Yes, having same issue here, tried to open the colonists box through the doff menu instead of opening it directly, and it worked so you can/might be able to use an alternate means to open it
I would love to visit the hull of the ENT-D on Veridian III.... Maybe make a mission where you and geordi have to search through it for "something" that is very important....
Nimbus III has become a bloodbath because the re-spawn rates of the NPC, plus with above level 60 they are easy to kill, so you can go down to the Orion Prison area and either set you BOFFs to peace then provoke them into attacking your crew so they can heal their HP/shields, or say if your endeavor is "Ground Damage…
My head cannon is that these goofs edited their own DOFF cards with a "Holographic Cartoon Filter" as a joke and they forgot that it was their permanent records, so now they have goofy cartoon avatar pictures because Beckett Mariner is a goofball.
Success!!! I didn't find a way home, but.... I found a way to Join up with starfleet in 2409!!!! Just pull up the allegiance selector! /gensendmessage Allegianceselector_Fullscreen show Just pick starfleet! DONE! I had fiddled around with macros a while back and at one point accidentally stumbled into the allegiance…
The only way to win is to have a protomatter console to regen them from their own stupidity.... Space has three dimensions..... A KDF transport pilot only has one button.... forward...