I once had the tier 2 escort. It was a good escort when I was at that level. Today I discovered that this escort had a retrofit version for vice admiral players. Why not create a retrofit version for the tier 2 cruiser? The tier 2 version of the science cruiser do also have a retrofit.
Because if they did that, then there would be a T5 Constitution floating around the game, and for some kind of legal or licensing reasons, that is apparently not allowed.
The end game cruiser is essentially the Excelsior retrofit cruiser. It's from the TOS era[ed: well, the TOS movies...] but high enough to be useful at end-game. While I'd personally LOVE to have a fleet cruiser that looks like a Miranda class (they're in plentiful use during the DS9 cookie cutter battle scenes), I don't know if it will ever happen.
Basic ENG cruiser setup, ENS/LT tac, CMDR/LtCDR ent, LT sci... or make the ENS tac and the LT sci universal so you can mix and match.
That would be a good cruiser to have. Not too different from the tier5 cruisers, but with new looks.
They gave us the KDF K'Tinga, which was an early ship still in use by DS9 times, so why not Miranda?
I have now bought a T1 TOS Constition class light cruiser to test how well it fights level 50 NPC's in normal dificultiy. I will share my build later. It's still work in progress.
The hull is only 13 000 and that is smal. It helps a lot with a XII MACO shield. There are only 3 weapon slots on this ship, so you can't get much firepower. There are three ensign bridge officer slots. That makes abillities with shared cooldown a bad idea.
I have tested this ship in PvE with other players. The fun thing there is that the enemies doesn't target me often. They choose to target targets with more hull. I die maximum one time in such a event. It have happend that ships with more hull than me have blowed up before me, but that is because the enemies target them instead of me.
I have not tested PvP with this ship. Why? Because it would have blown up in a few seconds. This ship is only for PvE engineers.
Fllying a ship like this is a good way to train your pilot skill, because it forces you to surrive without many buffs.
I will do more testing with this. Remember: Everything old is new
- I am one of the owners of SN Fleet. Join us in our next adventure!
I have now bought a T1 TOS Constition class light cruiser to test how well it fights level 50 NPC's in normal dificultiy. I will share my build later. It's still work in progress.
The hull is only 13 000 and that is smal. It helps a lot with a XII MACO shield. There are only 3 weapon slots on this ship, so you can't get much firepower. There are three ensign bridge officer slots. That makes abillities with shared cooldown a bad idea.
I have tested this ship in PvE with other players. The fun thing there is that the enemies doesn't target me often. They choose to target targets with more hull. I die maximum one time in such a event. It have happend that ships with more hull than me have blowed up before me, but that is because the enemies target them instead of me.
I have not tested PvP with this ship. Why? Because it would have blown up in a few seconds. This ship is only for PvE engineers.
Fllying a ship like this is a good way to train your pilot skill, because it forces you to surrive without many buffs.
I will do more testing with this. Remember: Everything old is new
They ignore you because you pose no threat to them;)
They ignore you because you pose no threat to them;)
Something about only 4 weapons... as opposed to the 8 of a standard tier 5 cruiser... and the 7 of a tier 5 escort... and the 6 of a tier 5 science ship...
Yeah, if he drew ANY aggro, that would mean one of two things: 1) Everyone else was already dead. 2) Everyone else was AFK and not shooting.
Let the Connie go where the Excelsior should have stayed: HISTORY.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Let the Connie go where the Excelsior should have stayed: HISTORY.
Or at the very least Cryptic should add some "25th-century" skins for the Excelsior.
The Connie already has two, the "Constitution" skin for the T2 Cruiser and the Exeter Refit skin (which is a hybrid of Enterprise-A and Abrams-Trek), so the Excelsior should get at least one to bring it up to speed. It almost feels wrong that this aging centuries old dinosaur is STILL arguably one of the best Tac cruisers in the game, AND now has a Fleet version!
What starship components can increase hull? I do have the hull skill, and I know about the MACO deflector. I will be choosing the hit point skills in the Omega reputaion system.
- I am one of the owners of SN Fleet. Join us in our next adventure!
Let the Connie go where the Excelsior should have stayed: HISTORY.
Over a few of your posts I have determined that you really hate the Excelsior and anything TOS-related, even extending into TNG. I take it you never had a Star Trek upbringing?
Over a few of your posts I have determined that you really hate the Excelsior and anything TOS-related, even extending into TNG. I take it you never had a Star Trek upbringing?
It could be retroactive hate from all the nasty canon nerds that show up from time to time and demand that all transphasics be "Voyager powerful" or that weapon types be restricted by race or alien ships be banned or that THEIR fan kitbash Mary Sue ship, which THEY (i.e. "my trekker community herp derp") consider canon be added to the game for free.
Over a few of your posts I have determined that you really hate the Excelsior and anything TOS-related, even extending into TNG. I take it you never had a Star Trek upbringing?
On the contrary, I grew up watching kirk argue with klingons, have fun with the gateway, watch his friend fall for a salt vampire, and even lose his mind... more than once. And watch his best friend die. And then bring his best friend back to life. All the while haunted by his past and his son. And Khan.
I just don't like the Constellation or Excelsior hull designs. Never did. Is that suddenly a crime?
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Because if they did that, then there would be a T5 Constitution floating around the game, and for some kind of legal or licensing reasons, that is apparently not allowed.
Its not THAT hard to remove the Constitution Refit skin from the Cruiser Retrofit.
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
Basic ENG cruiser setup, ENS/LT tac, CMDR/LtCDR ent, LT sci... or make the ENS tac and the LT sci universal so you can mix and match.
That would be a good cruiser to have. Not too different from the tier5 cruisers, but with new looks.
They gave us the KDF K'Tinga, which was an early ship still in use by DS9 times, so why not Miranda?
Even a T4 cruiser would be awsome.
- I am one of the owners of SN Fleet. Join us in our next adventure!
An Escort that can't turn is not an Escort.
The hull is only 13 000 and that is smal. It helps a lot with a XII MACO shield. There are only 3 weapon slots on this ship, so you can't get much firepower. There are three ensign bridge officer slots. That makes abillities with shared cooldown a bad idea.
I have tested this ship in PvE with other players. The fun thing there is that the enemies doesn't target me often. They choose to target targets with more hull. I die maximum one time in such a event. It have happend that ships with more hull than me have blowed up before me, but that is because the enemies target them instead of me.
I have not tested PvP with this ship. Why? Because it would have blown up in a few seconds. This ship is only for PvE engineers.
Fllying a ship like this is a good way to train your pilot skill, because it forces you to surrive without many buffs.
I will do more testing with this. Remember: Everything old is new
- I am one of the owners of SN Fleet. Join us in our next adventure!
An Escort that can't turn is not an Escort.
They ignore you because you pose no threat to them;)
Something about only 4 weapons... as opposed to the 8 of a standard tier 5 cruiser... and the 7 of a tier 5 escort... and the 6 of a tier 5 science ship...
Yeah, if he drew ANY aggro, that would mean one of two things: 1) Everyone else was already dead. 2) Everyone else was AFK and not shooting.
Let the Connie go where the Excelsior should have stayed: HISTORY.
Or at the very least Cryptic should add some "25th-century" skins for the Excelsior.
The Connie already has two, the "Constitution" skin for the T2 Cruiser and the Exeter Refit skin (which is a hybrid of Enterprise-A and Abrams-Trek), so the Excelsior should get at least one to bring it up to speed. It almost feels wrong that this aging centuries old dinosaur is STILL arguably one of the best Tac cruisers in the game, AND now has a Fleet version!
I know
- I am one of the owners of SN Fleet. Join us in our next adventure!
An Escort that can't turn is not an Escort.
- I am one of the owners of SN Fleet. Join us in our next adventure!
An Escort that can't turn is not an Escort.
Over a few of your posts I have determined that you really hate the Excelsior and anything TOS-related, even extending into TNG. I take it you never had a Star Trek upbringing?
It could be retroactive hate from all the nasty canon nerds that show up from time to time and demand that all transphasics be "Voyager powerful" or that weapon types be restricted by race or alien ships be banned or that THEIR fan kitbash Mary Sue ship, which THEY (i.e. "my trekker community herp derp") consider canon be added to the game for free.
On the contrary, I grew up watching kirk argue with klingons, have fun with the gateway, watch his friend fall for a salt vampire, and even lose his mind... more than once. And watch his best friend die. And then bring his best friend back to life. All the while haunted by his past and his son. And Khan.
I just don't like the Constellation or Excelsior hull designs. Never did. Is that suddenly a crime?