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utilyan Arc User



  • I believe they don't allow T5s, This is T4;) Higher then T2 is already in game just look for mirror constitution.
  • Since we can't have a T5 Connie/Exeter. Simply push for a T4, that would satisfy me. Fact I would prob be satisfied with T2 Exeter with more weapon/officer slots and keeping everything else as weak as a T2. It could be a special T2 only available to admirals or whatever. Can't have a T5 doesn't mean you can't have a T4. I…
  • Theres another loop-hole folks might want to consider. A MIRROR T5-connie/exeter. (WHICH IS ALREADY......ALREADY IN GAME) http://www.stowiki.org/I.S.S._Exeter I'm not sure what tier it is. If your high level, Go find and fight this ship, My opinion from what it shoots......its a little more then tier 2. I might try finding…
  • At least push for a T-4 Connie/exeter. That would be enough. They say NO T-5......fine give us T-4.
  • We are not allowed T5. GIVE US T4. Even a T4 cruiser would be awsome.
  • I am GUILTY of doing this. What can I say? I love star trek...... being the under dog is nothing new. I take a exeter. cruiser refit at the moment it gots xi borg phaser cannon xi borg quantum torp, 2 borg xi phaser turrets. I put a isometric console and gas trop console. plasma consoles for weapons tactical phaser relay…
  • I suggest just have fun. God-mode is boring. Look at the last movie capt kirk blew up a Tier 10 super ship with a Tier 1 connie. :D It takes more skill to give yourself some style. Any noob can blow up anything in the most souped up ship. Let your skill be the thing thats "OP". :D
  • Even a Exeter T4. Might be enough. A very high end T4. Also MIRROR/ TERRAN T5 might be a loop hole. With the new movies comming, not everyone wants to be a massive god-mode cruiser. I'd pay twenty bucks for a T4 Exeter.
  • If they wont take a T5 mirror. How bout T4?
  • Could a mirror T5 be a loophole? :D
  • I suppose its a matter of demand. I think it would be good in the long run. The exploration cruiser is great for TNG spirit. The constitutions do good for original and new movies. Someone whos level 50 has the biggest ship with the biggest guns at one point might give up thier GOD MODE comfort zone to PLAY-PLAY Star Trek.…