Not sure if many of you have been following the news lately but there maybe a possibility that the UK will suffer from power cuts this winter. So if I were you I'd start stocking up on lobi and use it to purchase this year's winter ship so you won't miss out. Really hope it doesn't happen but the way things are going right now it might
I'd seriously ignore what the news is putting out. They directly caused the recent petrol shortage, scaring folk into panic buying, not the government or 'lack of drivers'. It's their inability to accept Brexit that's driving all these 'shortage of' reports, that are in fact a global issue resulted from the pandemic. Don't panic buy...simple. But enough of politics.
There will be zero blackouts in the UK.
You buy out seasonal events such as winter or summer with lobi, not zen. This is because under the old system you used lobi to obtain the currency daily missions rewarded towards the reputation project for said ships.
Imagine the levels of overconsumption of gibberish that must have been devoured to feel the need to post this.
No power cuts due in the UK & methinks that there may have been a misunderstanding between the rise in gas prices due to transportation (or lack of it) and the knock on effect on manufacturing.
If its due to the perceived threat of France cutting a supply line well thats about as likely to happen as the imminent cod war thats been about to explode for the last 40 years.
Utter utter nonsense, stop the gleeful panic spreading this aint 4chan/pol
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