My toon is chaotic evil. Can you guys make some changes to the game that allows me to stab the auction house dude to death and steal all of the stuff? I don't like that I have to talk to him like he is a person. Also if I could beat all of the small children in the town, that would be great :) thanks
Best solution that I've heard is to do two different things: 1- if you leave a match, you can't queue until that match has ended. 2- limit the amount of time that players are allowed to be in the spawn point.
You sound angry bro beans.. Is it because you feel stupid? Also. Explain how the HV bug caused as much damage as it did then? By your logic, 70 stacks of HV would be around a 280% damage buff, and we all know it was more than that.
Ok. This guy clearly does not understand how the game math works xD DR(defense,AC) = (AC -10) * 0.5% + 50% * Defense/(1644+Defense) Also, if you think that it's a 45% straight DR buff. You have clearly never hit anything while using that enchant.
If it stacked it would put the defense of almost anything into the negative. When this happens, it messes up the formula for DR and spits out horribly negative numbers. Like -456% for example. If it stacked like this, everyone would run it and clear dungeons with 1000000 damage ice knifes and one shot almost anything in…
I was hit a lot with it on preview and it was a joke. I'm talking about high end players though. If you were trying to kill 8k GS Pugs, it would be viable, like everything else. I swear us and pugs play 2 entirely different games /:
Impact shot is trash now. It does less damage the less charges you have left. And TRs have a hard time killing anyone with the current state of the new patch on preview. so.. Yep /:
Ok. That does make sense except one thing. Can a dev please explain to me why we are all being forced to use "PvP" gear? I am a CW and the PvP set bonus is TERRIBLE for PvP. High Vizier is 100000x better. I need to know why because right now I feel like you are too lazy to balance multiple set bonuses. I know that isn't…
Heard a rumor that you guys are considering dropping the armor penetration suppression. As someone who does NOTHING but PvP, I think that it is a good idea. People are too tanky right now. Whenever we do premades, nobody ever dies. I think it would be a much better balance. Please at least try it :)
Unless what is still coming is a MASSIVE damage buff I think that it's going to be worse. Have you went and played a premade on the preview yet? Nobody dies. At all.
Finally seeing some tests from the high end PvPers. No one can kill each other. Seriously devs, if you want to see what it's like when people have maxed toons that are meant for PvP, we can post vids, play against you, anything. But pugs will have zero hope of killing me and I am a CW. This will just further the distance…
So I was thinking after my last post... I think that we should also have tournaments where the position is selected based on your position in the ladder. I think that no matter what happens with the ladder, people are going to want to see a good, old fashioned tourney to really decide who is currently the best :)