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Thanks Cryptic...

zopar1zopar1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
...for making a great Star Trek game!

Seriously! I have bounced around from LotRO, to Eve, to Planetside 2, SWTORO, and even Secret World and have found none that truly engage me.

I find this game extremely difficult to grasp at first, and truly my head feels like it wants to explode after just a couple of missions. However, I think it's mostly because I am not a die-hard Star Trek fan and so I am struggling with the lingo.

Nevertheless, I find the game intriguing and exciting, and I even like the new changes to the interface. Good stuff!!
Post edited by zopar1 on


  • manlyyamsmanlyyams Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree, despite all the hiccups and whining (myself being guilty of the last one) it's actually a very solid game. Obviously, or otherwise I wouldn't still be playing. XD
  • zopar1zopar1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm sure after the mad rush is over things will get back to normal. I love how each mission in this game truly feels like an episode of star trek.

    I want to subscribe I think. Its work $15 a month for sure.
  • harryhausenharryhausen Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bought my LTS back in Beta. Most of my friends, who tried the game out right at release and quickly left, thought I was crazy. This game is definitely one case where persistence paid off, though. As of now, with the full Klingon faction, the Romulans, all the polish in this expansion, this really is a AAA MMO, and really feels like Star Trek.

    We've come a long way since I leveled my Klingon main purely on PVP...because that was the only way to level a Klingon.


  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    its an ok game.. i might whine alot, but that is because i expect more for the amount of money i have paid into this game..

    the things that i find wrong, are not so much with the gameplay, or the story line (well until they introduced the "not" romulan faction) but rather with execution, and further developing the game.. i am a fed only player, and i am bored to tears (yes, even after the expansion).

    but like stahl and i talked about in a thread a year or so back, its about finding the right formula, and while since that convo they have certainly made strides forward, they are still lightyears away from having said formula.. or else everyone on the forums would be happy. lol.. (id like to see that day.)

    but i do still play the game after all these years of being bored, so somethings gotta be right.. lol..
  • zopar1zopar1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I find forums to not be an accurate reflection of players perception of the game. Most people who like the game are playing the game, not wasting their time in a forum. The fact this game has a Queue at all suggests to me there are lots of players playing the game and staying online and enjoying it.

    I'm a patient sort, so I will be playing a lot when the Queue's die down and issues get resolved. Its obvious to me this is one of those under-appreciated gems of an mmo that never seems to get the accolades from the mainstream gaming community it deserves.

    It is after all, a niche game, appealing only to certain gamers, star trek fans.

    However, with that being said, I only consider myself to be a casual star trek fan, far from hardcore. Ya I've seen most of TOS and TNG episodes, and I enjoyed them, but I don't have them memorized, and couldn't recite them word for word like some people can. No, I don't pay that much attention to the lore of star trek. Its not really my favorite universe. I'm a star wars fan. The fact that this game grabs me, a mere casual star trek fan, says a lot.
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