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The Official Hideout Functionality Thread!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    GeoDragon wrote:
    Being able to log out and then log back in still in the hideout. Example, Go to moonbase and enter sleep pod log for the night. Next day you log in you are still in the sleep pod. Currently you are back in Millenium city.
    # The sleep pods are fantastic. I noted previously there was the suggestion of leaving toons in hibernation which you dismissed because of technical limitations. How about on clicking a sleep pod closed the glass goes all cryo-frosted and it gives you an option to log off / switch character. You need not display the toon inside, just frosted glass like the discovery of Ripley at the start of 'Aliens, maybe have a red light on outside the pod to show its occupied.
    Could a toon be parked to exit/enter there in that respect?. Would the pod stay 'occupied' for other guests to the hideout?. If you could work out a way to do it you could apply it to coffins, Vamp-toons would fangk you for all eternity.

    From here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    (moved from other thread). Trophy Room Ideas: This is a long one. Subject to editing, as usual.

    Newspapers (mounted on a wall)

    1. Newspaper #1 with head shot of hero, the option to select five headlines:

    2. Newspaper #2 (variant pics, five headline choices)
    (a) VIPER-X ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FOILED. (Unlocked when "Bullet for Bisselle" Open Mission defeated).
    (b) MEGA-DESTROID FALLS (Unlocked when open mission "Destroids Rise Again" is defeated)
    (c) JAILBREAK GOES BUST (Unlocked when the "Jailbreak" open mission is defeated)
    (d) DEATH RAY DEMOLISHED (Unlocked when "Deathray Demolition" completed)
    (e) AEGIR RESCUED (When Lemuria Crisis is defeated).

    3. Newspaper #3 (choice of less than complimentary ones.)
    (a) HERO BATTLES HERO IN WILD BRAWL, AGAIN (When Jouster perk is unlocked)
    (b) FOXBAT SUES HERO, Claims Pain, Suffering and Emotional Distress (when Foxbattle of the Network Stars is completed.)
    (c) HERO TOSSED FROM CAPRICE FOR DANCE FLOOR FIGHT (For battling Caliburn in the Vibora Bay headline).
    (d) "HERO" IS A THUG, CLAIMS ARGENT. (For finishing "the Most Dangerous Game")


    4. Comic Book Case
    (the cover of whichever comic reward you chose in No Kountry With Old Komics)

    5. Helmet Case (choice of one, unlocked when you beat the villain in question.)
    (a) Gigaton
    (b) Armadillo
    (c) Eclipse (Krim)
    (d) Shadow Destroyer

    6. Weapon Case (choice of one, unlocks when you defeat the villain in question)
    (a) Mechassassin's Gun
    (b) Foxbat's Ping Pong ball Gun
    (c) Black Mace's Glove
    (d) Sickle's Sickle
    (e) Gunblade (for getting the Gunblade drop in Resistance).
    (f) Khusor the Crooked`s Trident
    (g) Therakiel's Sword

    7. Bloodmoon Case (choice of one object, unlocked when you free the hero in question,)
    (a) Johnny Hercules's Belt
    (b) Vanguard's Mask
    (c) Shadowboxer's Gauntlets

    8. Giant Object (choice of one object)
    (a) Huge Teleiosaurus Egg (for beating `Yolk of Oppression`)
    (b) Black Talon suit (for winning the MC Crisis)
    (c) Empty Slug Suit (vanquishing Slug)
    (e) The Serpent Lantern (for beating the Serpent Lantern)
    (f) Mega-Terak's Skull (beatng taking on Mega-Terak)
    (g) Kigatilik's belt and Back Pieces. (vanquishing Kigatilik)
    (h) Vladic Dracul`s Sarcophogus (beating Vlad)

    Knick-knacks and Plaques

    9. Key to the City (for doing the MC Crisis) hung on a wall.

    10. West Side Neighborhood Association Friendship Award (for beating `Westside Intrigue Culmination`)

    11. Teddy Bear on shelf, with note: "Thank you Hero-- signed Adina" (for beating "Psi-chonaut")

    12. PRIMUS Commendation Plaque (for beating Grond)

    13. Sasquatch Friendship Staff (hanging in a rack on the wall, given for beating Necrull's lair on elite and Tilingkoot).

    14. Manimal Friendship Necklace (given for beating Moreau`s Lair on Elite).

    15 Lemurian Conch (hanging on a pin on a wall, given for beating the mission "Trumping the Shark").

    16. Trimagstus Book of Lore (on a small shelf, for getting all seven Loremaster perks).

    17. UNTIL Commendation Plaque (for beating UNITY's Most Wanted, all on Elite)

    18. Honorary Champions Membership (for completing all three APs, Aftershock, and Comic Series 2, all on Elite).

    19. Friend of the Star*Guard Plaque (left blank, reserved for a future space-based mission).

    20. Belt Case shows whatever PvP belts you've earned in the Hero Games for UTC and Bash.

    21. Crown (for a perk associated with the upcoming King of the Mountain map)

    22. Special Cryptic Commendation (awarded for outstanding contributions to the community by Cryptic.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Thundrax wrote:
    (moved from other thread). Trophy Room Ideas: This is a long one. Subject to editing, as usual.

    Newspapers (mounted on a wall)
    Knick-knacks and Plaques

    - I want to display that Key to the city
    - pictures of various Nemesies(or is would it be Nemisi?) beaten
    - Books of Lore for completed lore perks
    - Mannequins for costumes and/or tailor
    - cabinet or stand for Action figures
    - Crafting table
    - Unity and/or Nemesis terminal(for mail)
    - transport to any post crisis zone unlocked
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    First, I'm in love with Hideouts. Tumor, you guys on the environment team really did a bang-up job on these things!... Buuuuuut I have one problem with them... Caves. And no, my problem with caves isn't that they themselves look bad, it's that the customization in them is so GOOD that it makes the other hideouts look mediocre!

    Caves have the ability to keep the same trope, but still look incredibly diverse depending on how you customize it. With Caves you've managed to give me some additional freedom, but still keep things open enough to make me WANT to buy more parts in the set. I want that in the other hideouts. Like, as an example for Moonbase, instead of having the backdrop JUST be the moon, maybe you can give us Mars, or an alien planet, heck, even Lumeria could work as a suitable backdrop. These changes wouldn't effect the Hideouts themselves much at all, but they would go a long way in making Hideouts at least appear more diverse in their selections then they are now, and with a minimal amount of effort.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I would like to see the UI for the hideouts snazzed up a bit; it looks a little basic.

    In particular, I would like an easy way to hide/show the options (like one of those little arrows).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    A screen (dependent on the type of Hideout naturally) shows our current Nemesis, and from there we can customize them. Also we can't have projections of our captured Nemesis, it could be simple or it could monitor them in jail. Of course now that we have Hideouts, our Nemesis must be able to raid it!

    For Sanctum it can be either in a crystal or a projection off of a crystal. Moonbase can be a hologram. The Cave can have a techy screen. Mom's basement can have a flyer that says, "WANTED: S/HE STOLE MY FRIES" Or just wanted... lol Kind of like the Foxbat poster...


    OH!!! And can we have some... "traditional" entrances to the different Hideout categories? The current feature is fine but it would be fun to have traditional entrances on the side. I like to pretend sometimes x3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Would the ability to transfer from one Hideout to the next be available in the Transport rooms as well? Cause that'd be nice
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Dardove wrote:
    My thoughts on a trophy room. This is probably more ambitious than what Cryptic will do with it, but I will put my 2 cents in anyway

    The basic layout would be several shelving units and maybe some pedestals. The look of the walls, shelving units, and pedestals could be changed based on hideout and styles.

    Trophies would be rewarded upon completion of certain perks and there would be 3 types of trophies, small, medium, and large.

    The small ones would be about the size of an action figure (give or take) and would fit on the shelving units. Maybe 9 per shelving section with 3 levels that each fit 3 trophies.

    The mediums would be larger and would go on the pedestals or hang on walls. Wall options would include plaques and newspaper clippings. Maybe around 6 slots, less depending on the amount of room.

    The larges would be free standing and could be the size of an enemy (like say Shadow Destroyer). There would only be 1 or 2 slots.

    So what perks shall reward them?

    Various story arc perks (though probably not all) - These would probably be mostly small trophies. Just little trinkets that represent things that went on during the storyline. Like ASCII Oakley's pistols or small qularr trinket for one of their storylines. Also the key to Millennium City for the tutorial story arc perks. This would also include perks for completing adventure packs and comic series

    Loremaster perks - These are longer perks to complete with no real reward currently so a large (or maybe medium) trophy. Some Examples, Dr. Destroyer Loremaster might be a damaged Destroid of some sort. Telios Loremaster would be a model of the Ultimate Mind.

    Signature Villain perks - Like story arc perks, these would be mostly small trophies but for some of the bigger bosses (cosmics and lair bosses) might be bigger. Once again, Trinkets to represent the villain, One of Foxbat's gun, a broke down model of Buster, The head of the fake robot Dr. Destroyer, and other things like that.

    Exploration and Collection Perks - Just various odds and ends for some of them. Johnston's private reserve might net you that box of contraband, Cartographer perks would get you maps of the area, Voodoo Child a voodoo doll, I am the Egg-Man a dino egg, A taste for the toxic one of the terraforming spires, Aegire Master Diver a model of the Aegir.

    Event perks - More Foxbat stuff, a model of Takofane on his throne, a Winter event present, a piece of cake.

    PvP perks - Can't think of what to do here besides the pvp belts on display.

    I dig it. It's like Trophies in STO.
    GeoDragon wrote:
    Being able to log out and then log back in still in the hideout. Example, Go to moonbase and enter sleep pod log for the night. Next day you log in you are still in the sleep pod. Currently you are back in Millenium city.

    ^ Absolutely, 100% agree with this. ^

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The Cave has some great customization options, but visually it's a bit static. I think a good way of changing this would be to add small flying creatures that occasionally circle the interior of the cave.

    *Bats (as seen in VIbora Bay)
    *Pterodactyls (as seen on Monster Island)
    *Birds (as seen everywhere)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It would be nice if closing the door of a sleeping pod on the moon base didn't lock your camera into the pod with you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I want to second the idea of being able to set some kind of permissions for people who can enter a hideout, rather than just having them booted after 15 minutes. Though I sort of see the problem with that, in that if people can essentially share all of their friends hideouts, less people need to buy them. Still, it would be real nice.

    Really, I just want SG hideouts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Magention wrote:
    While this has been suggested elsewhere on the forums, I thought it would be a good idea to include it in this thread. As suggested, you get to take on missions that involve your hideout

    Wow dude! I hope they don't make a quest for the Mystic sanctum like: 'Find X book on the bookshelfes!' or else I'll ran out crazy xD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Doesn't belong here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I posted to the other thread about this, but now I realized this is the actual functionality thread. Anyways, we could use a crafting table in the hideouts. Ability to sell vendor trash would be another thing, but I cant imagine what that would look like, as I dont like other people like vendors or trainers in my hideout. Maybe a champions version of internet auction on a computer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If/When you add NPC's to the bases, allow us to use our pets as the NPC as well. :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Greygamer wrote:
    If/When you add NPC's to the bases, allow us to use our pets as the NPC as well. :cool:

    And while you're at it, let us name them. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Replace the Crime Computer with a five-function Net Terminal:
    1. Crime Computer
    2. Nemesis Terminal
    3. UNTIL Terminal
    4. Auction House Terminal
    5. Vendor

    In effect, make it an in-game Internet Terminal, where you can do research (the Crime Computer and Nemesis Terminal functions), communicate with others (the UNTIL Terminal functionality), and engage in e-commerce (the Auction House and Vendor functionality). Heck, I might even go for the ability to sign into a Zone Chat, so that I could engage in the inanity of the MC Zone Channel from the comfort of my Hideout. And how about a journal, while you're at it? Essentially, a way for me to maintain an in-character blog; the RPers would love it. The beauty of this is that you wouldn't have to add any new interaction objects to the hideout; just add these bits of functionality to the existing crime computer station.

    Similarly, the Tailor station could pull double duty as a Power Trainer: whether it's my costume or my abilities, I need only go to this station to make changes to it. If you do this, then my entire Hideout should count as a Power House for the purpose of when to lock in changes.

    I could also go for a "storage room" that does double duty as a Bank Terminal and an account-wide storage terminal.

    I don't think that I need an entire room for Crafting; just provide a station that can be set to act as my choice of Crafting Table. Bonus points if that station does double-duty as a Crafting Trainer. Detecting a trend here?

    OTOH, a Trophy Room would be great. Set up display cases all over the place, and let me choose which Perk each one illustrates. That'll be a tall order, though, as it would potentially require coming up with a Trophy Case for every Perk in the game; you never know what someone's going to want to brag about. This would also be a great room to put Costume Dummies in.

    A Training Room, so that I can try out any power changes that I made at the aforementioned Tailor/Power Trainer Station. By definition, the Training Room has to be roomy; you need to be able to use it to test out travel powers. Admittedly, that could be a thematic problem when your Hideout is a Basement. I like the earlier suggestion of letting the one room function in the capacity of any of the adjunct rooms in the Power House: on one setting, you get training dummies that stand there and wait for you to shoot them; on a second setting, those same training dummies stand there waiting for you to tell them to shoot you. On a third setting, they run around the Training Room in a fixed pattern, letting you test out stuns and roots; on a fourth setting, they actively fight you. In all cases, they aren't generic test dummies like the ones found in the training dummy room of the Power House, or "targeting laser" stations, or "battler holograms"; instead, let the player customize them in exactly the same way that he customizes his Nemesis Minions, both in terms of powers and appearance. In short, the functionality controls for this room would be (Minion) Type, (Minion) Powers, Level, Quantity, and Mode: Battle, Defensive Testing, Target Practice, etc.

    Not much to say about Travel Rooms, other than "yes, please!"

    I'm not big on the idea of customizable NPCs. That is: while I'd like to have them, I'd want far more customization than I'm likely to get. I want to be able to create a full-scale Supporting Cast for my hero, with each NPC getting as much tailoring freedom as I get. All in all, it's a much bigger issue than I'd expect from a Hideouts expansion.

    If I have both a Nemesis and a Hideout, I want the possibility of a "Home Invasion" Nemesis Mission. Treat it as a "popcorn mission", except that it takes place in my Hideout instead of a public Zone.

    And another +1 on the idea that if I log out while in my Hideout, I should be back in my Hideout when I log back in. I know that this is a technical challenge; as is, hideouts are essentially "temporary instances" like any indoor mission, and my toon's "official" location is wherever he was when he entered the instance. But this is a biggie to me: I want my Hideout to not only be the place that I go just before shutting down for the night, but also the place where I start out when I start up again the next day. Heck, I'd go so far as to ask for sleeping quarters that act as a "logging station": go to the cot/bad/capsule/etc., interact with it, and it asks me if I want to log out. Log in the next day, and I appear at the sleeping quarters.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Are there plans to increase the functionality of the hideout crime computer? Right now it only gives us the missions we could get by going to a Socrates terminal.

    Also, I would like to add my support to being able to log in inside my hideout. Perhaps an option on the options screen could make it so that you always log in in your hideout, even if that is not where you logged out or simply let the game place you in a hideout if you have one selected at log in, or just have the game log in in the hideout if that is where you logged out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I would really like it if when you log out in your hideout, you're still there when you log back in. That would make it feel much more like home.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'd like the ability to begin the various APs and CS from my hideout. A vendor and/or bartender type person would be cool. At least one test dummy would be warmly welcomed.

    This would be a nice addition to the crime computer - the ability to get a selection of 3 or so random missions of our level would be cool.

    A crafting table would be awesome. Even better if friends we invite over can use them too.

    How about the ability to create an "elite friends list" for people that we want to always be able to visit our hideout?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When you open your Mission Journal, there's a "Crime Computer" button in the lower-left corner. The Crime Computer in the Hideout should incorporate the same functionality, rather than pulling up a Socrates Terminal window. For example, I shouldn't be getting the "Research & Development" & "A Rannaisance Hero" Missions in my Hideout's Crime Computer; nor should I get any of the Westside Missions (e.g., the Foxbat missions). But I should get any outstanding "Help a Citizen" Missions that I have not already accepted; I should get a "Search For Emergencies" link; and if it's time for a Nemesis Mission to come my way and I haven't received it simply because his Minions haven't seen fit to ambush me yet (or because the Nemesis Clue got dropped and I missed it), the Nemesis Mission should also show up in my personal Crime Computer.

    I'm surprised that most of this isn't already the case.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The main that comes to mind when I see the word functionality...is having some missions that actually take place in your hero's hideout.

    And when I think about missions that take place there..the main type that come to my mind first..is that it would be freaking awesome..if there were one or two missions where our hero's nemesis and his/her minions break into the hero's hide out and steal things..and then you have to go on a mission to retrieve them. And or a mission where your Nemesis minions break in to the hide out to try to take out the hero. Missions like that would be an awesome added feature to the hideouts..and a great way to expand the Nemesis system..because then it becomes even more personal..to the hero..because their sanctuary has been violated.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yetas wrote:
    One thing, it would be handy if the Crime Computer had a "Search for Emergency" button like the one you can access from your journal. I know you can access the emergency search from your journal anyway, but still.

    Also, it would be cool if you could accept AP and comic series missions from it.

    And, as others have suggested, use it like an UNTIL terminal.

    Oh, and maybe be able to pick up Nemesis clues from it too.

    Y'know that crime computer has a load of potential.
    Love all this. Our Hideout should be the center of our crime fighting.

    Also add Hideout-specific daily missions. Aliens are attacking the moon. Elder Worms in the sub-sewer below the basement. Stuff like that. Make them random and every once in a while we get a 5 person mission where we have to keep our Nemesis from finding the HO (more Nem stuff in general, too!)

    And let us pick an "official" opening/door to our HO. One that standing by prompts an interaction. You don't have to disable the "travel to" button in the map, just let us pick a place so we know where our HO is.

    And let me just thank you guys sooo much for this. Great work!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    A trophy room for the hideouts, that is based on completing certain missions and completing perks and lore, is a MUST!!

    Also you know how Batman has a vault like area in his Batcave..where he keeps all his extra costumes..and he goes into it and then comes out as Batman...that's something I think would be awesome to have in the hide outs. Also an area with glass cases where we can display costumes, like Batman's where he keeps Jason Todd's old Robin costume, would be a great idea and an extension to the a fore mentioned idea.

    I love the idea of having a travel room or area...where we can display some kind of vehicle that can be clicked on and lets us choose where to telport to. That would add so much atmosphere to hideouts.

    I also support the NPCs in our hideouts idea as well. I think its fantastic...espically if we are allowed to custiomize or create the NPC much like we do our character and their Nemesis. And they should walk around..and be able to interact with our character.

    Reading through all the posts in this thread gave me another awesome idea. I'd love to see cut scene of some kind that shows our hero entering their hide out. It doesn't have to be anything over the top..but just a cool cut scene that's different for each hide out..of our hero entering would be epic. Having a cut scene of them leaving would also be cool.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Maybe this belongs in this thread instead of its original location, so I'll re-post it with additional highlights and modifications:
    <referring to a detailed "Bar" Hideout location>


    I like these details, but a bar doesn't seem to fit the idea of a Hideout to me...at least as they currently exist.

    What makes more sense to me is "Two Tiered" Hideouts, where there is the Hideout and there is (separately) a Lobby/Foyer/"entrance section that has a special way of leading to the actual Hideout, and then a bar is one of the "entrance section" options. This seems desirable for a few reasons:
    • This seems something doable without any technical issues preventing it, AFAICS. It would just be another room, far more limited in scope, effort, and special touches than Hideouts, with area transitions.

    • It enhances the existing Hideouts impressiveness, by creating a classic comic book "reveal"/"concealed wonder" tension contrast between the two tiers...the "Astounding"/super hero part is done by the existing hideouts, for the most part, and the "Ordinary"/concealing/secret identity part could be done by less flashy entrance section to provide a contrast. With something like the above "Bar Lounge" suggestions, it also enhances the social dynamic of a hideout too...you could have a dramatic contrast between music playing in the entrance part and a quiet Mystic Sanctum, and socialize differently in each.

    • This could also possibly provide a better (IMO) way to transition to Hideouts than the "button press" way you do so now, since the bar and foyer and some other possibilities could logically fit in as things you enter from doors and structures in MC and other game locations. Hmm...actually, this brings to mind telephone booths, but those don't really exist in a suitable form in modern cities...ah well.

    • By making it optional instead of mandatory and still allowing the "button press" method of entering hideouts, that this might create mandatory "extra work" would be ameliorated, but the option to have two tiers would still be something exciting to offer, though whether the possibility was a game reward and/or c-store enhancement option for Hideouts would have to be decided.

    • While thinking about the issues with Mom's Basement and this concept, it occurred to me that these "Entrances" could be a way to handle the apartment/house/dorm room type requests without having to try and fit all the Hideout functionality into it.

    If possible, there could be standard door/wall/elevator/bookshelf props for the entrance sections that revealed an entrance/portal fitting to each type of Hideout...that is, transition types could include camouflaged elevators and teleporters that fit what the Hideout portion was: something magical for the Sanctum, something Industrial for the caves, something techy for the moon base, something posh/decadent/fancy for the Penthouse like the fancy elevators in the Harmon Building lobby, etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Please put in some sort of mission repeater.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Make sure when you add in the storage, that it works like the current bank storage in that what you put in there is accessible from the workshop tables across *ALL CHARACTERS* on your account.

    The reason I ask for this is because I would greatly appreciate not having to "Log out/Log in" my stable of characters constantly while crafting because A) my SG vault doesn't work like this (I wish SG options had a toggle to turn on/off this feature) so I can't pool my resources there and B) supplies are scattered all over my many character's storage banks.


    A Nemesis terminal please, this should almost be default item. Images of Batman brooding over a Nemesis' crime files in his Bat cave instantly come to mind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Also you know how Batman has a vault like area in his Batcave..where he keeps all his extra costumes..and he goes into it and then comes out as Batman...that's something I think would be awesome to have in the hide outs. Also an area with glass cases where we can display costumes, like Batman's where he keeps Jason Todd's old Robin costume, would be a great idea and an extension to the a fore mentioned idea.
    ^ This. The first thing I thought of when I went to my hideout was, wouldn't it be cool to see all of my different costumes on dummies. Think Tony Stark's lineup of Iron Man suits. You could walk up to one and you'll get the interact option to put on that costume.

    Great way to display your different looks both for yourself and to show off to your friends.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I believe thats been covered in another thread. Cryptic would need a way to collect, recognise and display what is essentially all the the data re: a costume your toon wears. I don't think they have that mechanic worked out quite yet presently.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I believe thats been covered in another thread. Cryptic would need a way to collect, recognise and display what is essentially all the the data re: a costume your toon wears. I don't think they have that mechanic worked out quite yet presently.
    My bad, there's a lot of posts flying around and I wasn't sure if the suggestion had been brought up. Nevertheless, it'd be cool. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    No bad, and agreed.... yes it would be very cool. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Agreed it would be very cool. . . but it's going to take some work. . . no promises.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    • I would like to change the green color of the walls from that
      green color and have the light glow on the walls like the floor.

    • Well I kinda want a fluff medical/ Training room with a hologram
      that loads either a stock woman or male mesh ( Vitruvian stile.) that pops up.
    • Doc D's name off of the hidden DOS window that I Have. I think that image should be customizable.

    • I would like have a exit port on the ceiling with a forcefield that lets me go outside and float in space around my base (kinda like bird man's volcano exit without the volcano with optional lens thing)

    • A Powerhouse "Danger room" instance themed room for each set type of Hideout
    • bank storage area/ trophy room.
    • Nemesis Missions and other new types of missions via my personal Crime Computer.
    • Detective Crafting Missions*

    Also any of the functionality That I said way way back pre-alpha. PIpe dream things such as NPC faction interactions that create a tailored story via what arcs you complete in the world (do a lot of things with Primus and get special missions assignments request from them. Do a lot for UNTIL get special assignments from them, etc.) and unlock-able NPC's from said factions to be stations in your hideout.

    However what I want is what the last bullet said: The Detective System. I have not forgotten the ask cryptic's before launch. The Detective system was an idea that was to use a special type of clue salvage to create missions tailored by clues found. That is what I want to do from my base.

    Edit: Also anything that Thundrax said. :P

    Edit 2

    Link to thread about how to implement the Detective system: You would just need a crafting area.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With all of the Hideout concepts posted in the other thread, I have to wonder what they will feature beyond the static environment. I mean, how will they compete with Moonbase and its retractable dome and sleeping pods?

    Perhaps unique environmental music, but I suppose we can provide our own.

    For a universal hideout feature, maybe some kind of visual mission/perk/achievement tracker. Perhaps as a display option in the weapons cases. Get all the Nem Con perks and Shadow Destroyer's helmet shows up in your weapon/trophy case. Find all of the lore in Therakiel's Temple and his sword shows up in your case. Every lair and Cosmic could have something associated with them. Maybe zone related souvenirs for exploration perks.

    I really want this,just someway,showhow you could collects trophys from doing perks and show them off in your hideout.
    For example Mega D's head(a bit smaller to actually fit in your hideout),you get it and a perk from landing the killing hit on a mega D.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm know I'm walking into a huge, "No, hideouts weren't built that way," buuuuut, will we ever get the option to actually move things? Maybe with a crafting revamp you can let us make themed furniture that can be moved around our hideout where ever we want? Or even take out furniture we don't like being there or rotating said furniture or moving it individually? Let's say I want my tailor upstairs and my crime computer downstairs in the Sanctum, will I get the ability to move them where I want? I think I'm being repetitive....

    Sorry, I know I tend to bring up issues people REALLY don't care about constantly, but this was something that I actually expected to see implemented in the hideouts when they launched, and after the glamor has faded, I'm a bit sad about it. You can ignore that crafting bit up there. I know I probably won't receive a reply but any commentary is welcome.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Nope, sorry, as you say, not how it works. This is not the sims, nor the foundry. These are hand crafted maps, furniture is only where I put it. I can make more options for placement, but we have no way to give you control over that within this system. Everything is hand placed by me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Everything is hand placed by me.
    Beautifully handcrafted fine furniture, placed delicately by the meatiest expert craftstaco, using only eco friendly sustainable digital parts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Nope, sorry, as you say, not how it works. This is not the sims, nor the foundry. These are hand crafted maps, furniture is only where I put it. I can make more options for placement, but we have no way to give you control over that within this system. Everything is hand placed by me.

    Any chance that once SG bases and the Foundry become a possibility, that we might have some more options in the placement of things?

    That would be swell.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    A way for us to show off our screenshots to others, in game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Nope, sorry, as you say, not how it works. This is not the sims, nor the foundry. These are hand crafted maps, furniture is only where I put it. I can make more options for placement, but we have no way to give you control over that within this system. Everything is hand placed by me.

    While it is good furniture, can we have the option to make it go away? I picked up the Cave and would like to just have the central platform empty. Is that feasible?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Nope, sorry, as you say, not how it works. This is not the sims, nor the foundry. These are hand crafted maps, furniture is only where I put it. I can make more options for placement, but we have no way to give you control over that within this system. Everything is hand placed by me.

    Ah, well thanks for the reply Tumerboy. I appreciate the quick response. Good to know that this isn't an option. At least I know now for sure... However more options for placement would be nice and much appreciated. :)

    Pion wrote:
    Any chance that once SG bases and the Foundry become a possibility, that we might have some more options in the placement of things?

    That would be swell.

    Dis, I want to know about dis as well. Is it at all possible that at some point things might be geared towards that direction?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Pion wrote:
    Any chance that once SG bases and the Foundry become a possibility, that we might have some more options in the placement of things?

    That would be swell.

    That it would be. >_> I've mentioned before but, over in STO, muddling around with maps is a ton of fun using the Foundry. Giving us Foundry style access to parts, inside of our pre-existing hideout maps... would be kind of epic >.>b at least imo.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:
    Nope, sorry, as you say, not how it works. This is not the sims, nor the foundry. These are hand crafted maps, furniture is only where I put it. I can make more options for placement, but we have no way to give you control over that within this system. Everything is hand placed by me.

    I do like the current setup though.

    I would like something more like the Foundry, but that's probably a stretch goal if it's even feasible. I'm just glad to be able to get something that mostly fits the appearance schtick I want without me having to build it myself in SecondLife.

    More than a good chance I'll end up buying all the Moonbase components [and am really looking forward to the expansions too, so hopefully they go well :)] because of that. Now if only I could get myself past level 20.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Here's an off the wall item. An interact-able jukebox for your hideout. Maybe make it a reward for a specific item, or you only get the songs after collecting specific perks, but make it a host of songs from the game that people can listen to at their leisure from the jukebox. I know I've always personally liked these types of items, as there are songs and music styles I have personally liked from specific areas in the games.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Hydrath wrote:
    Crafting tables (able to choose which profession table table to display and use. Not all three showing at once.)
    Assistance that maintains the place (like a maid, butler, friend, sidekick, robot ect.) He/she can patrol the place. Functionality could include giving advice and explain roles and such.
    Transportation to zones such as monster island and canada.
    Addtional rooms. I know it's a lot to ask but additional rooms for Aesthetics reasons such as storage/weapons room with some hideouts. With places like a cave and moonbase I don't want to be confined to a single area.

    great idea
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Silverspar wrote:
    Here's an off the wall item. An interact-able jukebox for your hideout. Maybe make it a reward for a specific item, or you only get the songs after collecting specific perks, but make it a host of songs from the game that people can listen to at their leisure from the jukebox. I know I've always personally liked these types of items, as there are songs and music styles I have personally liked from specific areas in the games.

    love this idea
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    "Also be able to give a few members permission to access your base in your absence. They will have no customization capabilites."

    Great Idea. Also be able to save the invited guests list. Inviting all your friends again and again is not very comfortable.

    Idea 2:
    Dungeon creator tool for player created missions
    -create your nemesis dungeon with a simple creator tool
    -let them write into a mission text box to tell a story
    -you are only allowed to use your created nemesis and nemesis henchmen
    -upload your creation by paying 100 Atari Tokens
    -let other players explore your nemsis dungeon
    -Cryptic, let players create CO content and get money for it
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Could we get "open by default" versions of the moonbase blast shields? Not a high priority suggestion but I'd like to not have to open the shield every time I go into the moonbase.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Why did I purchase a hideout when I´m still standing on the street after login? I´m no hobo anymore!

    Helllo!? I bought a hideout and I want to start in MY hideout when I re-login. Can´t be so difficult to implement. Come on Cryptic.

    Also please let us save the invited guests and let them visit me even when I´m offline. They are guests until I delete them from the list. So come on it´s not a big thing.

    Waiting for the next patch...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Some suggestions for the Hideout computers.

    1) Auto Nemesis mission acquisition. As long as the mission cooldown is ready, we can use the computers to instantly get a nemesis mission. It seems like the most logical use for the hideout crime computers.

    2) Access to APs and Comics instantly. Rather than running to contacts, we can use the hideout computers to get these missions and maybe even travel to the zones through our hideouts, since transport is usually by some means of travel such as a helicopter, etc.

    3) Probably not as likely, but access to randomly generated missions. Such missions could use interiors already built into the game like the bank, etc. The missions will spawn a random enemy group and have a basic and straightforward mission goal.

    I think these all would be great additions to the hideout mission computers.
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