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The Official Hideout Functionality Thread!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Danimos wrote:
    Some suggestions for the Hideout computers.

    1) Auto Nemesis mission acquisition. As long as the mission cooldown is ready, we can use the computers to instantly get a nemesis mission. It seems like the most logical use for the hideout crime computers.

    I want my nemesis to raid my hideout from time to time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    AaronH wrote:
    I want my nemesis to raid my hideout from time to time.

    Seconded. Make it happen please.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    While there is a lot of good ideas,there is a bunch wich i don't think should be implemented.

    Like AH or Banks and stuffs.

    If those where accesible via the Hideout,then what use would have the actual buildings in Ren Cen?

    Now for the bank,its true that hideouts should have a storage space,that can be account wide,but that should not be connected to your actual Bank in Ren Cen.

    After all,if you have a safe in your home,you can't acces the safe you have at the bank from there.

    Also the crime computer should be replaced with something usefull,i never have used the crime computer since the launch from 09.

    You should have acces to other types of info.

    Also the Dummy/training room,should be theme based, if you have a cave type hideout,the options for your training ennemy's should be Manimals,Dinos,Vipers etc.

    While in the Sanctum it would be all whats Mystical based etc.

    Like said before,the trophy room should be based on actual perks,not that every perk you unlocked would be physicaly represented in the room,but that you had several options, as to where you put them and what you choose to display.

    This could be represented in several ways;skulls from various types of creatures,Stuffed heads on the walls,wanted posters with a bug red strip of paint that means the target was taken care of,broken or busted weapons and armors who comes from Argent or Viper agents,Newspaper articles reporting various feats and stuff the like.

    And of course the Bosses signature trophy Teleosaur Skull,Therakiel's Shiny Featers/Armor piece/Broken Sword,Dr D helmet,White Rhino broken Horn,..

    For those maintenance guys,you could had several options not only the obvious ones.

    Because if this is implemented , the Sactum would have a zombie "butler"...and while it can be good for a Warlock or Necromancer type hero,for others its not really what they want.

    You could have the Construct Pet from the Radiant sorcery,Spirit Wolves or even a cloaked Apprentice who walks around to organise your mystical tomes and sometimes weaver a spell in the air.

    Maybe you could make those the vendors to sell items to!

    A bit like "James,please take those away and dispose of them,i don't have any need for it",or on the case of a Golem or Zombie or beast type" go put that away".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    What about a Hideout travel power. It would utilize an animation linked to the type of hideout we last went to on that character.

    For instance:

    a Moon base would have us beamed up

    Arcane would be a portal summon

    basement would be some kinda of car pulling up maybe

    penthouse could be a helicopter hovering overhead
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Don't know if its been posted yet (I'm not going through 11 pages to find it - lol), but I'd like to see a Nemesis Terminal included in our Hideout.

    I mean what better place for keeping track of all our Nemesis' powers and staying updated on them than our own base of operations?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Zenebatos wrote:
    While there is a lot of good ideas,there is a bunch wich i don't think should be implemented.

    Like AH or Banks and stuffs.

    If those where accesible via the Hideout,then what use would have the actual buildings in Ren Cen?
    Not everybody has a Hideout.
    Zenebatos wrote:
    Now for the bank,its true that hideouts should have a storage space,that can be account wide,but that should not be connected to your actual Bank in Ren Cen.

    After all,if you have a safe in your home,you can't acces the safe you have at the bank from there.
    By that logic, if you put something into the vault in MC, you shouldn't be able to pull it out in Vibora Bay; but you can. This is one area where convenience trumps realism.
    Zenebatos wrote:
    Also the crime computer should be replaced with something useful,i never have used the crime computer since the launch from 09.
    I have, and quite extensively. If the Hideout's Crime Computer was actually the same as the Crime Computer that I can access from my mission journal, I'd find it to be very useful. But I agree that the Hideout's Crime Computer should have even more uses than that.
    Zenebatos wrote:
    Also the Dummy/training room,should be theme based, if you have a cave type hideout,the options for your training ennemy's should be Manimals,Dinos,Vipers etc.

    While in the Sanctum it would be all whats Mystical based etc.
    I'd rather choose for myself: as I suggested before, base the Hideout's Training Dummies off of the Minions from the Nemesis system. If I want robots or convicts or demons running around in the Cave's training room, that should be allowed; it's my Cave, after all. But yes; I agree that we should avoid generic training dummies if something more flavorful can be made available.

    As for "maintenance crew": this is an off-the-wall idea; but how about letting us hire civilians from the outside world to work in the Hideout? Find a civvie who is wandering around MC or VB, pull up the context menu, and select "hire". The next time you visit your Hideout, you'll find that civilian wandering around inside.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    how about a permissions page to let friends, super group members, and people we add manually to the list to enter our hideouts without getting invited.

    also I would like to see the ability to put our emblems on the walls/crime computer screen/floor panels as well as change the colors of the floor/walls/computer.

    maybe a way to edit our nemesis from the hideout as well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Apologies if this has been suggested already, but I would like the option to write in a name and description for all our Hideouts, similar to what we can do with our characters and their nemesises. I think that being able to write about the origin of our Hideouts could serve to make them just a bit more unique and, well, being unique is what we all strive for in Champions Online, right? :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'd like the hideouts to be flagged to permit dueling. The arcane sanctum and the moonbase would both be pretty good as dueling arenas, and there's really no griefing potential (which why dueling isn't permitted in social instances).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I know this has been requested before,but I support it so,windowed box displays for your costumes.
    A really neat feature would be where you click on it and put it on.
    Also a display case to put the PvP belts u can earn in.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I want to start by saying this is an Idea based on SkeletonMig's idea, give credit where credit is due. I just thought it fit nicely into the Hideouts area.

    The idea is basically a Criminal Files section added to our Crime Computers. Every time you beat an enemy for the first time, they get unlocked in your Crime Computer's Criminal Files. Basic enemies, such as Henchmen, would have just some basic information.

    Villain Type: Henchman
    Affiliation: The New Purple Gang
    Powers: None
    Weapons: Pistol
    Known Occupied Areas: Westside, Millennium City. City Center, Millennium City

    Associates are one of the basic thugs for The New Purple Gang. Being weak fighters, they prefer to let their guns do the talking. They are always known to keep some sort of muscle with them, in case a gun isn't enough.

    There would also be a picture of the criminal to either the left or right of the information window.

    Named Super Villains would get detailed information, such as known aliases, powers, and back story information. Our nemeses could also be added to this, displaying what ever info we type into their dialogue boxes as well as the type of minions we chose to give them. Maybe we could get the option to fill out additional info in the Criminal Files for our Nemeses, such as any aliases we'd like to give them, the name of the gang they're in charge of (if any), and the areas we feel is the best fit for their primary base of operations (saying their Known Occupied Areas are the Desert, Space, Under Water, Alternate universe, or what ever we would like to say about our nemeses). Also maybe the ability to add notes to our Nemeses in their Criminal Files (such as labeling them Deceased or Incarcerated for the ones we permanently kill off or put in jail forever RP-wise).

    EDIT: After thinking about this, I wanted to elaborate on the idea a bit more. As you walk up to your Hideout's Crime Computer, you get 2 options, Crime Computer and Criminal Files. When you chose Criminal Files, a window pops up with 4 options in it, Villains, Super Villains, Nemeses, and Gangs.

    Villains will list all the Henchmen, Villains and unnamed Master Villains that you've defeated. Clicking on one will then go to the information and picture of each.

    Super Villains will list all the special Named Master Villains, Super Villains, Legendary Villains and Cosmic Villains you've defeated.

    Nemeses will list all the nemeses you've created and defeated for that character. It will not list the nemeses of other players, however. So you won't start unlocking info on the nemeses you fought in the NemCon that aren't yours. It also does not list info on Nemesis Minions. The Nemeses section is the only section you get an Edit option, so you can put detailed info on your nemeses.

    Gangs will list all the gangs and criminal organizations you run into in the game. These only get unlocked when you've collected the third "Defeat" perk for each group. So you unlock info on the Maniacs gang after you've gotten the Psych Ward perk. The information for the gangs lists info on that gang, telling you the names of the leaders, the location of their bases, and a little background on each gang. The picture will be a group shot of various members of the gang along with any symbol or logo the gang uses.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I think it would be cool to have missions related to expanding the hideout. It would be extra cool if you get whatever hideout you select via some some special mission (such as a mission to the moon to get the moon base) and go on other missions (possibly some crafting missions of some sort even?) to add equipment or functionality.

    Another possibility is a hall that has mementos from some of the boss missions, to relish in your victories.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Account Wide Storage (In the works)
    Power Trainer (In the works)
    Training Dummy
    Trophy Room
    Crafting Room
    Travel Room
    Customizable NPCs
    Auction House Interface
    Vendor (to sell stuff to)
    Bank Access
    Entrance/Exit Keybinds

    Wow very nice, Account wide Storage is going to be great. Question, will we be able to share bound items? thanks.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I own the "Sanctum" and I would really love to see a "Mystic Table" in my hideout that I could use. TY
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    -Mannequins to display our costumes!

    Yes please! :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Dialam wrote:
    I want to start by saying this is an Idea based on SkeletonMig's idea, give credit where credit is due. I just thought it fit nicely into the Hideouts area.
    A big +1 to this! Although I wouldn't require you to defeat a villain in order to unlock its Crime Computer file; fighting it should suffice. (I'm thinking of the pain and torture inherent in a Grond Hunt.) This should be a record of villains that you've encountered, rather than a record of villains that you've defeated.

    And let the player annotate the crime files, putting in personal observations pertaining to each villain (including the Nemeses).

    Overall, this would be a useful counterpoint to the contacts list that the existing non-Hideout Crime Computer gives access to (which should also be in there).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    How about some voice acting for those customizable NPCs? And a unlock-able, quest chain for them? While I'm asking how about if the way we treat them changed their attitude?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Account Wide Storage (In the works)
    Power Trainer (In the works)
    Training Dummy
    Trophy Room
    Crafting Room
    Travel Room
    Customizable NPCs
    Auction House Interface
    Vendor (to sell stuff to)
    Bank Access
    Entrance/Exit Keybinds

    Quoted from first post.

    I like all of these ideas, perhaps have the power trainer (for some lairs) as a book or something! Especially like the NPCs ideas!

    Something I would really like to see for hideouts is little features, maybe using a certain book case, your character starts reading a book, like cosmetic features! :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    One idea that I have is to make sleeping pods like tubes that take you to different places across all the places created for the game.

    For example:

    One tube to canada
    One tube to rennaissance center
    One tube to UNTIL HQ

    and as there is a limited amount of tubes make them user defininable with the consideration that have to go there first in order so it appears them as an option to customize that tube that takes them to that place

    i know there are respawn points but there are useful only if you die, i am saying make this tubes to add hideout like a hub that takes to places.

    thanks and hope it helps
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Gotta say all the said points from the OP should be included...

    I liked the NPC bit. Makes me think of Alfred in the Batcave...

    The thing with hideouts and player housing in general in MMO's and pretty much any game is that they don't really hold much of a purpose. The travel room would REALLY help make this a decent place for people to use. The only issue of course is you don't want people to spend most of their time in the lairs because then the game becomes underpopulated.

    Definately adding the list mentioned though will help them become cooler...

    Id also like to suggest some form of ambience in certain hideouts.

    I guess the only one that pops into mind is the cave. You could give the option for players to add bats and whatever other critters lurk in dark caves.

    I guess you could also add rats in the basement too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    pop1024 wrote:
    One idea that I have is to make sleeping pods like tubes that take you to different places across all the places created for the game.

    For example:

    One tube to canada
    One tube to rennaissance center
    One tube to UNTIL HQ

    and as there is a limited amount of tubes make them user defininable with the consideration that have to go there first in order so it appears them as an option to customize that tube that takes them to that place

    i know there are respawn points but there are useful only if you die, i am saying make this tubes to add hideout like a hub that takes to places.

    thanks and hope it helps

    Robobo recently said in an interview that he wanted to save teleporters for supergroup bases.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Thought id quickly post while youve got me brainstorming that I LOVED the blast doors feature on the moon base. Opening and closing them was awesome.

    What would be even more awesome is the ability to explore a little land outside of your base and have a base that you can hid using a similar console.

    I loved for example on the incredibles when the monorail heads towards the waterfall and all of a sudden it parts to let the monorail train up.

    This probably makes more sense for a supergroup HQ but definately would be awesome!

    EDIT: And Vehicles!

    The Batcave was neat and all as it was with its many computers and the nice dark cavey look but seeing the batwing there just made it awesome...

    Let us add vehicles that perhaps we can create ourselves? They don't necessarily have to be vehicles we can use (maybe for travel) but for decoration purposes of course. The only issue I guess is adding this feature would no doubt have people screaming for usable vehicles as travel powers :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    This is probably already in the works, but IF supergroup bases will ever be added to the game, would it be possible to link them up with hideouts so that if they're both a compatible "type" that players could quickly travel between them?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    This is probably already in the works, but IF supergroup bases will ever be added to the game, would it be possible to link them up with hideouts so that if they're both a compatible "type" that players could quickly travel between them?

    Agh, don't start thinking that way xD By that way, I mean "types." That insinuates that the bases will work like hideouts and, ergo, purchasable. Which they shouldn't be, it's more of a communal thing then a single person thing so they should be attainable in-game by that community. At least that is my hope. But I would like to be able to travel to my hideout from my supergroup's base. That'd be great :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Blu8 wrote:
    Agh, don't start thinking that way xD By that way, I mean "types." That insinuates that the bases will work like hideouts and, ergo, purchasable. Which they shouldn't be, it's more of a communal thing then a single person thing so they should be attainable in-game by that community. At least that is my hope. But I would like to be able to travel to my hideout from my supergroup's base. That'd be great :)

    I agree, if anything there should be a currency section added to SG banks. The SG leader could then buy the SG base with Globals that the entire SG can chip in for.

    I also don't like the idea that Transport rooms will only be for SG bases, that doesn't make sense to me. Personal Hideouts should get a transport room that allows you access to any zone in the game available to your level, as well as access to your other Hideouts and to your SG Base. SG Bases should also get a transport room for going to all the zones as well as your personal Hideouts.

    I want my personal hideout to function as an actual hub and home for my heroes. A place I can go to for picking up missions, working on my costumes, tinker with my crafting, and traveling to the locations i need to be. I also want to travel from one hideout I've purchased, to the next. Many of them can be used in conjunction to give the feeling that your Hideout is much bigger than it actually is. An example being the Cave hideout can currently be used as a subbasement for the Moon Base hideout if you could travel directly between the two.

    I want my hideouts to be more than just a novelty. I want them to have function and purpose. Adding transport rooms should be high priority for Hideouts and would surely increase their purpose and function. Not adding transport rooms, and saving them for the possibility of SG bases, makes personal hideouts a lot less useful and entertaining. Why save an essential function for something that has not been confirmed as coming out (unless telling us that was the confirmation), is not currently out and has not ETA of being out, if they ever will be.

    Right now, there's no real convenience to having an SG base. Its more of a fun novelty item. Don't get me wrong, I love them and have purchased every one of them so far. But I've realized the only time I ever use them is when a new one comes out so I can customize them more. Since they currently only offer the Crime Computer and a Tailor, I don't have much of a reason to go to them. I rarely have use for the crime computer as is, and I only go to the tailor on occasion. Since tailors are in every zone, and I can access my crime computer anywhere, I have no real reason to go to my hideouts.

    There have been so many times where I've been sitting at one end of the desert, and for one reason or another, I need to travel to a different zone. So I have to go all the way to the other end of the desert just to hop the jet to my destination. If I need to get to Monster Island, I'd have to cross the entire desert, got to MC, then go to MI. It would be so much nicer to teleport to my hideout, head over to the transport room and hit the transport for MI.

    That's my two cents on the subject.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    How about a device that could slow time, like that one enemy does from Demon Flame? I always thought that was a really cool effect and would be a nice new device to have theme wise, and would be fun for hideout parties and such.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I emphatically echo the requests for crafting tables and Nemesis terminals. I probably won't be getting a Hideout until at least one of these is available.

    The main other thing I'd like, functionally speaking, is a "Danger Room" similar to the training rooms in the Powerhouses.

    I'd also like to be able to buy some of these things with currencies other than Cryptic Tokens and Champions Resources. For example, maybe connecting the base computer to the Nemesis System could be purchased with 1000 Nemesis Tokens; connecting it to the UNITY Overwatch system could cost 250 UNITY Intelligence.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I think it'd be kind of fun if each hideout had it's own dueling graphics (if it dueling were added) that overlay the walls of the hideout. It'd serve for the typical dueling bubble, except the whole places was the bubble. You get what I mean? lol I'm not sure if I do honestly.

    Also room to add some game type things specific to hideout types. Not sure how it would work.. but it'd be a fun thing to have, and use, with your friends. I have confidence that you guys can come up with some fun things if this were AT ALL possible.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I'd also like to be able to buy some of these things with currencies other than Cryptic Tokens and Champions Resources. For example, maybe connecting the base computer to the Nemesis System could be purchased with 1000 Nemesis Tokens; connecting it to the UNITY Overwatch system could cost 250 UNITY Intelligence.

    There is probably very little chance of this happening.

    Each of those tokens are awarded in difference fasions and amounts with each serving very specific purposes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I'm sure someone has said this already. But I have no time reading through the whole thread. So here is my suggestion:

    Make the hideout Crime Computer actually useful!

    Of all possible funktions, it was given one of the least useful: It's just plain a SOCRATES terminal, which, as we all know, offers only a handful of rather low-leveled missions limited to Millenium City. At one point, when all the missions are done, it becomes entirely useless.

    I'm suggesting these funktions to make it better:
    * An "advanced" version of the portable Crime Computer that shows contacts and missions of levels BELOW the player's level, so you can easily find missions and contacts you have missed.
    * A selection of random Help A Citizen missions; probably civilain witnesses, the MCPD or UNTIL sending you clues per e-mail or yourself doing online research. It's odd that this kind of missions sacle with your level, but become unavailable at higher levels anyway... :confused:
    * A mailbox that allows players to take attached items from mails, i.e. works just like an UNTIL Terminal.
    * Access to your nemesis database, just like a Nemesis Terminal.
    * Access to the Auction House. You can buy/sell anything over the net! :D

    In other words: The hideout computer could be the ultimate terminal with all these funktions!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Inertial wrote:
    There is probably very little chance of this happening.

    Each of those tokens are awarded in difference fasions and amounts with each serving very specific purposes.
    And this could be among the purposes.

    At the least, perhaps we could use Perk Points for some things.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Re: the teleporter deal...I heard the interview where Robobo said that he wanted to save teleporters for supergroup bases, but I got a counter proposal...how about you have it where for the supergroup bases, you have a very extensive one, like that one can take you anywhere (like MC, VB, Desert, Canada, MI, Lemuria and even a Unity base option for those who are lvl 40), and have the hideout one be limited, so its usefull but not as good as the one in supergroup, like maybe just to MC, Desert and Canada.

    Well Robobo? what do ya think?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    What if you had to pick one zone for your hideout's transport to go to? (would everyone just pick Mil for convenience sake?)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:

    What if you had to pick one zone for your hideout's transport to go to? (would everyone just pick Mil for convenience sake?)

    THAT was also something i was thinking of (I was gonna add something like 1 through 3 max picks that one chooses at start of base, but thought that may be more involved on the Devs end then need be and they could be working on something else)

    IMO, I think if we could have ONLY one, I could understand MC being the default, heck its better then nothing and from MC you can still go to other places if need be with very little extra effort.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:

    What if you had to pick one zone for your hideout's transport to go to? (would everyone just pick Mil for convenience sake?)
    VB! You must make it VB! :eek:

    MC is the only one that makes sense, especially if you drop us off at the plane.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:

    What if you had to pick one zone for your hideout's transport to go to? (would everyone just pick Mil for convenience sake?)

    Definitely Mil city. Spreading population is not a great thing to do (makes the world seem emptier) def. have the teleporter based on Mil. and that will only make mil feel more livelier than it is currently :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Could I pick by the character? >.> That said there really isn't much choice is there? There is only one zone all characters of all levels could access due to well Crisis missions.... and that's Mil City. And that's why Mil City is always crowded.

    I'd love to pick by the character, though I'd love it more if all zones could be accessed but well if its only one pick for all people's hideouts.... not much choice, only viable answer is MC.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    A one-zone transport would be fine, and I'd make it go to MC.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:

    What if you had to pick one zone for your hideout's transport to go to? (would everyone just pick Mil for convenience sake?)

    Why not just have something in your hideout that was basically a cleverly disguised superjet -like interactable object...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Vibora Bay, or failing that I would say anyplace but MC, but I try to stay away from MC at all costs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Mill City.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Want full options quite badly but if you twisted my arm I'd have to say MC spawn by the superjet.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I definitely don't think we'd do full options for hideouts, since I KNOW Robobo wants to save a proper teleport/travel room for SGHQs.

    But a transport room with a single destination (MIL), may be ok. Dunno, I'll have to talk with him and Brad about it.
    I don't think we'd let you choose your destination as people have mentioned above. What if you're level 7, and pick Mil? I don't know how we'd be able to let you choose, but then tie that per character, or even per hideout. Like i said, totally hypothetical, just curious what people's reactions to that would be.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Hey how about a one time creation for your hideout of a hideout only "pet" that has some function....like Alfred or Jarvis or aunt may...just kinda thought it be cool:)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Tymminator wrote:
    Re: the teleporter deal...I heard the interview where Robobo said that he wanted to save teleporters for supergroup bases, but I got a counter proposal...how about you have it where for the supergroup bases, you have a very extensive one, like that one can take you anywhere (like MC, VB, Desert, Canada, MI, Lemuria and even a Unity base option for those who are lvl 40), and have the hideout one be limited, so its usefull but not as good as the one in supergroup, like maybe just to MC, Desert and Canada.

    Well Robobo? what do ya think?

    Personally, if we're going to do something like this, I'd rather see personal teleporters go to any Zone, and SG teleporters go to any respawn point. But that's just me.

    Or perhaps SG teleporters go to any Zone by default, but each Zone must be purchased (or earned) separately for individuals.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Personally, if we're going to do something like this, I'd rather see personal teleporters go to any Zone, and SG teleporters go to any respawn point. But that's just me.

    Or perhaps SG teleporters go to any Zone by default, but each Zone must be purchased (or earned) separately for individuals.

    yes the respawn thing would be most handy
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Tumerboy wrote:

    What if you had to pick one zone for your hideout's transport to go to? (would everyone just pick Mil for convenience sake?)

    I would prefer this not be the case but if there had to be a zone, I'd say MC, and more preferably, the center of the ren center. Or next to Defender or something.
    Personally, if we're going to do something like this, I'd rather see personal teleporters go to any Zone, and SG teleporters go to any respawn point. But that's just me.

    Or perhaps SG teleporters go to any Zone by default, but each Zone must be purchased (or earned) separately for individuals.

    ^^ I like this ^^
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I really don't understand why they have to be "Saved for SGHQ's"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Dialam wrote:
    I really don't understand why they have to be "Saved for SGHQ's"

    i dont see why we just cant fast travel period.....like...fallout kinda
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I know it's been said already, but I kinda fail to understand the use of the Crime Computer in the hideout (except for thematic purpose: the hero looks up clues about her next intervention). More so when we can't even check our mail (for attachments that is). It's like we can scan/digitize our stuff via a Tron-like laser device... but we can't even check it out at home...

    Even Fed-ex does better XD

    Please consider it. Thanks
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