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Old Missions and being level 65

dojihajimedojihajime Member Posts: 29 Arc User
I know I posted this before but not in a few years and well anyone really understand why some of the old mission seem to scale badly if you are max level. I mean I doing one of the Romulan arc missions and Mogai Romulan ship is beating me easily, and I know when you are hear at lower levels this isn't even close to this difficult. Pair with doing it for the Klingon Recruitment character, so you can get the Box for that arc. They can't just be a just me thing.
Star Trek Online Player

City of Heroes Refugee
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,790 Arc User
    Have you ever changed the difficulty setting for story missions? If yes, you might have left it at advanced or elite.

    Also, for plasma burn you really want Hazard Emitters, and for tractor mines Polarize Hull or (as a weaker substitute) Evasive Maneuvers. That might help.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    for me, being a old old ... old player.. I have access to tier 6 ships that scale right off the bat. Those early missions are very much easier when you have ships with 6 weapon slots, and 6 to 8 console slots. And I believe almost all the tier 6 ships auto scale now.. I could be wrong. But I did start a new Fed TOS ton and ended up having it all easy peasy.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • dojihajimedojihajime Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    It is still Normal, thanks for the hints, while those Contribute there a fair about of just raw damage
    for me, being a old old ... old player.. I have access to tier 6 ships that scale right off the bat. Those early missions are very much easier when you have ships with 6 weapon slots, and 6 to 8 console slots. And I believe almost all the tier 6 ships auto scale now.. I could be wrong. But I did start a new Fed TOS ton and ended up having it all easy peasy.

    I talking about dealing with old mid-level missions after becoming 60 or above. I have a Tier 6 Ship [Legendary Vor'cha] I did switch ships and it help a bit but thier 35000 Plus Heavy Plasma Torpedo isn't helping things. It really feeling like banging my head against the wall!
    Star Trek Online Player

    City of Heroes Refugee
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    i had a problem with the Krieger and Keldon in Jabberwocky but I was in a Malem which has always been squishy for me.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,790 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    > bit but thier 35000 Plus Heavy Plasma Torpedo isn't helping things

    AOE attacks (BFAW, Scatter Volley) can help. If you're locked on the ship with single-target tac powers then you're tanking the torpedo hits.

    If you are using single-target, and even if not, you can spend a Rare Phoenix token on an Automated Defense Turret - https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Console_-_Tactical_-_Automated_Defense_Turret
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  • dojihajimedojihajime Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    STO has both an 'elite' and a 'cannon fodder' flags for ships -- it's a visible icon along side the shield-facing UI, being either a ^ (elite) or v (cannon fodder). The elite one makes ships much stronger and much more durable than normal, and the 'cannon fodder' flag does the reverse. To wit, I know exactly which ship you're referring to in the Rom arc, and this ship is 'elite' flagged. Furthermore, enemy ships don't scale linearly, but on an accelerated curve. The relative percentage boost in damage and durability to enemy ships going from 60 to 65 is *FAR* greater than the relative percentage boost of ships going from 10 to 20, which is so tiny that it's almost non-existent. What this means is that your ship vs the enemy ship at level 10, being elite flagged is mostly meaningless. But at 65, the already significant power difference is only further magnified by being elite flagged.

    There's another mission that scales poorly at max level for the exact same reason -- elite-flagged Elachi Monbosh battleships being thrown at you in pairs. Repeatedly.

    There is likely nothing better than hearing that their is a reason that this is happening.

    That said even changing things is not helping at all!
    Star Trek Online Player

    City of Heroes Refugee
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,790 Arc User
    Do you have any Neutronium consoles for damage mitigation? If you have a glass cannon build you can expect some enemies to shatter it.
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    dojihajime wrote: »
    I talking about dealing with old mid-level missions after becoming 60 or above. I have a Tier 6 Ship [Legendary Vor'cha] I did switch ships and it help a bit but thier 35000 Plus Heavy Plasma Torpedo isn't helping things. It really feeling like banging my head against the wall!

    Most things scale more steeply after level 50, not just the old missions, as you have more of all things available to you (i.e. boff abilities, consoles, skill points, spec points, higher mark items, hull, etc).

    Some suggestions...

    Keep out of range of the tractor beam.

    Escape from the tractor beam using Polarize Hull or evasive maneuvers or rock n roll.

    Target then shoot the heavy plasma torpedo. Cannon scatter volley or beam fire at will or torpedo spread make it hard to miss.

    Use brace for impact or something like Aux to SIF prior to the plasma torpedo hitting to get some damage resistance and hit points going.

    Then - buff up - use captain abilities, attack pattern beta, emergency power to weapons, beam or cannon and torpedo skills, and give the opposing party a lesson they won't soon forget.
  • dojihajimedojihajime Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    I did get pass it but then was reminded how much I hate Cutting the cord in general. I feel it alot more on the older stuff. Discovery Arc and on I don't often have that many problems.
    Star Trek Online Player

    City of Heroes Refugee
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    the big question I would ask is what your build looks like. most of the time when i see complaints like this it's because of a build issue or an issue with tactics being used. If you want to post up what you're using we can go from there.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

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  • ktanner3#8874 ktanner3 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    dojihajime wrote: »
    I did get pass it but then was reminded how much I hate Cutting the cord in general. I feel it alot more on the older stuff. Discovery Arc and on I don't often have that many problems.

    A lot of what others have posted are good points, but the truth is the scaling is extremely out of wack for those older missions. There's no reason for normal difficulty to be THAT hard. At least make it doable for the first run through so that I can see how it all ends. THEN if I want to go back and replay it, make it harder. The way it works now is extremely frustrating and makes me want to just not bother. I mean, why have a difficulty setting if the game automatically sets itself to extreme difficulty once you hit max level?
  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    > @vetteguy904 said:
    > i had a problem with the Krieger and Keldon in Jabberwocky but I was in a Malem which has always been squishy for me.

    I always forget that Galors have FBP 3 until I receive the death timer reminder after a full Alpha Strike against them.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    That steep jump can be seen in ground missions too, like Spectres after they moved it to the endgame "Available" tab. The ghostbuster gun that is supposed to be (and used to be) so good against the "ghosts" is seriously outclassed by level 65 for instance and the combats tend to be longer and harder as a result.

    Also a problem is that the infamous McCoy bug in Night of the Comet that stopped the arc dead in its tracks was finally fully fixed only a short time before they ripped the Spectres arc out of the missions tab and exiled it to the "Available" tab, which broke the fix and reverted it to earlier fix levels.

    Making the whole difficulty curve an even bigger factor is that with all the back to back events it is now rather common for captains to reach endgame but only have the first few missions done, not to mention the new instant endgame tokens they are starting to bloat out Legendary ship packages with.
  • ktanner3#8874 ktanner3 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    That steep jump can be seen in ground missions too, like Spectres after they moved it to the endgame "Available" tab. The ghostbuster gun that is supposed to be (and used to be) so good against the "ghosts" is seriously outclassed by level 65 for instance and the combats tend to be longer and harder as a result.

    Also a problem is that the infamous McCoy bug in Night of the Comet that stopped the arc dead in its tracks was finally fully fixed only a short time before they ripped the Spectres arc out of the missions tab and exiled it to the "Available" tab, which broke the fix and reverted it to earlier fix levels.

    Making the whole difficulty curve an even bigger factor is that with all the back to back events it is now rather common for captains to reach endgame but only have the first few missions done, not to mention the new instant endgame tokens they are starting to bloat out Legendary ship packages with.

    Yeah, good luck to anyone who pays to become instant 65 and then tries to run a mission. On my first character I got all the way to the delta quadrant story before I got stuck on "What a Waste." I haven't been able to complete it even after hitting 65 and using tier 6 ships. I switched to a tier 6 defiant, all loaded with at least mk 12, and after about fifteen minutes I got the final battleship down to 57 percent, but it just kept healing itself back every time. It's ridiculous.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    That steep jump can be seen in ground missions too, like Spectres after they moved it to the endgame "Available" tab. The ghostbuster gun that is supposed to be (and used to be) so good against the "ghosts" is seriously outclassed by level 65 for instance and the combats tend to be longer and harder as a result.

    Also a problem is that the infamous McCoy bug in Night of the Comet that stopped the arc dead in its tracks was finally fully fixed only a short time before they ripped the Spectres arc out of the missions tab and exiled it to the "Available" tab, which broke the fix and reverted it to earlier fix levels.

    Making the whole difficulty curve an even bigger factor is that with all the back to back events it is now rather common for captains to reach endgame but only have the first few missions done, not to mention the new instant endgame tokens they are starting to bloat out Legendary ship packages with.

    Yeah, good luck to anyone who pays to become instant 65 and then tries to run a mission. On my first character I got all the way to the delta quadrant story before I got stuck on "What a Waste." I haven't been able to complete it even after hitting 65 and using tier 6 ships. I switched to a tier 6 defiant, all loaded with at least mk 12, and after about fifteen minutes I got the final battleship down to 57 percent, but it just kept healing itself back every time. It's ridiculous.

    The Delta Quadrant has always been a bit of a test. Tactics and build start to become more important as well.
  • edited September 2021
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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    Taking 15 minutes to get an enemy down to half health may be indicative of some common things that've been found in other similar threads.

    Sometimes it's a case of ensuring the ships power levels are set to the 'attack' preset, not mixing too many weapon types, ensuring energy specific tactical consoles are used to fill tactical ship slots, and the selection of bridge officer abilities such as having emergency power to weapons up all the time and using a debuff like attack pattern beta.

    These sorts of things focus more on general build basics versus needing a specific ship and together in combination with the right tactics might be enough to provide a better experience when playing through the missions to rank up.
  • xarynn2058xarynn2058 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    Even replaying the Romulan missions at 65, the Mogai npcs shouldn't be that much of a problem on Normal.

    The plasma torpedo spam is one best managed through positioning. Always try to keep on a Warbird's flank, you can hammer away at them from then with relative impunity and there are various BOff skill that can counter their tricks that have been covered in the posts in this thread.

    If that all falls short then you may want to revisit your build and ship's loadout.
  • jozen#9312 jozen Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    > bit but thier 35000 Plus Heavy Plasma Torpedo isn't helping things

    AOE attacks (BFAW, Scatter Volley) can help. If you're locked on the ship with single-target tac powers then you're tanking the torpedo hits.

    If you are using single-target, and even if not, you can spend a Rare Phoenix token on an Automated Defense Turret - https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Console_-_Tactical_-_Automated_Defense_Turret

    That's one of my most favourite consoles. It even takes out the borg dreadnought torpedoes
  • truewarpertruewarper Member Posts: 938 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    That steep jump can be seen in ground missions too, like Spectres after they moved it to the endgame "Available" tab. The ghostbuster gun that is supposed to be (and used to be) so good against the "ghosts" is seriously outclassed by level 65 for instance and the combats tend to be longer and harder as a result.

    Also a problem is that the infamous McCoy bug in Night of the Comet that stopped the arc dead in its tracks was finally fully fixed only a short time before they ripped the Spectres arc out of the missions tab and exiled it to the "Available" tab, which broke the fix and reverted it to earlier fix levels.

    Making the whole difficulty curve an even bigger factor is that with all the back to back events it is now rather common for captains to reach endgame but only have the first few missions done, not to mention the new instant endgame tokens they are starting to bloat out Legendary ship packages with.

    Yeah, good luck to anyone who pays to become instant 65 and then tries to run a mission. On my first character I got all the way to the delta quadrant story before I got stuck on "What a Waste." I haven't been able to complete it even after hitting 65 and using tier 6 ships. I switched to a tier 6 defiant, all loaded with at least mk 12, and after about fifteen minutes I got the final battleship down to 57 percent, but it just kept healing itself back every time. It's ridiculous.

    The Delta Quadrant has always been a bit of a test. Tactics and build start to become more important as well.
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