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Server not responding/Connection issues



  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    HI all 1st post for me. I've been reading all the posts here and I've been getting these exact problems. I live in Australia east coast and I log in about 11pm-12pm for some play before bed. Maybe I should try in the morning to test but I've disabled firewalls played with routers etc to no avail and the game is unplayable. If it works in the morning I'd guess server overload problem. These problems started occurring for me about 3 days ago, worked fine next day then went server not respond again tonight.

    Extremely frustrated as all my pals did the telios tower (team 5) without me!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This is just so far past the joke now, that its just sad, its nothing but one problem after the next. Ive never had a day go by since late beta without a problem. Its bad enough that every time a new patch is released it takes me the entire day to download it, and I cant play the game untill the next day, Its bad enough that for a month I couldnt log in during peak hours and had to use hotspot shield. But now that the damm thing wont even load, and just sticks on the "trying to update launcher please be patient". Well what the hell am I supposed to do now, ive had this for 2 days.and i want to play the game !!!

    dont even think of asking about the antivirus or firewall, Its not that, I know its not. Its the ISP its B.T i can log into a friends computer using my account and play just fine. But its about time you got something sorted with B.T and other ISP's to fix this problem, ive contacted B.T almost each week and been messed about again again, they just dont listen, Ive told them about the problem and they just reply with with some crap about heavy usage and limiting download speed at peak times. Ive shouted at them that thats not the problem and that this game would work perfect on even a 512k connection the problem is they treat this game the same way as torrents and file sharing programs, and need to allow the game traffic like they do with WOW and AOC and other mmorpgs, But I shouldnt have to do this, Ive never had to do it with any other mmorpgs and dont think that its fair people have paid money for this game, thats not been pre-setup and configured for most if not all major ISP's in advance. Get something sorted FAST please.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ok i bought the game yesterday and i keep getting the loading plaese wait screen but after a couple of seconds it comes up with 'this programme cannot display the webpage'. any ideas?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    p.s my IE has just stopped working
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I just bought the game and have been trying for about an hour to log on. I'm stuck at the "Trying to Update Launcher" window.

    Edit: 5:15pm EST, the patcher finally came up and started a 784 MB download!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    turbodog wrote:
    Okay. I need some technical help with this problem.

    Up until the beginning of October I had no connectivity problems with the game. It played like a breeze for me.

    As of patching about a week ago (beginning of october - may coincide with the "instance problem") I now frequently get the red "server not responding" message as my game "rubberbands". The graphic quality and animation for my character are unaffected if I am not moving. But if I am in combat, I will not see enemy movements and more importantly, I won't see damage for me or them. Suddenly the "rubberband" kicks in and someone is usually dead...or the enemies have run away. If I am moving, I rubberband alot. Since I use jet boots, I often take falling damage when this rubberbanding occurs during a jump. :(

    The frequency is great. I can expect it to occur at least once per fight for a moment.

    Also, whenever changing zone or instance I always start at the loading screen with the red message. Then after a moment it either finishes loading smoothly or "hiccups" with more server not responding messages.

    I have read the beginning of this post and tried what was suggested. Ports are open. I attempted playing with firewall down. Updated drivers. Even changed to US proxy. None of these changes have fixed the problem. And like others I am frustrated that what was never a problem before october (I've been playing since open beta) suddenly is a problem that makes the game too difficult to play to be enjoyable for me.

    I am ready for the next suggestion.


    This is EXACTLY my issue. Couldn't have said it better myself. In each thread with people having this problem, the same suggested fix is offered then in when it doesn't work, there are no more suggestions. Even submitting a Ticket with Customer Service (4 days ago), have generated no response.

    I too am ready for the next suggestions. Choppy Choppy people.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Roelandt wrote:
    This is EXACTLY my issue. Couldn't have said it better myself. In each thread with people having this problem, the same suggested fix is offered then in when it doesn't work, there are no more suggestions. Even submitting a Ticket with Customer Service (4 days ago), have generated no response.

    I too am ready for the next suggestions. Choppy Choppy people.

    same here *bump*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    None of the suggestions have worked for me, rubberbanding and server not responding issues are getting worse as the days go by.

    It's becoming more and more frustrating to play...and each time I login to massive rubberbanding, it makes me want to logoff and play something else.

    I want to play, I REALLY do, but CO is determined to make my gaming experience an unpleasant one. Get cracking with the fix, please? :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well i saw someone else was having FPS issues on the forums and thinking my disconnect issue could be because of lag i went and rolled back my nvidia drivers as was suggested to him and i can actually stay in game a little longer by doing that but the game still DCs me...just gives me about 10 min instead of 2-3 now...hope this helps in resolving this issue :/
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    turbodog wrote:
    Okay. I need some technical help with this problem.

    Up until the beginning of October I had no connectivity problems with the game. It played like a breeze for me.

    As of patching about a week ago (beginning of october - may coincide with the "instance problem") I now frequently get the red "server not responding" message as my game "rubberbands". The graphic quality and animation for my character are unaffected if I am not moving. But if I am in combat, I will not see enemy movements and more importantly, I won't see damage for me or them. Suddenly the "rubberband" kicks in and someone is usually dead...or the enemies have run away. If I am moving, I rubberband alot. Since I use jet boots, I often take falling damage when this rubberbanding occurs during a jump. :(

    The frequency is great. I can expect it to occur at least once per fight for a moment.

    Also, whenever changing zone or instance I always start at the loading screen with the red message. Then after a moment it either finishes loading smoothly or "hiccups" with more server not responding messages.

    I have read the beginning of this post and tried what was suggested. Ports are open. I attempted playing with firewall down. Updated drivers. Even changed to US proxy. None of these changes have fixed the problem. And like others I am frustrated that what was never a problem before october (I've been playing since open beta) suddenly is a problem that makes the game too difficult to play to be enjoyable for me.

    I am ready for the next suggestion.


    Same here, and started at about the same time. And I've tried the same things, and no difference at all (except that nForceware 186.xx to 190.xx causes BSODs from time to time, so I rolled back to 185.85).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Laudle wrote:
    HI all 1st post for me. I've been reading all the posts here and I've been getting these exact problems. I live in Australia east coast and I log in about 11pm-12pm for some play before bed. Maybe I should try in the morning to test but I've disabled firewalls played with routers etc to no avail and the game is unplayable. If it works in the morning I'd guess server overload problem. These problems started occurring for me about 3 days ago, worked fine next day then went server not respond again tonight.

    Extremely frustrated as all my pals did the telios tower (team 5) without me!

    Living on the goldcoast here in aus and having Major lagg issues. Have tried early morning, afternoon and late in the evening and still getting the lagg every 7 mins or so. I have tried all the tips and tricks and still nothing. I have sent a request to support but thats all i can do . would love to actually play this game rather than just make toons only to get frustrated playing and switch it off and after spending at least $150 on game, game card and extra credits for costumes would love to get some sort of response as to what is happening. I know you are all working hard but when i buy a game it would be nice to play it as well.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I just got this game today. I setup my account and all that stuff. I went to launch the game, I logged it and the patch screen came up. It said "No shards found: You have a ticket with 0 permission pairs, but no shards were found" and then the patch button covers up some more words or maby not. The patch thing will not load at all. Please help me I really need these 30 days of free game play.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    did you activate your cd key? how did you? i try to activate my key since yesterday but it will not work^^
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Seriously, I upgraded to 195 yada yada. Still same problem if not worse. I havent been able to play for two days now and im probably not getting any more time cards if I waste more money NOT even playing.

    Devs need to do something about this seriously. Come out with a list of things to do so we can get back online.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Okay, after some serious testing, I've found this:

    The nVidia drivers don't seem to matter much in this regard. I've tried 185, 190 and the beta 195, and backed to 185 for stability issues on other games (namely the Rival MMO).

    Defragmenting your harddrive helps a lot.

    There's a strange issue with the router that I will have to investigate.

    On top of that, there's a strange SNR/rubberbanding that does not register on either load graphs, not CPU, GPU, harddrive or PingPlotter, but does appear as a big green wall in netgraph. I haven't identified the source for this one yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yup 195 does not work I have tried it and it does not fix anything.

    However, it seemed like my fps (on top of my HORRIBLE connection in game) is worse since downloading the 195 drivers.

    I have run in administrator

    I have no virus or spyware on my computer (trust me I know how to protect myself)

    This is seriously frustrating have 8 hours before work and can't even play.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm having an issue with constant Disconnects and "Connection to Server Interrupted" errors. Oftentimes, the Server connection will be interrupted while I'm still on the first login "splash" page after selecting the character I want to play.

    It's not my internet connection, I don't think. When I DC, my internet connection stays up just fine. This started happening on Wednesday, and has been going ever since.

    Nothing about my firewall setup or internet connection has changed during the past week. My drivers are up to date, all my ports are open, etc.

    Any ideas? It's getting seriously annoying, as I can never stay logged in for more than maybe 5 minutes at a time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I have conducted an experiement (which failed to resolve anything mind you but gives me a bigger picture).

    Despite all theories I have had or anyone else, I run two computers from my Netgear RP614v3 router, and both sit on my computer table (I'm a 2Boxer). The key difference between the two systems is my primary (the one with all the issues) runs Vista 64bit, and my secondary uses XP Professional. My secondary system DOES NOT HAVE THESE ISSUES, which is odd because they both use the same router and router settings.

    Since my Norton trial was ending in a day so I tried setting up the firewall and anti virus programs on Prime the same as I have it on Secondary. It runs Avast! Sygate and Malwarebytes. I switched to Avast! but Sygate was not compatible with Vista, so I tried several other firewall programs.

    In all programs and configurations, setting CO client and launchers to exceptions, dinking around with Netgear router, etc., nothing I tried worked, with the exception of "Windows 7 Firewall Control" which made it worse, so I removed it. Interestingly enough, experimenting with Cryptics (rather irresponsible) solution of simply shutting down any and all anti-virus, spyware, and firewall software (what were you thinking?) also had no effect. With no anti-virus software or firewall software installed (with Windows Firewall which comes with Vista turned off) I got the same issues with no changes, then quickly disconnected from the internet, reinstalled my protective software and breathed easier. Luckily in the 10 min interval of my test, my computer was not intruded upon...or at least I think so. I have no way of really knowing..hehe. Really Cryptic, what were you thinking with this "solution?"

    Note: No configuration I have made on my Router has affected my Secondary System in any way. This leads me to believe the Router has nothing to do with it. I have not tried hooking the internet directly into my computer because this would not help me. When you have a broken leg, the solution is NOT, "Just walk around on one leg from now on."

    I still believe it is a firewall configuration issue relating to the Windows Vista version I'm running (I'm hoping Windows 7 will end this when I get it in a few weeks), however creating exceptions on any firewall software have no effect. Since updating my Ports however, I no longer get Server Not Responding freezes, but still get varying degrees of freezing lag and rubberbanding, from moderate to severe ("rarely" is something that never happens anymore).

    Note, this issue began the day Blood Moon Patch went live. No change in my system had occurred other than the patch. Logically therefore whatever is causing this resulted from a change on Cryptics side, making the game incompatible with many firewalls, anit-virus software, systems, Windows versions, or whatever the root is.

    Welp, that's it. I've tried everything except changing to something other than Windows Vista or unhooking my second system and storing it in the garage, neither of which are an option at this point.

    I hope this information helps in finding a solution.

    Choppy Choppy, Cryptic. Your customers who keep you in business are still waiting for a solution.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I get to throw my lot into this group as well. Eversince the last patch, I have this Server Not Responding issue again, but it has never been this bad. I have done everything suggested in this thread and it doesn't alleviate the issue at all.

    I have noticed that I can force the game to "update" and stop doing it by disabling and the enabling my wireless connection. Once it reconnects, I get a flurry of updates and then the connection is normal for a little while (or sometimes only for a minute or two).

    Only Champions Online is affected like this. I have other online games and internet activities that function fine while CO is afflicted by this mysterious issue. Since the beta, I have had this issue on and off, but it has always gone away. Unfortunately, a recent patch has brought it back worse than ever. I'm really getting sick of this. I can find other things that would frustrate me just as much as this issue does and I wouldn't have to pay for them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    My error now happens while patching.

    It's been happening for 3 weeks now, can't even remember exactly when.
    BUT I cannot play the game anymore. It's just one connection problem after another. I have my own thread of which Cryptic hasn't helped me one bit.

    I paid for a Lifetime subscription and all these connection problems have made me truly, truly regret it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yeah wanted to get my last two badges from blood moon tonight and its not going to happen. I knew it was a bad sign when I sat at the loading screen for almost 3-4 minutes and then logged on and found my character and a blank desert. Then all of a sudden werewolves started having seizures all around me.

    I have recommended this game to a friend at work but tomorrow when I see him im going to let him know not to even bother. Maybe in a couple months, maybe not = ]

    Still no fix here on the technical forums.

    This is serious bull.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Haveing the exact same problem as neehom, with freezeing while trying to load or getting into the game and it just being a blank world or rubberband from hell. Problem seems to only happen at night exactly like neehom, just played this mourning for 40 minutes not a single problem or lag. this problem started up sometime around the beginning of the event. I have tried the steps posted and they have done nada, plus the fact that at times i have no problems mournings and at night it is unplayable seems to me to not be my computer.......I am clueless here any help would be great.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Same as raynefall and neehom.

    I played fine at nights until three days ago, then the game got very, very weird, as if pockets were being lost in the connection. Now I get 'server not responding' all the time, takes forever to load the maps and the game is usually unplayable. Tried playing this morning, nothing happened, game went smoothly. And now, at night, the problem's back.

    I tried all of the workarounds offered in the first post, problems persist. I've never had a problem like this playing any other online game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I am only commenting in hopes that when the solution is found, I'll get a heads up. I'm suffering from the same "Account Server Timed Out" And none of the workarounds seem to work for me either.

    Good Luck. I'm a huge fan, and I'm anxiously waiting to play. Especially since I'm charged MONTHLY for access.:confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    There's a strange issue with the router that I will have to investigate.

    Strange issue investigated. The router seemed to drop uplink regularly. I decided to throw it out and get a new router, and that fixed at least 90% of the remaining rubberbands and SNRs.

    What confused me was that this problem appeared at the same time as the Blood Moon patch, so naturally I assumed that Cryptic was to blame. In my case it seems like Blood Moon either just coincided with my router dying or amplified its health problems at its dying days.

    The lesson is actually quite clear: don't blame Cryptic for Netgear's WNR-2000 router's built-in warranty expiration detection chip.

    For me, the case is closed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Okay, so I bought CO today, been playing CoX since beta and fancied giving this a bash.

    Character creation is really nice, got a couple of funky looking alts to play. If ever I can play.

    Tried deactivating antivirus etc and installed latest driver (can't work out how to do the port thingie on my router tho). The game is totally unplayable. Rubberbanding like crazy, my alt is in a continuous kick loop (which looks impressive but is next to useless) and I am just completely unable to play. I can't get my money back for the purchase, but I can ensure once my 30 days free are up I don't pay any subscription.

    Way to lose a customer Cryptic!

    [EDIT] I've been sat on the 'Millenium City Tutorial' loading screen for at least 45 minutes now and I am still not in game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hello everyone, I downloaded the game yesterday and I entered the activation key, created an account on the site, ran the game and when the window opens up nothing happens. On the top righ hand corner of the screen it says server down and has a red dot. The patch icon is grey and underneath it it says NO shards found: You have a ticket with 0 permission pairs, but no shards were found. What I am trying to figure out is if I am doing sth wrong (which I doubt I am) or If there is sth wrong with their server and no one is able to play. I've read the other posts and I have tried the fixers which were suggested (aside from turning off my antivirus prog) I would rather lose the 50 euro I paid for the game than get on the internet without protection, and I still cant get this thing to run. If it's a matter of getting the server or the game working from their end I am willing to wait, but if I am doing sth wrong can someone suggest sth else.
    Thank you :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm having the same problem. I'll double-click to launch the game and it'll just be a blank white screen that says "Loading. Please wait" instead. It's not my firewall (don't have one, my modem is plugged straight into my PC) so it has to be something on Cryptic's end.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Had an interesting experience today.

    I was unable to login, having the 'server not responding' issue as usual. This time it was worse for me, I couldn't even get to the character selection screen. I was in IRC with two other players with the same issue, one of them from France (and I'm from Brazil).

    Suddenly... it worked for me, I logged in fine and entered the game with no problem... and at the same time it worked for the player from France (the other kid with the problem left IRC before this).

    So it's not a local problem, it's not our connections... it seems to be some weird issue with the servers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    We have seen that the server not responding issues and general connection issues seem to stem from the connection to our servers either being filtered or blocked (for most not all).These methods could also help users with launcher connection issues as well. Here are some steps to hopefully eliminate these issues, and if these steps do not work then please contact our technical support team.
    1. Make sure your divers are up to date. (Video and audio) This just helps eliminate the need for this step later on.
    2. Try connecting directly to the modem (if you’re using a Modem router gateway skip this step).
    3. Make sure ports 7000-7499 are open on your router and through your ISP. Instructions on how to do this can be found with your router or on the manufactures website. Do not forward the ports especially if someone else on the network is attempting to access Champions, as this can block them from connecting.
    4. Disable any and all Adware, spyware, Anti-Virus, firewalls, or any type of application that monitors your internet connectivity as this can either block or filter your connection to Champions online. If the application requires it make sure to create an exception for Champions.
    5. Make sure you are running the application as an administrator. In Windows 7 and Vista you can right click on the icon and select “Run as administrator”.

    If none of these steps correct the issue then we can investigate it further.

    Unfortunately, I too must join the frustrated ranks of subscribers who are having real problems with the launcher.

    My drivers are up to date, wireless or connecting directly makes little difference. We are attempting to open ports 7000-7499 as I speak, but am hesistant... very hesistant to disable all firewalls and anti-virus as I did this briefly as a desperate resort and noticed afterward the hostile traffic inbound increase exponentially. I know for certain i have made an exception for Champions-Online in the security suite, giving it full inbound and outbound access, I am also running it as an administrator under Vista 64.
    I have played CoH, AoC and even the Beta of Champions on my old single core with the same antivirus with a designated exception. I am now connecting on a brand new quad core 3Gz with 8mb Ram.

    Is there a link to an updated patcher / launcher? - only the stock one (CL_2009_10_29_15_16) is excrutiatingly slow and only patches about 20mb before disconnecting. (error message 14).
    To give you an idea of how slow this has been today, I have been at this for about 8 hours and have patched only 60mb.

    Thanks in advance. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    We have seen that the server not responding issues and general connection issues seem to stem from the connection to our servers either being filtered or blocked (for most not all).These methods could also help users with launcher connection issues as well. Here are some steps to hopefully eliminate these issues, and if these steps do not work then please contact our technical support team.
    1. Make sure your divers are up to date. (Video and audio) This just helps eliminate the need for this step later on.
    2. Try connecting directly to the modem (if you’re using a Modem router gateway skip this step).
    3. Make sure ports 7000-7499 are open on your router and through your ISP. Instructions on how to do this can be found with your router or on the manufactures website. Do not forward the ports especially if someone else on the network is attempting to access Champions, as this can block them from connecting.
    4. Disable any and all Adware, spyware, Anti-Virus, firewalls, or any type of application that monitors your internet connectivity as this can either block or filter your connection to Champions online. If the application requires it make sure to create an exception for Champions.
    5. Make sure you are running the application as an administrator. In Windows 7 and Vista you can right click on the icon and select “Run as administrator”.

    If none of these steps correct the issue then we can investigate it further.

    Thanks for the tips, but none of them worked.
    1. Drivers are ok.
    2. All ports are open.
    3. No spyware or anti-virus running.
    4. No P2P programs in the PC.
    5. Connection is OK (made lot of download/upload speed tests).

    And the patch is downloading with a ridiculous speed...
    What is this???? :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    It's NONE of those guys. The problem is on Cryptics end. Its registering that our Product keys are unregisted, but they ARE because we're here posting. They dont work weekends and no one is here to help us until Monday. We better get compensated for this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    ever since the last patch i have not been able to play i start the launcher and soon as i hit play the game will crash and the error report thing will pop up i hit send everytime and have made a ticket (still no answer btw) anyone have a idea?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    SNR is a hell of a bug lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So, yeah... connection stinks atm.... so what are the cryptic guys gonna do about it?
    I mean i'm an average player from the Netherlands, i know how to update my drivers...
    did those things and still the 2 min load to log in and it seems my char in millenium city is inaccesable :(.
    But that's as far as my knowledge goes about pc's... Wow/ Aion/ CoH were never a problem so either if i had the choice i'd rather take some bugs and play normally than putting up with this (let's keep it neat) stuff.

    Hope you guys are working on it because i love your game but want some simple stuff to make it work, make the server responding imo :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    neewhom wrote:
    I tried all these tips, was on the phone for 40 minuits to my ISP to try and sort it out, and couldnt do anything that changed. i've also tried countless other thing to try and resolve my problem, none have done anything..

    My problem is that somtimes, i simply cannot play champions online.. its been prominent for the past 3 days now, and it may be completely random, but from what i can guess, it happens around 8-11GMT

    Basically, i can load up the patcher, go into the game, login, fine. Now when i enter the game, the loading bar is around 10 minuits long (This is completely irrelevant to my computers performance and changes none if i turn my graphical settings down, i have a 280gtx card with quadcore proccessing and 4gb ram)

    Now, when i actually get in the game, i cant do anything without a 5 minuit response, if i try to move, i flip back and forth for a few minuits.

    There doesnt seem to be an easy explanation or solution to this, because i would have found it. and the fact it isnt always happening (usually later in the evening) and then its fine any other time, means it simply has to be a problem on your side. i've turned of my firewalls, opened the ports on ISP and router, nothing i can do seems to work. and i'd prefer not to be given simple, obvius solutions in attemwpt to fix it because i have already tried them, and if anything it will be an easy way out of solving my problem.

    When it first started, one guy i know had it too, exactly the same time, and stopped exactly the same time, about 3 days ago. now, it keeps happening for me.. but nobody else.

    Please help me out because its increasingly frustrating and needs solving, its totally unacceptable to put up with this from any major online game.

    NOTE: May be totally irrelevant but i dont understand how setting to administrator can help it? for one, it only runs the pather as administrator if you set it like that, the actual client is a seperate thing.. If i try to use the game by just using the client app, it doesnt connect to the server. I did however check in both 'always run as admin, just incase'

    Seconding this man. The problem has to be one your end, fellows, as the game worked for me for a couple weeks until I've been getting these same errors after severe lagging just yesterday. Sorry to break it to you, but it looks like your last patch broke the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Everything was fine for me until about two hours ago, at which point I was dumped out of the game. Now when I try to log back in I get stuck at the loading screen with SNR at the top.

    I also get stuck at the patch screen occasionally, but if I wait long enough I'll eventually get through. Although, it used to be nearly instant.

    Nothing's changed on my end as far as I can tell. I certainly didn't install a new firewall or close a bunch of ports.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well I bought the game via download yesterday because my sister has been raving about it. I start the loader and the patch started.. After 7 hours it was STILL at 57 percent then the server stopped. Since 6 last night I've been restarting the patch and 4 times it's gotten an error at 10 percent... Am I going to be able to play it tomorrow maybe? I opened up my entire weekend to play this dern game..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    "Server Not Responding"... seems to be an ongoing problem this weekend. But the fix for my online gaming addiction is looking up! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    A friend of mine came up with an idea: how many of the people with connectivity issues connect through Steam? It may not me us or Cryptic's issue, but the middle-man's.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    BlodFang wrote:
    A friend of mine came up with an idea: how many of the people with connectivity issues connect through Steam? It may not me us or Cryptic's issue, but the middle-man's.

    No steam here.. But I've had connection issues that've been getting progressively worse all weekend ( mild lag Saturday morning and regular hangups saturday evening..., effectively unplayable sunday ) in CO and only CO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Can somebody direct me to the proxy option the dev referenced?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I can't connect or update either. very slow!! :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Sylari wrote:
    No steam here.. But I've had connection issues that've been getting progressively worse all weekend ( mild lag Saturday morning and regular hangups saturday evening..., effectively unplayable sunday ) in CO and only CO.

    Eh, worth the shot.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I don't have any of the issues listed in the topic. Right now I'm stuck on the Loading Screen after trying to leave the Power house in Canada. I've noticed the game get slower since I logged in last night, when Thursday Night It wasn't this bad Pre-Patch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i did exactly what u said but im stuck at connecting to the login server then it tel me time out.. i'v been trying to log in 2 days ago any help please
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Can somebody direct me to the proxy option the dev referenced?

    open the login screen and click opiont next to the Cryptic logo top left .. there you will find a drop down box to change from none us or eu .. gl
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    On the loading screen I was getting SERVER NOT RESPONDING in red at the top. After restarting and using the EU proxy I get the message DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER. Now I'm sat waiting for the launcher to do someting.

    If I wanted to put myself through this kind of mental torture I would be sat in the other room watching X-Factor (UK) but I don't, I've chosen to pay a monthly subscription to play this game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    DarkHaze wrote:
    Thanks for the tips, but none of them worked.
    1. Drivers are ok.
    2. All ports are open.
    3. No spyware or anti-virus running.
    4. No P2P programs in the PC.
    5. Connection is OK (made lot of download/upload speed tests).

    And the patch is downloading with a ridiculous speed...
    What is this???? :confused:

    DO NOT run your game, or in fact connect to the internet with our security software off. This was a very irresponsible "fix" for connection problems, and Cryptic Staff should be ashamed of themselves for suggesting it. If anyone from Cryptic makes such a suggestion again, please complain in writing to the company. Won't solve anything but maybe someone's supervisor will at least chew someone out, or hopefully find someone else for the person's position.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This is all such a bummer.

    And it started off being such a good new game launch. Took two months for everything to go to pot. This is Historically Bad!
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