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warrenconrad Arc User



  • I was not aware of this. I'd suggest trying E-bay or some other online auction. Someone might be selling a set as a collectors item.
  • I won't say the D'Deridex sucks, but I don't like it for my play style. Others in my fleet saw my purchase of the Valdore warbird was silly. "Why buy a ship for only 10 levels" they would ask. I just said, hey, I've made sillier purchases in my life...lol. As it turns out, not such a silly purchase, as I am now using it…
  • SWG was shut down, just before the launch of SWTOR. There is the swgemu. I did not get into it. It was built on the premise that SWG was a dead horse once the NGE was released. So it was made the same as SWG was at a specific point in time. I did not hate the NGE outright and stayed in SWG, which did improve before the…
  • I like this idea. Had some good guild wars in SWG. That kind of action could be a lot of fun in STO.
  • Oh, I understand that the big game is end game PVP. I've been around since launch. I have 3 lvl 50s currently, and PVP on all of them. It has been some time since I have leveled a new one. I was hoping that low level PVP was as fun as it was back in the day. Alas it seems that is not the case.
  • He did take a shot at my spelling too. So the dictionary would at least help. :P
  • Do you plan on actually contributing to the topic at hand, or are you just going to chase me around about my grammar? Is grammar and spelling that important to you on a VIDEO GAME forum? Big waste of energy imo. Besides, there are far worse out there than little old Canadian me.
  • No, I am not OK with a 4 hour wait time. That's why I go do something else. But making all kinds of noise about it will not bring the solution about any faster. They know about it and are working on it. So shouting it from the rooftops will not do me any good, so I might as well enjoy the other sources of entertainment at…
  • Watch out. The grammar police are here. Ya know what? I'm not gonna pull out a dictionary and thesaurus for every post. Especially on a game board. If it was for a job, maybe. So either learn to deal with the occasional spelling or grammatical error, or don't read my posts.
  • OMG, the arrogance get even thicker. Are you really this way, or is it just internet bravado?
  • And who exactly are you that makes an actor no good just because YOU never heard of him. That I would say is a text book example of extreme arrogance
  • True, but when it gets this bad, being the first is not a good thing. I'd rather a smooth experience rather than being the first. Just me I guess. I will try again tonight, but if it is still bad, I'll just find other sources of entertainment for the night.
  • This has nothing to do with this thread, I just had to disagree about JJ ruining Star Trek. I have not seen Into Darkness yet, so I can't speak to that, but I think the Direction taken with the first one was a good direction.
  • I don't want your account, just all your stuff and EC
  • I'm with you on this. Just because I am aligned with the Federation does not make a Starfleet officer. I did not go to the academy. Neither did any of my crew. Last I checked, warbirds were not being produced in any Starfleet shipyards. Oh well, I'll try and not let it bug me too much, but you are definitely right.
  • OMG, the nerd rage is strong here. I think the Jedi might even feel this one. This is what I did when I found out that it was unlikely that I would be playing last night... I fired up the PS3 and played COD for a couple hours, the I watched TV for an hour. Every time any game releases a major content update, there is…