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What is the Arc Client?
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zopar1 Arc User



  • They could lease servers temporarily, they don't always have to buy them.
  • I was playing this morning at 7AM eastern time, no queue at all, it was beautiful. :cool:
  • I find forums to not be an accurate reflection of players perception of the game. Most people who like the game are playing the game, not wasting their time in a forum. The fact this game has a Queue at all suggests to me there are lots of players playing the game and staying online and enjoying it. I'm a patient sort, so…
  • First of all, I wasn't addressing you, I was speaking to the OP, as you could plainly tell by the quote. Second, matching wits with the likes of you hardly seems like any great achievement to be perfectly honest. Finally, I have been part of far worse launch experiences in my day, since I am not a little boy, but rather…
    in Quiting STO Comment by zopar1 May 2013
  • I'm sure after the mad rush is over things will get back to normal. I love how each mission in this game truly feels like an episode of star trek. I want to subscribe I think. Its work $15 a month for sure.
  • Pretty good for a laugh... :D
  • You know, I hate to point out the obvious, but you sound like a whiney little girl. Give me a break, will you? One day of a queue? Really? It sounds to me you just aren't starship captain material. The evidence is clear. :cool:
    in Quiting STO Comment by zopar1 May 2013
  • I got as far as my character list and then it bumped me after I selected my character. Ah well, I been wanting to play all day, guess today is not my day. They'll sort it out. :o
  • Mine has been slow as well. I started a new character yesterday and everytime it logs on it patches, and then again when it logs off. Now I fired it up around 3:10 and its now 4:11 and its still patching. It seems there are multiple patches, one was like 250 mb and this one is 125 mb and its taking forever. Normally a…