Hello Captains! Stay tuned toward the end of the video for my review of the DSC Starfleet Faction in Star Trek Online: Age of Discovery so far. We come to a major plot point, so quickly. Enjoy Part 3 as I play "Downfall" and see where we go from here. https://youtu.be/zkDUNUr9T2w
Thanks! Appreciate that :) I've got Part 2 up now, Please watch my Intro, got a bit of explaining to do, I do. Then enjoy Part 2 playing "Secrets" in Star Trek Online: Age of Discovery DSC Starfleet Faction! https://youtu.be/NcoUb7TsEqU
All I will say right now is that I will continue to cover new content, this update included, on my youtube channel. Anything new, I'll play and make videos of it for those who want to see it.
BTW, this has happened on many other ships for me, not just this one ship, so it is not unique to this ship shown, I just used this ship as an example. Also, the size of both ships is about in the middle, these aren't large or tiny ships, they are average size.
Hello Captains! I've made a new video introducing Season 13, going in the game and finding out what is new, and what to do, including trying out the new PvE UI system that has been very controversial. I will give my initial feedback on it. https://youtu.be/jQZ9HlNNj_4 As always, thanks for watching :)
My main problem with the idea of a Lukari ship is that their ship technology is inferior to Federation ships. So what does a Lukari ship really have to offer that you can't get in a Federation 25th, 26th, 29th, or 31st century Science ship?
Hi everyone, I know this isn't STO related, but I have made a reaction and review video to the new First Look of Star Trek's U.S.S. Discovery trailer that was released. Since a lot of people know me and my channel through STO, I thought I'd post this here :) My review video - https://youtu.be/wTtuk5bbZZA The original Video…
But, first impressions matter, a lot. You can see the kind of first impressions this is giving off. That is not good if you want people to rally behind a show.
I just wish they'd get rid of the two tiered money system to buy reputation gear. It should just cost marks, period, end of story. No other item you have to gain to purchase the rep gear like the ancient power cells etc....
To the op's original post: Maybe those are the ships you only saw because that is all there was, and those were the best ships at the time? Lack of choice limits what you see used in-game. Now that there are more choices, you are seeing much more diversity in what ships people want to use. Also, there is the newness…
Oh, and be prepared for patrols again :) But at least this time patrols have a story element to them, however, there are a lot of them that are used as "filler" between missions.
They aren't tough, you'll be fine with that ship. The only thing that is more difficult than previous missions are the Vadwaur themselves in space, they have a nasty AoE attack, but, your ship is more than enough to tank it well. You won't have any issue. I hope you enjoy the new missions, they really did a good job…