I logged in as my 23rd century only captain and realized that I could queue up for the Borg/Tholian/etc red alerts.... YAY!!! I thought and queued up for them thinking, great more EXP for my "stay in the 23rd century Captain!"
Well I fought this strange cube like alien ships and this big long ship... and I got their weird things call "marks"..... so I was like awesome!!!
I am gonna go back and putter around the tiny corner of the galaxy the federation is... I went to leave and all of a sudden my astrometrics officer gave me the bad news.... We have jumped forward almost 200 YEARS!!!!
I can't go back, I tried to return to Earth, they they won;t give me permission to enter the system.... I had a mission the Caleb system but I am 200 years too late....
I wanna go back...... I miss my conversations with Admiral Garrett......
No system will have me, not even Risa!!! They won't even let me land....
I blame Ensign Hunter...errr Daniels.... I knew I should have tossed him out the air lock the first mention of "Temporal" Shenanigans!!!!
I must warn you, I am quite Isane! I am Grand Duchess of the Abh Empire: Beneej Letopanyu Spoor!
Can you use the Transwarp to Mission button on a 23rd century mission to get back?
As I recall, you can't because it doesn't exist. They don't allow you transwarping till you get into the main playspace as your main faction. This goes for baby Roms too.
Can you use the Transwarp to Mission button on a 23rd century mission to get back?
As I recall, you can't because it doesn't exist. They don't allow you transwarping till you get into the main playspace as your main faction. This goes for baby Roms too.
So my character begins their journey to try to find a way home.....
I must warn you, I am quite Isane! I am Grand Duchess of the Abh Empire: Beneej Letopanyu Spoor!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
If I'm interpreting this right... you managed to level a TOS while staying IN the 23rd Century to the point of being able to do TFOs... did one... then got dropped in the normal 25th Century map...
I think you hit on something that was never meant to happen. I don't think they intended for anyone to stay in the 23rd Century and do endgame content.
Easy fix might be to tag TOS characters to prevent them from queuing for TFOs until X happens, probably completing a certain mission in the Klingon War arc would be best.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I didn't find a way home, but.... I found a way to Join up with starfleet in 2409!!!!
Just pull up the allegiance selector!
/gensendmessage Allegianceselector_Fullscreen show
Just pick starfleet!
I had fiddled around with macros a while back and at one point accidentally stumbled into the allegiance screen.. and thankfully I wrote that command down in my notepad notes at the time.
I had these link in my notes, I think it was what led me to play around and stumble into it.
And this has nothing to do with that. 23c and Discovery era captains are already coded faction 1 from the beginning since there is no point in which they get to make a choice about which faction to chose. They are always Federation.
^ This.
DSC and TOS Feds are still Feds by default.
Its Romulans and Jem'Hadar that have to pick an ally before they can TFO.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
This became an issue because they rearranged when TFOs normally unlock, and the OP never progressed in the story to where it would normally be unlocked.
TOS and DSC Feds are still Feds. The fact he was able to queue up despite not having left the TOS era pretty much proves it.
This isn't proof of anything except an unforseen issue when implimenting TOS Feds, that being someone willingly staying in the TOS era and leveling though alternate means, then queuing for a TFO without finishing the TOS arc.
Normal Feds can't access TFOs until a certain point. Does that make them "Faction 0" before that point too?
I do wonder what would have happened had you selected Klingon. Would you have been a TOS-era traitor and be seen by the game as a member of the KDF, even though you'd be flying a TOS-era ship and wearing a TOS-era uniform who can then go on to command Klingon ships and have KDF BOffs and DOffs?
I predict... it would error out or just break the character entirely, rendering it unplayable.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
By all means. Go for it.
But this doesn't prove squat other than revealing something that is probably a bug. When TOS Feds were made, they never intended for the player to STAY in that era forever. Natural progression would have led TOS Feds into Caleb IV, and then the 25th Century, where the rest of the game was. TFOs used to unlock around lv 45 or so, preferably 50, as they were once considered endgame stuff, LONG after a TOS Fed transitioned into the 25th Century.
By being able to queue up for a TFO... it showed that a TOS Fed IS considered a Fed faction player, despite the fact they had not reached the normal unlock point for TFOs via normal progression.
All this was a consequence of something that was not meant to happen, IE leaving a TOS Fed in TOS era by not running Caleb IV, while still leveling through alternate means.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
They never said it was impossible to add more missions to the existing Romulan, Klingon, 23c Fed, etc. etc. faction specific mission sets. They have only ever said they think its a better use of money to make something everyone can play.
The only lie is your claim they said it was impossible.
The TOS era character could very well start out as faction 0 instead of faction one, in fact faction 0 could be where all the tutorials are, but even if it is that does not mean that everything can be swapped around without serious problems.
Games like these run on databases of tables, very big and complex tables, and unless the tables match up then switching from one to another can make for some very scrambled results. A human TOS character that switched would end up as whatever the key number is on the other table, so the human might end up as a Klingon if both are, say, the first entry on the corresponding table. Going down the table by making a TOS Vulcan or Andorian could get the character switched to an Orion, Gorn, Leithian, or whatever the corresponding number is.
And that is assuming it works at all. For one thing, different races have different options, some have hair sliders, some don't, etc.
By "not possible" they probably mean not possible in a way that is actually viable. Eventually they probably could do a series of database reorganizations to make a single Alliance faction for everyone, but doing that is basically rewriting the game using the same engine. If they can do it in small stages over time they might be able to spread the expense out enough to make it worth doing, but if it cannot be done that way the expense would probably never be approved since it would be almost like developing the game all over again.
Games like these run on databases of tables, very big and complex tables, and unless the tables match up then switching from one to another can make for some very scrambled results. A human TOS character that switched would end up as whatever the key number is on the other table, so the human might end up as a Klingon if both are, say, the first entry on the corresponding table. Going down the table by making a TOS Vulcan or Andorian could get the character switched to an Orion, Gorn, Leithian, or whatever the corresponding number is.
Looking forward to an amusing graphic from Smoke Bailey to illustrate this...
Jett mentioned something in one of the livestreams about "cross faction" ships actually being two ships, one in each of the two faction ship tables. That sounds like that switching experiment would run into table collisions, as would any attempt to unify the faction databases. I suspect that the TOS character switching to a KDF one would end up either with the starting B'rel or some random low level KDF ship if it worked at all.
It sounds like an interesting experiment if someone has the time to do it though I would caution them and suggest using a new "disposable" account in case it really messes things up.
As I recall, you can't because it doesn't exist. They don't allow you transwarping till you get into the main playspace as your main faction. This goes for baby Roms too.
So my character begins their journey to try to find a way home.....
I think you hit on something that was never meant to happen. I don't think they intended for anyone to stay in the 23rd Century and do endgame content.
Easy fix might be to tag TOS characters to prevent them from queuing for TFOs until X happens, probably completing a certain mission in the Klingon War arc would be best.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
I didn't find a way home, but.... I found a way to Join up with starfleet in 2409!!!!
Just pull up the allegiance selector!
/gensendmessage Allegianceselector_Fullscreen show
Just pick starfleet!
I had fiddled around with macros a while back and at one point accidentally stumbled into the allegiance screen.. and thankfully I wrote that command down in my notepad notes at the time.
I had these link in my notes, I think it was what led me to play around and stumble into it.
I guess I cannot go home no more, but at least I live in the future!
No longer homeless, Now I have to run/re-run the battle of caleb IV for the "first" time, LOL
> Now to go shove Daniels out the damned airlock!
It doesn't work. A version of him just keeps coming back
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
^ This.
DSC and TOS Feds are still Feds by default.
Its Romulans and Jem'Hadar that have to pick an ally before they can TFO.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Didn't mean for my temporal misadventures to start a literal civil war here.....
Welcome to the forums.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
TOS and DSC Feds are still Feds. The fact he was able to queue up despite not having left the TOS era pretty much proves it.
This isn't proof of anything except an unforseen issue when implimenting TOS Feds, that being someone willingly staying in the TOS era and leveling though alternate means, then queuing for a TFO without finishing the TOS arc.
Normal Feds can't access TFOs until a certain point. Does that make them "Faction 0" before that point too?
I predict... it would error out or just break the character entirely, rendering it unplayable.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
But this doesn't prove squat other than revealing something that is probably a bug. When TOS Feds were made, they never intended for the player to STAY in that era forever. Natural progression would have led TOS Feds into Caleb IV, and then the 25th Century, where the rest of the game was. TFOs used to unlock around lv 45 or so, preferably 50, as they were once considered endgame stuff, LONG after a TOS Fed transitioned into the 25th Century.
By being able to queue up for a TFO... it showed that a TOS Fed IS considered a Fed faction player, despite the fact they had not reached the normal unlock point for TFOs via normal progression.
All this was a consequence of something that was not meant to happen, IE leaving a TOS Fed in TOS era by not running Caleb IV, while still leveling through alternate means.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
(muffled laughter)
Games like these run on databases of tables, very big and complex tables, and unless the tables match up then switching from one to another can make for some very scrambled results. A human TOS character that switched would end up as whatever the key number is on the other table, so the human might end up as a Klingon if both are, say, the first entry on the corresponding table. Going down the table by making a TOS Vulcan or Andorian could get the character switched to an Orion, Gorn, Leithian, or whatever the corresponding number is.
And that is assuming it works at all. For one thing, different races have different options, some have hair sliders, some don't, etc.
By "not possible" they probably mean not possible in a way that is actually viable. Eventually they probably could do a series of database reorganizations to make a single Alliance faction for everyone, but doing that is basically rewriting the game using the same engine. If they can do it in small stages over time they might be able to spread the expense out enough to make it worth doing, but if it cannot be done that way the expense would probably never be approved since it would be almost like developing the game all over again.
Looking forward to an amusing graphic from Smoke Bailey to illustrate this...
It sounds like an interesting experiment if someone has the time to do it though I would caution them and suggest using a new "disposable" account in case it really messes things up.