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totallyrolled Arc User



  • Really destroy a $1600 laptop over you people? No way you noobs aren't worth that much to me. LMAO!
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • Take a power out of pve LMFAO. We pvper's can't even get the devs to take out **** spam p2w consoles from pvp. And you have the nerve to ask them to take a regular power out of pve. What u smoking bro?
  • Not really I used to be unselfish and dish out what few rare heals I have and my tt on my escort. Even used to do this without getting heals. But this game has been littered with so much hold slow p2w console **** spam it is near impossible to send anything and live in a pug match. The threat of snb doffs alone has caused…
  • Have any video proof of this cause I have seen you log from matches on occasion! See what I did there?
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • I like the undine plasma better LOL.
  • LOl as much as I think Softie is a noob who the hell are you to tell people to stay out of productive conversation. Oh that's right you are in the arrogant I can do anything I want pandas. My bad.
  • Lower expectations here? HAHA join the opvp in game channel if you want the real WOWLULZ.
  • Welll blame this **** game with all the pets bs etc... that can lag you out. I am just using dsl too you know. But there are times I get littered with a p2w console spam gank and yeah I do log. I didn't play this game 900 days to take deaths from that bs. And frankly I don't care what people think since I am content with…
  • Okay I am all ears give me a better pugging bug that has the least chance of dying. This build should take into account that you may not receive ANY other team heals. Keep in mind I assume there is going to be an snb vm and at least 2 escorts in any given match all for me. Fill in these blanks and I will tell you why or…
  • Or better yet those 2 aux2damp and 1 epte1 also allow me to get back into the fight as quickly as I can get out. Again it's an ingenious build for the PUGGING escort and yet I somehow lead pretty much every match I am in while loaning out my valuable tact team when I can. But you typically hide behind 4 other pandas so i…
  • I don't have to start another ego stroking/trolling certain players thread which is what this will turn into. I know that's why naz really started this otherwise there wouldn't be a fail build category in his OP. How is that positive?
  • You don't tank anything except what your team sends you lol. Like I said I never saw you before the bug in any real tough situations. Situations I have proven time and time again can legitimately survive in with little to no help before this game went to ****. Speed tanking is more than just defense value, keeping around 8…
  • Call it the tommyboy troll act cause thats all you know how to do. Isn't mentioning player names against forum rules? You should be very careful talking bad about people you don't know. Past history indicates those actions have led to serious repercussions to the antagonist. Just stating facts here is all : ) To answer…
  • Sorry I still disagree before the bug only thing I ever saw him kill was when he had 4 support healing crowd control debuffing sci ships helping him. And yes that was the average Panda premade before season 5 Not exactly hard to kill anything under those circumstances.
  • Add Ricky Bobby to the warp out when the going gets tough list. I saw him leave 3 fvk arena in which my pug team was rolling his. This happened over the course of a few days but it was 3 matches. Plus pretty much ANY bug ship pilot is a 1 man wrecking crew these days. Geez the ignorant comments amaze me. Eyesroll. Take MT…
  • Hah another opvp ego stroking thread. You might wanna add outdmg bug ships in a sci ship to Talon Jonas LMFAO. Don't forget about old school fleet escort pwnage vet and noob premade and pug alike before this game went to ****. It's amazing how arrogant you people can be. Expecting anyone's build to survive a 5 man snb…
  • What sophie wants to do is DPS and still have people shoot at him... frankly if a cruiser was capable of doing enough DPS, such that people would want to shoot at him over the squishy targets... it would destroy the game... why would anyone fly anything else at that point? They wouldn't right... why fly a squishy ship if…
  • this hasnt changed. its still what each captain is best at. no matter how hard you try to do damage in you tac carrier with torpedos.[/QUOTE] I am not in a carrier but I fly a tact/wells sci ship and outdmg most 5 tact console escorts with only 1 beam array up front. I should also add my number power level preset is high…
  • If I recall Phaser procs are still broken in that they can chain before the first one wears off. They had nerfed them to grant a 10 second immunity to another phaser proc. But of course we shouldn't expect things to work right should we?
  • You seem to be mad cause I am speaking the truth about this spam thread : )
  • Another Sad Pandas being starved for attention thread. I'd say if the destination was his a$$ then yes they did. LOl you had to make another topic just because the last one was almost on page 2. LOL Sad! sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=411721
  • LOL Rsp noobs here I come. This I love. As far as the sci changes go being able to stack polarize hull and hazard emitters may be a good change dmg resist will stack plus you can heal and break tractors for those who can't carry apo. The sci skill tree changes might make sci/sci ships more useful again.
  • Now I see where the ego comes from. All because I got an interview on my friends website. I am such a pvp hotshot now. This is starting to make more sense now.
  • This game is not getting fixed. When are you idiots going to realize nobody is doing anything to balance pvp. Yes certain powers got fixed recently notice I said fixed not balanced. Fixing is double work that shouldn't have had to be done. So no pvp is not getting attention. No thanks are deserved and nobody collects $200…
  • You see once again you aren't thinking about this from a business standpoint. As much as these things make sense to us the pvper craptic isn't going to make any moves that will affect future p2w sales. Most noobs although they won't admit to it bought this TRIBBLE cause they need it to kill in pvp. That being said none of…
  • Thanks for proving my point about lack of contribution and trolling. : )