To: Cryptic Support Team and Fellow STO players
Recently when I am creating a new character, the game will NOT allow me to finalize the creation due to a Character name glitch.
This is the following error message I get no matter the name I use nor its length:
"Field must be three or more characters"
The name I chose is an appropriate name within the appropriate length, it is 6 characters long.
No matter what I do, even using the randomization from the in house name generator, it will not finalize after selecting the ENGAGE tab.
anyone else having this severe issue when creating a new character?
I need to know if this is a general bug that just surfaced or if there is something wrong with my account.
I can login normally with any of my pre-existing characters with no problem, I am just unable to create any new ones.
the message was not because of my character's name, but because I never named my vessel, Doh !!!!!!!
Epic fail from The Most Interesting Man aka MIM, what an embarrassment
Mods please close this thread, Issue is deemed USER ERROR.
Stay Thirsty my Friends