I think the problem is that while feedback may form part of an "I quit" (call it what it is) post. It's a bit late, and rather moot given the poster's expressed intend to no longer make use of the game. Any feedback should really have been provided long before it reaches an "I quit" stage. Frankly citing grievances under…
I found this latest mission a lot of fun. The npc banter was amusing and the twist at the end was intriguing. The voice was a neat work-around and tidily explained away. The bit flying the Defiant was mildly disconcerting as it felt like I was fighting with one hand tied behind my back the whole time. But it was tolerable…
The thing with the effects from Butterfly is that the universe at large doesn't know it ever happened. From what I recall that includes our characters because the temporal protection was only temporary. All that's left is a shielded datacore which has probably been take to be investigated by "top men". To all intents and…
Ye gods! And I thought that floating toilet seat thing from earlier was ugly! At least the Spaghetti-Junction Connie looked like it halfway belonged in Star Trek.
Had to turn off bloom because these new explosion broke the game by causing black boxes to blot out areas of the screen when they animate. On the plus side, at least the lightshow is now marginally less egregious on my screen. Though that's hardly a complement for this graphics "enhancement".
Players have been so conditioned to just blast whatever's in the way, this TF is quite refreshing. More mechanics like these should be present in TFs, the ground ones at least.
Oh look it's a Ferengi, and easily recognised Ferengi. But nooo, let's hate of DSC because it's cool, and edgy, because no true trek fan would ever like DSC! Give it up and go back to complaining about evil steam engines.
The lighting discharge in the core is on a timed cycle, you can tell when it's safe because the immediate area gets a lot darker. As for the brig bugging out. I've only had that happen because I tried to rush using the turbolift from Engineering before the mission objectives updated. The game doesn't like being rushed, if…
The Newton-Type might fit the current "Heavy Cruiser" frame. The Armstrong and Mayflower types could fit the "Miranda" frame. It's possible that, given the way the Starfleet Kelvin Trek ships appear to have been resized, they may need their own frames to keep scale with the Kelvin Connie.
So was this just a demand an impossible thing as a smokescreen to justify a rant about bugs? Either way, you aren't going to get anything in game that isn't part of the Star Trek franchise (or fundamentally based on it in the case of non-canon ship designs). Andromeda isn't Star Trek (regardless of who created it) any more…
Even replaying the Romulan missions at 65, the Mogai npcs shouldn't be that much of a problem on Normal. The plasma torpedo spam is one best managed through positioning. Always try to keep on a Warbird's flank, you can hammer away at them from then with relative impunity and there are various BOff skill that can counter…