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thejosephine Arc User



  • Doesn't exist in the store.
  • You mean the busted bugged ocampa freighter that wasn't showing up last night for anyone in a few of the zones?
  • Not cool dude. Never fails. Actually have an evening to play a game/relax, and nothing but maintenance time. Guess I'll try again in two weeks on my next free night.
  • They already have your money silly lifer.... You leaving just reduces the requirements to run the server. Difficulty got cranked to 11. Looks like it made about 5 people happy, but most players are just pissed off.
  • Don't have mine either.
  • Maybe the initial time travel by nero/spock wasn't just a simple teleport to the past...... For movie logic sanity, it is likely similar to the Flashpoint time travel. Travel method used caused ripples that TRIBBLE with events, making them happen or not happen at the right time.
  • I was getting that feeling already after getting to level 5. Which is a shame, as I really enjoyed the previous Neverwinter games, and a bit of DnD online. Was hoping this was a better, streamlined version. Guess I'll stick to GW2 as my game for my breaks from STO (only can take so much Dilithium farming.)
  • Likely more like the mirror universe. Expansion through force.
  • Just be creative with the alien creator. I get me a duck dodgers wannabe...
  • Blind Hope? Saw a number of other improvements that seemed to be on the right track. While maybe not the top prize, was thinking I wouldn't get shafted with all bottom tier prizes. At least I only blew my dilithium instead of real money this time. The keys are simply just too expensive for real cash for me.
  • There are actually more people than you think that will probably leave for a while. Whatever happened to being able to enjoy multiple genres of games? I know I'll be sucked away for a few weeks/months with both SimCity and Heart of the Swarm coming out this month. Heck, I still have nights where I get sucked into FTL or…
  • My bad... One of them was supposed to be the Aux to Whatever enhances turn rate/flight speed. Dampners... I'll fix it.
  • Mirror Assault Cruiser has 200 more crew. And uses the Star Cruiser appearance. http://www.stowiki.org/Mirror_Universe_Assault_Cruiser
  • Yeah, I prefer not to subscribe to the min/max mentality of Escorts Online.
  • He means your connection to the internet, and as such to the server. Here is a guide that Cryptic gave to diagnose problems. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=225155 However, the response to check your connection is the general TRIBBLE-off response given by those who the game is working for and Cryptic…
  • Disconnects are getting extremely annoying. It only started after the patch at the beginning of February. I can now only play the game when connected via the US proxy. Even then, I still get disconnected about once every 15 minutes. Makes playing the game a bit of a chore. Also, I can no longer Alt-Tab in Fullscreen or…
  • Kiloace, Love the the list, but how long does this run usually take you? I'm guessing around 1 to 1.5 hours. Depending on time available for play that day, I seem to have to choose whether I continue my slow grind for romulan marks, or an attempt to make some dilithium. Most of my dilithium comes from turning in borg marks.
  • I don't think you understand the mentality of too many gamers... Min/Max. 1. Optional will turn into required by all but an extremely small number of fleets. Why should they not take some of your money. 2. Guild Drama - Corrupted Leader or someone going out with a bang could use the system to stifle/kill a good fleet. 3.…
  • Yeah, no. While I attempt to regularly contribute to my fleet's development, I do so willingly. Force it upon me, and I'll quit the fleet guaranteed.
  • It would seem I'm always a late for the cool stuff. Oh well, reading up on it, it looks like I'm not the only one with a shortage of dilithium. I'm just annoyed that as a casual player who doesn't min/max every exploit/loophole possible, I'm the one being punished by higher costs designed to limit those who do.
  • What will happen when/if they raise the level cap later this year like they've been boasting? Are they adding another Tier of rep to that system? Will gear level be increased as well? I'm holding off on spending the high prices until I see what is happening with that. Maybe if I had been playing more in the past, but…
  • Add another one to the list. I can not log in from any character. Instant Disconnected from server as soon as they try to load a map.
  • In short: No. However, you could play flipping games with what you have and eventually be able to afford it. Or buy keys with dilithium/cstore and sell that for EC for wells.
  • That sounds more like what I enjoy. I'm sure others love the epoh game, and I'll give it a short try. But the blow things up route is a bit more enjoyable for my playstyle.
  • Read the Epohh Guide... That seems like a horribly extended chain of events just to get it. Run mission to get currency 1. Doff mission to trade currency 1 for currency 2. Trade currency 2 for pet. Run missions with pet to age/evolve. Sell pet/repeat. Track what stage various efforts are in, so you are eventually doing all…
  • This bites.... you think they could actually learn from past mistakes..... I leave the game for months, and come back to the same old "OUT OF COMMISSION FOR A FEW DAYS CAUSE WE BORKED THE PATCH" You would think after attempting to run the game for so long they would work out deployment bugs.
  • How effective is that with the turn rate? I'm guessing it isn't too bad in PvE where the AI version of dodge is to move at 0.0001 kph. PvP would be too hard to target I think. Still sounds cool though.
  • Don't feel bad. I know all of mine got reset when I converted to PWE login.
  • Woah... hold up there.... when did they add aux-based cannons? That sounds a bit too awesome for sci ships. Though, what do you put in the back then? Which Vesta variant are you guys discussing? If I get one, it will probably be just one, rather than the 3 pack.
  • How I wish flying near/with them would help. The zombie-cruiser not so much. I can get pretty close to that, or at least survive long enough for them to give up. The "super-escort" build seems to require some sort of super-secret handshake or club membership to get the details on. Without fail, anytime I pm one of them…