Dinner Table that has a Christmas dinner set on it.

    I have been thinking about this too, it could be called "The Seasons Package".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Here are some ideas for Hideout NPCs (to be fair, some have already been mentioned):

    Sell Hideout NPC Slots in the C-Store. Each NPC is assigned to a specific Hideout, and may be designed in appearance the same way as any character or Nemesis, though with no superpowers. The NPC is also given a name, and assigned a Function.

    The Function would determine the NPC's actions, and where he/she hangs around in the Hideout. Some examples would include:
    • Greeter - stands next to the entrance, welcoming everyone as they come in.
    • Tailor - hangs around in the Tailor area, and becomes the interface for that function.
    • Computer Tech - stays at the Crime Computer, and becomes the interface for that function.
    • Housekeeper -- wanders all around, keeping things clean.

    Others would depend on Hideout type, and future functionality.

    EDIT: If these NPCs do any talking, the player could choose a Personality as well: Servant, Robot, Slacker, Proper British, Southern Belle/Gentleman, etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This might have already been suggested... but some kind of Nemesis-confrontation in your hideout would be wonderful. Even if there is no fancy stuff beside a mere battle and 2 lines of "dialogue", I'd really feel like my Nem is a real threat if he/she/it starts stalking me at home !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thundrax wrote:
    (moved from other thread). Trophy Room Ideas: This is a long one. Subject to editing, as usual.

    Newspapers (mounted on a wall)

    1. Newspaper #1 with head shot of hero, the option to select five headlines:

    2. Newspaper #2 (variant pics, five headline choices)
    (a) VIPER-X ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FOILED. (Unlocked when "Bullet for Bisselle" Open Mission defeated).
    (b) MEGA-DESTROID FALLS (Unlocked when open mission "Destroids Rise Again" is defeated)
    (c) JAILBREAK GOES BUST (Unlocked when the "Jailbreak" open mission is defeated)
    (d) DEATH RAY DEMOLISHED (Unlocked when "Deathray Demolition" completed)
    (e) AEGIR RESCUED (When Lemuria Crisis is defeated).

    3. Newspaper #3 (choice of less than complimentary ones.)
    (a) HERO BATTLES HERO IN WILD BRAWL, AGAIN (When Jouster perk is unlocked)
    (b) FOXBAT SUES HERO, Claims Pain, Suffering and Emotional Distress (when Foxbattle of the Network Stars is completed.)
    (c) HERO TOSSED FROM CAPRICE FOR DANCE FLOOR FIGHT (For battling Caliburn in the Vibora Bay headline).
    (d) "HERO" IS A THUG, CLAIMS ARGENT. (For finishing "the Most Dangerous Game")


    4. Comic Book Case
    (the cover of whichever comic reward you chose in No Kountry With Old Komics)

    5. Helmet Case (choice of one, unlocked when you beat the villain in question.)
    (a) Gigaton
    (b) Armadillo
    (c) Eclipse (Krim)
    (d) Shadow Destroyer

    6. Weapon Case (choice of one, unlocks when you defeat the villain in question)
    (a) Mechassassin's Gun
    (b) Foxbat's Ping Pong ball Gun
    (c) Black Mace's Glove
    (d) Sickle's Sickle
    (e) Gunblade (for getting the Gunblade drop in Resistance).
    (f) Khusor the Crooked`s Trident
    (g) Therakiel's Sword

    7. Bloodmoon Case (choice of one object, unlocked when you free the hero in question,)
    (a) Johnny Hercules's Belt
    (b) Vanguard's Mask
    (c) Shadowboxer's Gauntlets

    8. Giant Object (choice of one object)
    (a) Huge Teleiosaurus Egg (for beating `Yolk of Oppression`)
    (b) Black Talon suit (for winning the MC Crisis)
    (c) Empty Slug Suit (vanquishing Slug)
    (e) The Serpent Lantern (for beating the Serpent Lantern)
    (f) Mega-Terak's Skull (beatng taking on Mega-Terak)
    (g) Kigatilik's belt and Back Pieces. (vanquishing Kigatilik)
    (h) Vladic Dracul`s Sarcophogus (beating Vlad)

    Knick-knacks and Plaques

    9. Key to the City (for doing the MC Crisis) hung on a wall.

    10. West Side Neighborhood Association Friendship Award (for beating `Westside Intrigue Culmination`)

    11. Teddy Bear on shelf, with note: "Thank you Hero-- signed Adina" (for beating "Psi-chonaut")

    12. PRIMUS Commendation Plaque (for beating Grond)

    13. Sasquatch Friendship Staff (hanging in a rack on the wall, given for beating Necrull's lair on elite and Tilingkoot).

    14. Manimal Friendship Necklace (given for beating Moreau`s Lair on Elite).

    15 Lemurian Conch (hanging on a pin on a wall, given for beating the mission "Trumping the Shark").

    16. Trimagstus Book of Lore (on a small shelf, for getting all seven Loremaster perks).

    17. UNTIL Commendation Plaque (for beating UNITY's Most Wanted, all on Elite)

    18. Honorary Champions Membership (for completing all three APs, Aftershock, and Comic Series 2, all on Elite).

    19. Friend of the Star*Guard Plaque (left blank, reserved for a future space-based mission).

    20. Belt Case shows whatever PvP belts you've earned in the Hero Games for UTC and Bash.

    21. Crown (for a perk associated with the upcoming King of the Mountain map)

    22. Special Cryptic Commendation (awarded for outstanding contributions to the community by Cryptic.)

    I wanted to discuss ideas for the trophy room, but I was beaten soundly by this post.. PLEASE all this and more.... perk points could be used to buy trophies and rewards maybe...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I have been thinking about this too, it could be called "The Seasons Package".

    Dialam wrote:
    Here's a crazy idea... Seasonal Decorations!

    Not sure if it would even be possible, but have the option to redecorate our Hideouts for Halloween, Christmas, and Chanukah.

    An example would be an option in the Penthouse Living Room to have a large Christmas Tree with presents and Christmas themed furniture around the tree. Christmas lights around the windows and Balcony Railing. Festive tinsel around the indoor railings and the stairs railings. Maybe a Christmas Dinner Table that has a Christmas dinner set on it.

    I'm happy you agree to my anterior post in that forum tread here; http://forums.champions-online.com/showpost.php?p=1945460&postcount=198

    Might not be so crazy after all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    AkorPanda wrote:
    I wanted to discuss ideas for the trophy room, but I was beaten soundly by this post.. PLEASE all this and more.... perk points could be used to buy trophies and rewards maybe...

    I admit with minor tweaking for basement type hideouts with some Giant trophees that can't go trough a door, I admit I really like that. Especially the newspapers. ^^
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    In the penthouse we have lounge chairs on the balcony plus a bed inside. Would it be possible to add a couple emotes so our characters could actually lay down?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I propose... a training room similar to the virtual enemy room in Powerhouse. For places like the Penthouse, such a place would be pretty appropriate, considering...
    For the other places, such as the basements, you could perhaps put something similar on the computer desks, but label it "Training Video Game". So you're playing a realistic video game to plan out how your powers would work against certain foes, whereas the rich penthousers actually simulate it with hardlight holograms.

    So, from what we've seen thus far, we basically just want to render the Powerhouse into something you go to as a social event, for special occasions, when most of the time we do all of its features in our awesometastic hideouts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    taekinuru wrote:
    I propose... a training room similar to the virtual enemy room in Powerhouse. For places like the Penthouse, such a place would be pretty appropriate, considering...
    For the other places, such as the basements, you could perhaps put something similar on the computer desks, but label it "Training Video Game". So you're playing a realistic video game to plan out how your powers would work against certain foes, whereas the rich penthousers actually simulate it with hardlight holograms.

    So, from what we've seen thus far, we basically just want to render the Powerhouse into something you go to as a social event, for special occasions, when most of the time we do all of its features in our awesometastic hideouts.

    I think upgrading one's Powers should be left to the Powerhouse -- or, at most, available only as a per-character C-Store item. The same goes for Vendors (of Upgrades and similar stuff).

    Also, my impression is that many functions such as Powerhouse-like training rooms will appear in rooms off the main Hideout space. If this is the case I'm hoping we're able to chain them so a given Hideout can have more than just two -- even if it's a matter of buying a cheap Hallway at the C-Store to connect two or three extra rooms to a single door.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not sure how practical this would be, or even how useful, but I've seen it in stuff in both DC and Marvel so at least it's true-to-genre.

    Videoconferencing between Hideouts.

    It might require a special room, or might be linked in to the Crime Computer somehow, but it would basically allow for text and voice chatting, as well as visible emotes and such.

    That, potentially, could be a lot of tech to code for what amounts to a purely social function. so, what kind of true functionality might this include?

    Just thinking out loud (as it were): perhaps Trading could be done through the Link, including dragging items directly to and from Account Storage. It might also be a way to drum up teams for Alerts and such (though I'm not sure how that would work specifically).

    Maybe others can come up with other ideas as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Someone in another thread posted that videoconferencing could also connect the player with Defender, Dr. Silverback, and other NPCs who serve as Mission Contacts.

    But what's occurred to me is that a side room could be set aside as a Rogues' Gallery, with mannequins, statues, holograms, or what have you of all your Nemeses.

    That's not anything I'd expect in the near future, but it'd be cool to see on the roster of possibilities.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The hideouts are cool, but seem so empty. Can my other characters just be walking around doing stuff? Then I can show them off without logging in and out.

    How about:

    A "playpen" for all the action figures. (Not a display case .. that's just weird... they move!)

    Nemesis display area.

    Kitchens for more of the hideouts. Why is there no food on my moon base, or cave lair?

    Bedrooms (yes more then one) for more hideouts. Where does one sleep in the cave lair?

    Media Center/Dance floor. How can one have a penthouse party with no music? Link to Pandora for streaming music?

    Advanced trading area: Someplace where you and your guests can just dump out a bunch of stuff and go through it and be like "oooh you have this, I want it!". I'm reminded of trading candy on Halloween night. Everyone just has their piles and you go from pile to pile scanning for things you want. I'm sure most of the time I have "junk" that I don't know someone else can use.

    Group crafting area: Pool your crafting skills + components to build bigger things then you could alone.

    Run your own "private" auction for just your invited guests.

    Duals on the moon in low-g would be fun.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As a gadgeteer, I liked it when I had a plasma pipeline in my basement under the staircase (that's now replaced by momy's storing space)

    It would be nice to have at least two or three different options for every furniture slot in a hideout. This can be combined with functionality. A workbench of a sorcerer would look different from a workbench of a scientist.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As a gadgeteer, I liked it when I had a plasma pipeline in my basement under the staircase (that's now replaced by momy's storing space)

    This was fixed. Tech Stairs now has the proper tubes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I just had a thought on how a "Rogues' Gallery Display Room" might work.

    Rather than the previously-suggested mannequins, the room can be lined with large posters of the Nemeses, each of them in more or less the style of a Costume Save. Besides the individual's appearance, the only other thing on the poster would be his/her name. Next to each poster would be a plaque (roughly the size of an 8.5x11 or A4 sheet of paper) that a visitor could read, giving the Nemesis' bio along with selected other info (Power Set, Nemesis Type, etc.).

    There are, what, 18 Nemesis slots per character? So make the room in the shape of a wide hall, with 8 posters on each side and 2 on the wall opposite the door (or, if preferred, 6 on each side, 4 on the opposing wall, and 2 more flanking the door).

    The player would determine which Nemesis is displayed where. Unused spaces could have an option of a blank wall, a blank poster, or a poster of an existing non-Nemesis villain.

    Give us an appropriate range of options for floor, ceiling, walls, and lighting, and I think it'll be fine. (Maybe the C-Store could have one Rogues' Gallery Display Room for each Hideout type, with all of the options made available for whatever the player has bought within each type.)

    EDIT: This might also be a good place to fit a Nemesis Terminal (especially in the center of a 6-6-4-2 configuration).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    There might be an easy way to display alts and nemeses a your hideout: Add some kind of hologram projector somewhere in the room. it doesn't even have to be visible. The owner can then chose an image of one of his alts or nems at the time at the computer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    how is that any different than what we've already talked about? We'd still need a way to determine which costume you wan tto use where, and a way to display costumes on random NPCs. It's a nice idea, but it's still a ton of work, either way.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    how is that any different than what we've already talked about? We'd still need a way to determine which costume you wan tto use where, and a way to display costumes on random NPCs. It's a nice idea, but it's still a ton of work, either way.

    It isn't. Unless you went the route of linking the character creator to what the display gathers the information from, so we can just load a pre-existing costume or recreate it in the CC.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ok the costume display thing needs to be really thought out if it has a chance in hell to become a reality, but I have another idea that already is account based so you don't even have to worry about what to choose or finding a way to display it on a blank NPC. My idea is for the action figures.

    I think it would be great to have a wall/display case that shows off which Action Figures we have already unlocked. Great for the completionist who loves collecting the little action figures but with no real way to show them all off. As a bonus feature and this is totally optional, but instead of displaying them we could have the option to have them wandering around the hideout, like little toy robots.

    I don't know how much this falls into "functionality" but it would be a nice feature. You know while we wait for things that actually really make hideouts a awesome thing to have instead of the current "Look at my house!" that we have now. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Here's an idea...

    For those of us with multiple Hideouts, maybe those doors could lead between one and another. Thus. if Red Streak has both a Basement and a Penthouse, one of the Penthouse doors leads directly to the Basement, and vice versa.

    Or, a door could lead from Red Streak's Basement Hideout to Bick Butaine's or Mister Shyft's.

    Or I could connect Red Streak's Penthouse, Bick Butaine's Basement, and Mister Shyft's Sanctum, so they can share toys and resources (in the RP sense; they already can in the game sense), be Guests in each other's places, etc.

    Whether this would be a "new loadscreen" item, or a corridor leading from one to the other, would depend on which is easier for the devs to set up (or, ideally, could be decided upon by the player).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I know I had posted it elsewhere, but...

    It'd be nice to had a SIT option that shows automatically upon seats there (and -out of combat- elsewhere in the game) where usually we get the option to trow away furniture... Like in Caprice?! :D

    It goes also with an idea to try out new emotes. Such as faint, rest on the side... and heroic pose (maybe not just one). It would be nice as to interact with that environement since many seems to RP in it.

    I got that tread if that can help and wasn't adressed here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Emotes are cool

    but thats not why I am here

    Really not sure where I should be (as in this post), but I digress.

    THIS IS NOT YOUR HIDEOUT - message has been showing for one of my characters. Its the first hideout I chose (my freebe) and for that character. Is there something Ive done wrong here? What are the implications of this not being my hideout? It seems to function normally. EDIT: I have tried to reselct that Hideout for that character again (via the map » using chose on the hidout popup thing)

    I have bought 3 new addons to hideouts since, could this be part of it?

    Somewhat confused.. as always :D

    Cheers folks,


    EDIT: One more thought, (and sorry if this is above somewhere I have not managed to read the whole thread). Hideout options; they pop up on every entry to the hideout, is this normal?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Here's something I would want that I know Tumerboy will probably strangle me for, but for the future I would really love to be able to go to like a furniture store in game and be able to place extra stuff in the hideouts or something like that. Maybe have perks open up extra interior stuff for hideouts. The Penthouse, for instance, it's really spacious and I would love to fill in some of it to give it more of a lived in feel. Hehe not everywhere needs to be able to accept new items but I definitely would love to be able to add more.

    Also, is it possible you could have a version of the Penthouse that has a Vibora Bay exterior and sends you to vibora bay?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Silverspar wrote:
    Here's something I would want that I know Tumerboy will probably strangle me for, but for the future I would really love to be able to go to like a furniture store in game and be able to place extra stuff in the hideouts or something like that. Maybe have perks open up extra interior stuff for hideouts. The Penthouse, for instance, it's really spacious and I would love to fill in some of it to give it more of a lived in feel. Hehe not everywhere needs to be able to accept new items but I definitely would love to be able to add more.

    I'll agree with this -- including Tumerboy's likely reaction. :)

    I was a little surprised that Hideout design didn't use an engine similar to character design -- choose the shape, the texture, and the color. In hindsight, though, the way it's done is probably better, and less of a load on the client.

    Still, it would be cool to be able to have more intricate control over the Hideout look.
    Also, is it possible you could have a version of the Penthouse that has a Vibora Bay exterior and sends you to vibora bay?

    This is highly unlikely; it would be hard to keep people from blithely switching back and forth between the two. OTOH I think finishing the Apocalypse could unlock an exit into VB from the Sanctum.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hi, sorry for the newb question, but is there a way to not get the hideout settings every time I go there? It's getting on my nerves. For clarification, if necessary, the customise menu appears every single time I go there. Any way to prevent it?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hi, sorry for the newb question, but is there a way to not get the hideout settings every time I go there? It's getting on my nerves. For clarification, if necessary, the customise menu appears every single time I go there. Any way to prevent it?

    Not currently, but hopefully that will be fixed before long.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You know what I'd love to have in a Hideout? Some sort of training room like the dummies in the Powerhouse.

    Say, let us spawn a mob type (or just a dummy), make it attack us, or just stand around. Also, give it a valid area or its own room it can exist in, so people can knock it around without it auto-despawning like the dummies do. And give it selectable health (or at least a lot more than the dummies now), too.

    Also, uh...what happened to the Penthouse kitchen area? I sure don't remember this pipe or whatever it was sticking out the door like this before.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You know what I'd love to have in a Hideout? Some sort of training room like the dummies in the Powerhouse.

    That is a fabulous idea! ;)

    My bad, I'll try to fix this when I get back to work.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I would like to have the option to set a "night time view" instead of the perpetual day view, outside my Penthouse.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    if you wait long enough, it will turn to night.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Ahh yes!, night-time! - that wonderful time when our internal mood lighting switches on for extra ambiance, and our H.U.D window displays are especially glorious.

    *gets back into time machine*

    [EDIT]: Actually!, come to think of it!, you know what night-time brings don't you Champions! - Hero spotlighted signals!.
    (works off of all the emblems available in-game)
    Activated by clicking on something on the desk and it would switch on and be coming from a spotlight over at City hall, viewable for all in the penthouse to see!.

    For example, your avian-themed character Tony Cluck could be just relaxing at home in the penthouse with a glass of wild turkey™ when,.... ((you click the special bust / phone))... and the mayor is urgently asking for Power-Chicken™'s help!, -
    Quick Champions! - assemble!.

    You see - he has a special signal he shines in the sky; it's in the shape of a giant cockerel. :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Let see Logo signal in sky from the Penthouse... What does it gives the other hideouts?

    Fireworks rockets around the moon? Lightning strips disco lightning alert? Holotag?

    Basement red phone signal? Or light over the police scanner? (Could get the projector corner for the logo thingy tought ^^)

    And cave? Earth rumbling as secret panel opens to display alert? :P

    Dunno... It has potential tought.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Let see Logo signal in sky from the Penthouse... What does it gives the other hideouts?

    Like all catagory specific features, this one was envisioned as being just for the Penthouses catagory.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Please please please, allow duels in hideouts! *puppy eyes*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Biggest problem there would be space. You would need a room devoted solely to that, and the themes aren't all compliant with the theme of a big space for that purpose.

    I suppose at a stretch;

    Cave hideout: Rock cavern carved out for that purpose.

    Sanctums: Interdimensional arena accessed via some artifact.

    Basements: Secret door or sliding panel disguised as wall or shelving, or trapdoor in the floor leading to a further room hollowed out (the size of the temporary HQ in The Dark Knight).

    Moonbase: Another dome.

    Penthouse: Another floor in the penthouse with a boxing ring in it like in IronMan II.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Biggest problem there would be space. You would need a room devoted solely to that, and the themes aren't all compliant with the theme of a big space for that purpose.

    The training rooms when they get enables would be perfect.

    Or the Penthouse one I keep getting stuck in would be anyways!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    That is a fabulous idea! ;)

    Indeed, it is. ;)

    The Moonbase one looks awesome so far. Perfect for duels.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Mmm, also i think shared hideout bank should allow for bound item transferring between characters, u still have them bound after all, why we can't switch those items between our own, just different characters.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Kien. wrote:
    Mmm, also i think shared hideout bank should allow for bound item transferring between characters, u still have them bound after all, why we can't switch those items between our own, just different characters.

    I'd support this only for Bind On Pickup items. No picking something up, Equipping and Binding it, only to find that it's no good for that character and switching it to another.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I hate bind on pick-up, I curse the devs whenever my science characters gets some sort of magical summon device.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    BobFromAccounting gave an awesome Idea, a training area is really awesome!
    I don’t know how hard, or if it’s possible, to add some major creatures in it! Something like a Virtual Teleiossaurus or a Virtual Kigatilik... That would look like the Xmans training room.
    My Idea is to add creatures and enemies that we have defeated on the real thing. So if I have a perk, that creature would be unlocked on my training zone. That would be more useful than a trophy room, since it could be a practice zone for the teams set their strategies.
    It could be also a pvp open zone inside the hideout!

    What I don’t know is how we are going to explain such huge and sophisticated complex on mons basement or a loft... This is also an Idea for the Super Group Hideout…
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I think a few interactive item would be nice in the upcoming training room. Which would require a few new emotes though.

    For example using the running machine would be great with a "run in one place" emote. Or some weightlifting emote, maybe sit-up emote would be great as well, punching a sandbag, etc,etc...
    And using the "ring" for friendly PvP matches would be coooooool.
    Put a mini Hi-Fi in there too for the feeling! :) Without these the training room would be another 5 minutes wonder only. Wouldn't be rewarding to purchase it.

    The need of interactivity/new emote request stands for the rest of the hideouts by the way. Although I don't want a SIMS, but sometimes would be great to use a drink or eat emote, maybe sit_drink/eat emote in our fancy hideouts, not to mention that we have at least 4 bar to enter in the game where drinking happens...sometimes. And after it how awesome would be to lay down(a new emote again)! :)

    Sorry if/ that the second part of my post was offtopic, but I thought it's linked to the first part a little.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Hi, sorry for the newb question, but is there a way to not get the hideout settings every time I go there? It's getting on my nerves. For clarification, if necessary, the customise menu appears every single time I go there. Any way to prevent it?

    I agree.

    What I would like to add on this is that you could save settings and name them, so like for my samson chatracter, i have my moonbase and penthouse saved a certan way, and if i wanted to got to Samson's penhouse with another toon of mine for RP reasons, I could pic a "Samson" setting and instead of going through the pain of tweaking the base to look like his, I can just pick that setting and load that version up.

    Also, PLEASE give the penhouse the optio to have the copter sitting on the roof (like the building its based on). It doesn't have to be clickabel, but if it was, like it take you back to MC helipad, like flaying away does.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Wonder when we'll get power trainers and crafting tables.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Still working on them. Though I've been sidetracked recently with some winter event stuff. . .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Still working on them. Though I've been sidetracked recently with some winter event stuff. . .

    I'm sorry, I misheard you. I thought you said you were sidetracked with some winter event stuff. Surely you actually said that you were sidetracked by the Pit of Blood and the Arena of Pain, correct?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Loganius wrote:
    I'm sorry, I misheard you. I thought you said you were sidetracked with some winter event stuff. Surely you actually said that you were sidetracked by the Pit of Blood and the Arena of Pain, correct?

    Well. . . DUH!

    What else could I possibly mean by "Winter Event" !?!!!??!???!?!!11
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Loganius wrote:
    I'm sorry, I misheard you. I thought you said you were sidetracked with some winter event stuff. Surely you actually said that you were sidetracked by the Pit of Blood and the Arena of Pain, correct?

    What if, hypothetically, you got a pit of pain and an arena of blood, instead? Still acceptable?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    What if, hypothetically, you got a pit of pain and an arena of blood, instead? Still acceptable?

    And what kind of blood are you looking for? Pig or Bovine blood is cheap, Lamb's blood's a little more expensive, human blood is hard to come by, and the blood of the innocent is just non-existant.

    There's always Qulaar or Gadroon Blood, we got no problem finding that.

    Maybe Vlad Dracul can cut us some kind of deal on supplying?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Human blood isn't hard to come by. I've got 10 pints right here!

    Oh! and another 10 in my body!
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