Not sure what to make of this new bundle, this may just be they are trying something new and testing the waters with the new players. So the issue here is the divide between the value of the EPIC Phoenix token that has a horrible drop rate, and the special MUDD store single ship tab. If the Bundle offer at least 10 event…
BUYERS BEWARE I just purchased the bundle not reading into it, and discovered that the BOFF layout is not only weird as heck, but useless to an offensive build. I mean what is the role of this ship? What is it suppose to do with that kind of BOFF layout? I agree with Stark2K, the hanger pets are more like shuttles than…
Was just booted out, when attempting to login again I got this message: "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out" Hope they resolved this.
I hope as well. In the meantime it seems I am back online and the server seems stable - I'll post again if there is an ongoing issue with the connection, but so far so good [Fingers cross]
It is currently Thursday 7th of Feb, 12:50pm - Seems I am unable to login - What exatly is causing all this? I also have to ask, will Cryptic be extending the Q event a few days more? As this is taking out players for an entire day or so
Here is a an actual model of her, she is beautiful:
I want the U.S.S. Typhon, the Federtion Carrier from the PS1 game "Star Trek Invasion" - I know Cryptic can obtain the rights to use the ship. Click link for a peek at it: :smiley:
I see a none option in the voting system, so I choose "Other," I rather keep it al in the Federation. You forgot Benzite Boff, as none exist in the game.
Hi guys, seems I have been afflicted by the same bug - here is my information plus screenie Character Name: Selto Durka@xstaythirstyx Below is my screen shot showing that I have both the Chel Gret Warship and the Plesh Brek Heavy Raider. I have the discount for the Chel Grett, however; for the Raider I do not.
You must have been playing on Tribble my friend, seems that your purchases do not port over from Holodeck - It's like re-buying everything again over there, but then again why purchase on tribble?
Recently tried changing the fleet emblem and colors, however; during the color process it only give light blue when selecting a lighter color. Is there a fix to this issue?
My friend, most impressive indeed, I always enjoy the players creativity. Does anyone know of a foundry file mission loosely based off any of the other sci fi series?
Hello my Friends, I enjoy the foundry missions very much and would love to see many stories from the different star trek eras, Pike era among them as well. There are many talented writers in this game, and I have enjoyed many of their stories.
1st toon --> The Most Interesting Romulan@xstaythirstyx and my second character named ---> The Most Interesting Klingon@xstaythirstyx Here is a 2nd link for my Alien Klink toon: Alien Klingon toon with same issue
My Friends, does a game avatar really matter? It's not like you can pick up girls in this virtual realm. However; I tend to play more males than female avatars. Gender really does not matter to me, it is just an avatar. Has anyone ever played Scarlet Blade? Play it at your own risk. The game is sexist to the bone and…
My friends, I too am afflicted with this costume BUG. At first I thought it was merely a glitch when I upgraded my account from silver to gold, but that is not the case. So far the only characters that are effected are Romulan Ally characters, it is a bug before the FE that gave us the free carrier. I am thinking about…
My Friends, buyers beware - common white klingon bridge officers that are sold at 100k and more, are the ones bought at the barracks. those do not work on projects :( So everyone becareful, we bought some and they were the false ones, do not know when they will fix it. and as always stay thirsty my friends
My friend, if you enjoy doffing, or are thinking of becoming a huge doffer, then by all means keep the Suliban vessel. If you need the energy credits, then by all means sell it, just remember to make sure you have a higher tier Gaming Account and not a silver account, otherwise you might forget about your EC cap. and as…
My Friends, forgive me, I had a "Doh!!!!!" moment. I forgot to name my ship. the message was not because of my character's name, but because I never named my vessel, Doh !!!!!!! Epic fail from The Most Interesting Man aka MIM, what an embarrassment :( Mods please close this thread, Issue is deemed USER ERROR. Stay Thirsty…
My friends, here is the scoop on the issue at hand: 1. Federation characters do not get the Veteran rewards and bonuses until they reach rank 5 2. Romulan characters do not get the veteran reward firework emote until they reach rank 10, after choosing an allegiance. 3. Finally KDF characters cannot obtain the firework…
My Friends, thank you for all your assistance, this information has proven most useful. Now I know that one must rank up to level 5 to claim it. Thanks again Happy Hunting & Stay Thirsty my Friends MIM By the way hippiejon, I love your avatar, I actually made a character based off John Colicos. He was truly an epic Klingon…
Strange, I thought they were given right off the bat upon creation? When did this change? Also if this is true, my KDF character who is now Rank 50 LG, should be able to claim the simple fireworks emote, yet he cannot. Does a character have to do all the starter Mission over at KDF side and starter missions in Fed side to…
My Friend, it is a game in the end, while I understand your sincere frustration, you must also understand it is a PUG oriented queue system. Many here on these forums have stated from time to time that PUG Groups are not always an optimal group. Reporting someone for not abiding within an unwritten rule of fair team play…
I feel they should at least introduce the items I have mentioned in future Lock Boxes, including the emotes. That way it is a win win situations for everyone. Happy Hunting and Stay Thirsty my Friends MIM
I wish I had seen this Thread sooner, I just wasted 16K Dilithium and 8k Fleet Credits on the Bortasqu' Uniform. Lo and Behold, my female Romulan KDF allied is not able to wear it. Placing a ticket would seem to be an effort in futility at this moment, since my gut instincts tells me that they are AWARE of this issue.…
While we're at it, let's all sing along my Friends :D "Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. If one of those bottles should happen to fall, Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall." Happy Hunting and Stay Thirsty my…