Just because you got beat by it doesn't make it awesome in a week I'm sure you will be running 5 beam boats and claim you created and mastered the build can you please explain how your p2w remade lost to pugs.
Still no explanation on how your op cheese team got spanked by pugs. You proved my point when you loaded up the best PvP fleet with multiple copies of items and abilities that you claim are cheese and I win buttons to prove to the world what the best PvP fleet in the game could do with these evil toys. What did you prove…
Maybe if you shut your mouth more and open your ears you would learn more. I'm glad you learnt something from a pveer that there's other ways to kill then your double tap exploit.I hope you weren't in the public q stomping pugs again.
I believe the op was stating that double tap was made extremely op with marion doffs correct so no your ****ty bo double tap from 09 sucked and was very unreliable and was not p2w . The new double tap wich is easy to do and is almost 100 % efficient and requires a doff that cost money that makes it p2w. As ive heard the op…
So let me get this strait you are bragging that you can use double tap without alpha or snb and get a kill every time. You are also claiming that this is ok. Lol you crack me up .
Wow i almost died laughing when i saw that it was you writing this thread . Now all of a sudden your best friend bo double tap is going to get nerfed. Now you want to have a hand in fixing it. Thats funny to me and to hear you say nerf marion like that would fix it knowing that that would only eliminate 1 way to do it i…
Quick question and this is not to troll i want a serious answer. What would be an acceptable duration for grav pulse and if that duration was reduced would you still say it is op? IM all for reduction in duration because i've never seen anyone sit through a 50 second grav pulse and it would do nothing to its effectiveness.…
# 1 3rd party programs the true gap between average players and the elite eliminate the use of these things and the gap will close drastically. Example teams that used to win 15-0 and seem invincible suddenly are mortal and now win 15-8 or even sometimes lose.WHAT A DIFFERENCE HUMAN ERROR MAKES. Can we please get a dev…
if i throw a ball at you and you move and the ball doesn't hit you is that a miss. If you fire off inversion and i move is that a miss. While defense doesn't help movement does. This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
Glad you are learning from our last conversation i believe this was my argument that the ability isnt op its the stacking. Sounds like 3 sensor scans is an i win button better ban that from the next tourney. Something that only has one clear and that clear puts your tac team on cooldown has such a short cooldown and is aoe…
See this is what i dont understand read your post why do you think it will be easy for me with all the ingame variable to get my inversion off like the other team is just going to let me run around using inversion at will with nothing trying to stop me. Your saying the variables that would make your counters harder to pull…
I dont play this game to fullfill your grand vision of what pvp should be sorry but its true. I know thats a shot to your ego but i dont play the game to be told how i need to setup my ship up. I dont think that because i dont conform to your vision of grandure that multiple fleets have tried in the past TSI QEW SAD PANDAS…
Ok dude listen now you have gone from the counters dont work to they dont work well to now they are useless because the counters also have counters. So now that sounds like a fun game and every match ive ever been in one player attacks the other player counters the other player counters back thats the game. It wasnt a…
Sorry i have no issue with you i just think your letting people sway your thinking and cloud your judgement. There needs to be some kind of critera in place for what is op or broken and because something isnt easily countered. I think it is seeing that the pandas have never lost to it. The criteria cant be because 5 of…
Sounds like a hell of a premade setup to me. A use of multiple abilities that complement each other to create a build to beat another premades set of abilities that compliment each other. Both trying to achieve a desired efect 15 kills . This is what a premade is its not 5 guys from the same fleet Its developing a build to…
Oh my god your back to the 5 people using 5 gpg arguement just because your fleet needs to establish rules for yourselves to prevent them from bringing 5 grav pulses doesnt mean everyone that uses grav pulse uses 5 they dont. My old fleet used max 2 on a team so if i dont use 5 is that ok. 5 snb is op 5 gravwell is op 5…
What exactly do these highly succesfull f2p games sell enlighten me so i can get an idea of what it is they are selling to make money. I think f2p is great but seeing that pvpers dont make up even 1 % of the players in the game what are the chances of them getting any content geared towards them. If its the rpers buying…
So you are going to do what grav pulse 3 targets if your lucky. Now you have been watching all 5 targets and monitoring all 5 targets buffs just to get your grav pulse off. While your team is being scrambled nuked shockwaved and alpha on. But your team doesnt need you your job i guess is to just wait half the match until…
ohh damn god forbid that you make someone go without there 2 tac teams who wants to carry an eng team lets just ban everything that requires eng team for a clear. what your teammate cant throw you an eng team or a tac team.
I do believe a total clear wich is what eng team does and a total immunity wich is what omega does both of wich take no skill to activate no arc no range limit nothing count as efective counter. So if you grav pulse me and i hit eng team and it clears it COMPLETELY thats not efective oh you want it to just insta clear on…
Would you like for me to send you a friends request to prove to you what fleet im in. I dont think people make smutt accounts with 5 level 50s but whatever makes you feel better. Ok so you wait for omega to go down then you grav pulse then i use eng team holy TRIBBLE that was hard. I think a borg sphere thinks farther…
Glad you admit that the reddit was in fact you and that it does state that your fleet used a 3rd party program that violates the tos . When you were shown the script on your fleets website that it did have pixel recognition in it you said yes thats our script correct also thanks for clearing that up for the people that say…
The people quit paying their subscrption long before F2P and it wasnt because of lockbox ships or consoles it was because of lack of content that they could create with a staff funded by subscriptions. The game was dead for 2 years no new content nothing. Srry the 5 minute weekly episodes that i played once. As much as…
If your talking pixel recognition aspect yes it probably wasnt the whole team using it. We know atleast 1 did and i would bet atleast 2 had pixel recognition and the whole team used the basic script for distribute and cycleing abilities wich still is against the tos.