Ah okay fair enough, just seemed the shuttle was a little skewed in proportions (in a good way) in comparison to the actual show model. I don't remember it being so chubby, but perhaps my memory is failing me. I like the look of it in any event.
I'll also make a note that it's not actually P2W anyway, everybody will unlock these starcards in time just by playing the game... And no the progression is not as bad as the circle-jerks would have you believe. I was swimming in starcards after a couple hours playing. You can also craft any card you want with crafting…
So, you're saying a 2 sec CDR on a nade is a MASSIVE (in Caps-for dramatic effect) mech advantage and is game breaking P2W ? LOL Cause holy TRIBBLE man, there's stuff a million times worse going on here in STO. What are you some kind of hypocrite ? And you've clearly misunderstood/misread/misinterpreted my statement. Slow…
Do you make the models for your ships yourself B ? They're well done, seen quite a few I like in here. That shuttle on the bookcase is super cute. Love the skewed proportions. Keep up the good work.
They actually don't give "MASSIVE mechanical boosts in PVP" @coldnapalm, trust me I own SWBF2. You get things like a "2 sec cooldown reduction on a starcard" or other mundane boosts like that; (ex: your themal detonator will be off cooldown in 16 sec instead of 18sec). Granted I guess its a "little pay2win." But the Reddit…
I don't. I was being a little over dramatic I guess :blush: But there's a few things as of late that have caught my attention. - Episode Missions - Reduced to 3 or 4 a year. (Budget cuts ?) - A huge drop in DPS channel chatter and team calling since S13 Balance Pass (and it was already in decline before that) - A decline…
The only ship I can't stand looking at is the ENT J. Guess I'll name a few I like though for the sake of the thread; Vesta Wells Rhode Island Excelsior Exeter Nebula Pathfinder Mobius Paradox (but its too big for my screen imo) Recluse Carrier JH Dread Carrier JH Escort Carrier Galor There's a lot more I could add to the…
Yeah true.. There's always the Lobi argument to be made. And I suppose these lockboxes would be a lot more predatory if the ships in them were bound to character on pickup. I suppose that's their one saving grace, that the grand prizes aren't locked to "gambling", as you can acquire them by other means. How would people…
Well I can think of a couple things that got nerfed for PVP. Trait: Load Viral Torpedo; Exploited profusely at the outset of DR to disable player ships for 10-20 secs at a time. Caused a huge outrage at the time of release in the PVP community. Neutronic Torp Radiation; Okay this was maybe more PVE motivated - but it…
It was still pretty hard to complete NWS when they finally took it down, I'm with peter on that. I had a decent DPS ship back then, but I never did achieve the accolade, and it still haunts me to this day :smile: And not for lack of trying. Had many failed attempts before they pulled it.
Thing is new players are indeed going after the ships (most have no idea the odds of pulling a ship are so low), only the experienced players realize that they're just a means of obtaining lobi. And if you get lucky and pull a ship in the process-Bonus. So yeah they are a real problem for some of the community. And more so…
It's actually a really beautiful SW game I must say. Kind of a shame some might miss out on it because of negative metacritic reviews by a wretched hive of circle-jerking pitchfork totting bandwagon haters. A real shame. Progression isn't as bad as the "Reddit Outrage Mob" would like you to believe. I played a few hours of…
@bossheisenberg Would be nice to have the option at least, I've always thought a "free for all" mode would be a welcome edition. Though, I'll admit, even if they added it to game, it would not pull me back into the STO pvp world.
Yep, I joined the channel last night. :smile: It's a really good move by NoP and I think this channel will see lots of use. It's really nice to see another avenue for forming teams come into the game. With the popularity of NoP Public Services, this NoP Queues channel is sure to be a success. And a thank you to…
@warpangel ... that would've been a much more fulfilling way of doing fleets. Everyone would feel a bit more ownership, probably would have more active playerbase had things rolled out as you suggest...sigh. Ehhh anyway, I was just frustrated yesterday. And it turns out the 3 projects weren't actually for Sim Tokens, they…
Yeah... 80 mil refined dil is a really depressing figure to comprehend. Like, it really makes me sad thinking about it, so I'm trying not to, if you know what I mean. Especially depressing if you're a fleet leader who has to donate upwords of 90% of the dil imputs. *coughMecough* We just finished all tier 3 upgrades in the…
OP what you could try is setting the mission difficulty to advanced or elite depending on how much you've out leveled the current mission. Might do the trick for you if difficulty of said mission is your only concern. XP on/off toggle might be handy for situations as you describe, but there's probably not a big enough…
You only need the default shuttle in all honesty as others eluded to. That said, I do not regret buying the Aeon shuttle from the lobi store. It gives you access to one of the sweetest ship skins in game for the Wells class/Mobius destroyer and Paradox Sci carrier. It's really is beautiful. But yeah, non essential, and…
It should yes. But. STO. They work on the most game breaking bugs first. And I guess there's a huge backlog of issues. So diverting resources to something so mundane like this is a not a priority at this point. I wouldn't hold your breath on this being fixed anytime before 2042. Anyway, just buy yourself some mkXII common…
You know very well what my problem was, I stated it pretty clearly; You guys lifted the DPS channel guide and did not give them credit until one of the channel mods commented on the previous thread. But it's great to hear you've rectified the situation. And since you mentioned it, I'll strongly disagree with your…
Never said I wipe the boss packs before anyone fires a shot. Only the secondary group. So, if my group is taking on the boss pack (TRA) and I'm doing the majority of damage output (getting all the aggro), it sure would be nice to see a heal come my way every once in a while when I'm low on HP. Never does. I may as well…
You guys basically copy/pasted the DPS channel (metals) Simulation guides and didn't even give them proper credit until someone mentioned it in that other thread. :/ So, Nah, I don't think you guys deserve any kind of special praise. Frankly, I'm starting to think being channel moderators is going to your heads judging by…
For all the talk about healers helping DPS'ers survive in Queues.. It literally never happens for me. Example (Tholian Red Alert) I go in and take all the aggro from the motherships and mobs surrounding them because my DPS is high and I'm spraying FaW everywhere with Beta and Coalition Disruptors.. Start getting hammered…
I don't even think you should be allowed in ADV unless all your gear is MK XIV UR as a start. There should be a check ship/Ground gear pass before anyone is allowed in ADV or Elite Queues. Not bothered with upgrading ? Too bad, stay in normal. Dil to precious to blow on upgrading ? Too bad stay in normal. I agree with OP.…
I'm usually at work during regular maintenance. Which is where I'm at right now. ...but technically I'm not actually doing any work atm. I'm waiting on some surveying information from one of my co-workers. So just killing time reading the forums and watching youtube game/review videos (today it's Gran Turismo stuff.) Free…